What did Jeremy mean by this?
Jeremy Clarkson
He's a Republican
in england?
He's just stating facts. The sky is blue, traps are gay, London is fucked
They exist. Jeremy Corbyn is one.
So he doesn't like the Queen?
Jeremy doesn't mind being seen as 'the bad guy', he also adores Monty Python.
I think he is probably just trying to get heat off John Cleese
remember, facts in 2019 are problematic
Clarkson isn't against constitutional monarchy though?
when harry's brown child takes the throne he will be
>Tonight I start a political party, Richard crashes into a mosque full of shitskins and James rebuilds a Mercedes Benz used to transport Adolf Hitler.
I never really got that episode before, but now I see.
He's not even pro-brexit.
Sadiq Khan just spends his time blaming everyone but himself for fucking up london. Oh and sucking up to shitskins.
I can't wait to vote him out in the next mayor election
something about speed limits
Im putting together a team.
There's no chance of that
He hates the cycle lanes and blames khan for traffic
He always hates the mayor of London for congestion fees and speed limits.
Imagine living in Londanistan in 2019.
>vot him out
Whites are a minority in London, good luck
Post the reply mane
William and Kate are the most fertile White couple in Western Europe Harry slips further down the succession line every 18 months.
Both Sadiq and Boris allowed aggressive gentrification, the absenteeism of real estate, lack of infrastructural investment, sky-phalluses, etc so I'm not sure what he's referring to that isn't actually the remit of Parliament.
that is an ugly building
The Queen probably ordered him to cum inside Kate daily.
I don't know Sadiq Khan's policies, but Clarkson is an unrepentant racist so what he probably meant by that is "I don't like your brown face, sandnigger".
I fucking hate cities, and people that live in cities.
Just a disgusting environment.
I make a pass for great libraries, universities, and churches, but regardless of that the whole place and people are just filth.
Always have to visit a forest or the sea after being near a city or I don't feel right.
Tory then or whatever the fuck they call it
The London skyline is the most disgusting in the entire world
Under Khan violent crime has skyrocketed.
But to be fair I think it would have skyrocketed under anyone else also, it's not like he's going round London telling brown and black folk to stab each other.
I think he got rid of racial profiling for the police a while back, but might have implemented it back because he realised he fucked up.
He's a retard but one that actually can learn and seems to backtrack his failures when things go to tits up.
>Tories = Republicans
Is that the building that because of the curve ended up focusing the suns reflected light and causing fires on the street?
It was also a makeshift death ray, melting objects on the pavements below.
He's American, don't hate him but pity him instead.
That sounds hilarious, never change London.
He's fifth in line for the throne, likely in the coming years to become sixth or seventh. Real life isn't actually lile Game of Thrones, our monarchs tend to last a really long time. Thanks for your foreigner take.
>meanwhile, the Stig tries out a German Panzer
isn't that kind of twitter bantz a hate/war crime that's tried in the hague these day's in bongistan?
Is he implying that I should use my rifle to coerce a doctor into providing treatment or that it can somehow treat my grannie's cancer directly?
Because he's not retarded. Brexit is going to fuck UK in the ass so hard it's amazing.
Yes but only on sunny days so it wasn't as much of a problem in England as it sounds at first.
he only cares about brexit because muh cars.
u a fag?
That muslim retard wants all trees gone from London to make more space for cyclists.
yes dead granny means no cancer and have your friend kidnap a doctor at gunpoint it's the american way.
Seriously, Brexit is literally "punching myself in the face to own the libs".
No coincidence that remain vs leave had the largest gap between educated and uneducated voters in British history.
But Trump said he'd give us a trade deal and all of Trump's deals are fair and benefit both parties, especially when the other party is desperate and coming to him cap-in-hand like Oliver in the poorhouse asking for more soup!
I think we'll be ok.
Doesn't seem so bad to me, if what you say is true it might just make the people of Britain wake up.
