The Russians are fucking pissed over the portrayal of events in Chernobyl, so they are going to be making their own version where the Americans are the ones responsible. WILL IT BE KINO?!

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Other urls found in this thread:

>reeees in russian

Nah, it will be another subhuman lie by subhuman russkies.

It's almost impossible to depict things like a reactor exploding or 15,000 Roentgen irradiation of nuclear plant personell without it being kino, so unless the Russians literally give it their worst shot, it is bound to be at least partially kino.
Also, if the series are made IN SPITE, it really can't not be kino.

Pryapat, I'm CIA.

They'll stick to the original 3.6

It's gonna be utter shit which even Russians won;t watch
t. Russian

90% of our series stolen from West

Comrade Pavel, I'm C.H.E.R.N.O.B.Y.L.

Why the Russians hate the anglos so much ?

I'm pretty sure Russians already made a Chernobyl

Nice confusing double negative nigger

anything is better than HBO; I'd watch it

>Russian man good
>Western man bad
/pol/ will love this.

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I'll make my own Chernobyl with blackjack and hookers!

Attached: penishole.jpg (500x749, 77K)

absolutely fucking based
>inb4 they'll blow up another reactor just to make a real movie about it

Attached: 1559510304119.jpg (700x653, 54K)

Yes, Americans are awful at making historical depictions of any foreign cultures. Slavs taking their own history in to their own hands will be great

Anglos have bigger dicks.

russians already took their fate in their own hands by creating a country USSR, but because subhuman russkies can’t do shit properly, Soviet Union collapsed and now russkies whine about it everywhere, and demand USA to pay them for humiliation.


pick one

Sorry, I mostly converse with >80 IQ persons, got a little ahead of myself there.

Like little children. Putin is such a petty muppet.

>they are going to be making their own version where the Americans are the ones responsible
So... literally science fiction ?

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>where the Americans are the ones responsible.
This is honestly fucking pathetic. Russia's state apparatus clearly learned nothing from the event.

Great idea. Let Turkey make a show about Armenians in WWI too.

>Yes, Americans are awful at making historical depictions of any foreign cultures.
And Russians are awful at making nuclear reactors.

They still believe that a country where whitewashing USSR is the official state policy is some kind of conservative savior?

Have the Russians made a decent TV show since Brigada?

mongolian rapebabbies seething as fuck lel

the ussr was far more conservative than any western country today

Based and redpilled.

chernobyl is ukrainian accident. there were no nulear accidents in russia.

It was a Soviet accident.

It was USSR event, retard, and both Russia and Ukraine were a single country with capital in Moscow

>american education

reactor was destroyed by incompetent khokhols. fact

Calm down, retards. The production started in 2014. Sure it's gonna be shit but it's not some kind of retaliation for the HBO series. Which btw will soon be airing on one of the russian national tv channels

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you are mentally handicapped

No, it fucking wasn't it was no conservative revolution with clergy and aristocracy removed from power and replaced with random thugs. Family unit (especially relations between couples and between parents and children) was supposed to change and make the party take centre (Pavlik Morozov's story), even days on the calendar was different but that didn't catch on. Might as well call Jacobins conservative because they believed in spirituality (some of them at least). Russian culture is conservative in the modern conventional way but everything bolshevik stands in contrast.

Attached: Soviet_calendar_1930_color.jpg (1789x1305, 1.69M)

The CIA couldn't kill Fidel or Saddam but somehow orchestrated the worst nuclear disaster in history

Why are you posting here? Don't you have a bottle to sit on?

It'll be reduced to the equivalent damage of an X ray and the only drama will be people being surprised at the harmless explosion, along with ZERO DEATHS

Attached: ChernobylVictim2.jpg (640x779, 84K)

It doesn't sound great, but it doesn't sound terrible either. I'll have seen worse.

>so unless the Russians literally give it their worst shot, it is bound to be at least partially kino
>he hasn't seen the russian version of escape from sobibor
if there's one thing russians can do it's fuck up a film
i hope they redeem themselves this time, though

But this show was actually co-produced by HBO and Sky Europe, which is why it was so kino, someone kept the Americans in check.

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5 rubles (0.0000000000002$) have been deposited into your account

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>only 31 people died
>3.6 roentgen
>american saboteurs
>no wait it was Ukrainian kike-niggers
>gorbachev dindu nuffin

Can't wait.

What's different about that calendar? They even kept the voskresenie and subbota

Now we know why they glow in the dark

>If I removed that suit, would you die?
>It would expose me to 3.6 Roentgen.
>That's not horrifying.
>For you.

>gorbachev dindu nuffin
Why would Putin miss the chance to shit on gorby?


Nice try, but you aren't getting your 1 shekel that easily. I mean you didn't really think a single post like that automatically grants you 0.5 shekels. It's a cute thought, but you'll need another 5 post before you get your 0.25 shekels. I'll be watching carefully that your 10 posts are really worth 0.125 shekels

Russian version will have mutant vampires and radiation is caused by American fairies that have nested in Chernobyl. A much better version, what really happened according to the Russians.

i suggest you remove that post or UN will place embargo on HIV medication for Russia

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People were assigned to different colored teams and took turns working.

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Is this going to be more Russian propaganda about why they should retake the Ukraine and invade a sovereign nation? Chernobyl isn't even in Russia.

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>making a movie about something that didn't happen

Then it's not a different callender, just different labour organization.

>>no wait it was Ukrainian kike-niggers
i'm sure it will have some sort of Ukrainian villan in it, probably working with the Americans
Russians have been assblasted since 2014 that Ukrainians are trying to get closer to the EU and severe ties with them.

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Ukraine will be Russia by 2020

But they were experimenting with the numbers of days of the week and in the month because they were switching from the old Julian system.

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Won't mind to see a Three Mile Island documentary desu as long as it's good.

>a country that will do anything to not be humiliated

given how russians work it would be low budget production with writing like this
>god damn it i hate Russia becasue im so jelly!
>yeah me too, let's blow up reactor and hope radiation will go over to Russia
>great idea Jamal, overload the reactor

>not acting out of spite

Has Russia produced any culture of value since the Soviet union was dissolved?

Yes, the calendar you posted now isn't standard.

>if the series are made IN SPITE
you clearly never met Russians have you
you have no idea what vile animals they are


Leviathan was pretty good
Of course, it got banned in Russia too

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The Soviet union destroyed Russian culture

Watch Discovery's Channel 2004 Zero Hour: superior portrayal of the accident, with Russian actors

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>Some gas gets released
>People panic
>"Huh actually it looks like the failsafes are all working. We're cool."
What follows is a 5 hour documentary on the minutiae of working at a western nuclear plant.

Sorokin? Letov? Sokurov?

