Poorly describe a film, others try to guess what it is

Poorly describe a film, others try to guess what it is

>kid yells at CGI for 2 hours

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Lord of the Rings

astronauts find a people zoo

literally every modern movie

Some people go on a long road trip and then the mathematician starts getting upset. The guy driving stops the geek and then does some drugs for a wild trip.

Teacher travels the world stealing other peoples precious items.

Guy is given some drugs by a nigger and goes on an existential trip.

explosions. tits. explosions. ass. explosions. metal things fight. big explosion.



The Hangover
Lara Croft? Indiana Jones?


a taxi driver gets paid 300 dollars to assist some guy in his killing rampage

Indy is correct.


Indiana. Lara wasn't a teacher.

Michael Manns last good film; Collateral.

farmboy is lied to by everyone so he is manipulated into killing millions of people.


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A guy works for mafia and is a junkie as a hobby, until he gifts a waitress an expensive car paid by mafia money and gets killed

R-Rated version of Coronation Street and something about a dog and a diamond.


japan and midlifecrisis

A New Hope

the revenant


Jungle Book (2016)?


2001 A Space Odyssey


thats it

Parkinsons patients discover new species


Very good.

Man gets burned to death for having a harem

Group of elderlies discover a better viagra made of aliens

some middle aged faggot who still lives with his mom goes on the defense and there is also a fat cunt who yells a lot

A bunch of guys shoot a bunch of other guys

i guessed 2 so heres mine

>autist vet wants to know if you are talking to him

kid gets brainwashed by religious cult and is sad about his girlfriend

bad driving kills a potato that had a demon trapped inside of it.

guy fucks his own family over so he can be groped by space babbies.

A chinaman don wan no trabble.

Historical epic with one battle taking place on a bridge that wasn't filmed cause it got in the way

Rush Hour

black man with bad taste in fashion decides to be a dentist

rumble in the bronx



Jew got beaten, died, but than outjewed everyone.


A kid steals a meta book.

uber mover

gladiator except its shit


White people are evil

Harold and Kumar go to white castle
Mars attacks
Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy
Rum diarys
Alice in wonderland
Throw my mama off a train
Bird with the crystal plumage
Jurassic park
The comedy
Bird cage
Wolf of wallstreet
Longest yard
The Good, The bad and The ugly
Aquateen hungerforce movie
From dusk till dawn
Cat in the hat
Ip man
The spy who shagged me
Little shop of horrors
Millers crossing
A Christmas carol
Cannibal holocaust

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wicker men
iron man
harry potter
black mirror season 5 ep 2
passion of christ

>Aquateen hungerforce movie
>Little shop of horrors
both wrong

Thats gotta be Cocoon.

Two guys just want to go fishing

where the fuck are you getting these answers

>Mars attacks

> (You)
>The comedy

autist hates rush hour

>harry potter

>passion of christ

You don't always get what ya want, but sometimes baby, ya get what ya need ;)

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A highly paid janitor hates his life (no, seriously)


>Bird cage


Superman is wrong (it was Star Wars) but your answer does actually fit. have half a point.

man deals with repressed homosexuality by living with bears

We're talking main stream movies, not gay pornos, user.

A man talks a lot on the phone

It was Michael Clayton because I can already tell no one will get it

>Wolf of Wall Street
>Wicker Man

A Christmas Carol? My memory must be rusty, how does that fit at all?

Grizzly Man by Werner "Nature is an asshole" Hurzog.

...Phone Booth?

Phone Booth

Lead actor and scriptwriter hated it because the studio turned it into a weed movie for kid.

Both correct. But just realised this also could be another film. Anyone?

A man gives away his dead wife's clothes.

A married couple btfo by a grandma.

>black mirror season 5 ep 2

I was apprehensive saying Phone Booth before because I had the thought that, at a stretch you could argue the Matrix.

a devastating divorce drives a man to become a tranny

A fish is just minding its own business having dinner. it gets harrassed by an entire town.

Kid resurrected after car accident starts killing people

further evidence mass repliers need to be shot on sight

a robot with mommy issues is befriended by an electronic dildo

Maybe, at a stretch. The other one I'm thinking of is no stretch at all if you're familiar with UK films.