Jezza has always been /our guy/ but some cuck will come along and say "REEEE HE'S NOT"
I legit believe all the lefty shit Clarkson has said can be attributed to his producers/handlers who are trying to avoid him getting sacked
R*ddit thinks this is a bad thing.
>During the building's construction, it was discovered that for a period of up to two hours each day if the sun shines directly onto the building, it acts as a concave mirror and focuses light onto the streets to the south.[28] Spot temperature readings at street-level including up to 91 °C (196 °F)[29] and 117 °C (243 °F) were observed[30] during summer 2013, when the reflection of a beam of light up to six times brighter than direct sunlight shining onto the streets beneath damaged parked vehicles,[31] including one on Eastcheap whose owner was paid £946 by the developers for repairs to melted bodywork. Temperatures in direct line with the reflection became so intense that a reporter for the newspaper City A.M. was able to fry an egg in a pan set out on the ground.[32] The reflection also burned or scorched the doormat of a shop in the affected area. The media responded by dubbing the building the "Walkie-Scorchie"[33][34][35] and "Fryscraper".[28][36][37]
sounds like a decent episode tbf
I hate cities too. NYC is the biggest, most disgusting, smelly, piss-stained shithole I've ever been to. I live in Australia though and our "cities" are basically glorified country towns, we don't seem to have the problem of major cities like London or New York. Suburbia here is comfy as fuck, rural towns would be even comfort if it weren't for their complete lack of services
every fucking time
Police patroling and stop and search powers were significally cut. Racial profiling has never been a think in UK policing. Khan preaching to his base (read: non-white) so he is at odds with policing because his base is always antagonistic to them therefore violence goes up.
what education?
I want more information, school teachers doing basic math, english, etc are all retarded yet are "educated"
That chart just highlights the pro-Yurup liberal brainwashing that infests our universities. They're not centres of education anymore, they're centres of indoctrination.
Holy fucking based!!
>EU dictatorship good
so people in trades are getting fucked over by EU, whats your point
This is why I'm very pro-brexit
>tfw we will likely see pic related in our lifetime
He's implying that you should shoot yourself for being an insufferable faggot.
Based Clarkson.
Does Sadiq Khan have even a single achievement as mayor? He seems to spend a lot of time on twitter arguing with president bogfart
> The media responded by dubbing the building the "Walkie-Scorchie" and "Fryscraper".
>le hot take
back to twitter
dumb lefties
> "T-they're just elitist! They're retarded in real life!"
> Starting sentences with lower case letters
No need to boast that you don't think much of education lads, looking at your grammar makes it pretty bloody obvious.
>i'll just say that the people voting to leave are stupid, never mind what made them so soured against the system that they are sabotage their own country through a vote
i wonder why people who financially and socially benefit from the status quo vote differently to people who dont
Wales isn't a kingdom though.
We can't let brexit get the nuclear codes.
Ben Bowers BTFO!
This is pretty much the only reason to support Brexit when you are not a retard. People thinking EU is stealing their money and UK economy will grow after Brexit are monkeys.
No thanks, I think I'll vote for the guy who is offering socialized healthcare then. Good luck with your "literally kill urself" political position tho, I'm sure that'll get lots of support.
> Seething thickos who left school at 16 to work at the poverty factory
Don't worry gents, I'm sure "Man of the People" Farage will be along to help you out against those nasty people who read books for fun!
He might even give you some of that £350m for the NHS!
>EU Dictatorship?
>Sign me right up!
Probably skewed by resident non doms
tick tock
what did he mean by this?
Based Wales.
Mayors never have actual achievements, it's a largely powerless prestige position for whatever political party sponsored them.
Why is it bad exactly?
You no longer have to pay huge amounts of money to an unnecessary EU government. EU can't force you to take millions of "refugees". UK will be better off economically in the long run as they can organise their own trade agreements without having to please the EU.
I'm not from the UK though, so what are the negatives of Brexit?
there is a wondrous place you can go, and it is called leddit
>why yes i do read books for fun
"educated" lmao
>Having a degree means you're smarter
All most retarded UK laws are by UK politicians not EU.
