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I can't believe how awful this season is. Literally no redeeming qualities

Have sex

They probably added more women into the writers room like in Rick and Morty and Always Sunny.

open marriage strikes me as a thinly disguised selfish woman thing

Not usually. In the few I've seen in real life they go like this

>Husband gets bored of wife
>Wife reluctantly agrees to open marriage
>Wife has zero trouble getting laid
>Husband can't find quality pussy better than wife
>Husband asks to stop
>Wife now addicted to the cock carousel

No. Brooker wrote all the three.

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I don't want cancer, think I'll pass

Factually speaking open relationships always benefit the female more than the male because of the larger dating pool women have access to. It is expected from a woman in her mid 20s to have gone through multiple partners (15+), have parteken in orgies, bsdm degeneracy and other subhuman kinks whereas the male counterpart will have a rather mild sexual history, with 2 or 3 long term relationships at worst

social media *IS* bad tho.

The second I thought was a missed opportunity in really nailing down the extent in which tech companies and their ability to track people online coincides with the total nature of the surveillance state. They demonstrate it well for most of the episode by show how the company does a better job of investigating the guy than the police are. But then when we learn of the guy's reasoning it deflates into a "don't text and drive" thing which seems like an unnecessary divergence from what was set up before. I was hoping he was some fringe guy who was desperate to get his identity off the web and to get off the grid or something.

Get off from this website than, reddit

What really pisses me off is that the first one and the third one had decent premises.

The third one really did not need the story with the fan girl and her sister. It should had just focused on Miley and her aunt taking control of her body and songs. Then instead of a hologram replacing her you have an actual fan getting reconstructive surgery to look like her and replace her.

That passive aggressive tweet from Anthony Burch about exactly this never fails to make me laff

*Second episode

>Someone was triggered enough to make this

You are insane if you think the average woman goes through BDSM and orgies. The nastiest thing most of them do is suck a dick and get an ass slap.

am i in the minirity for thinking this is the best season since season 2?

wasnt a huge fan of the miley cyrus ep but the other two were really solid, felt like a return to form instead of the "mind inside of a computer" bullshit they always try and pull

The man almost never proposes an open relationship. If a man wants more pussy, hell either drop the bitch or cheat. Stop bullshitting

this site is unfortunately swarming with cuckolds who love exaggerating this sort of thing

if it makes you happier you are free to wallow in your ignorance

Excuse me if I don't take your virgin opinion seriously


nigga this is the most antisocial website I can think of. Reddit is the facebook of imageboards

Oh for fucks sakes fuck off you greasy cunt.

This season was weak as hell. Episode 1 took a concept as interesting as living in a fighting game, and reduced it to a mundane tale about an affair. WEAK.

Ep 2 was a total waste. That could literally happen in the next 5 minutes. There's nothing suspenseful or intriguing about it. No peek into the future. WASTE.

EP3 was meh. Passable really. Nothing special and wouldn't necessarily ever watch again. Seasons 4 and 5 were just awful

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Take your nigger/wigger ass back to motherfucking black people twitter with the other negros and self hating cucks

Dilate? Yeah, let's go with that. Dilate.

>get fucked in the ass = good
>get cucked = good

>le virgin
Go dilate you fucking mutant lmao

wot if every woman took black cock?

nah, this is more realistic

>Wife is cheating or wants to fuck other guys
>Husband reluctantly agrees to open marriage
>Wife has zero trouble getting laid
>Husband can't find pussy
>Husband asks to stop
>Wife now addicted to the cock carousel

On the other hand
>husband is bi
>get's more dicks than he can handle
>wife gets jealous and is the cuck
Open relationships are literally for women and faggots.

The 15+ partners though...

He is talking about millennial men

Luckily lm handsome as fuck so I have no problem getting laid, but you wanna know how I know you’re a roastie?

Get a new line.

>open marriage good
Yeah if you are gay and dont mind your wife fucking other men.
Not sure they are trying to promote anything.


go back to /pol/ zoomer scum

One day you will become a 30+ year old and hopefully you havnt let yourself go and you will learn to how hard the tables turn on women.

>brookers muzzie wife starting to redpill him

relationship being the key word, what man wants more relationships? it's about male attention for the woman not the marriage, all women want to be pursued by multiple men

Virgins come here and make spiteful messages to try and make people who have sex lives feel bad about their sex life.

Its pathetic.

Don't worry, we don't take your roastie opinion seriously, either. You're all liars.

Silly user, when women start to hit the wall they just start fucking black guys

He is right where he belongs, you on the other hand should fuck off.

