This fucking pail of hot puke makes Captain Marvel look like Citizen Kane.
This fucking pail of hot puke makes Captain Marvel look like Citizen Kane
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How do you go from making Days of Future Past, Deadpool, Deadpol 2, and Logan to making Apocalypse and Dark Phoenix?
I'm glad to see capeshit starting to get recognized for what it is. Hopefully this hot garbage finally kicks off the decline of the genre.
Ironic. Last time they tried the Phoenix storyline it was complete ass garbage too.
It's literally the same fucking guy who wrote it last time too.
But Citizen Kane is awful
>I'm glad to see capeshit starting to get recognized for what it is.
It has nothing to do with state of capeshit.
Fox X-Men movies have always sucked except for one-time miracle DOFP and stuff like Logan and Deadpool which are their own thing pretty much. Singer pissed away any goodwill he still had with X-Men fans by making Apocalypse.
And MCU would countinue making their movies, they are more popular than ever.
The real question is why did they let the same guy make the same mistake twice?
The new one looks to be closer to the comics and actually appears to explain where the Phoenix comes from (unlike TLS), but TLS had a better cast.
>The real question is why did they let the same guy make the same mistake twice?
Connections. Going to the same "parties".
They think comics matter and people care about them.
Like nobody cares about the Captain marvel, literally no one cares about comic books lore
>marvel movie fans don't care about comic book lore
Captain Marvel should've been about a murderous alcoholic.
Honestly, I liked it. What was wrong with it?
Wow that's harsh, Captain Marvel is one of the worst movies of the decade unironically
Fucking the same children.
X-Men will continue to be shit until they rehire Kelsey Grammar as Beast
Either directors/actors are becoming superlazy or the alien overlords are slowly replacing sensible people with cringe army. I suspect they are aliens themselves. You know like those thugees of india
fucking mousheshill, shut the fuck up. It was a fine and entertaining movie, Captain Fungus was retarded
Fuck that when will we get avengers 1 million BC?
is there a 1xbet cam out yet?
at least there is only one nigger on the poster.
>It's a /poltv/ hates a movie with a female lead episode again
you know we're not going away right?
The revenant was worse
I don't get it. All of those movies are garbage.
It's not the worst X-Men movie, but it's not that great. It's just kind of boring and depressing.
Aw fuck, here we go again!
You must have pretty shit taste. This film was an accidental rebuttal of Captain Marvel. It literally ends with the heroine turning down the power of being a Strong Queen to save her friends from a crazed, misandrist feminazi played by Uber-feminist Jessica Chastain. Who know Simon (((Kinberg))) could be so based?
Daily reminder that superhero movies are made for children and only people who's brain hasn't fully developed yet like them
Captain Marvel is just below average. Apocalypse and Dark Phoenix roll in the category of Resident Evil movies and other direct-to-dvd garbage.
>Uber-feminist Jessica Chastain
your brain is bad if you notice that
use special code: SUPREMEN
are they even making the dumb cunt put blue makeup on anymore?
Resisdent evil movies are low key entertaining. This was NOT!
its very bad but not as bad as i tought it could be.
i mean, look at the clusterfuck that is x men on fox. they could have an universe as or even more lucrative than marvel studios and all their movies always have a terrible lack of ambition.
its a decent ending for whst x men always was under fox: a waste of potential.
>you should call it x-women because they're always saving the men
>woman single handedly destroys everything xmen accomplish
movie was fucking trash but that was pretty kino
#metoo has removed a lot of the gatekeepers that allows uncharismatic actors to be pushed forward
Why did everyone treat Xavier like he was a fucking monster in this movie? I feel like there was a minimum of 90 scenes in this movie where people just shit on him and he didn't even do much wrong.
he really didn't do anything wrong, at all, but they had to gaslight you into thinking he was wrong and the women were right.
>that one scene where I think Mystique complains about Xavier sending other people to do missions
>meanwhile Xavier is in a fucking wheelchair
I've watched all the X-Men films and come to the conclusion they're mostly shit.