Your guy can't even win a primary against Hillary. Sad.
He's telling the truth
>I'm not from the UK though, so what are the negatives of Brexit?
Short to medium term economic instability, significant currency value fluctuations
Thats it, anything else is just emotional drivel
don't compliment yourself that much, you watch love island and play detective pikachu, neither of those are books
>United Kingdoms
Wales is part of the Kingdom of England. So it's just the Kingdom of England.
>the walkie-scorchie
What the fuck is it with british naming sense? This is right up there with calling soda 'fizzy drink' or popsicles 'cold-on-the-cob'.
Oh no, my grammar on a chinese basket-weaving forum isn't impeccable, what a truly astounding argument mate.
By the way you never addressed my criticism, but great attempt, retard.
Brexit was just to stop the flow of immigrants.
If any "educated" person can't see the damage these people do, they aren't educated in my mind.
How many years was it again since the Brexit referendum?
You'd think by now the might Empire of England would have put enough pressure on the EU to get the deal they want.
>banking/insurance capital of the world has a lot of filthy rich people
No shit? You really think Brexit will make poor rich or something? How retarded are you?
EU wasn't forcing the UK to take refugees, the UK was one of the biggest shills for taking them.
>cold on the cob
That's bullshit but genius.
perhaps but the non doms all vote remain so that's irrelevant
>EU can't force you to take millions of "refugees".
EU never force anyone to take refugees, in fact EU stopped refugees coming from Turkey, Greece and Lybia
The non european immigration in UK isn't linked with EU
The only country to blame for the migrant crisis in Germany
>Oh and sucking up to shitskins.
He doesn't even do that either, so they dislike him as well.
Scoxit negotiations are going to be so fun. It'll be like Brexit only with a much clearer power imbalance, and no constitutional framework to guide or limit the length of negotiations.
> You no longer have to pay huge amounts of money to an unnecessary EU government
The poorer areas of Britain gain a net benefit from the EU.
> EU can't force you to take millions of "refugees".
They never did. That was the failings of our own government. All EU immigration allows is immigtation from EU countries. Leaving the EU will do literally nothing to stop immigration from other countries.
> UK will be better off economically in the long run as they can organise their own trade agreements without having to please the EU.
As it stands, we'll be leaving without a deal. Despite what Brexiteers think, we haven't been a major world power for 75 years. We can't say "Hey, everyone give us positive trade deals". We'd have to negotiate entirely new ones with the world, without a strong negotiating position. Trump already let slip that any US trade deal would involve our NHS. This is just the start.
This. Muslim vote rigging is difficult to beat though.
Norn Ireland would go back to being a warzone, just with butthurt unionists rather than republicans as the source.
>muh nhs
UK was getting 3x more money from EU than they were sending to Brussels. UK had millions of refugees before EU existed and all the Pakis have shit to do with EU. Being a part of EU lets you negotiate better deals not the other way around.
It's going to be a disaster and it will be glorious.
Yeah, the NHS is brilliant. I love not having to pay two months wages for a visit to the Doctor.
>What did Jeremy mean by this?
he means Enoch was right
Politicians fucked up by telling the EU they'd literally take any deal the EU offered, and then are surprised when it's a shit deal
Clarkson is all over the place and I don't ever give a fuck what he thinks whether I agree with him or not. A broken cunt is right twice a day. This is the guy who thinks all Jeremy Kyle viewers were ardent brexiteers, which just doesn't make any fucking sense to bring those two things together but it came out his retard boomer mouth either way. Doesn't take a fucking genius to see that London is absolutely dead. Question is, would Clarkson actually identify the population and demographic changes as the significant part of the problems that London now has? Probably not. Dumb old cuck who only got popular by acting out fictional situations in a car show.
holy shit
Just admit you know fuck all about what you're talking about, retard.
You can count on me
Except Brexit will do LITERALLY NOTHING to stop the flow of immigrants.
Well done for admitting Leave voters are fucking retards.
