Attached: being-male-is-easier-08-05-18-sun-14-44-57-no-47303538-_male-_can-gain-attractiveness-35208843.png (500x927, 201K)
All men are retards
Joshua Scott
Nathaniel Williams
>people are going to bite on this shit bait
can someone put a bullet in this board's feeble mind?
Christopher Barnes
everyone is just pigs writhing in mud and shit, it would be nice to just see a nuke go off in the distance and know it was all coming to an end tbqh.
>inb4 just kill yourself bro
nah i want all humans dead tbf
Lincoln Bailey
Unless you're short, ugly, or socially awkward. Then you get none of those perks.
Jeremiah Perry
I have a big benis and big boi doctor of vagina i am who will be my suckleberry?
Cameron King
Honestly.... you're not wrong.
I graduated valedictorian, world famous uni, prestigious job and think about nothing but sex, fighting and dominating other men.
Oliver Nelson
Aiden Thompson
But the answer is that none of that matters to the woman's success. By virtue of breathing and having a vagine she will find some degree of a comfortable life and have the opposite sex falling over themselves to impress her.
Josiah Robinson
Even a short, ugly male can improve his attractiveness with a prestigious career and wealth
Wyatt Young
He can buy whores, that's about it.
Hunter Bell
Except being short and ugly actively works against your "prestigious career and wealth" unless you win the lottery. Those short fat ugly dudes that somehow make it rich deserve all the perks that come with it, because they fight an 89 degree uphill battle the whole way.
Easton Phillips
>DUDE just go down to the prestigious career depot and pick yourself up a prestigious career LMAO
In the real world some of us have to settle for working in the construction trades or working in an oil field
Charles Fisher
Benjamin Peterson
What's actually stopping you from doing well in school going to a good college doing some internships and getting one yourself? I grew up in poverty and was able to do it
Cameron Jones
Nothing, which is why I did it too.
Adrian Williams
>phone screenshot
Wyatt Clark
No he can't you cunt
Colton Walker
prestigious career and wealth are hard to achieve
Nathaniel Jenkins
Sorry wrong reply
Nicholas Bennett
I didn't know universities don't let you in for being short and ugly
Isaac Wilson
Sure you did champ.
Hunter Gray
No shit. No one said it was going to be easy
Jack Scott
You're probably black or brown or some mutt. Mutts literally get free college and free diversity hires. Straight white men get 1 or 2 scholarships that cover a fraction of the cost, have to fight tooth and nail against other white men for the same job you get hired for to tick a diversity box quota. Then you get to be like "we wuz successful and shieeeeet" while everyone else smiles pityingly, but also enviously, at you
Camden Jackson
Yeah it's not that hard lol
Nathaniel Taylor
The fact that you aren't fucking 12 when you realize school matters
Jose Martin
Sounds pretty gay to me bro
Henry Kelly
So why bring it up tranny?
Christopher Flores
I haven't been "in school" for 10 years you naive just-world-fallacy zoomer. The trades/IBEW were more amenable to giving me a chance/opportunity to prove myself and succeed compared to your gatekept zoomer daycare programs.
Nicholas Allen
It's more of a career success thing, literally anybody that breathes can get into a Uni
Juan Walker
Schizo nigger.
Lincoln Evans
Then why are you acting like it is?
Dylan Bailey
Point out where in my post I said it was easy you retarded monkey nigger.
Hudson Stewart
Bentley Evans
I'm a straight white male who went to a uni in a state that covers your tuition if you maintain a 3.5 GPA. So literally never paid a dime for tuition. Get fucked retard lmao
Jose Wright
Absolutely pathetic, I'm white. Although I'm not really surprised a drumpfy can't take responsibility for being a complete loser
It is also clearly much, much harder to get into college for typical "ghetto" blacks than middle class whitey, yeah affirmative action helps but doesn't get close to making up for the degenerate crap and lack of advice you're going to get in the ghetto.