Yeah and I'm fucking a 25 year old. I was fucking an 18 year old. She had abs. It was niiiiiiice.

No, it's people with genuine experience with women. who post these, because modern women are complete shit.
The virgins are the ones who put women on a pedestal because they don't know them.

That "innocent" gf you have? She's probably had a good mile of dick ran inside her pussy and her ass. Think about that the next time she says "she doesn't do anal".

It's literally part of the reason why there's outrage for that Porn finder shit that the Chinese men have made. Women don't want their beta bob to find out their "innocent" wife or gf has been in bukkakes, given rimjobs, been pissed on, got dp'd, etc etc.

Lmao getting bested by a woman. Beta.

If you've never been fucked over by a women, it's hard to believe you've ever dated on, Omega.

>baww I got bullied by a bug mean

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r/pol/ gets deleted when?
can't wait

You know how your girl was a huge slut before she settled for you? Well it was me that took her virginity. I have taken many virginities.

Statutory rape in a couple of cases.

Like I said, you're a virgin. It's not 'bullying'. Women are cunts and anyone whose date them knows that.
You prove yourself kissless with your BS.

This guy gets it. It's hard to take the virgin white knights and roasties on here seriously when even my actual boomer coworkers with daughters agree with me when I say all women are whores.
Same goes for my military ultrachad neighbors in college. They knew what was up.

Tell me all the times women bullied you.

>Statutory rape in a couple of cases.

Everyone knows you've never stuck your dick in a woman. All you're doing is digging the hole deeper.

Oh it was.

Absolutely based

I have learned two things from Black Mirror:
First, Star Trek fans are fucking creeps and should all be shot.

Second, if you play a fighting game as a girl, you're gay. No exceptions.

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You claim that all your relationships with women, they betrayed you.
Surely you can tell us about them.

Mcleans article called "The Star Trek Connection" already covered this.

based Sonicfox only plays guys though

So you're retarded as well as a virgin. Interesting. Literally not at all what I said.
>modern women are complete shit.
What I actually said.


I'd believe the all women are whores trope if I wasn't personally surrounded by chaste femcels, as in 30 years and 0 relationships, socially awkward etc.
But yea the idea of nubile teenagers partaking in illicit satanic orgies full of hedonistic debauchery is hot as fuck. I just want to know where I can sign up.

no, fuck people who like star trek. that episode showed the world who they really were: power hungry creeps

You know that Mein Kampf rant where Hitler talks about the intellectual dishonesty of the Jews? It also applies to women.
Prove them wrong, and it doesn't mater. Ten minutes later they'll convince themselves it never happened. I literally had a woman tell me she never cheats on her boyfriend (my roommate) the day after she came in my room naked and tried to fuck me.

Drive a sports car and park it outside a school. Wont hurt if you have some spirits and fancy clothes too.

Literally just have to act like a cocky jackass and not make a fool of yourself. Though I admit acting like a cocky jackass and not making a fool of yourself is a thin line to walk.

That's why you need to be an alpha male so that a woman cheating on you isnt totally consequence free.
Her life style, sex life, social life, comfort and maybe even physical safety has to be at stake if she fucks around.

That's if you are in a relationship with a huge slut of course.

If you are black, stop being so aggressive.
If you are white, walking right up to them and telling them they are hot is usually gonna get you in if you have any chance with them at all.

Women love forward white bois.

No woman has ever cheated on me. You keep making up these stories in your head that bear no relation to anything I've actually said.

I'm finding myself more confused by the father's role in it. He developed some dumbass tasering mouse robot, and was a shit Dad. What was the whole "brain scanning" computer for? How does that interface with Ashley Too through the charging port? That whole family was shit.
I'm convinced that episode was solely written around the premise of advertising Moley Cyrus. It was a decent premise, if it'd only been about her getting milked for songs in a coma and she never recovered.

>all women cheat
>no woman has ever cheated on you

Oh boy.

Lmao, never tell them their hot unless it's in passing. You can listen to one of their stories and go 'that's because you're a hot chick', but you can't faun all over them. That builds them up and tears you down. You can only build them up if you act like it's no big deal to do so.

I never said all women cheat. I said all women are shit. I told a story of how a woman tried to cheat on her roommate with me. But I don't enable bitch's degeneracy and I don't shit where I eat. I just want the quiet life.
Like I said, you're retarded as well as a virgin.

Yeah. In a club, pick out a girl you think is single, in your league and tell her she is fucking hot. She will probably start kissing you right there on the spot. Also she will later say "I loved your confidence and how forward you were. Usually boys are much more shy".