But that's the working class you like so much, why are you against their will fascist?
Good luck if you get a seriously disabling non life threatening illness lad, you will end up on the rubbish heap waiting 12 weeks for surgery while your nerves die off and you become paralysed
Nice false dichotomy between uk system and us system by the way, you shit eating mongoloid. You do realise that there are developed countries with good healthcare systems that dont use our model right? In fact we are pretty much the only country retarded enough to use this model
You're a fucking idiot
It's exactly what said it is. People in sectors like agriculture or fishing and other similar areas are fucked the hardest by the EU's stupid restrictions.
You do understand countries are forced to sell only a certain amount of their own shit and the rest HAS to be from other countries right? Any produce, even if you CAN cover your own pop's needs, EU mandates you stock other country's shit. You know that we can't fish freely in our own economic zones because the EU mandates limits so others like the fucking Dutch can fish in our waters.
That's why there was a divide like the one posted, you ignorant educated retard.
It's almost like many times larger economy has more cards in negotiations
Brits thinking they will get great new deals with USA or China too are complete idiots.
They got a shit deal since they are the weaker party in those negotiations. Otherwise they could have threatened a no deal Brexit and the EU would have wanted to renegotiate.
The number of unironic cuck Remain supporters in this thread just proves how Reddit infested Yea Forums is nowadays
Sounds like something our of a Thomas Pynchon novel
It will make it worse since if there is no deal all those EU people working in UK (who are 90% white) will get fucked and bongs will have to replace them with shitskins. A lot of poles are already leaving and getting replaced by pakis.
looks like an air conditioner
they even type and act like ledditors
brexit is making them seethe though, its funny
>But Trump said he'd give us a trade deal
Enjoy your new food standards.
>EU can't force you to take millions of "refugees"
They weren't there were loads of fucking refugees who wanted to come in but they were stuck in calais because we wouldn't let them in.
>UK was getting 3x more money from EU than they were sending to Brussels.
Source? Because I've heard it's the opposite.
Why would I be seething, mate?
The date is now more than two months after March 31st and I'm still a citizen of the EU.
Feels good.
>USA is the best thing ever god bless!
>United Europe? Holy shit disgusting!
You people are legit retarded. Only complete retards voted leave. Watching bongistan burn is so entertaining.
ITT: unironic Bernie Sanders supporters seething
lol take a hike you dweeb
Beats horse.
>British "food" with American ingredients
Failed attempt at masking your butthurt. Stay mad, John Oliver.
Gentrification brings skilled workers to skilled work. Aggressive gentrification is about dehumanising the working class.
Reminder that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by over 3 million.
>degree level education
how much does that cost in student loans?
>united Europe
>>USA is the best thing ever god bless!
>>United Europe? Holy shit disgusting!
What a bizarre post. Who do you imagine holds both of these opinions simultaneously?
Brexit is a good idea because there are too many brown people in Britain.
t. R*ddit
This is due to frogs being retards not EU.
right to bear arms
>united states
so one of the major two powers of the EU being retarded has no relevance to the EU?
>getting slavs bad getting muslims good
The absolute state of leave voters.
tip bantz
i'm not a yank and posting pics of yankee crackheads is not a similar situation. dilate
Mount Badon best day of my life remove saxon remove saxon AhAh
Based pro-Brexit chads ITT
At least he isn't a leftist pedo
EU is trying to fix them with sane people like Hungarians or Poles doing everything they can to stop this autism. UK or France left alone will look like Ghana in 20 years.
>correlation implies causation
"""educated""" voter everyone
Just admit that you're an npc from twitter, faggot.
Can't wait until we leave desu
>uniting a bunch of new colonies
>uniting a bunch of ancient countries, each with their own unique history, language, currency, customs etc
Yeah, definitely the same thing.
"pls pls pls gib attention", same as always
ofc it could easily be a fake, a a class of people Yea Forums types are unusually susceptible
> This kills the Brexitard
>Hungarians or Poles doing everything they can to stop this autism.
