Imagine actually putting out 22 pieces of shit over 10 years with the marketing budget that rivals some countries' GDP...

Imagine actually putting out 22 pieces of shit over 10 years with the marketing budget that rivals some countries' GDP yet STILL failing to take down Based Jim.

gg capecucks.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Imagine being the highest grossing movie of all time and having zero cultural impact to the point nobody can even name a single character in your film lmao

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>this tired bait

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We’re in the Spendgame now lads. I’ll be damned if Jim gets the last laugh

I'm sorry, but did the Cameron already lose? Oh, that's right. Filming isn't even over yet. In fact, it's only in pre-production. Does not having the technology to film at pre-production count as a loss? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when the film is still green lit? Cameron is still directing right now and he has been the best auteur in the West for how many years now? He's making one of the kino films in Hollywood who just happen to have to the advantage because they're feeding off the energy of capeshit . But you know what? They still fucking suck. Cameron is one of the best fucking directors in the Academy, he wrote Alita last year and would of released in time for this years awards if Vince Pace didn't choke. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when Cameron wins and someone bumps this topic. Oh look at that, Steven Spielberg just went overbudget on Indian Jones 5 when they needed to buy Harrison Ford a new knee, just like Villeneuve did. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-Cameron topics because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like the artist because he's visionary. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll these fucking plebs on the board, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.

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Endgame has zero cultural impact. Everyone forgot about it already.

People cant even refute it, thats the hilarious part

woah so this is what it means to cope

He said while Marvel continued to dominate and set the standard


Miles Quaritch
Jake Sulley
Ney Ney
Dr. Augustine

what do i win i didn't even google

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>He doesnt understand that the user clearly searched up the name

Set the standard for grotesque capeshit amalgamation

>its only making 50,000 a day now

you did google if not now previously when it was asked. I have no diea who any of those names are

Jake Sully
Yab mebo
Urd yabu

checkmate Disney cucks

Are you telling me you dont remember such iconic character like Miles Quaritch and Tsu'tey

not an argument

Imagine if they rerelease endgame. Atleast it is culturally relevant and beat titanic. I personally loved it and don't really care about box office shit

are you still here?

Avatar has had no impact on culture. Noone remembers even the names of the character or even the plot. Just blue faggots

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Avatar has had more cultural impact than every MCU flick combined. Read it and cope.

Ohho yeah. Tell me how. As for mcu, characters like Starlord and drax have became household names and people cried on ironmans death rather than supermans

>I just bought 12 more tickets with this month's allowance match me bros!

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>at this rate it'll have to be in theaters for another 7 years to reach Avatar

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Avatar technology made purple ball chin guy's face not look retarded. Checkmate faggot.

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Talking about its present record, all they need to do is rerelease once kek

>technological ain't have nothing to do with cultural

This is what you came up with you fag
Avatar hasn't had a cultural impact. Cope

Took down the Titanic kek when no other film came close. Made 22 flicks while Cameron kept making the retarded sequels.

Thanos is the most important film character of the decade.
Avatar? Wasn't that a cartoon?

>reshaping the technology of kino has no cultural impact
this is your brain on capeshit

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please outline the criteria for 'important film character'

i feel like her hairline has been manipulated for this image.
Perhaps by a certain photo manipulation software called microsoft photo-shop?

Do people who make the 22 movie argument not realise that making 22 movies in the same continuity is pretty fucking difficult seeing as nobody else can pull it of. Also that each of those 22 movies also made profits of their own so if you try to claim they somehow count as marketing, their gross should also be included in the total.

That is indirect brainlet. Keep jerking off to blue pocahontas while mainstream normies fangirl MCU kek

Cringe and zoomerpilled

capeshitters are really this delusional

Titanic still deserves to be the biggest box office success because its the last true hollywood epic, a genuinely great film in its own right and has characters/set pieces/dialogue that everyone remembers 20+ years after its release.
The fact that it was beaten by Ferngully with guns and the 30th rendition of super hero rubber suit slap fights is a ghastly reminder that there is no justice in this world.

