Why is this show so popular?

>Start watching this
>Expect moral dilemmas, interesting plots, fascinating aliens and hard sci-fi

>Get racemixing propaganda, endless romance plots, nonsense-looking aliens and the occasional actually unique episode

What a disappointing show. The characters are done well, but 80% of the episodes are just so tedious.

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how far are you? first couple seasons are rough

I love watching ST with my Trekky fans. As a 40K übermencsh, it pleases me when the peaceful option obviously leads to horrific problems. The Emperor Protects, the Prime Directive sucks

Halfway through the last season. The first two seasons WERE rough, but to be frank the good seasons felt lacking too. My favourite episodes were the Dyson sphere one, the one with the aliens who communicated through references, the silicon lifeform and the first Moriarty one.

>He expected hard sci-fi
So you're retarded?


Fuck you

Attached: 1551796304647.jpg (220x229, 9K)

Are the full TOS and TNG seasons streaming anywhere? I can't afford the blu rays yet and I really don't want to go through downloading all the episodes, I don't mind dropping a few bucks thowards a subscription

They're on Amazon Prime

Netflix has them all currently, ignoring the new one on CBS streaming.

Says the dumbass complaining about rubber-forehead aliens in a sci-fi series from the fucking 80s. Kill yourself zoomer faggot

Watch TOS

star trek is ultimately for kids and teens, and then you like it because of nostalgia. if you try to get into it as an adult its basically just a soap opera with pretty basic and blunt liberal propaganda. only exception would be tos because the leading characters are good

>Racemixing propaganda.

Don't think Trek is for you, if that's a problem.

oh and tos ends with a "feminists are going too far" episode

Proof that 40k fans have double digits IQ.

TOS is the place I started with Star Trek and basically you need to watch Captain Kirk kicking some alien ass and kissing all the broads

>kissing all the broads
He only starts doing that toward the end of season 2 it's out of nowhere and really bizzare

>Silicon lifeform
Wasn't that devil in the dark from tos

Ugh, tell me about it.

The problem with 40k fans (Especially Imperiumfags) is that they don't get all the tongue-in-cheek satire in th setting and are jusy like "Wow, relgious fascism is sooo cool"

TOS is is like 85% shit with

-only a very few good episodes

Uh no hun.
>Andrea 1x09
>Dr Helen 1x10
>Lenore 1x12
>Lt Shaw 1x14
>Edith Keeler 1x28

well i dont watch tos to ponder on great questions about life and morality. its half ironic entertainment. dont tell me evil kirk episode is not 10/10 kino


Shat is as shit of an actor as he is of a person

>TOS wins dozens of awards for effects
>All streaming services show the digital white wash version
Imaging going into the Louvre, tearing all the artworks down and replacing them with iPads running the 3D maze screen saver.

Well still it's 5 times out of 30 episodes and opposed to pretty much every episode

t. George Takei