The only "good" ones are X-Men 1, 2, DoFP and X-Men Origins Wolverine, it's just too fucking entertainingly bad.
X3 is just a clusterfuck of garbage with zero understanding of pacing.
First Class is laughably corny and has terrible acting/casting, it's like a Saturday morning cartoon.
Wolverine (the one set in Japan) is extremely boring, unwatchable.
Logan is overrated shit. Edgy fan fiction that rapes all the characters and franchise.
Apocalypse is another X3 only with a terrible cast, Dark Phoenix looks to be more of the same.
I can't believe I've seen all these garbage films. They're really not worth seeing outside of the handful of good ones.
I mean, did she not understand what the xmen were supposed to do?
capeshit like the avengers seems infallible if you just follow the tried and proven procedure of sprinling in fanservice or like quick and witty quips to the audience, one big final fight scene and then everyone goes their separate ways on good terms at the end of the movie
x-men is a bit harder because they get crucified if they aren't at least a bit faithful to the comics
the first x-men only got away with it because they had stewart and mckellen imho
x men movies are always either a hit or miss
It wasn't the worst movie I've ever seen but damn did it have a lot of scenes that were just stupid
>early on the movie Jean Grey just goes into space
>without any sort of helmet or anything
>for minutes
I was dumbfounded. The only possible reason I can think of for being this blatantly stupid was they wanted a good shot of her face when the phoenix power was entering her and a helmet or suit would make that shot look stupid? That's the only reason I can think of and it's still awful
>x-men is a bit harder because they get crucified if they aren't at least a bit faithful to the comics
this is the dumbest argument I have ever heard. A good movie gets a pass on what they change, given they've changed a lot in the xmen movies, only for the worst. MCU gets away with it because their movies aren't complete garbage.
I mean, it's a movie about mutants with special powers, and one of hers is that she can create special fields around her that protect her from shit. There's a lot of stupid things in that movie, a lot of dumb inconsistencies, but that one is not one to care about.
>big double decker bus right in front of magneto
>spends 10 minutes pulling a subway train out of the ground to block a door
what is it with these retards and magneto doing stupidly unnecessary shit all the time?
I liked the part where jlaw mystique died because she was shoved into the splinters of a wooden fence
truly a fitting death for the character
>this is the dumbest argument I have ever heard
don't know about that bro i still remember the time you pissed your pants in debate class
MCU gets away with it because they found a winning formula and repeated it for 25 movies, literally every single new MCU movie is written the same way
logan's critical acclaim was largely attributed to old man logan's feel and atmosphere
the original fucking x-men by all means was bad but looked well upon due to nostalgia
days of future past was done well but first class, x2, x3, apoc were not good at all
>gets some cosmic power shit and flies to space
It's Captain Marvel only far far worse.
yeah, but none of them got crucified for not sticking to the comics. That's what I'm talking about. MCU never sticks to the comics, because they understand that a movie isn't a comic and comics aren't as popular as retards think they are. Xmen movies get crucified for being shit movies, it has nothing to do with them not adhering to the comics, if anything they suck because they try too much sticking to them.
>don't know about that bro i still remember the time you pissed your pants in debate class
are you 12?
it's a shame this movie sucked so bad, some of the action sequences were pretty good. Nightcrawler was pretty based
>no quicksilver scene
not sure if good or bad
i repeat my original point from the first post: MCU avengers/thor/capt america/spiderman gets away with being different because they rely heavy on fanservice and quirky subverting tropes like thor being a fortnite loving neckbeard or dr strange and wong talking about their favorite subs, black widow and hawkeye talking about a vacation home for hawkeye's family when they were rescuing sokovians in ultron
this works because their audience is kids who only watch the movies and their parents who take them and is extremely accessible to everyone
x-men is largely enjoyed by comic book fans and somewhat purists, sure they're free to change things around but they need to keep the essence of the canon presented in the comics, and they can't fall back on non-sequiturs like wolverine saying that he likes maroon 5
shit like
>do you know what happens to a frog when it gets struck by lightning
was appreciated by no-one for instance while wolverine walking through a metal detector then retracting his claws except the middle one yes probably a wolverine thing to do
It can't be as bad as The Last Stand
sure it can, easliy
>i repeat my original point
same, it's the dumbest argument I've heard.