Shyness is not a quality women admire in men.

this, also lets be honest, they are truly incels and should unironically have sex to learn about the real world

So you have only had shitty girlfriends? Or is your wife shit?

Jesus man go outside please

I'm not suggesting you be shy. I'm suggesting that you don't open by gushing all over them.
9/10 you're best off just doing to Joey Tribbiani. 'Hey, what going on' works better than anything unless you're an uggo.


1. Don't be an incel

That's it.

Some of them were good girlfriend. But they were all shitty people who let the media live in their head.
What about the way I've been talking about women makes you think marriage is something I'm into?

Well yeah that's what I'm getting at.
Walk past them and suddenly stop and say "hey your really hot!".
They will probably smile, grab you to dance and then you just kiss them there and then.

You can get like 5 numbers a night doing this.

>all my relationships were with shitty people
Common denominator is...

>that entire last episode
What the fuck, why did Black Mirror make a mini teen movie? It was bizarre how poor and out of place that episode felt, although the two daughters were at least both cute

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Literally this but unironically

It wasn't ironic to begin with. Literally fuck incels, just fucking kill yourselves already.

This except i'd like to establish that not being an incel involves having sex.

>black gaymers over do their bromance and start cyber fucking each other.
Its remarkable how many people were made uncomfortable by this isnt of finding it hilarious.

Oh, I'm not a nice guy. I cop to that. But that doesn't change the fact that all women were shit. It isn't just the women I've dated, it's the women my friends have family have dates, the women that were friends and family.
Do you know how many times people have tried to cheat on someone else with me? Because I do. My friend's sister came on to me at her boyfriends birthday party once.
They are all shit.

I wonder if incels have the same suicide rates as trannies?

>I'm not a nice guy
>all the women I know are bad people
>all the people I know are bad people

Lmaoing at your seething existence.

Get bent and broken. God loves only me you subhuman.

Well this thread has been completely derailed by a bunch of virgins arguing over women

So is the season 'don't watch it' bad or just not as good as other seasons?

>believing in God
>being an incel
That's cucked squared.

Lmao that file name got me

It was hilarious, but nobody watches Black Mirror to laugh. That's why everyone thinks it's stupid.

the wages of sin is death, tranny

I know good people. They just have shit girlfriends.
You really are going to great lengths to deny the obvious about women. Why do you think none of them trusts each other?

Probably much higher unrecorded percentage, since they have NOBODY to care for them. Even trannies have friends and society's support. All incels of the world could off themselves right now and we wouldn't find out for years for the most part. They are basically non-existant as it is.


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My brother was an incel for years before he got married. He has three kids now. His only problem was a lack of confidence after his high school girlfriend broke up with him. Didn't have another for like a decade.
We all (his family) still loved him.

Trannys basically are fucked for life because they are dickless eunuch who self sterilized, i think it's much worse life honestly. No wonder almost half kill themselves and probably the rest OD on purpose.

Literally a subhuman demon talking to me. Get bent. Angels love me.

Based schizo

>trannies have friends and society's support.
no they don't, that's why they kill themselves eventually

hi projared

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I never denied anything. I am just very curious about your shit life.

I liked the Nathan Barley reference in the Ashley O episode

And that's it

god the pop star episode was so bad.
they had NO idea what to fucking do.
It started out as about a girl getting unhealthily attached to some sort of AI friend, which could be a legitimately interesting concept in the age of kids with youtube star fixation, then they just bailed on that.
Like what was the point of the entire point of the talent show scene? that did fucking NOTHING. why.
so they bail on that and do something about how brutal the entertainment industry is, etc, which is fair and a good topic, but charlie has to go fucking overboard and cant show how the entertainment industry can be unhealthy to stars without having the agent literally try to murder the star. at this point why even have the AI robot? why not just have her biggest fan dig through and find out she's not allergic to shellfish or something? hell why did the AI glitch out hearing the news thing? thats such a lazy plot device. but ultimately its this disney channel tier plot of a teenage girl rescuing her favorite pop star?
have it be about a stalker trying to save the person theyre stalking, but they have a restraining order, and the info they have that can save them is info they're not supposed to have, so they have to try and save them anonymously remotely?
could be a good thriller but charlie has to fuck up and make the most blunt and aimless shit possible

and the punk aspect of it is insulting. yeah you like really obscure bands like "sonic youth" thats fucking epic dude. and then the end they try to show her changing her sound but its just generic pop punk, and they think if you put people with mohawks in the audience they'll buy it as le epic punk rawk