Bolsheviks were anti-Russia. Or anti any other nation. I hate it when burgers call Soviets "Russians" but are absolutely obsessed with the word "nazi" and use it instead of German so religiously as if they're afraid of offending everybody. And unlike bolsheviks German Third Reich was deifnitely nationalistic. Commies were only using some national animosities and feelings of patriotism where it suited them.

>whitewashing of sovok
they're defiantly not a conservative

Can't wait for the Japanese Government to make a Rape of Nanking movie, I'm sure it will be perfectly honest and fair.

That Chinese Tienanmen Square movie is great.

contemporary Russia? Yeah it absolutely is. American "conservatives" are just cucks.

Banning abortion=more unwanted poor people and minorities

"Statism" is a joke. Republicans have always been the biggest exploders of government spending and bureaucracy. They just train idiots to hate "statism" when it comes to things like "not getting bankrupted by healthcare."

Gun control: America is the only place where arms dealers control the government. Letting criminals have easy access to guns isn't "conservative" it's just what you do when you build policy around benefitting arms dealers.

Not to mention all the muh homo propaganda bans and shit.

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Bolshevik's idea has died by the 50's. What was left was a re-branded Russian empire.

Turkish Armenian genocide movie is my favorite.

>Banning abortion=more unwanted poor people and minorities
that's not how it works and it's an anti christianity
>Statism" is a joke. Republicans have always been the biggest exploders of government spending and bureaucracy. They just train idiots to hate "statism" when it comes to things like "not getting bankrupted by healthcare.
look at the roaring twenties and the 20's usa policy.
>America is the only place where arms dealers control the government.
russian gun control rules are pretty fucked up. and you can't even buy a gun with a short barrel
>Letting criminals have easy access to guns isn't "conservative" it's just what you do when you build policy around benefitting arms dealers.
imagine the criminal who buy the gun officially lmao and imagine a law abiding citizen who can't buy gun to protect himself because gun control

Not great but not terrible.

I agree, the idea of bloody worldwide revolution was replaced with plain old imperialistic struggle for influence in the third world and European stalemate. What didn't change was that the same gang wanted to benefit themselves and stay in power forever.

Mao actually got in fight with soviets becasue he still believed in the world wide revolution.
He got mad at Khrushchev who thought co-existance with the capitalistic west is possible
It's the reason why China despite also being commie had falling out with USSR

more like the idiot

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>that's not how it works
no it's 100% how it works. Rich and middle class and white people will just travel to get an abortion if they want one. The only people really being affected by abortion bans are poor people and minorities.
>and it's an anti christianity
Good all (((abrahamic))) religions are cancer. "conservative" doesn't equal "christian" btw.
>look at the roaring twenties and the 20's usa policy.
yeah they banned alcohol and that led to a whole culture of subversion and organized criminal industry.
>russian gun control rules are pretty fucked up. and you can't even buy a gun with a short barrel
again, the only country where "easy access to firearms" is some "conservative" tenet is America.
>imagine the criminal who buy the gun officially lmao
essentially every gun used in a crime is purchased legally. There isn't really a "black market" in the US. It's a grey market. Straw purchasing and person-to-person sales aren't really regulated. Any asshole can get a gun at a gunshow this weekend.
>and imagine a law abiding citizen who can't buy gun to protect himself
WE NEED GUNS TO STAY SAFE FROM ALL THE WELL ARMED CRIMINALS LOL. So much easier to be raped and robbed and murdered because all the crims have guns!

They already did the original one

Thanks I guess, I was asking people why China was so displeased with USSR in the 50s but no one could give me a good answer. Their threat basically prevented the Soviets from invading Poland during its 1956 protests but I guess the same trick didn't work twice during Hungarian uprising.

there was some soviet movie called "Debiut" or something like that
i found it once on youtube
it's absolute kino becasue it has nude scenes of a prime 18 year old russian blonde teen fucking some old guy

Worse than white women?

Comrade Dyatlov, I'm KGB

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We live in the age of belated sequels.

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There's a shit ton of holocaust movies though.


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Why do Americans seethe so hard at anything Russian?

what are you talking about? Half the country loves Russians.

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>episode 1 starts
>fools claim the reactor has exploded
>comrade Dyatlov calmly states that an RBMK reactor can't explode
>it didn't explode
>credits roll

Did you miss the entire 20th century?

>yfw khodemchuk was the american saboteur and that's why he was never found

Attached: Capture.png (238x286, 155K)

remind me again which country is making their own version of chernobyl with CIA as a bad guys who caused the explosion

Well half of it.

Russians are immense Francophiles.
I think if SU had ever captured West Europe they would have moved the capital to Paris

You have no idea how America operates do you?

>retired in florida

Attached: khodemchuk.png (2114x1232, 2.73M)

dope argument cuck. Stay assblasted about nonsense.

>He didn't want a Zvezda because he had a Harley waiting for him

They could've taken high road and make a show about the Three Miles Island incident.

how is that "the high road?"

Russians(Soviet Union) already made their equivalent of Chernobyl 40 years ago.

Russian version ends with Putin rescuing the entire population of Pripyat on horseback after finding and shooting the American spy who detonated explosives inside the reactor. Putin manages to save the entire Russian empire except for 31 comrades who ate too much foreign contaminated roentgen.

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Not him and am American but he's pretty correct on all of his points.

Republicans acting like "cut taxes and increase spending" is somehow more fiscally responsible than "increase spending but offset it with new taxes" has to be the greatest joke of the last 50 years.

Is gonna be great movie about evil CIA Agent who secretly replaces the tips of 211 control rods with graphite to sabotage 100% safe peaceful Soviet Nuclear Technology engineered by the best the best engineers in the world (Soviet/Russian ones).

Will also have Oscar winning scene of heroic KGB Agent desperately trying to prevent the sabotage and when the explosions happen he sinks to his knees and yells "NYYYEEEET" !

Will still not win Oscar because USA hates Russia.

>Ivan, throw the rods in the reactor!

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>Rich and middle class and white people will just travel to get an abortion if they want one. The only people really being affected by abortion bans are poor people and minorities.
False. Nearly every person who used to be part of the “pro-choice” side has admitted that they used faulty and untrue statistics to paint the idea that back alley abortions are a thing.
>Good all (((abrahamic))) religions are cancer. "conservative" doesn't equal "christian" btw.
I don’t understand why fags like yourself willingly choose eternal damnation. At least it will be warm I guess.
>yeah they banned alcohol and that led to a whole culture of subversion and organized criminal industry.
Thank you for explaining why gun control is a terrible idea.
>again, the only country where "easy access to firearms" is some "conservative" tenet is America.
It’s almost as if we have a right that entitles us to own a firearm if we choose so.
>essentially every gun used in a crime is purchased legally. There isn't really a "black market" in the US. It's a grey market. Straw purchasing and person-to-person sales aren't really regulated. Any asshole can get a gun at a gunshow this weekend.
This is basically an admittance that you have zero understanding of gun ownership in the United States. Nothing you said was even remotely true.
>So much easier to be raped and robbed and murdered because all the crims have guns!
Listen you fucking idiot. People protect themselves with a firearm 2,000,000 times per year, so you’re not fooling anyone with your propaganda. Enjoy your gaping hole tranny.

