Why was The Matrix so good when everything else the Wachowskis did was so bad?

Why was The Matrix so good when everything else the Wachowskis did was so bad?

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everything afterwards was compared to it. And by the Matrix was by far their best work

didn't they do speed racer? that was kinography

Matrix is a smorgasbord of stolen singularly better ideas mashed together to create a terrible facsimile for the masses.

1. they had from 94 to 99 to improve the script in multiple drafts.
2. warner let them make a shitty fetish piece first for practice and so that their degeneracy wouldnt seep into the hit.
3. joel silver kept them on an incredibly short leash and made major improvements.
4. someone else touched the script up

nearly forgot, also
is correct, they stole countless shit from grant morrison

>stolen ideas
all art is an evolution of ideas, this is such a pseud criticism

Punishment for telling the truth, sort of truth.

Because the movies hidden trans positive messages resonated with the psyche of inner trans audience of the 90s and connected with the trans country we would become in the future.

Speed Racer, Cloud Atlas and V for Vendetta are objectively kino

I really hate being a mathematician and using matrices. Every fucking time one of my colleagues will reference it and it drives me mad
This, but he’s partially right

You'll never be a woman.

Inspiration != Plagiarism

and the line is where?

>bro semantics
This is an argument that will never go anywhere, because you can say this about literally anything, and especially in the realm of abstract visuals(e.g Art) it’s far more prominent

all I'm saying is there is really no way to show that ideas in the Matrix are stolen, so it's a baseless criticism

I don't believe in luck in this matter.
You can't make something so good and consistent out of luck, and proceed to make nothing else great.
My best and true guess is either of these.
I heard one of them had a female dom that made them dress up and take hormones, perhaps that fucked with his mind (Then he shared it with the other one)

Or someone else in reality actually wrote/directed the Matrix.

elaborate, like really elaborate because how the fuck is the matrix trans positive

They copied ghost in the shell. You only thought it was good because you were watching indirect anime.

I wanna see someone try and refute this

Read Neuromancer nigger.

One of the protagonists is literally transgender.


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Speed racer and ninja assassin was kino, that about it.

>V for Vendetta
>Speed Racer


Get the fuck out of here

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V for venteta went to shit thanks to the current political climate.

Animatrix wasnt written by them.


Gee, maybe it's the person named Switch?
She was originally supposed to be male in the real world and female in the matrix, but they wouldn't let them do that.

it's a bullshit post, but the wachowskis are now trans

Matrix was shit too

You can't understand it becuz you were too young back then reddit

Do you have brain damage?
It's been two fucking decades.

so she wasn't just a really ugly girl

it was after the matrix they became mentally deranged

>Animatrix wasnt written by them.
Yes, and?


No you're not, nobody outside of freshmen references matrices with the matrix.

>It's been two fucking decades.
>implying I give a shit

Threads about how the wack bros suck at making movie kino. They didnt make the animatrix, so its irrelevant to the thread. It was other writers and producers flying off the coast tails of bros work on the matrix.

>They didnt make the animatrix

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because the matrix was one of those stories where it ended perfectly and needed no sequels, but instead we got reloaded and revolutions

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>normies couldn't understand the architect
>this makes the movie bad
Rewatch the sequels, they are far better than they are given credit for.

Because they were still the Wachowski Brothers then. Search your hearts you know it's true.

>everything else the Wachowskis did was so bad
Absolute pleb.

>anecdotal evidence

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>V for Vendetta
>not bad
Please stay in this thread forever, so that your terrible taste can't spread elsewhere

Based retard

but V for Vendetta was good

Because they were just muses for higher inspiration that wanted this in the collective psyche.

2 grew on me.
3 is was alright, but I cant stand the whisper dialogue and people finishing each others philosophical sentences.

>the final fight
these are the only good things about 3

If we are talking about them as producers, yeah, I'm wrong. As writers and directors, no. I'm not.

You literally cannot come up with a more rebbit movie than V.
>muh reddit is not an argument!
It’s not, but the amount of pretentiousness and blatant pandering to the audience that thinks they’re smart, but not quite so, is truly an unholy beast. It’d take me an hour to write a proper dissertation on why this flick is so shit

Mostly, yeah.
Smith's final monologue was kino.
"Why why why Mr. Anderson, why do you persist?!"

but they did write

you..you stand their, and I...I stand here...right here...like I am now, and I say...
its great

They became women making them less talented

>The Animatrix was conceived and overseen by the Wachowskis, but they only wrote four of the segments themselves, and did not direct any of their animation; most of the project's technical side was overseen by notable figures from the world of Japanese animation.

