Married With Children

why didn't Al ever want to have sex? was he a volcel? or did he have a pornography addiction and jerked off too much off camera? wasn't sure what to make of this anons

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This, Peggy is a fucking 10/10, big tits, big ass, perfect legs, loyal, she is te perfect wife

She can't (or won't) cook anything but yeah extremely fuck and suckable
wtf was Al thinking?

imagine if you will being with the same woman for most of your life. imagine if you will that there might be just ONE THING that you might not like about them.

as someone who's been in a relationship with a loving, loyal woman for 9 years, i don't have any real desire to bang her brains out and i couldn't really tell you why because there are much uglier women in the world.

>imagine if you will being with the same woman for most of your life
Yeah, it's called "THE FUCKING PERFECT LIFE"

He was too physically fucked after selling shoes to fat women all day.

He was an incel with a non-working dick.

He was fucking Kelly

>tfw Peggy got fed up and found dick elsewhere
the spinoff series where she went to prison was pretty awkward desu

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>Buck the dog (1983 - May 28, 1996) was an animal actor. He is best known for his role as Buck Bundy on Married... with Children. He was owned and trained by Steven Ritt and appeared in 177 episodes of the show.
Buck Bundy has been dead for 54 years bros

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you are fucking stupid

>tfw never really understood the show as a kid but now that I’m married with children I’m fucking living it

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There is an episode when she finally does house work so Al non-cons her like 6 times.

erectile dysfunction.

was he the most based NEET in sitcom history?

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wans't a neet. dude was a CIA agent you dolt.

Al is a character that virgins literally cannot understand. They may laugh at the absurdity of Al not wanting to ever sleep with his wife, but they cannot actually comprehend his helpless dread. Fantasies of domestic bliss are just your animal instincts working against you

well OP, let me break it down for you
first of all, having children tires you the FUCK out. I'm not talking "stayed up late last night" tiredness, I'm talking "Bring forth my coffin and I shall climb in gladly for my final rest" tiredness. When your brats FINALLY go to bed at 9pm in the evening leaving you and your wife alone, you think you'll be ready to pounce? No. No you will not. You'll barely have enough energy to strip your clothes off before falling into bed and snoring.
Then imagine you are a fat, sad, broke, balding shoe salesman. A fucking shoe salesman! You think you'll feel virile and sexually confident when you have to try and hawk shoes to bastards and bitches with smelly feet all day? Then you get home and someone throws a cup of cold piss in your face. You think you'll be randy after that? Bundy is in hell, he's in fucking burning hell, he's like uncle frank in hellraiser. You fucking virgins are so desperate for sex you can't comprehend a human male being in a situation where he's not only not enthusiastic about sex, but actively trying to avoid it. I got some bad news for you shits. Once you get it, the novelty soooooon wears off.

Post Peggy legs

dragon ball z
married with kids
kobra 11
that black shirt blonde chad hair cartoon and i think adjacent monster ones and also the one with the dog and an eggplant(?)

thats what us easterns european millennials grew up watching
what's worth revisiting

>Then imagine you are a fat, sad, broke, balding shoe salesman. A fucking shoe salesman!
speaking of, how did Al afford being able to buy a house and raise a family with two children and a stay at home wife on a shoe saleman's wages? perhaps it was a commentary on boomers destroying society because that could never happen now unless they also sold drugs or something

Thats the joke, everyone gets tired of sexing their wife eventually

I actually think he did in some of the first few episodes.

he was chronically depressed

>54 years



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>Play college football, on track to go pro
>get a GF
>gets pregnant
>have to drop career and get a shitty job
>wife doesnt do any fucking housework and spends all the money
>get pregnant again
>daughter is a dumbass bimbo and spends all the money
>son is a fucking loser
>sell shoes all day everyday to nasty ass public
>neighbours/friends are successful and annoying as fuck
>only peace there is when no one is around drinking a beer on the couch with the dog
Al had a hard life

Dog years

It was a continual reverse-joke. Of course he wanted to fuck that every chance he got, but that would have been boring.

She was a lazy cunt who refused to clean, cook or work while Al was working an absolute hell minimum wage job. Plus they have been married for like 20 years, he hated her guts.

Because Peg fucks with John Locke

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once you get over 40 you start just disliking women

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That's not 15


t. khv

Before he became a neet.

Kelly was whoring herself out. They pretended she didn't to keep the family from falling apart.

So, be like hiesenberg. Make meth, then dissolve a guy in a bathtub of acid to get a dose of testosterone to power fuck your wife.

cringe, bluepilled and low T


nasty horrible shill twat