>trying to get closer to the EU
it was a literal coup, idk why anyone would blame ukranian people for that.
they didn't vote for it or anything.

>I don’t understand why fags like yourself don't arbitrarily accept my religion as fact
Really makes you think huh? I mean, after all, YOU believe it. That should be enough reason for us to, right?

If you’re an American why aren’t you paying attention to anything that’s going on? None of what you said is relevant to that idiots arguments.

You do believe it. People like you fear eternal damnation so you try to find a way out with some other religion or try to make the argument that life is meaningless.


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>People like you fear not going to Valhalla so you try to find a way out with some other religion

unironically yes
I'm perfectly willing to hand over the West to the Ruskies to free ourselves from burger degeneracy

What a fucking cuckold you are.

Ahhhh, so you've just got a nice little built-in logical fallacy that you can use to explain away different beliefs. Beautiful.

His other points were pretty accurate too. For example, the NRA is disproportionately powerful and manages to kill legislation that has overwhelming public support like background checks for gun sales. It's quite literally a special interest group overruling the opinions of the people.

He doesn't seem to understand the mechanisms undergirding a lot of his points, so i don't want to act like im giving his ignorance a free pass.

> KGB Agent Vladimir Putin is the hero of the Russian adaptation, singlehandedly building the sarcophagus, and keeping the Roentgen down to 3.6.

> At one point Putin stares at the reactor and it looks away from him, turning red, intimidated by his sheer alphaness.

> Putin removes all the graphite by telling it to go away.

>still this severely asshurt about losing the Cold War years later
holy fucking wew

It will not be great, but not terrible either.

>No blacks, few Jews
>Run by Putin
/pol/ is supposed to dislike this?

Why are you people so obsessed with the NRA it has virtually no lobbying power? It’s the fucking VOTERS who keep you stupid assholes in check.

>>No blacks,

Attached: 1529820744563.jpg (1280x960, 323K)

>the NRA is disproportionately powerful
They're actually a pretty small lobby, like they spend tens of times less what the actual top 10 lobbies do. Not to mention they mostly get their funding from private individuals so gun rights are very much a grassroots organic thing in the US.

I don't blame the Russians for wanting to do this. HBO had a choice on what to focus on what to present to the audience; stories of bravery, collective heroism or vague paranoid theories of systematic incompetence and betrayal. HBO chose the latter because thats what their doomcore audience likes to have slopped up in front of them

>the NRA it has virtually no lobbying power?
To quote the youths: "i can't even"

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NRA literally trades everything for money
bump stocks
you name it
can't belive there are retards who unironically think they are anything other than bunch of boomers who'd be happy with every AR-15 getting destroyed as long as they get to keep their durr huntin bolt actions

O бoжe мoй дa вceм нacpaть. HTB (дa и тв в цeлoм) в Poccии cмoтpят тoлькo дayны. У нac пoтoмy и интepнeт тaк дyшaт, пocкoлькy нopмaльныe люди caми выбиpaют ceбe кoнтeнт.


So Russia kinda forgot they already made their own Chernobyl...

nothing is worse than wh*te w*men
but ruskies are a close 2nd

away with your snow runes

Aлco этoт нeдoчepнoбыль дaвнo нaчaли cнимaть, дoлжны были пoкaзaть eщe в 2016, нo дeньги yкpaли paньшe чeм cняли хoть чтo тo.

Deal with it nigger

cyka blyat

They spent 5mi in 2018, not even placing them in the top50:

Yes, you can't even think, you've made it clear to everybody who's willing to check facts on their own. See

>oh my god ????. NTV (???) in Russia is watched by retards. ?? we have internet, normal people can find their own content
Maybe something about how it was actually supposed to come out in 2016, but ran out of money.

You are breddy good

ITT: butthurt american-ukrainian propaganda against mother russia

>if the series are made IN SPITE, it really can't not be kino
I love those. Can anyone recommend me some spitekinos?

Lol just because youre even more extreme than they are doesn't mean they arent still extreme to the median.

I had typed out this huge effort post trying to explain what i meant but im a dumb phone poster and it all got deleted.
The tl;dr though is that your point here is exactly WHY it's so crazy that they wield so much power. You should do some research on their rise to power starting in the 70s--its absolutely fascinating and they deserve all the credit they get because they truly are the greatest interest group of the 20th century. There are lefists groups like labor unions who hold disproportionate power but nothing like the NRA.

And im not being adversarial here. Regardless of my opinions i respect anyone who plays politics with such mastery. I hate Mitch McConnel but dude deserves credit as one of the greatest US politicians of all time.

>like background checks for gun sale
We already have these for every commercial sale via an FFL holder, ie every single gun store. The only sales that don't get run through the NICS system are private sales, because the Dems refuse to let normal citizens use this system, and the supreme Court has repeatedly ruled that the government cannot block citizens from selling their property

Waiting for the butthurt ruski NPC-wojak poster to show up

Only retards who believe the US government is quid pro quo corrupt think money is the only measure of influence. The US may be corrupt but cmon. Learn about the nuance of it.

>your point here is exactly WHY it's so crazy that they wield so much power
Why is it crazy that having a lot of power from an active membership that makes itself heard and pressures members of congress is impactful enough to be competitive with lobbies that rely mostly on infinite money? Shouldn't that be worthy of praise as it is precisely a real counterpoint to the meme belief that "dude it's all controlled by le plutocrats" that ignorant people spout?

This changes the fact that the public supports universal background checks and that the NRA blocks all legislation which attempts to implement them?

Like, you guys do realize that how passionately angry you are at me for insulting the NRA is a testament to their strength, right?

>Shouldn't that be worthy of praise as it is precisely a real counterpoint to the meme belief that "dude it's all controlled by le plutocrats" that ignorant people spout?
Did i not praise them for that in my post
Why don't you actually argue with me instead of the liberal strawman you imagine is typing out my posts?

No, but it is the most important - something anons here often forget.

Because you complained about the NRA "killing legislation that has overwhelming public support" when they themselves are only relevant because of overwhelming public support.

>it is the most important
Except for every dollar a politician gets from one side, they get from the other. Pluralism keeps most interest groups in check.