>their audience is kids
maybe this one is dumber
>xmen is largely enjoyed by comic book fans and somewhat purists
now I get what I'm dealing with, autism that can't see beyond their bubble
it's essentially the same movie only with stupid gender politics and aliens. Much worse.
The Last Stand at least was spectacular.
This is as bad as underwhelming.
>sure they're free to change things around but they need to keep the essence of the canon presented in the comics,
that's not true at all. The only thing they have to stick to is the basic fundamentals, that's pretty much it. The canon doesn't mean shit.
>but they need to keep the essence of the canon presented in the comics
canon that 99% of the movie viewing audience doesn't know or care about
>yeah but u're dumb
internet discussion, circa 2019 everybody
look at him go
>The Last Stand at least was spectacular
cyclops using his powers on space was a cool scene, the train sequence wasnt that bad and thats it.
i mean, there was a guy wich power was fighting with his dreadlocks. LOL
So where the hell did these outfits go?
you resorted to repeating yourself. Great discussion.
a few sequences were good, a lot of them were bad simply because of inconsistencies (xavier needs line of sight to do something, even though he's been omnipresent before?)
It's also disappoint how badly they under-service decent characters that you want to see for bland stupid ones like jean grey
they couldn't fit it in the budget so they hired the same people who did the all female ghost busters suits.
All of those movies listed are good.
Eh if the outfits are already made, then why can't they use them again? Were they just loaned? CGI outfit?
Unironically this
apocalypse is good
because they probably only made one of each for that shot. And hero costumes (hero as in main costume used for a shot, not one that they don't care if it gets dirty or torn) are only made to look good. If they had to remake them for this movie, each actor would needs a shitload of the same costumes for different purposes.
it isn't tho.
I don't understand how people can say DOFP is good while Apocalypse is bad. To me they're the exact same thing. What sets the two moveis apart for you?
Setting aside the atrocious waste and butchery of one of the most iconic X-men villains, laughably hideous CGI, and horrible, senseless script, it had a few good points.
Like Psylocke's thighs and Mystique getting choked.
it wasn't as bad as Last Stand, and the only ones that say that are fucking boomers.
Characters dying here and there, Wolverine as always at the helm, Jean isn't even the main plot point, instead it's just some shitty mutant cure that got written out by the next movie, the same as Charles death. The Last Stand was ashamed of its comic book origins and this one took them to heart much better, it wasn't its fucking fault it had to compete with normie drivel like the MCU.
It has the same writer now as the director. Seriously.
>and the only ones that say that are fucking boomers.
>its comic book origins and this one took them to heart much better
>some comic fag shitting on boomers
Reminder this film was first class tier.
yeah retard, the fucking source material.
Are you even going to counter the other points? The Last Stand had Jean be a fucking backdrop on her own movie, she ends up needing to be put down by Mr Popularity while other far more interesting characters bit the bullet in increasingly convoluted ways. Fuck's sake, they introduced Psylocke, Angel, Iceman, Colossus, Juggernaut, Kitty, Colossus, all those fucking characters to do fuck all with them.
>the fucking source material.
double YIKES
>The Last Stand had Jean be a fucking backdrop on her own movie
>her own movie
triple YIKES
are you even going to say anything other than "yikes" you fucking mouseshill? Glad to know you're defeated before anyone did anything, and glad to know that the only ones shitting on this movie just do so out of groupthink.
Now go and watch some Marlel drivel like Thor the Dark World, I'm sure you will enjoy it much more now that everyone seems to like it.
I like that they didn’t even bother watching the previous movie. Jean already had the Phoenix force in apocalypse but in this movie she gets it from space?!?!!?!
>getting this upset
>being this autistic
holy YIKES
>magneto who can make metal do anything instead chooses to use guns against an alien
The music was kino. Action was based, Jean was great and mystique's death was unironically actually sad. And it's beast's best film yet.
have sex
I do. One day you might.