Open Your Eyes

Dude Looks Like a Lady Starring Robin Williams

A lobster walks into a bar and asks the barman for a pint of beer. The barman tells him to fuck off and not come back. The lobster asks why? The barman replies..........

pet semetary




Artificial Intelligence

....if only Kubrick lived long enough

Ah Uk you say, so its Locke

I assume this is Mrs. Doubtfire, but then again, I can think of maybe 3 other movies that use a similar idea.




>longest yard
>iron man

WWII allegory with rabbits.


bing bing bing you got it
not what i was thinking of but that also applies

Watership Down

Doctor goes to a african country, crazy african leader becomes obessed and hangs the doctor by his nipples

watership down?

Watership Down

willem dafoe goes on vacation



antichrist or mr beans holiday

a guy manufactures the perfect woman and it turns into a manipulative roastie


ruby sparks?

ace ventura?

>perfect woman
>manipulative roastie

Professor travels to Germany to kill the Kaiser. makes a lot of shit up about his journey,

Very good.

a movie that was so unremarkable it's only recognized by the flagrantly illegal spam advertising campaign the studio did.

Last King of Scotland. Mcavoy and Whitaker are both excellent in that

Lost in translation

Saving Private Ryan

that shitty netflix hitler movie

Guy fucks a turkey and moans, "Hiawatha!"

Taxi Driver

there’s an old guy in texas. he thinks it sucks

Lesbian cop is manipulated by an underage girl

Close encounters of the third kind?

Yes! Well done. It's an amazing movie that I fully recommend everyone on Yea Forums watch

>not animal doctor
of course


6 trillion

Can't believe nobody guessed Carmen Santiago

Superhero movie gets subverted by villains unhinged performance


a hotel employee abuses his wife

Two wisecracking old farts trip to kids' wedding gets fuckwd when the car explodes


dark knight?

Spy kids 3?

No country

Dinosaur forest.


I was going for "Batman 89", but that's a good answer too

Stupid kid breaks the rules and a whole town suffers

a guy betrays humanity to fix his legs

scooby doo on zombie island

Not a Christmas film about terrorists

Girl starts sucking his dick
Guy gets real hard, then fuck girl in vagina
Girl starts sucking his dick again
Guy comes in her mouth, face and tits.

Home alone 2 ?

you know the one with kevin?


the vvitch?
die hard


Die Hard 3, because the first two are Christmas films


Die hard





No but good effort. Think older

Your Mom's honeymoon vid?

A bunch of freaks orchestrate the downfall of terrorist arms dealers.

Super 8

The Shining

No they are set at christmas

the village?

Last summer before Vietnam

a ruthless killer pisses his pants and falls over. Hilarity ensues

Older still. I'm a boomer
Iron man

Older. A clue, it's set at Christmas.

a kid finds an ear

guy tries to get his band famous and gets killed

>Iron man

A movie where an actor can't sanction his co-stars buffoonery.

Bitter cancer patient teaches others the value of life


the Irish try to wipe out humanity



Aliens being assholes.

an office worker learns to fly

Bohemian rhapsody


A man wakes up and everyone is gone, so he cross-dresses and does whatever he wants for awhile to distract himself.


Holy man becomes bad guy then an heroes

Independence Day
to name 1


an r9k poster kills people at the will of a piece of sweatshop machinery

The world's end


the exorcist?

fuck jim carrey FOREVER

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Sorry, no.

fat Canadian smokes pot and almost goes to hell

eyebrows man wants to make big money so he kills a brown guy and takes a picture

Orphan finds out he has a cosplay fetish assisted by an old man and a nigger

Tom Hanks is indirectly responsible for 9/11

Batman Begins

this is the end?

Cop has a gun that can blow your head clean off


dirty sanchez

The answer was Cloverfield


unwashed harold

stinky steve

That's the fella

Michael Corleone wants Agent Neo to fuck his own sister.

Wannabe superhero discovers prime cunny

wreck it ralph

That fits but I was thinking of a live action film.


Very good

you really wanna refrain from using actor descriptions when there is only one film in existence with both of those actors together.

Pointy stick goes in other men

The Devils Advocate

Blue Velvet

Correct and checked

First 20 minutes are the most realistic war scenes ever filmed and you may as well go home when its over cause the movie fucking drags.

Paths of Glory

Get out

Shaving Ryan's Privates of course.