Maybe I am. Enjoy the free bumps from my bullshit. And let's find out if the four they wrote in the animatrix was anygood.
I dont know which 4

>idk which 4
me neither, i'm going to guess the fucking kid that ended up in the movies, the robot uprising, orsiris and idk, also maybe you are what?

So that's why Yea Forums adopted the mask because it's a reddit movie huh?

Wrong on their writing talents. I have to dissect more on their work on the animatrix.

If it is as you say
The kid was annoying, and their only for a plot contrived moment to bust open a gate in 3 and shout the war is over.
Robot uprising was nothing new. Just i,robot(the book) and metropolis.
Osiris was a graphical showcase.

thats why i picked those 3, try and keep up

>thinking Anonymous, the dead cyberspace group had any association with Yea Forums, and not the actual Chan for cryptic discussion and IRC
How newfag are you, retard?

They weren't the only ones to write the script for the first movie.

Also Jupiter Ascending is pulp sci-fi kino

They're bad.

Cloud Atlas
Jupiter Ascending

Basically women can't make movies

this guy gets it literally the story of the Matrix was told at 2500 years before it was released as a film. Read about Plato's Cave. It's literally the story of the Matrix.

Not that guy but, the character switch was supposed to be a guy in the real world and be a woman in the matrix (hence the name switch)

It actually sounds like it would have been a cool idea if executed properly. Other than that everything else being trans positive is a reach

They wrote V for Vendetta and that movie was really good

Kinda like thoa post

they are as you said in this post

Positive example of studio meddling

but she wasn't so even that is irrelevant

It should have gotten a wide release in cinemas for the 20th anniversary.


it was ok, the actors carried it and they had a good source to work off, they didn't "write" V they adapted it

> timing
> they derived the story from someone else's script

The Cyberpunk franchise that was the end of the Cyberpunk era of the 1980s. 1990s.

Came after Dark City, Existenz, Tron, Ghost in the Shell, and a fuck ton of niche stuff no ones remembers anymore.

The stopping bullets is a Buddhist thing.

Also, star trek did a variation of it first.
Specter of the gun

Possible they stole it.
Also possible they didnt know.
I've experienced it myself when writing. I came up with people who could sense murders before they die, and a kid turning into an adult super hero. I didnt know about minority report or shazam when I was writing that as a kid. Collective unconscious stuff.

The Matrix has got fuck all to do with trannies, don't be a brainlet.

*blocks ur path*

The Matrix is an anomaly resulting from the convergence of several permutations of similar but not identical genre concepts. Ergo it resembles many other artistic works while maintaining its own identity. While many of its inspirations were animated it remains irrevocably live action. Consequently weebs will always be disappointed by any iteration of the Matrix. How pathetic they are some will understand, most will not.

They weren't considered to be "geniuses" so they actually had to shut the fuck up and let better filmmakers actually help them. Same shit with George Lucas.

Making a film is a collaborative process and one person cannot do it alone. Not even two.

The "no fuck off that won't work" button has to be there in the room or else you end up with shit like the sequels.


I 100%, still maintain that the Matrix ended with the first one. The one had been found and the machines had lost. The rest of the narrative made no fucking sense and might as well be fucking fan-fiction trash.


I throughly enjoyed cloud atlas. Anyone that didn’t is just a retarded that’s to stupid to not be able to watch and comprehend a nonlinear story line

those fucking ants, that fucking level, I hate it, i'm gonna play The One again

Yes but Plato didn’t make the allegory of the cave to claim sole ownership of such a concept. It was a useful device to explore his philosophy, and he would be mortified at the idea of limiting exploring the idea of truth and reality because his allegory before others. Knowing the allegory makes the Matrix more interesting. In the real world beyond the cave, humans have blot out the sun. The sun in Plato’s allegory is the form of the Good, and the source of illumination for all other truth. Humans created a permanent cave for themselves when they blotted out the sun, in more ways than one. More than that, someone who has journeyed beyond the cave is expected to possess the wisdom to know reality is infinitely superior to illusion. However Cypher makes a compelling case for returning to the cave, something the original allegory barely considers at all. So the Matrix is useful in exploring such an idea beyond the original allegory.

the book is so much better its ridiculous they almost got the oldfolks escape and the slooshing right but everything else sucked

Why do you think the films are so obsessed with programs and how they relate to the mind and their ideas of love? The programs express a love the humans initially cannot understand, but they explain love is just a word(social construct) like everything else in their world. You look like your idealized self in the Matrix, even if your body doesn’t show it. Also Agent Smith proves that the program running your mind can have a vastly different appearance and orientation than what the body reflects. Neo, their Jesus, sees people how they really are beneath the skin.
It’s kinda easy to see where there mind was with some of these concepts. The constant orgies and debauched activity going on in the later films just show them focusing more on stuff like that in general.

lmao wut

Plenty of movies have tried to tell stories with the simulation hypothesis but none of them have been as impressive.
But I could see a movie of Metal Gear Solid 2 that could be great if well done.

