Post anticlimactic deaths

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Reminder the actor who plays D'Angelo and Stringer are only a few years apart.

Which one?

why's that a reminder? they look pretty much the same age.
stringer although dangelo was pretty meh too

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D'Angelo is suppose to be a teenager.

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These wore threads have got me to do my third rewatch. Season 1 really captures that early 2000 feel. 4:3 ratio 9/11 but it still feels like before. Weird to think about.

i just got to season 4. so far its been a downhill ride. season 1 was pretty sweet and had a good build up character development and climax. season 2 was an entire story i didn't give a fuck about and had no real winner and unless the greek comes back before the series ends then it was a complete filler season. season 3 was ok bc it reminded me of season 1 but ultimately it was pretty uninspiring

D is a mid-20s dealer who starts realizing all the lies he was told when he was a teenager.
You really think he's only supposed to be a few years older than Wallace?

This ain't about your money bro

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>D is a mid-20s dealer who starts realizing all the lies he was told when he was a teenage
These are the people who """discuss""" television & movies on this board.

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motherfucker couldn't drink for shit

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Pretty typical for a first watch. I liked season 2 and 4 a lot more the second time around.