>Lol just because youre even more extreme than they are doesn't mean they arent still extreme to the median.
imagine being so retarded that you think bunch of boomers hold any power
they literally bend over any thing
>bump stocks? sure we'll give them away
>unregulated suppresors? of course we don't want them
you're just retard who thinks anybody not on the far left is nazi

the United states funded an undercover operation to destroy Russian status quo by creating a catastrophe that would make them look bad. Its quite obvious someone sabotaged the reactor. The United States funded this television series to bring back the idea that Russians are "dumb", after the mass conspiracy about Russian collusion in US government and Russian involvement in US elections.
>people believe television was not subtlety made for mass population thought control

>Its quite obvious someone sabotaged the reactor.
Oh? Would you mind explaining to me how an RBMK reactor explodes?

>they themselves are only relevant because of overwhelming public support.
They arent? 80% of the US population supports universal background checks. Far less than half support the NRA as an organization. Their genius is the PASSION of their supporters. By framing gun rights as an absolute (i know, you'll probably take offense that im implying it isnt--all im implying is that it wasn't framed that way until the NRA changed the dialogue in the 70s) they managed to energize a group of voters so well that they wield huge political power. That's fucking cool and deserves props--i dont agree with their policy, but im not interested in talking about that--you and i both know how that conversation goes--im just pointing out that the NRA has huge political power and rivals the most well funded and organized lobbying groups despite being so relatively small.

Also, I didn't fucking complain. I don't know what i expected going into an argument with partisans who see every conversation as a battle against the other side, but jesus fucking christ.

ah yes the famous
>it's always US fault cyka(((((((

>80% of the US population*
poll made only in cities which are filled with liberal faggots
you also forgot to mention in which episode of one of many NPC leftist talk-show that poll was posted
was it Kimmel or that UK faggot oliver?

>i know, you'll probably take offense that im implying it isnt
i'm just laughing at you thinking you can do anything about guns in the US
they're here to stay, you better move out if you have problem with it
last year americans purchased more guns privatley than every military (inlcuding US) did
there are more than 500 million guns in US in private hands
again, that's more than anywhere in the world
guns were, are and will be in the US and the only thing that will change is that one day your sorry ass will be gone buy guns won't

I don't know what to tell you dude. If two sides cant agree on the facts where do we go from here?
Like, legitimately--as a society--do we have any choice here but to dehumanize each other and resort to acts of domestic terror?

How can I, a young professional urbanite, have a legitimate dialogue with you if we believe two different versions of reality? If we both believe each other is deluded?

>would you mind explaining to me how an RBMK reactor explodes?

Three such tests had previously been conducted since 1982 but had failed to provide a solution. Unfortunately, on this fourth occasion the failure to follow the test procedure created unstable operating conditions which, combined with inherent RBMK reactor design flaws and the intentional disabling of several emergency safety systems, resulted in an uncontrolled nuclear chain reaction.

>3 safety tests which did not cause issues
>the 4th one somehow protocol is not followed along with safety features being turned off
are you pretending?

I don't know why you can't just discuss the actual topic instead of devolving to a gun rights argument.

I have a CC and own a gun myself. Stop painting your political opponents with broad strokes.

>intentional disabling of several emergency safety systems
The testimony of everyone on site was that Dyatlov ordered it so.

>Guys this show is insanely popular, what do we do with all this media attention
>I know, since we have all the access to all this equipment lets just make our own show and have a rivalry thing going, yea great idea

Slavs are subhuman scum, they will never make anything good

>i'm a totaly like you dude
>btw we need gun control

Attached: 1559850010540.png (497x576, 212K)

Where do we go from here, bub?

>"like, legit"
>a young professional urbanite
what do you want to discuss
that it's the suicidies and gang violence that props up gun deaths?
that it's awlays people in the cities that are for gun control meanwhile everywhere else people it's the opposite?
that the US gun laws have already been raped so many times since the NFA was started that gun owners refuse to give up the few crumbs we have left from the bread we originaly started from?

>im totaly hip cool guy from the city guise
>like im cool and all
you're a faggot and nothing more

What legislation attempts are they blocking?????? Why is it so hard to believe that people care about owning firearms???

>we need gun control
boy it sure did worked out perfectly didn't it

Attached: 1520449285501.jpg (534x712, 77K)

>people like owning guns
>this obviousny means it's the NRA behind it
no i just like my rifle and you can fuck off from it

The facts are that guns don’t increase rates in homicide. Some states with the most lax gun laws in America have similar homicide rates to other countries like Canada.

If there are two sides fighting each other, one side dehumanizes the other but the other side does not, then that side is screwed. Soldiers are only effective if they see their targets as inhuman. War is by nature inhumane.

Every leftist who empathizes with the right will get their skull crushed by the right. Should make the right feel good i guess not like anyone can call you out on your inhumanity if all your opponents are dead, no?

pro tip
it's not the guns that are the problem

Attached: no niggers in maine.png (1387x747, 650K)

But, but every bad thing in the world is due to the CIA. There is even a CIA agent under my bed trying to kidnap me!

T. Dr Pavel.

Find one post where i advocated for gun control. Ill wait.

I wanted to discuss the NRA. I wanted to talk about their political power. I wanted to talk about hoe they've managed to shift public dialogue into an all or nothing debate.
By merely implying that i disagree with them (my mistske--though i never specified to which extent), im now being flamed by all of you chucklefucks as if I'm standing on a street corner demanding you turn over your firearms.

Im not going to engage in a gun control debate because I've already said multiple times I'm not interested in that because it ALWAYS ENDS THIS WAY. (Here's where you accuse me of running away from an argument i never started btw).

Take a step back. I think you've proven my case for me pretty well, and honestly i thank you guys for it. You've proven to me that gun control isn't a debate the nation can have in any realistic way, just like abortion. No clue where we go from here but it seems like the next 50 years of politics will be trench warfare. Godspeed to you all.

Attached: It's_All_So_Tiresome.png (1022x731, 643K)

Welcome to a post-truth society. We're more connected than ever but we're building some pretty insurmountable barriers to communication by discrediting literally everything that disagrees with us. This is rampant all over the political spectrum.

>How can I, a young professional urbanite, have a legitimate dialogue with you if we believe two different versions of reality?
Not everyone lives with the same circumstances as you. And as such not everyone can tolerate to have the same kinds of laws that you are comfortable with.

You will never ever get the rural parts of the country to agree with you on gun control of any kind, because firearms are an essential part of their existence and vital to their everyday lives. The government isn't unilaterally benevolent and it isn't hiding around every corner. When you're a two hour drive from the nearest law enforcement government simply isn't available to cater to you when you need it most.
>If we both believe each other is deluded?
No, I think you're just naive of both the history and merits of an armed populace and why that was enumerated as a right in the first place.

