Is this show any good?

Is this show any good?

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ey yo white people be like dis XD

Yeah, the title is just bait. It's not amazing or anything but worth a watch. Also main grill is fucking SMOKIN'.

bitch has perma-IHATEWHITEYface

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>Yeah, the title is just bait.

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how is Jordan "FUCK WHITEY!" Peele not involved in this somehow?

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he has mongloid like facial featuress

why does jordan peele rave about white people so much anyway? dude is practically white himself. no wait i answered my own question

Its revealed in the first five minutes that the main girl is dating a white guy, and for most of what I saw the black people were (perhaps unintentionally) portrayed as being in the wrong.

It opens with saying that it's not for or about white people.
The white character, who is pretty based and often right, is usually shit for no good reason. It makes him being right even better.

>the Hotep episode
>the episode where Gabe interviews Sam
S2 has some absolute kino

I only saw the movie and I liked it. people think it was about fuck whitey and stuff but it's actually about the fucked up problems those characters due to the black community

There's a scene where the cucked white guy is dating the black girl and she says she'd call him the N word to mock him because he can't say it


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why are blacks so obsessed ?

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Damn, I wonder who made the thread haha

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>the episode where Gabe interviews Sam
Yes that shit was high level drama kino

no its mundane and uneventful. like friends but with black people obsessed with SJW shit

I just have zero interest in this kind of thing and I'll never give two shits what these people would have to say to me.

Despite being only 13% of the population


Isn't this meme inaccurate though?
I thought the so-called % of violent crimes was actually the % of people in prison for violent crimes.
It makes sense that in America the judicial system will be harsher on black people than it is on white people (ie, they will avoid prison for violent crimes more easily)

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Still blows my mind how this title is even allowed

>ITT: 90% of /pol/tards who haven't watched the show and just get triggered by the title everytime they see it

I don't watch shows about black people, period. But if I did, I certainly wouldn't watch one in which the title and marketing surrounding it is specifically designed to antagonize whites. Given that, I couldn't care less about the content of the show itself.
Also, Netflix. Never, ever.

>raised by white mom
>ends up hating whites

Why are nig nogs so ungrateful?

The other girl is hotter

rent free

>It makes sense that in America the judicial system will be harsher on black people than it is on white people
No, that doesn't make sense. Why don't you post proof from an unbiased source that black people are treated worse than whites in the modern American judicial system.
And since you're getting into hypotheticals, here's one for you; perhaps black people commit crime, especially violent crime, at a rate far surpassing that of white people when you adjust for population differences, and that's the reason why they're convicted and incarcerated more than whites.

Why don't you watch shows about black people, user?

He's right, you know

I'm not interested in their stories. Simple as that. I've heard plenty of black people claim they aren't interested in white people's stories, fully understandable from my perspective because I feel the same way about them.

>Why don't you post proof from an unbiased source that black people are treated worse than whites in the modern American judicial system.
Whatever disagrees with /pol/ will be called biased but here:

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>come in a thread about a show they didn't watch to say it's shit

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>user asks for unbiased sources
>every link is from a biased agenda driven organization
>also fucking vox

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rent free

The show is pretty fuckin garbo, nothing to really get excited about.

You would have said that no matter what that user posted, let's be honest.

not if the source was the doj or cdc or something reputable. instead the retard posts vox and the fucking naacp

No, I wouldn't have. I would have been willing to entertain and discuss data from a reputable source, provided said data is recent. I'm not touching the utter tripe user posted there. And I'm not denying that blacks were unfairly targeted up to a certain point but that's not longer the case today, and it can't be used as an excuse to try and explain away why they're still so prone to criminality.
This is getting into a discussion better had over at /pol/ though, has little to nothing to do with this show, so I'll leave it there.

Why they all lightskins

>hotter than Sam


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