It also didn't make any fucking sense.
Hank built the X-Jet and modified it to into space. Cyclops' eye beam stabilised the shuttle. Nightcrawler and Quicksilver bought everyone back.
Storm was pretty handy in sealing the hull breaches, but that was some bullshit because there wouldn't be enough water vapor to do that.
The fuck-up was Raven for not calling the mission when she knew she should have. They only got Jean back thanks to Nightcrawler too.
I mean displacement is a thing and all but holy shit that scene was retarded.
This, basically - but it's still mind boggling that the producers managed to justify it to whoever they report to. I mean, someone, somewhere in the upper echelons of Fox must have to provide some sort of oversight somewhere along the line. They let him write off $200 million dollars the first time, and now not only did they give him another $200 million to fuck up the exact same story, they let him direct it as well.
Not only has he fucked up the same story before, his other writing credits include X-Men Apocalypse and Fan4stick. I'm honestly tempted to believe that the entire fucking studio is just one big money-laundering scheme. However...
>Kinberg married Mali Heled in a Jewish ceremony on July 26, 2001.[2]
If Kinberg's continuing career in the movie industry isn't definitive proof that the Jews run Hollywood, I don't know what is.
>The fuck-up was Raven for not calling the mission when she knew she should have.
you forgot how they wasted a shitload of the time just staring at each other trying to decide what to do.
I like to think that the scene was forced by Lawrence/execs because of the huge non-sequitour it ends up being in the narrative. Mystique was angry with Xavier (the rest of the time) for risking the entirety of the team and for not doing anything himself (the fucking bitch, this man is a cripple, the fuck else do you want him to do, he almost died on the past three movies), not for having the women (LOL) do the entire work.
The biggest problem with trying to adapt this story arc to a movie is the setup. It's a tragic love story that spans years. The relationship between Jean and Scott has to get established first and that never really happens in any of the movies because they're too busy exploring the attraction between Jean and Logan(which came later) or making up their own romances like Hank and Raven. That's the core of the story. If you don't devote time to getting the audience to emotionally invest in the drama between crippled, emotionally closed-off Chad and unstable Stacy, you've lost most of what makes the Dark Phoenix story memorable.
You also need at least a film's worth of Jean being OP as fuck and getting a dose of full-on telepathic mindfuckery from the Hellfire Club. You need to sell the danger. Then you need to sell the stakes.
The new x-men films are objectively the best capeshit ever produced. Best characters, best cast, best action. The official ranking goes like this:
First class > dark Phoenix > days of future past > apocalypse
Anyone that doesn't agree is either payed or brainwashed by the mouse and should seriously consider killing themselves
fuck off back to Yea Forums
Even worse that Wolverine Origins?
no, but wolverine origins isn't in the xmen series
Shitty movies like this really make you appreciate the mcu capeshit. At least those movies are watchable at the very least and decent at the most
This is far more enjoyable than any MCU content
I tried turning off my brain during the outspace scene so I could enjoy the rest, but then the x-women thing happened and I knew i was in for a bad ride.
Nothing is as bad as origins or the last stand. Dark phoenix is a pleb filter with only one bad scene
>Dark phoenix is a pleb filter with only one bad scene
the entire movie is pure shit but I'm genuinely curious what you think is the ONE bad scene
>one bad line destroys the film
How do you watch any other capeshit then? The MCU films are filled with horrendous lines from start to finish
If by "watchable" you mean so dull and boring that it puts you to sleep throughout the whole movie, then yes, MCU capeshit is watchable
why are you obsessed with MCU films? I didn't mention them, so why bring them up?
>>one bad line destroys the film
that's hardly my point, reread my post. What kind of brainlet are you? Better yet, let me make it clear for a retard like you
>the movie was bad from the beginning, but I could tolerate it if I didn't put any thought into it...then it got worse as the movie progressed.
>MCU films are filled with horrendous lines from start to finish
Yeah not true kid. Infinity War and Endgame are filled with kino lines, most of them from Thanos alone. Try again.