Attached: ikEp2bz[1].png (1202x928, 421K)

You are bringing up gun control talking points that are easily disproved though. If you refuse to look at the facts then that’s your fault.

Gun rights and abortions have zero downsides and thus shouldn't be stopped. /discussions

>you're confused RBMK reactor cores don't explo-

Attached: 1558038251035.jpg (4170x2346, 1.69M)

was going to say STALKER but turns out the devs were ukes


the americans unironically were responsible though. every other RBMK reactor went through the test flawlessly and the blast matches up perfectly with a suit case nuke.

only the CIA could have done that.

>Find one post where i advocated for gun control. Ill wait.
you mean about every post in which you cry how NRA blocks any legislations for your beloved gun control you crypto faggot

>I wanted to discuss the NRA. I wanted to talk about their political power.
Their only real power is within the rolls of their membership. When you have 4+ million people who will constantly petition their representatives a certain way on a topic then they will get what they want.

The NRA itself as an entity/lobby doesn't actually have enough money compared to other groups to do much in the way of donating funds to campaigns. Pharmaceuticals, insurance companies, financial institutions, and media conglomerates are the big players in terms of using money as influence.

yfw the madmen actually explode another reactor for real just for the utimate kino experience

nothing would change in russia as it's already a depressing shithole

Based ruskees. We will now actually get the truth instead of Western propaganda.

Attached: large.jpg (500x625, 44K)


Too bad your opinion here means you're commiting heresy to both sides of American politics simultaneously.

I was bringing up a disconnect between public opinion and legislation--NOT asserting any value claims. The public is wrong all the fucking time.
Only an idiot thinks "majority of Americans support x" = "X is right".

I grew up in rural America. I attended bonfires on friends' farms, shot guns with them. If you want to know my personal opinion on gun rights? I support guns. I own a gun. I think 99% or gun control legislation is entirely useless and the research supports that. I simply also believe in democracy, and if the people want something their view shouldn't be suppressed just because it's misguided. I think that when you make people feel disenfranchised you make them volatile.

Oh i know. It's just surprising not a single user could just discuss the topic at hand and instead goes into a rant about gun rights.

no vladim, blaming america for your every fuck up is not an argument

>i totaly grew up around guns guys
>i shot some faggy .22 once
>im such a gun nut just like
>btw i know gun control is baaad but hey we need it
how long are you gonna drag this out
everybody saw right through you when you did your first post

Well thanks for the actual relevant post. But money isn't the only thing that matters in politics. We don't live in a quid-pro-quo corrupt system. It's corrupt no doubt, but in a nuanced way. We have pluralism that keeps most interest groups at bay. If you want an example of a less divisive special interest group that has huge influence with small size, look up the Federalist society. They can pretty much be given credit for the current conservative supreme court despite having a budget that even the NRA's looks like a behemoth next to.

Hahaha rekttttt

shut the fuck up tyreese. your country is so inferior that its only response is blatant sabatoge.

hows that F-35 doing?

Attached: PAK-FA.jpg (1000x541, 137K)

Attached: 5d4b8506f28c9eaa421d35a9c1de6f6b.png (420x420, 322K)


If you simply don't believe nuance exists and that everything is black and white, us vs them, then idk what to tell you m8. You and i are arguing at each other, not against.

>hows that F-35 doing?
400th unit was just delivered
how many of your vaporwave "totaly 5th gen (lol no)" fighters have been built

i can smell the HIV from here.

>no stealth coating
>no s-ducts
>no heat diffusers
literally flat su-27+++++++++

>400th unit of ultra expensive aircraft that gets outperformed by F-16 in every way was just delibered

Good job, bugger.

any monkey can ship something thats not finished out to market. it cant even fire its weapons without months of planning! cant even go supersonic,.

meanwhile the PAK-FA already has mach 2 and super maneuverability.

>no meme-teir bullshit
>bad thing
its stealthy where it needs to be so it can be a better fighter overall.

It was burgers who recently decriminalized the wilful spread of HIV. Great takedown, unironic faggot.

>super maneuverability.
do russians not know what BVR is
enjoy doing cobra as aim120 blows you out of the sky

>I'm pretty sure Russians already made a Chernobyl
We're hitting critical levels of rekt here, abort the experiment at once!

Attached: final_exam_secret_DoE_facility_accident_Outer_Limits.jpg (1440x1080, 147K)

If only it was stealthy in your budget.

a few faggots in commiefornia don't really matter. What matters is that the average life expectancy for a russian male is about 50 due to alcoholism.

says a lot about russia since their HIV rates are astronomically higher.

Attached: muh based russia.jpg (669x1024, 167K)

>russians can't do it
>"is not important(((("
boy those soviet grapes sure are sour


>No clue where we go from here but it seems like the next 50 years of politics will be trench warfare.

It already is. The only solution is separation be it a return to states' rights and federalism or the breakup of the US. But politicians and oligarchs benefit from the economic zone that is the USA so don't expect any support from them. Things will only change after the system collapses. A country with one language, culture, and economy rarely exists in a land as big and with a population as spread out as America. It'll collapse like Rome did and rump states and successor states will form.

I can see Cascadia, urban Northern California, Vermont, and Northern Illinois each becaming separate leftist states. Texas and Deep South becoming conservative. Black people get shipped to Africa or get "New Afrika" along the "Black Belt". Mexico or a new Chicano state will take much of the southwest. The western Midwest to Idaho will join the conservative territories or hopefully become a white ethnostate. 12% of Americans move regularly anyway so people will often move accordingly or stay in their zones and deal with the government there.

>The public is wrong all the fucking time.
>Only an idiot thinks "majority of Americans support x" = "X is right".

Attached: 7A51EFAF-A684-4DA6-A7DA-DA5B3EFFC0EF.jpg (200x200, 13K)

>another crypto thread with ass hurt vatniks

Attached: 1556832288483.jpg (832x468, 76K)

thats odd, you said the same thing when american couldnt get hypersonic missiles right but russia could.