Spec-Ops team versus monster that drags on 40min too long.

World renowned director does practical effects rich film adaptation of classic novel that almost gets ruined by casting two young leads and it gets carried by two more experienced actors performances.

Slut cries rape after gang bang, gets away with it

rec 2

Nobody watched it. Sorry user

all Jackie Chan movies


2 hour long Coca-Cola commercial

Apart from the one where he definitely want twabble

Jurassic Park

ryan gosling goes off screen and then the rest of the movie blows a fat dick

You don't even remember anything else from the movie except the opening explosion with ball bearings in the bomb and this Bond girls luscious exposed titties.


Checked and yes

Bankers wanking eachother off during the 2008 financial crash with a lot of swearing. Also has an autist that reminds me of people from this board.

very dangerous anal beads

Michael Bay rapes your childhood memories

A viking defeats a sea monster with a pillow

A workaholic befriends an unlikely individual in his attempt to reclaim his life

Not Pirates of the Caribbean so either Transformers, but likely Ninja Turtles.

War of the Worlds with Tom Cruise


Take your pick there to be bonest

wolf of wall street ?

beowulf ?


Man falls in love with erratic bus driver

two adventurers go Middle east to conquer it

the failures of a couple of "swedes" get everyone killed

>mass reply
>all half-assed, nonsensical answers
Yeah, fucking kill yourself like you killed this thread.

Some rich asshole gets taught to not talk like a retarded sperg


Totally agree what a cancerous post

The King's Speech

Kings Speech?

guy tries to kill some lions but doesn't

the kings speech


Very good

two guys and a dog travel a huge distance to get some beer and get chased by a pig and his son

Royal Oscar Bait mark #1375664

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The Big Short?

That Jodie Foster movie?

men go foreign country to rob a bank in small motors

>That Jodie Foster movie?

A lonely man goes in a rampage in an attempt to reclaim a dead body

star wars

Django unchained


that was not rape

Road to Morocco


Guy gets frazzled and loses the plot has a shitty day

chris finch moves to america and mumbles for 90 minutes

a cop plays a gangster and a gangster plays a cop and X's kill everyone

Imprisoned guy writes fapfiction with his own shit and blood

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I know I said she cried rape and good men went to prison because of it

the departed

Not this shit version but yes

thats a strangely apt description of Bronson even if you mean a different film.

Ok no offense meant user

a guy dies

D Day was won entirely by mutts

Anyway, I have to bounce, in case anyone wants to take his chances the answers are
Cast Away
The Rover

ugly girl pretends to be beautiful. gets pushed in a pool

The Room

Saving lieutenant Bryan

Yes user

Pedo group try grooming retard child with banjo and then look for anonymous gay sex in the forest only reverting to murder when they decide they don't like it.

place beyond the pines

Man fucks his daughter until she grows a dick and fucks the mother.

stressed guy tries an hero gets saved an gets another chance ..>cos he has good frens

Avengers Infinity War

Noah, but not.

Ex Machina?




man miraculously gets out of a pantry

you're off by 13 years

Checked and a tentative stab at Constantine.

fuck you for making me remember I've seen Evan Almighty.


was not my finest fap but got there

Yep, made that too easy.

heres an easy one:
retard does anything and everything to bang his crush



The aircraft that btfos the tank at the end is a british Tempest tho

No its a classic

Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium

Forrest Gump

thank you

A frenchman has to resist the urge for prime cunny

Forrest Gump

woody grump

That's nice, but I was thinking about The Rock.



Leon the Professional

You would think it was only mutts there ,


you got it

Classic novel with puppets

It's a wonderful life


Leon and jailbait

A monkey turns a five star hotel into a three ring circus

If the balls touch and no one is around to see it, is it still gay?

Muppet treasure Island or Christmas carol?

Yes !

Hotel Rwanda?

Rocky films ?

I was going for the first one. Good job.

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure part 6?


Father tires of autistic daughter. Kills her along with rest of family.


Asian martial arts star almost seems like he wandered into the wrong movie.


Karate kid remake?

Fighting men on foreign soil withstand overwelming odds



Dunkirk or starship troopers


Woman decides best way to parent is to row down a river blindfolded

No its a no1 classic

Nope. The rock part is kinda close


Onions Kids 3D

bird box


Bird Box?