>dull and boring
That only applies to Thor 2, Cap Marvel and the hulk movie with Ed Norton though, the rest of the MCU is perfectly fine and its fun to watch. Especially the Cap America and Avengers movies.
For me, it's the Xavier made to walk like a doll. Fuck knows what they were thinking
I blame Jennifer Lawrence
what didn't make sense to me was why he was acting like it hurt
for once, I don't think she deserves any blame.
>At the end of Apocalypse they kill Apocalypse by Jean activating the Pheonix Force
>This is a huge moment and clearly sets the stage for Dark Pheonix
>In Dark Pheonix she gets the Pheonix force by some like alien shit, post the events of Apocalypse
I get that the Xmen franchise has not always been faithful to itself but holy fuck thats a massive retcon done immediately.
>why bring them up
Because endgame and black panther are being praised by critics and audiences alike although they're both utter shit and dark Phoenix gets irrationally bashed. The scene in space was fucking great and one of the best X-men / capeshit scenes ever.
It was nice that Sophie was giving him shit for being a cripple but it was disturbing for everyone
This. Mystique's death >>> anything in endgame
wow, you're a special kind of retard with horrendous taste
>endgame and black panther are being praised by critics and audiences
>thinks this movie is good
makes you think a bit.
>the rest of the MCU is perfectly fine and its fun to watch
I fell asleep in Infinity War during that awful segment when Thor was getting giant Peter Dinklage to make him an ax or whatever. My friend woke me up during the Wakanda fight, I saw a big CGI mess, and promptly went back to sleep.
Winter Soldier is the only MCU film I remember being moderately interested in the whole time. It was followed up by Civil War, which had one of the most laughable action setpieces I've ever seen (the airport crap).
>The scene in space was fucking great and one of the best X-men / capeshit scenes ever.
this has to be bait, yeah? No one can actually think this unless they have some form of mental retardation.
Holy shit its like they made her a mega cunt on purpose
I wouldn't even mind a retcon if it made a movie better, but they literally did it to insert aliens as the bad guys in a movie where jean was already the bad guy. Or worse, they added the aliens to make the outerspace sequence make sense which makes the writing even worse.
I haven't seen the old X-Mens in over a decade, but looking back that was the best cast.
It was a lot of fun. They made great use of every individual power to have them working together in a team. Every other capeshit is just people with godlike powers hitting each other
>implying she already wasn't
this is the kind of shit you have to expect now that we're in the post weinstein era.
>she should be dead
>but she's not
>you put these kids in danger
>they're not kids anymore
what does she not get about who and what the xmen are? This is like a firefighter questioning their boss about telling them to do their job.
I will rewatch it but something tells me it's unironically the X men film we wanted for 20 years. Dat music
I can't take you seriously unless you tell me you have a sub 70 iq
God you're retarded
care to explain why? Charles didn't do anything wrong. He stated facts and she irrationally attacked him. Forget the stupid gender politics they pushed through, her side of the argument made no sense.
>pleb who thinks dark Phoenix is complete trash, thinks I care about him taking me seriously
Yeah, no faggot, get a life
>sold to disney
>already fucked
I can't believe retards like you actually exist
Tfw the dark phoenix lives on
>$40million opening
They could put an Xmen sticker on a lump of shit and you fags would suck it off the ground.
They shower the Phoenix in Xmen 2 iirc
Nothing about that scene was fun. Also DoFP did that shit way better already, and more noticeably.
>Charles recruits little children with special powers and messes with their minds
>Charles uses the accomplishments of the X-Men to promote himself
Even if he had the best in mind for everyone, he still fucked up and is at times an egoistical bastard.
Also, who fucking care about politics in capeshit?
>DoFP did that better
I agree
>The scene is bad
Not really, it manages to have enough tension because it's a really dangerous situation and despite how well trained these people are, tragedy can hit at any moment... And it did, but it was nice to see them play-off their strengths in a rescue mission.
>Also, who fucking care about politics in capeshit?
Yeah, that's my point retard.