>hypersonic missles
america already did those in the 20th century ivan

>False. Nearly every person who used to be part of the “pro-choice” side has admitted that they used faulty and untrue statistics to paint the idea that back alley abortions are a thing.
lol k. Whatever you gotta tell yourself christcuck virgin.
>I don’t understand why fags like yourself willingly choose eternal damnation.
You're just in a cult. Your caveman nigger book and all your newspeak means nothing to me. Stay cucked kiddo.
>Thank you for explaining why gun control is a terrible idea.
guns aren't drugs. People don't need to buy guns every week.
>It’s almost as if we have a right that entitles us to own a firearm if we choose so.
Sure and we also have a right to regulate arms dealers. You're just a useful idiot nigger shill for a malignant industrial complex. Gonna burn in hell my dude.
>This is basically an admittance that you have zero understanding of gun ownership in the United States.
Better than you do christnigger. Unlike you I don't get to just be guided by feelings.
>Nothing you said was even remotely true.
Lol the knownothing is getting uppity.
>Listen you fucking idiot.
Shoot yourself in the brainstem lol
>People protect themselves with a firearm 2,000,000 times per year
>so you’re not fooling anyone with your propaganda.
It's not propaganda m80. More guns just equals more gun violence. Basic human behaviorism. If you give the apes guns, they use them more when they get upset.
>Enjoy your gaping hole tranny.
Oh so you're a pervert too. You're going to burn in hell for the degenerate shit you jerk off to you disgusting weirdo.

>and if the people want something their view shouldn't be suppressed just because it's misguided. I think that when you make people feel disenfranchised you make them volatile.

Suburban soccer moms and urbanite leftists can think what they want. That doesn't mean they can take my rights and what is mine. Non-gun owners can think what they want about gun laws outside of their cities. But these are our guns, our rights, and our territories. They have no right to come in and take things from us because CNN told them to. You want gun control? You've got it in your cities and states. You don't like guns? Don't buy them.

russian version of chinks spamming everywhere

Attached: 1536102164938.png (883x318, 244K)

Я нe oбocpaлcя, мнe пиндocы гoвнo в жoпy зaлили

All Russian military tech is either from the 80's, or CGI.

>a few faggots in commiefornia don't really matter.
Kek, 't-t-they don't matter' like a gramophone for the last fifty years.

So the mob is always right then?

This misunderstands the issue imo. Houston, Austin, Dallas, Atlanta, etc. Are not conservative. The same problems would exist as urban centers remain politically liberal and hugely populated.
All your solution would do is silence rural and suburban voters in California and the northeast.

This isn't a regional struggle--it's being played out in every state. Urbanites and rural folk just have different values today. Both believe the other side is actively trying to destroy America, and both refuse to compromise. Splitting up the map would just shift the problems locally, but every region where big cities reign will feel oppressed by democrats and the opposite for sparsely populated areas.

I'm of the opinion that we're going to start seeing escalating random acts of violence from both sides until it gets so bad that the next generation gets fed up with the fear and unites on that front. But i guess we'll see.

then why are you so afraid of russia? how come S-400 made you run like a bitch in syria?

Wait why arent they focusing on an accurate portrayal? Wtf is this conspiracy shit they wanna focus on

I chortled.

>how come S-400 made you run like a bitch in syria?
except they didn't or are you gonna repeat the same thing your comrades said with
>radar wasn't turned on((((((
i feel strong "missles didn't hit anything!11!1((((((" post coming from you in a few seconds

Is that the one you shot your own plane with?


"everything that goes wrong in Russia is the American's fault: a child's guide to Russian politics"

Ah, it's the Three arrows degen again.
Truth is that leftshits grab guns as a way of population control, never as anything benevolent. You have entire history of 20th century as a testament to that.

that was the pantsir, ameritard.
the S-400 is the one that shot all of your rancid tomahawks down and makes your Fail-35s dance around russian airspace.

But almost nobody wants to take away peoples guns. Your fear here is 100% muh slipper slope.
Also rights aren't real. You're given what the people give you. That's the cold reality of the universe.

I mean whatever man. I honestly don't give a fuck about gun rights. In my ideal world we wouldn't have much gun control at all, but i think you're playing a very dangerous game by making it all or nothing. When you force people to play on those terms, eventually the other side starts adopting them as well. But maybe im wrong. We'll see.

How are you not the mob in this situation? You’re trying to take everyone’s guns away and trying to label them as criminals. You people are insane.

>the S-400 is the one that shot all of your rancid tomahawks down and makes your Fail-35s dance around russian airspace.
i knew it lmao
i knew "missles didn't hit anything" post was coming lmao
calm down with your vodka infused rage or you're gonna get yourself another wave of sanctions

You sound like you are about to cry

>It was burgers who recently decriminalized the wilful spread of HIV
lol I love your propaganda Ivan. You probably spend less time thinking about your own country's policies than you do about some bill in like San Francisco designed to encourage more people to get tested for HIV.

Fun fact: Russia has one of the fastest growing HIV/AIDS epidemics in the world. You don't even have a law that punishes people for spreading the disease. Your government is more "bug chaser" friendly than America's most liberal cities.

Attached: suicides men.png (1184x1397, 273K)

Haha, this is what butthurt looks like.

>no rebuttal

pradon me that im gonna sound so russian
but where are the proofs

Oh boy, here we go

Attached: e8e.png (600x587, 84K)

>You’re trying to take everyone’s guns away and trying to label them as criminals.
Imagine being such a partisan retard you start making up your opponent's positions for them.

The world must be a very scary place for you. Do you have someone who can help?

>Ah, it's the Three arrows degen again.
nice nuspeak nigger. You know how I know you're in a cult?
>Truth is that leftshits grab guns as a way of population control
more guns=more deaths. What the fuck are you talking about nigger? Why don't you feel like a retard CONSTANTLY?
>You have entire history of 20th century as a testament to that.
Funny how you write like an ESL. Post proof that you're not a gook LARP.

>This misunderstands the issue imo. Houston, Austin, Dallas, Atlanta, etc. Are not conservative

True. That's why they'll move to places like Cascadia or Vermont. Those that stay would be right wingers, centrists, or liberals who are willing to deal with a right wing state.

>All your solution would do is silence rural and suburban voters in California and the northeast.

Vermont is solid blue in the urban and rural parts. New England (Except for New Hampshire and low population areas in western Massachusetts) are similar.

Northern California with the exception of the unofficial state of Jefferson will probably be its own state. The few right wingers in NorCal are in Jefferson or would move to right wing states.

>This isn't a regional struggle--it's being played out in every state. Urbanites and rural folk just have different values today. Both believe the other side is actively trying to destroy America, and both refuse to compromise. Splitting up the map would just shift the problems locally, but every region where big cities reign will feel oppressed by democrats and the opposite for sparsely populated areas.

That's true, but populations are not static. Political opinions are EXTREMELY static thanks to demographic change, heritability of political views, and powerful institutions. All the problems caused by population exchange and a few people being disenfranchised will be far better outcomes than the instability and violence that will result from radically different populations being forced together.

>I'm of the opinion that we're going to start seeing escalating random acts of violence from both sides until it gets so bad that the next generation gets fed up with the fear and unites on that front. But i guess we'll see.

The data shows them uniting into different camps rather than uniting as one. Partition will one day be welcomed after the horrors of instability take their toll.

