Ridley thread

These are Ridley Scotts kinos

>9. Black Hawk Down
>8. Gladiator
>7. Exodus Gods and Kings
>6. The Duellists
>5. Alien
>4. Legend
>3. Prometheus
>2. Alien Covenant
>1. Blade Runner

how can one man be so based?

Attached: Ridley_Scott.jpg (946x1064, 179K)

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>Alien Covenant


‘Prometheus’ will be a future classic.

only real ridleyheads can (you) me

Attached: image.jpg (1280x1920, 378K)

It's a good film. But it's not great by any stretch of the imagination, it's stupid as fuck.

It's an enjoyable mess

I'm real fucking happy he's working on third David movie

fuck all you blomkampf/cameron plebs

> Legend

For my money his most underrated film, and my personal favorite. Love the dreamlike atmosphere and production design, just an absolute treat to look at and get lost in. How many films since have been able to pull off the feeling of a truly pure and primal fairy tale without leaning into subversion or knee-jerk self-referential jokes? Not a lot.

Poll for the crowd: theatrical or director's cut?

Attached: Legend.jpg (1934x817, 309K)

But Alien Covenant was absolute garbage.

Black Rain, American Gangster, Matchstick Men and especially The Counselor are all more kino than most of that list. He's overrated though, his brother was the far superior director.

I wish Blomkamp was doing Alien 5 because then he wouldn't be doing Robocop.

Now he's making Gladiator 2

Better not be shit.

American Theatrical. I grew up with the Tangerine Dream tracks and the movie just doesn't feel satisfying without.

You forgot his most kino work.

I like comfy ridley

Attached: a good year.jpg (736x559, 76K)

its great
its confirmed??? please yes

The film is completely stupid and the CGI alien looks terrible.

>1. a good year
>2. Gladiator
>3. Alien
>4. Blade Runner
>5. The man who never lived
>6. Kingdom of Heaven (DC)
>7. Prometheus
>8. Black Hawk Down
>9. Alien Covenant
>10. Counselor

Covenant is a Quantum of Solace type-movie. Feels really empty and inconsequential, but can function as a decent prologue if the next movie brings its A-game.

>The man who never lived
is 'body of lies', sry

Director's Cut by a fucking country mile.
I can understand some people preferring the Theatrical Cut's soundtrack, but there's no debate that the Director's Cut is a far better edit of the film for not being raped by the studio.

I like Quantum of Solace. I think Covenant is an atrocity but yes you are right, it's a decent set up for the next film.

Whole Wheat is poison.

American Gangster is fucking garbage and your other picks are lame shit below the OPs stuff

You don't know kino
>a good year number 1
please user, please