I rewatched them recently and the opposite happened. I always appreciated the second one, but it’s high school tier philosophy gets really grating. Especially when the characters use constant circular reasoning, or just go off on a pure tangent, but act like they are smart because they talked fast and are programs. Plus the fights felt so much more pointless with hindsight.
Three I really didn’t think was that bad. Better lighting, looks better overall, and the Zion battle was not as long as I thought. I thought it did a really good job of winding down the conflict while still leaving open discussion. I think the franchises greatest success is just how much people will still talk about it even today.

Most of what the Wachowskis have made was decent fun to genuinely great, though. Speed Racer, Cloud Atlas and Jupiter Ascending were all incredibly enjoyable movies.

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The problem is once the One appears the Matrix story is pretty much over. Nothing can beat Neo in the Matrix, and humanity should be freed. So the war in the real world naturally has to become the focus, but the real world they made is much less entertaining than the Matrix. So basically Cypher was right in the Matrix being superior to the reality he woke up to.

Plato's cave was firstly an allegory about the death of Socrates, and the general idea of how philosophers are cursed

>Speed Racer, Cloud Atlas and Jupiter Ascending were all incredibly enjoyable movies.

yeahh.. no.

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Based retard

Hey, speed racer is kino.
Ninja Assassin! Have any of you watched it?

Wow, what a powerful and in depth critique that was. Retard.

even if it wasn't true, casting the most androgynous actress this side of Tilda Swinton and calling her Switch wasn't the most subtle thing they could have done.
the studio probably told the Wachowskis that in a movie that was already liable to confuse the dummies in the audience (and did, in fact), that having to explain why the same character was being played by different actors - of different sexes - on top of everything else was probably too much, and overloaded a movie already heavy on exposition and worldbuilding.

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That’s one way of looking at it yes. The beauty of the allegory and why it is discussed so much is there are many ways of looking at it that don’t necessarily contradict each other. Socrates would have definitely gone beyond the cave to discover truth in Plato’s view, only to be mocked for his poor ability to function in the society he returned to. However I don’t think Plato would say he was cursed. The person who discovered truth is completely unfazed by the scorn society levels towards him, so much so that their concerns are laughable to him. Socrates was not at all worried about what Athens would do to him, and he trolled them until he died.

I always thought the other characters were odd. They seemed to have a lot going on with them only to be murdered by Cypher before we really learn anything. I always imagined the Watchowskis had strong ideas and backstories in mind, but just decided the story was better without them.

it was a kino game
the Wachowski's made a cameo at the end

>The rest of the narrative made no fucking sense and might as well be fucking fan-fiction trash.
last year, I rewatched The Matrix Reloaded for the first time since watching it in the theatres, and I contend that it's legitimately a big-budget, so-bad-it's-good movie.

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Because they stole the script from a black woman and added ghost in the shell to it

The strongest part of The Matrix was the dialogue and that was all the Wachowski's work. The dialogue even stayed good through the next two movies, just look at Smith's 'purpose' speech or Morpheus' 'three objectives, three captains, three ships' scene.

I wouldn't be surprised. every single one of them was so memorable I can name them all, despite not having seen the movie lately:
Neo, Morpheus, Trinity, Cypher, Tank, Dozer, Mouse, Switch, and Apoc.
reminds me how Dan Akroyd delivered this enormous script for The Blues Brothers, and there were backstories for literally every character, and John Landis was forced to pare that thing down to actually make it filmable.

Literally the greatest action movie of all time. It's so pathetic when contrarian little pseuds try to shit on it to seem interesting.

>greatest action movie of all time
uhm no sweetie, that's face/off

There is an old native American tale of an eagle who is convinced he is a chicken and cant fly by other chickens. Cause his egg rolled out of the nest to a chicken coop and was then raised by chickens. He has to trust his given genetics and put then to work if he wants to fly. In the fable, he never does.

The first matrix movie is all about detachment. As the bible says. Of the world, but not part of it. It's not dysphoria, but free thinking and not attaching to a thought completely. Yeah, free from societal constructs. However, reality always has the final say. Not the matrix illusion. Which neo completely detached from and put his talents into to be able to fly. They never mentioned if neo is genetically disposed to be the one, however.

You can be anything you want to be, but reality usually has its final say. If the WBrothers had their way with Switch, their message would backfire. Because genetics have the final say in the real world, not the matrix.

Bound was pretty good

I think Neo was genetically predisposed to be the One in some way. His connection to the source in the real world is too odd to make me think it was simply a quirk of the Matrix alone.

Generic chase in a crowd or marketplace seems reaching