Why did this thread turned in to pic related

Attached: but not my gun.jpg (1333x3000, 342K)

>ccылoчкy нa RT мoжнo?

>retarded strawman propaganda
This meme brought to you by arms dealers
kys kike

Attached: critical thinking.jpg (725x1007, 148K)

the absolute audacity of ameritards to claim that they need proof when they were the ones who claimed that everything hit when there were pictures of the undamaged buildings. the only thing that you even hit was an abandoned building that wasnt even defended. cope harder.

t. projecting Russbot


Anyway, back to the original topic, I hope there's torrents of this if it comes out. I wanna laugh at the Russian version of Chernobyl.

I just dont see any of this as feasible or even helpful. The main issue i have is
>but populations are not static

This idea that people will move based on political ideology is baseless. These political divides go across families, friends, jobs, etc. People prioritize all of those factors above poltics when choosing a place to live. This idea that fucking Texans of all people would pick up their things and move to a more expensive, more crowded, colder region away from their friends and family seems extremely unlikely.

Not to mention the end result here is that conservative countries under this model will basically become shit economically. All of the economic capital is concentrated in big cities. Rural and suburban workers commute to the cities--if all of that moves (as it would--executives are notoriously urban minded) then itll leave huge economic vacuums in regions where the populace is already less skilled and less educated.

I don't want to rain on your parade m8 but this plan would cause disasters way worse than remaining unionized will.

Ever since we stopped being America and The Constitution became "THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" from "Constitution for the united states for America" we've been the bad guys, user. What the fuck do you know, huh? What the fuck do you know?

thank you for being based and smart user. We need more people like you here to counterbalance the american retardation.

with just that single post im gonna check
>drunken vodka rage
>debunked lie posting
when is /k/ when you need them to BTFO vatniks with their "missles didn't hit11!1!1!" cope

Attached: 1536169067064.jpg (1500x1500, 694K)

>t. vasily

Donald Trump won the election because people didn't want to flood the US with "syrian" refugees, so naturally Russia is to blame, in order to hide the embarassment and failure of the professional political class

>entire chart of cope
>still no sources

My one and only time i visited /int/ years ago involved me inundating a slav with facts to rebut his points and he just stopped replying. Little did i know they were all like this.

Looking back i should have just let him live in his delusion.

I want a supercut of all the legasov and scherbina scenes because every scene they are in together is fucking kino

I don't think Russians caused Trump to win, user. But they quite factually made a concerted effort to hurt the democrats and disrupt the US election.
Literally the only people in the world who deny this are the Russian government and Russian news. Also Trump but that's more of a funny side effect.

Wait till you see them "rebutting" your sources by posting some shitty Livejournal articles in Russian.

the cope continues as russian cries out in his drunken rage
you have to put yourself in the shoes of an average russian
once he realizes what kind of shithole russia is they'd go into mass suicide, it's those delusions of power that kept russians alive

Attached: 1557253234263.jpg (1024x739, 105K)

Russia didn't do anything to the US election that every single other country, including the US itself, doesn't do. If you want to blame a country for subverting the US electoral process, quit denying the sun burning in the sky, and blame the terror sponsor state Israel.

Universal background checks is a meaningless bullshit phrase and thst "80%" have no idea whst they want.

In order to buy a firearm from a store everyone everywhere is already required to submit to a 4473 form and have it processed, which is a "universal" (because it applies to all states) background check.

When one person sells a firearm they own to another person, it's a fucking private sale of property, how the fuck is that suppose to be background checked?

>his points and he just stopped replying
i've noticed that too
it's endless proofposting and then when you delive silence

>Israel sponsors terrorism
>This somehow makes it worthy of singling out
>Implying they are the only country to sponsor terrorism

Attached: 1547417786981.png (2753x2718, 556K)

Just like the USSR, everyone is afraid to speak the truth in the US: the foreign state Israel wields dictatorial political power in the US federal government.

пoшли вы, aмepикaнцы

Attached: 1536874072363.jpg (385x354, 56K)

>Russians film their own Chernobyl series

> The set explodes and makes the Ukraine uninhabitable for a thousand years.

this churka knows

All valid points. But i was not arguing whether or not they were a good idea, so ultimately meaningless.

>everyone is afraid to speak the truth in the US
>freely posts it on an American image board

Гpaждaнин, чeгo вы тaк нepвничaeтe? Пpиcядьтe.

Attached: bottle.jpg (576x768, 58K)

Shut the fuck up
BUZZWORD. You're not a baby. Know your history, know your canidate, then vote. Russia can spread all the lies as far and wide as it wants and people are free to believe whatever the fuck they want. They are adults. Our voting machines were not hacked. Dumb people get to vote and they need help voting for the right candidate because no one interfers more with the thinking process than our own government.

now call me back when it's said in your msm))

Hello Ivan.

Attached: tenor.gif (568x320, 2.66M)

>Гpaждaнин, чeгo вы тaк нepвничaeтe? Пpиcядьтe.

privet pidor

>>Гpaждaнин, чeгo вы тaк нepвничaeтe? Пpиcядьтe.
why are you quoting russian government


This is the only (you) I'll humor you with, so savor it.
I don't buy any of this because if they had done the same thing against Donald you'd be crying foul. A massive propaganda campaign undertaken against a foreign country IS meddling with their election no matter how you look at it. Saying "b-b-but they didnt HACK anything!" Is an arbitrary line in the sand you've only drawn after the fact.

Stop pretending like information isn't relevant. We live in the fucking information age. Information is EVERYTHING. What they did for the Republicans can just as easily be against them next time.

>everything is Israel

Attached: this fucking guy.webm (846x444, 124K)

>that image
kill yourself

Attached: 1559515466566.jpg (1200x1006, 163K)

It's especially funny they cry about it being kitsch disrespectful piece of shit, considering they already did Cheronobyl adaptation which included time travel and blowing reactor with rocket launcher. With second season about total nuclear wastelend that americans turned their country in and brave russkies to save USA because retarded murricans can't do shit themselves

Attached: maxresdefault (6).jpg (1280x720, 129K)

Putin hates Gorbachev you fucking moron

>Our voting machines were not hacked.
yeah they were. And they had been for quite a while before 2014. Any district that doesn't do paper ballots and doesn't keep track of votes is "hacked."

As for the Russian active measures war, they hacked "state and local voting machines, boards of elections, secretaries of state, and county governments, as well as individuals working for those entities."

You should read the Mueller report it's fucking fascinating stuff.

Attached: PUTIN PERFECTION.jpg (700x466, 47K)

>I just dont see any of this as feasible or even helpful. The main issue i have is
>I don't want to rain on your parade m8 but this plan would cause disasters way worse than remaining unionized will.

It's far more feasible than Civil War and the ensuing chaos coming.