Also, he recruits children to help them, the xmen are something different that consists of like 5 adults. And he promotes himself to maintain their image. Jlaw was being sour for no reason as if she was being oppressed. If she had such a huge issue with it, she should have been with magneto
I agree. Scenes like the one in space actually make the X-Men films so much better than any other capeshit. Theyre really creative with the different powers, which leads to some interesting and refreshing actions scenes. I also enjoyed the fight in the train a lot. Especially nightcrawler going complete rage mode
You're really simple. I'm glad they still make movies for your kind.
There are people ITT that think Logan was better
>he recruits children to help them
Obviously, but it's still morally ambiguous at times. I agree that the whole conflict with him was handled a bit clumsily, but in general I think it makes complete sense and also makes Charles character far more interesting. Who wants a flawless bland character as one of the main protagonist? Also, Mystique was anyways always critical of the whole X-men thing.
Considering that this piece of shit is one of the worst films of the decade, and even the new millenium, I'd consider that most people itt would easily think the same, yeah.
>We're on the run from dangerous spec ops
>Yeah let's kill this family by mortally endangering them
I saw how it would end a mile away, and they still did it. Absolute madmen.
Most underwhelming film of the franchise
>Says literally nothing about the film being discussed, but just attacks people
>calls other people simple
Yeah, you should start thinking for yourself and not just repeat what the big mouse is whispering in your ear
You're completely wrong. It's objectively better than all the MCU content
i'm 40 minutes in and it's not bad
>getting his politics from capeshit
Yikes you really need to have sex
It's getting trashed but fuck Disney, the good outweighs the bad in Dark Phoenix
I'm talking about that scene specifically. You're the one defending it by forcing a different context to it. Glad you agree with me tho
Because it's kino and will age better than Endgame
Because it's a pretty good film. Have fun user :3
I was commenting on you, why do I have to discuss this shit movie?
Yeah that scene was handled pretty weak. But, again, I think the conflict is pretty understandable and doesn't feel completely constructed.
>Imagine the state of mind that would unironically
think this
I always had a softspot for x-men and managed to enjoy parts of origins and apocalypse, but this one is irredeemable in every way.
no it wasn't, not even close
Anyone with a bit of common sense thinks that way. MCU is the worst thing to happen to cinema and is literally just a soibois wet fantasy with no cinematic qualities whatsoever
Am I only one that loved Wolverine? Or am I just too much of a weeb...
MCU is not relevant here. I'm judging this garbage on its own merits and it's unequivocally one of the worst films of the decade.
>Capeshit instantly gets worse as soon as women are in the foreground
Why does this keep happening?
There wasn't much wrong with it until the dumb-ass finale with the samurai cyborg.
But Civil war is fine
Nice dubs. It is of relevance though, since they're also capeshit and much much worse than the X-Men films
Wonder woman and dark Phoenix are top 5 capeshit. What are you talking about?
I liked it bcs it gave nice conclusion to his character and gave him cute wifu. Ofc DoFP had to throw that all out of window... Main thing I hated about that movie, mad all his character progression in 4 movies null.
It isn't. It's just slow but is not as bad as X3 and not as bad as some people are saying. It's a watchable movie with some kino moments.
No ranking these films that high is completely sincere
she's a really crap actor who got lucky with the show she was on.
>I-I'm sincerely retarded
>Watching Marvel comic adaptation
At least I'm a retard who has sex
Being mounted by your own retarded brother barely counts.
WW falls apart in the third act. Although this merely puts it as mid-tier capeshit, not complete trash-fires like Fant4stic and Elektra.
>>Charles recruits little children with special powers and messes with their minds
He helps little walking atom bombs learn to not accidentally kill people.
Yes I'm not arguing that he's got good intentions. Still there's some moral ambiguity to his actions. And he clearly is egoistical at points
>Still there's some moral ambiguity to his actions
There is literally 0 moral ambiguity to his actions.
He was hesitant to do anything until the president pressured him. If he didn't, I imagine they wouldn't get called for anything anymore, considering how one mutant attack on the police is enough to have them cut off their phone line.