Yeah Poland and Hungary should pull out of the EU before they become as fucked as the other European countries.
go get 'em you conservative warrior princess you
Nice bait
Peopke voted for that, true.
But they are uneducated retards vecause migration has nothing to do with EU policies. You will stop whites coming not pakis.
the fishing thing is farage's fault
No there's a mental image.
Horse is toptier food
Nice argument.
Poles and Hungarians love the EU.
At least he isn't fucking retarded like others though and explained ages ago, he can see the reasoning many people want to Leave
Can't wait to see UK taking millions of pakis in replacement of white europeans immigrants who will not be able to come
They got a shit deal because Theresa May is a fucking faggot and couldn't diplomacy her way out of a EU3 game as France
it just puts more money in the pocket of big American companies
>Poles and Hungarians love the EU.
It's not fake dumbass
>tfw no brit bf
Are brits good fuckers?
b-but their still /ourguys/ right?
b-based /ourguys/
why are there so many pakis in the UK?
is the government there doing anything about all the rape gangs?
>only 46
pedo lover SEETHING
Given the fact the same thing happens here in Portugal and we dont have Farage as a politician, I'd say you're full of shit m8
You as well
yeah why can't we all live in a borderless paradise
I say neigh.
>is the government there doing anything about all the rape gangs?
I remember him. What a cuck.
Country has been full of nonces for centuries, especially the government.
Why would they start giving a shit now, just because some of them are brown?
>leftist cuck warrior princess this desperate to defend pedos
You're mayor's an imam.
And now 25% of farmers could go out of business in the first year after Brexit due to the loss of EU subsidies. Not to mention losing their main source of exports.
I would call them 'fucking retarded', but maybe they just believed the "easiest deal in history" shit peddled out by the government.
Realtalk though, it IS nice to read a Brexit opinion that isn't just "WE WON YOU LOST GET OVER IT", and I do get that a large proportion of Leave voters just bought into lies really fucking easily. I just don't know how it happened.
Seriously, just kick UK, France and Greece and EU is perfectly fine.
Italy is borderline but them being in EU helps so much with vacations.
those are libertarians bro
>Fledgling states etc uniting into one, large Mega country
>Bunch of countries who have constantly been at odds with each other for pretty much their entire history, massively different social norms and cultures will just work with no problems
It was HER turn.
>pedo lover SEETHING
unintentional irony==best irony
I'd rather have a child-rapist literal nazi as a president then a morally impeccable communist
just send your kids off to rape camps bruh just turn off your brain bruh you can get schmoney
didn't answer the question
>this desperate to defend pedos
Says it all really.
>the STATE of leftists
LITERALLY every single one of the organizations is left wing.
in your case user I believe it. time to go public and enjoy the satisfaction of feeling vindicated as all the other people who feel the same way flock to support your position
Farage is /ourguy/!
That's the spirit, jefe. Is it even *possible* to be involved in right-wing politics without being some kind of sex offender or at least a closet fag?
well I hope he has his getting stabbed loicence
Lol, the absolute states of leave retards
made me laugh
thought it cant be real
it is
>left wing flag is now the pedo pride flag
Reminder if you are going to uni for anything other than STEM you are a subhuman wasting their parent's money.
>Trump says NHS must be 'on the table' in post-Brexit trade deal
Thanks, Farage!
At least we're not racist!
>the STATE of leftists
>UK having the political and societal unity to properly organise trade agreements
their use of the EU as an excuse for failing to govern will be exposed (and is already being exposed in the failure in handling Brexit)
The EU sets immigration quotas and its optional in the same way a request from the mafia is optional
They get punished if they say no with things like fines, or george soros bringing them over in boats as everyone turns a blind eye
>Be Britain during WW2
>Churchill starts bombing German civilians
>Hitler doesn't retaliate, asks for peace instead
>Churchill sends more bombers
>Hitler asks for peace again. Tells Britain it doesn't want war and it can keep its empire under a German run Europe
>Nah fuck that. Lets send millions of men to die and drag all our colonies into the war too
>Years later. Germany defeated
>Britain loses its empire after fighting a man who would have let them keep it
>80 years later there 2 largest cities are minority British
>TV shows where brown people speak "on behalf" of the native Brits and demand more immigration
>Girls being raped on mass by foreigners
>London more dangerous then NY city
>President cant even visit without the Muslim mayor or the mentally ill throwing tantrums.