>This idea that people will move based on political ideology is baseless.

It's not simply ideology. It's ethnicity, worldview, career, and culture.

>These political divides go across families, friends, jobs, etc.

People already move across the country or their state away from their families. Plenty of immigrants leave their extended families in other countries and only come back to visit them from time to time.

>This idea that fucking Texans of all people would pick up their things and move to a more expensive, more crowded, colder region away from their friends and family seems extremely unlikely.

Conservative Texans wouldn't move. The liberal Texans who would move are Californians who have already moved.

>Not to mention the end result here is that conservative countries under this model will basically become shit economically. All of the economic capital is concentrated in big cities.

Why do we need tons of programmers to make an app that helps people send dick pics? We need people to maintain the necessities and the economy. Both can be achieved far better than they could in our current dysfunctional state.

>(as it would--executives are notoriously urban minded) then itll leave huge economic vacuums in regions where the populace is already less skilled and less educated.

Many urban areas are parasitic and many urbanite professions are parasitic. We need to go back to a productive economy.

And the alternative is to be so unstable that basic utilities might go out. If worst case scenario you we lose a few luxury conveniences would it really be so bad if it means ending war and instability?

wouldn't want to disrupt your propaganda daddies would we cuck?

Livestream your suicide.

>they themselves are only relevant because of overwhelming public support

I support the 2A, but the NRA really only represents gun manufacturers, not its members, and of course the Russians who manipulate it to sow chaos in the U.S. They're not a good organization for actual gun owners or the public.

Discussion of gun issues is tough, but no steps to overturn 2A are ever going to be made. Instead people will talk about whether guns should be treated like cars.

And even bigger problem is that the 2A no longer serves it purpose because private citizens really can't overthrow the U.S. military with just guns anymore. With the drone etc. tech you'd need much better weapons to fulfill either people being able to do anything as private citizens if the U.S. is attacked OR overthrowing an unjust tyranicial government.

Go to bed Mueller you're drunk.

>Many urban areas are parasitic and many urbanite professions are parasitic.
do nothing rural niggers actually believe this. Enjoy working at wal-mart until you kill yourself brah.

Lol okay m8. Good luck with all of that

>No rebuttal
Correct. Take it as a victory if you like. Effortposting deserves something. But in reality, this would be a good conversation to have in person--seems too many lines if thought to deal with in this medium.

>t. Mehmet Roachmangul

Attached: 1498795342025.jpg (606x592, 56K)

>no argument
classic cuck behavior. You're in the dystopia. Your suicide will be the most patriotic thing you ever do.

all jokes aside, it would be great, the cynicism and total lack of affirmation is present, but it's just gonna be more 3.6 propaganda and who knows what else.
Sometimes the truest things are the funniest so overdramatizing things just make people feel like it's just that, overdramatization.

Just stop Mueller you're making a fool out of yourself again.


>Jews stronk

Manipulative and destructive. They are parasites.

Attached: JW 17.png (500x468, 131K)

>Manipulative and destructive. They are parasites.
And yet you really can't seem to beat them, huh?

>no argument
gotta stave off that cognitive dissonance AT ALL COSTS amirite comrade?

Fun fact: T_D was created by a GRU agent. Donald Trump has been a Russian agent of influence since September 2, 1987. All that "meme magic" in 2016 was just "paid shills pretending to be your friend." Enjoy coping for literally the rest of your life. You're going to be explaining to your nieces and nephews how you got hoodwinked into shilling for an illiterate pederast with cartoon hair by a Russian memecult for the rest of your life.

Attached: Trump Russian propaganda .jpg (800x1048, 216K)

but will it have hookers and blackjack?

Electricians, plumbers, farmers, and other skilled trades aren't exactly "liberal" - especially on social issues. We don't need more lawyers. We don't need more programmers to sate the tech bubble and keep wages low. We just need a productive economy. We can do that with what we have, especially if we drop the dead weight of welfare queens, bureaucrats, and lawyers.

The weak should fear the strong.

Attached: download (2).jpg (259x194, 11K)

What is up with you ESL niggers and not understanding what words mean? Is it because you're a poorly educated shill for a totalitarian oligarchy that exploits and abuses you into compliance?

Nice youtube propaganda. Nice propaganda meme. Are you being paid right now or are pro-bono cuck? Post pics of your office.

Attached: laughing hard.webm (652x1080, 773K)

>an anglo making a blogpost referencing a New York times article written by someone with a russian sounding name shilling for everything anti-Putin somehow means Russia is making their own Chernobyl show

Do you people even look at what you are sourcing? Of course dumbass anglos will believe this because they unironically think television shows they made are something Russians care about.

Attached: sources.png (321x70, 7K)


Why do you talk about yourself in 3rd person? Also your post doesn't contradict the "manipulative and destructive" claim. Jews need The West, not the other way around.

Attached: JW 55.jpg (4500x4602, 3.88M)

Not an argument. You can't rebut this video or the sources within:

Attached: JW 13.jpg (600x666, 90K)


Attached: 1557412116567s.jpg (125x115, 4K)

conservative is a relative term, the modern Russian state is absolutely conservative in regards to Russian culture

>russians thinking they're capable of doing anything more than flooding ukrainian facebook with gay porn

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>Electricians, plumbers, farmers, and other skilled trades aren't exactly "liberal
A: There are more of those people in higher population areas. Are you fucking retarded? Why don't you feel retarded constantly?
B: These professions are some of the most union-prone in history. Are you fucking retarded?
C: Farmers just got a huge government bailout after Trump's tariff's tanked their industries. They're literally socialist at this point.
>especially on social issues.
AKA jangling keys to keep retards batting down and away instead of thinking critically about the self-destructive cancer they're actually voting for. You're just a feelsfaggot nigger that's easily abused into compliance.
> We don't need more lawyers
that's kind of true. There is kind of a surplus of lawyers currently. Not sure why you think lawyers only live in urban areas, but you're retarded, so who knows how your mind works.
>We don't need more programmers to sate the tech bubble and keep wages low.
A: yeah we do. That's the future. That's the biggest growth industry in the world.
B: You're literally advocating for unionizing and minimum wages
>We just need a productive economy.
yeah and this happens in urban areas with lots of infrastructure and public transportation and nearby access to resources. The country is being kept afloat by population centers. How are you so fucking retarded m8?
>We can do that with what we have,
What are you even talking about? You clearly can't do shit with anything.
>especially if we drop the dead weight of welfare queens
Trump just cut $2 trillion a year in corporate taxes while exploding the defense budget so we can fill the desert with tanks that will never be used. You're a psychotic retard and you should reflect on your life. You're voting for the welfare queen party.
Republicans have NEVER not exploded bureaucracy. You're so fucking stupid.

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