This. Based. No one except Feige could pull this shit off. Cameron wasted years making his blue faggot sequels while Disney churned out 3 flicks per year. Checkmate

>mfw she STILL won't have sex with you

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Titanic was shitty and deserve to be sunk

16' LAMBERTS (Read it and weep capeshits)

Prepare your s*y addled anuses, capetards. Based Jim is going to do it YET AGAIN with A2. He's revolutionizing 3d tech (again) to create 16' lamberts instead of the traditional 3' lamberts. This means that 3d kinoplex viewing will be absolutely groundbreaking and will be a MUST SEE for everyone in the world. Kids will go home to their parents and scream that they need to experience it, and their parents will turn to tell their boomer parents that they need to experience it before they croak. This is what sets Based Jim apart from the pleb directors and puts him firmly in the kinosseur realm.


Not to mention entire sequences are shot FUCKING UNDERWATER where he's trained literal children to hold their breath for over 4 minutes to get the shots he demands.

And another point that 2 and 3 are filming simultaneously so that they'll release closely to each other. Fear Jim you fags, the box office tops will be Avatar 1, 2 & 3. Screencap this.

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>set the standard
They're meeting a standard that James Cameron set for action movies, the fact it's got le many characters doesn't make a difference.

Delusional and ironic

>imagine identifying yourself with a movie brand so much that you actually care
>imagine being this lonely

This. Jimbo literally pioneered modern action movies, and made them the genre they are today. You should bow to your master and admit that you lost. It's ok.

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imagine giving a shit how much jew money any one particular jew gets

Well fuck was I wrong.
How does a woman's head end up like this?
I swear she has a normal hairline from various movies I remember.

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I saw Avatar once in my life and still remember like half of the characters. Is your IQ 70 or something?

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>he watches anime


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>complaining about anime on Yea Forums

Every time.

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Presently, true.

Hahahahahaha Avatar sucks Normies love Marvel. suck my ass Jimmy noone cares for avatar all cameroon can do is sell technical products disguised as films while disney shills good films on a storytelling level and churned out 22 flicks in a decade

Is there any opinion that outs a r*dditor faster than having a negative opinion of James Cameron on Yea Forums? You should go back.

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>he doesn't even deny it

The pro Cameron posting started after the reddit influx. Former redditors (or people from 9fag) flooded this place and tried to fit it.
So here is the truth
>Aliens, T2 and True Lies are amazing
>Cameron is better than the MCU generally
>Avatar is still forgetable Hollywood eco-shit that was cleverly marketed

Cope faggot, reddit is much better than Yea Forums and im pretty sure you are one too hahaha kek lol lmao rofl lol kek hahaha kek haha lmao lol hahaha kek

Fuck im laughing so hard rn

posting images made by an actual reddit trip
or was this before your time??

Lmao lol hahahaha kek rolf lol kek hahahahah lmao lol rolf kek hahahaha kek lol kek lmao hahaha kek

>haha one of the first boards was an anime board ergo you're not allowed to criticize it!
What utterly retarded logic, it's like saying you can't criticize movies and tv series on the Yea Forums board.


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>marvel continued to dominate and set the standard
how can one opinion be so wrong?

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Weird how the newfag only replied to this post

this is your brain on capeshit

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Begone thot lmao kek

>capeshits have resorted to raw shitposting in their last gasp of cope

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>95% of the movie is in front of greenscreen
>outsource cgi to china/india


I literally said that Cameron is better than MCU.

>nobody can even name a single character
Lyle "Get Some" Wainfleet

Newsflash for capeshitters: Some of us aren't tardlets and remember things longer than 2 weeks ago

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i barely remember what happened in endgame while i remember avatar pretty well

The last capeshit I spend money on was The Dark Knight. Didn't even read your weak shit.

No one remembers those characters

Why weren't you here when this trash flick released?
Why did you only join Yea Forums after reddit made it pleb friendly?
Do you even remember avatized?

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>abatap characters are popular I-I swear

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do people actually like avatar or do they just hate capeshit that much

i've been on this shitty fucking site since 2007

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