Andrew Reed
Don't agitate the victim-complex-pilled posters
Ryan Wood
Whatever you say coping nigger trash. Enjoy your pathetic life and keep blaming your genetics lmao
Zachary Nelson
Dropped out at 15 and went back to do my a levels at 16, actually finished with 3A* lol. In fairness shitty early grades did stop me applying to Oxford and a few others which was bullshit
Dylan Nguyen
Either a community college or some no name literal who uni
Either way a useless piece of paper. You may not have spent a dime, but you spent 4 years of effort and time for what's essentially useless.
Cameron Long
dilate again
Michael Howard
Wrong and wrong. Cope lmao
Josiah Hill
Can I get my own Cate Blanchett wife if I'm even uglier than him?
Ayden Sanders
Nigger the fuck you talking about? All they have to do is attempt to get in and it's a free ticket. Unless by "Much, much harder" you mean having to overcome the ridicule they get for being an uncle tom from their fellow niggers, then sure.
Jaxson Smith
In my university there were so many niggers like in your pic, oddly I never saw them in my calculus classes though, go figure
Asher Brooks
Hey I had something similar, except it only covered like 1/3 of my tuition.
Meanwhile blacks and females have dozens of scholarships they get. And if you're a black female? Oh boy, you literally have the world open to you.
Wyatt Long
>going to uni is now the equivalent of securing a prestigious career
you stupid fuck
Brody Foster
kek no you can't. He can make himself available for betabux providing status, but he'll never actually attain proper bone structure. Women will never fuck subhumans like weinstein except for favors, and even then they'll do it gritting their teeth the whole time.
Jaxson Fisher
coping out and saying "lol all ugly people have to do is get money" is so stupid that there is no reason even bringing it up.
People getting rich off of education is a hard fought battle usually lasting years of their lives.
Are you going to tell some 25 year old shlub to go back to school so he can get more attractive? No, because he can't just magically turn back time and fix that. He is too old at that point to build a successful career.
I won't even go into the part that most people who do get their degrees in whatever have to deal with finding their job being outsourced to asians and poos that can all do it better than your sorry ass.
Acting like it is even an option implies you think it is easy. especially when they outsource your degree you worked so hard for too poos and other asians.
Jackson Richardson
The difficulty isn't even comparable.
Middle class whitey will be told the importance of education/college since he is young. He is likely to go to a good school and recieve good advice, growing up around similar people he will see going to college as normal and have far more confidence when applying. His parents will also help plan years in advance with extracurriculars.
Average ghetto black (also applies to rural redneck retards) will be sent to the nearest scoop regardless of how shit it is. He'll see loads of degen crap which he'll grow up thinking is normal, he will have no help with the admissions process. He may also be abused by his parents so he has to leave home young, he is very unlikely to get assistance with schoolwork. No one will help him plan for future, no one will emphasise importance of education so he's less likely to try.
It isn't comparable, at all.
Jace Thomas
Aaron Taylor
Chinese immigrants have less opportunity than american blacks but they become doctors and engineers in 2 generations, you are full of horseshit
Camden Powell
>can gain attractiveness through education. prestigious career, wealth
Apart from the fact that those are not easy by any definitions, It doesn't make you attractive, It makes a target for leeches and gold diggers who will divorce you and take half your belongings.
Asher Cox
Woooow I feel soooo baad for them
Those poooor black people
If only white people didn't exist, then they'd be much better off
fuck white people
Ethan Evans
Notch is a millionaire and he's still an incel
Robert Lewis
Literally none of that applies to kids of Chinese immigrants.
Xavier Sanders
Because the asians are not violent savages that eschew hard work and education
Aiden Taylor
Yeah because they aren't savage apes.
Jason Price
>asians are not violent savages
Hudson Taylor
Nigger they get the equivalent of 19 free IQ points on their SAT. Imagine having 103 IQ and then college admissions judges you as if you have an IQ of 122.
Niggers have it so fucking easy collegewise; they literally just have to exist.
Zachary Peterson
True, lol. Chinese people are kind of fucked up.
Hunter Martin
Didn't they just implement this SAT policy?
William Adams
Why, it's true
Joseph Mitchell
Affirmative action has been running since the 60s.
Austin Ortiz
>be woman
>do whatever, look below average
>someone still wants to fuck you and you can get laid daily
>be man
>looks below average
>just improve bro it's easier for you, just like get a prestigious job LOL
Joshua Thomas
Just be yourself bro