I have no sympathy for them.
This guy is nervous
You suck at this, breh.
actually it's Denmark who got it right in the last election
I made an argument, he/you responded without one, retard.
time and the left's unending failures will vindicate us, people will beg for strength
>President cant even visit without the Muslim mayor or the mentally ill throwing tantrums.
trump's not even popular in his own country let alone here
holy fuck yeah those are real issues
nigger faggot
>absenteeism of real estate
you mean the housing crisis? i'll give you that
>lack of infrastructural investment
crossrail, biking infrastructures,...
it sucks but it's not a real issue, it's mostly out of their control and the city is one of the best things about london anyway, and that's coming from someone who mostly hates skyscrapers, especially in eu cities. most skyscrapers outside of the city (except canary wharf, the shard,...) really are fucking trash though but that's mostly an aesthetical issue and the fact that most of them don't offer affordable housing just goes under "housing crisis"
so yeah you can blame the housing crisis on boris as well, but boris is a fucking retard anyway, so what's your point you stupid faggot?
>people will beg for strength
good luck there carolus. if that doesn't excuse your pussy ass I guess nothing does
yeah we are fucked either way
But at least with brexit you piss off the establishment and you let people know that the anger for migrants is the majority opinion amongst white people
>englandos waking up just now
it's too late britfags.
>muh working class
shut the fuck up nigger, i bet you're a sissy commie faggot who's never worked a day in his life
they're Chad's collecting welfare checks from hard working Germany, England, and France, all they gotta do is listen to the EU
White people are their own worst enemies
>I made an argument
That's where you're wrong.
>hard working Germany
No such thing.
It's not even a cunting Yea Forums thread but then the janitor's not a proper mod either. That's why you're called janitors.
>Aggressive gentrification is about dehumanising the working class.
This is an argument according to r*ddit.
He's rowed back on that, I don't think he realised what a sacred cow the NHS is to bongs.
Tell me why.
I was proud to be British once, now im only proud to be white
>He's rowed back on that
Yes, I'm sure that settles the issue.
It was never a warzone
It had troubles because of butthurt loyalists, not republicans. They shutdown cities and the country, caused chaos, riots and attacked catholics in the 50s,, 60s and early 70s before the ira started fighting back.
>but then the janitor's not a proper mod either
Go back
That's definitely the forte of the left, not the right.
Pic related.
You're talking utter shit. Do it again bomber Harris.
they're all leftists' kids anyway deserve all the rape. also who compiles this and has it locked and loaded on Yea Forums? how insecure. whites could do this with brown chicks but we dont give a fuck about making brown dudes jealous.
>being proud for doing literally nothing
the absolute state of """white""" britbongers
Greece being near the top of that list kind of discredits the whole thing.
>get rectal cancer
>have gun
>die of rectal cancer
Lol rekt
these niggers are getting real uppity lately
>before the ira started fighting back
And ended up killing more Catholics in inter-faction disputes than the Unionists and Army combined.
Fuck the queen
I dont like browns black or jews and want them out of my country
Pretty much everyone on here that try to shame you for having this opinion is non white
based, theyre trading up why would they complain
ah yes ok, working 12 hours a day picking fruits is more productive than being an engineer or an entrepreneur. how did these stupid crackers get to have such good jobs anyway? it's not like experience and progress is passed down from generation to generation and society improves with the hard work and sacrifices of the previous generations and so do jobs and the quality of life, that'd be racist
he seemed to have won a democratic election friend
This is inline with leftist ideology isn't it?
All the pedo sympathiser organisations are leftist.
>claim to be the superior race
>still losing out to "inferior" brown people
its pretty fucking sad really
It's one of the only good things we have.
