IS Yea Forums EVER RIGHT?!

IS Yea Forums EVER RIGHT?!

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>Yea Forums says movie will be shit
>movie is shit

Is that even out yet?

friendly reminder that some transformers movies made 1b

this but unironically



this but ironically unironically

>94% verified audience score

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>when the score is bad: conspiracy, bots, russians
>when the score is good: totally legit

This, also it's funny how liberal sjw commies turn into unironic boot licking capitalist conformist when it's for Disney

inb4 audience will always rate high

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>I am too dumb to know what NEW verified reviews are


To be fair, even normalfags were saying it looks like shit.

Got em, mouscucks on suicide watch

yeah, when audience is mostly made of disneydriones and sjw moms...

I-I just wanted Godzilla to succeed

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>if a shitty movie is making money, it's not shitty
hollyjews oldest trick and a redpill that the general public are sheep.

why tf do you care
you investors or something

As the one person on Yea Forums who saw this movie (took nieces), I would like to point out the following:

Aladin is obviously inferior to the cartoon in every way but of the "Disney Live Action Reboots" that I've seen this has been the best.

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Wow it's almost as if moronic ching chongs only care about simplistic spectacles

How is 68 not high?
Show a recent well known movie with a userscore lower than 40% instead

Considering how easy to please audiences are, anything below 80 is trash.

This. Yea Forums only mistake is trusting disneydrones to have a modicum of taste left.

>that pic
I thought they were going to make Will Smith's character blue...

>Says it will bomb
>Backtracks like a faggot

Ince;s sure being btfo a lot lately

Yea Forums BTFO again huh, well color me shocked

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