Immigration under 50k is way less than it is currently though isn't it?
Even if that was 100% Indian or African, it's probably less than what's currently coming through.
>trump daddy please take all of my money and give it to jew bankers, thanks for making america great again
I have no idea how you look at yourself in the mirror and not feel disgust
We're being brainwashed from birth by politically correct cartoons and our food is being poisoned with S O Y so young men are incapable of producing there natural amount of test.
People dont like to admit it but the Jews are the true master race, shifty fuckers
Waste of trips
We are losing to high iq low empathy jews and their propaganda
The browns are just the tool they use
I'm not even American.
its not truly about BLACKED.COM bullshit. there are boys exploited in these camps too. its about the EU being an abomination and always coming with a price, which dishonest remainshits would like you to forget
What did based John say?
yeah so maybe it would be better
but it still needs to be zero
infact it needs to be negate, we need to be getting rid of the ones that are already here
Fuck kings landing
funny bait but i hope you don't actually believe this, those simplistic views would make you intellectually inferior
Clarkson has always been /ourguy/
What does "on the table" even mean? Extending coverage to burgers? Ending it so health insurance from murrica can come in?
he said london isnt a british city anymore
i live in a bit of east london that was considered nice a few years ago. on my road in the last six months we've had one bloke stabbed in his flat, one kid stabbed in the head and one kid beaten to death with a baseball bat.
it's not black kids either, it's asians. not that it makes a difference.
it's weird that i always used to see this shit as just a side effect of poverty and hard living, but it's so much more about posturing, front, cred or whatever else. literally seen the escalation around me. every kid wants to be a badman and that's not smoking in the bike sheds anymore, that's putting a knife through that waste clart who been seen in your ends.
It means letting middle men insurance jews from america going in and taking everyones money.
YOU NIGGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shut it down.
>What does "on the table" even mean
Is English not your first language?
This might also be the one that whistles horrendously when the wind approaches from a certain angle, or perhaps that's a different once. Seriously, I went to London once, and that building sounded like a prick whistling down a beer bottle in your ear all day.
To be fair, London was already royally fucked before. Knifing was on a rise, whole suburbs of the city were avoided by police and ambulance nad you were, and acid attacks started to gain popularity. Him not doing anything to counter it, just let the general shittiness of it reach new heights, and I doubt that anyone else would've done a better job, short of throwing every shitskin out of the city.
>reddit spacing
Oh, I know about that one. I tough he let some new redpill out.
They have higher iq's but i dont think that makes them the best
They all have psychopathy or low empathy, which means they create worse societies than whites.
Their numbers are also really small because they keep pissing people off to the point were they kill them in mass numbers
The next jew culling may be the last
Every single one of the huge rape gang scandals in the UK have been exclusively paki gangs.
but the EU would pressure to the point of sanctions if Britain suddenly refused, as they're doing Poland and Hungary
>were avoided by police and ambulance nad you were
*and you were all by yourself should something happen to you while being in them.
he did
don't give the jews too much credit, they're just taking advantage of the inevitable temporary stagnation/decay period that happens to every civilization, and even then they're not as organized as some people want you to think, some of them are relatively high iq but they're mostly just subversive and arriviste by nature
Based fucking John.
John is many things but he never struck me as racist
They are mostly taking advantage of white passive cuckness
Once the whites get pissed off enough to say "NO" to jewish nonsense, the jews wont look so smart
John is few things but he has always struck me as racist
Not a chance, mutt.
He'll die before he'll even be second in line.
He lost by 3,000,000 votes. In democracy the person with the most votes wins.
i hope the guy who drew this is just a patriotic briton and a conservative of some sort because if that was made by a communist, antifascist or a liberal or something that'd be pretty cringe
No. I don't get what's meant here. I assume it's about insurance companies
you love the EU bureaucracy so much :). I wish I was so naive and loved my United States government.
>don't like the status quo
>decide to vote for a much worse alternative
>because a bus told you to