What does Yea Forums think about this list?

What does Yea Forums think about this list?

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It’s true

John Travolta is great. Why do you read and spread this tripe around?

Anyone who thinks Nicolas Cage is not a good actor obviously knows nothing about film

i would lick, suck, and kiss gal gadot's soles

I agree with pretty much all of it except for Kristen Stewart who is actually a decent actress.

>only 1 black guy
>and its the one reported with the tiny dick

They are correct

Why do girls always always think they're scathing and bitchy, then end it with a "and have a GREAT day (:"?
Is it because they never evolved past year old girl sarcasm being the height of hilarity?

>Amy Adams


>Nick Cage
>John Travolta
>Daniel Radcliffe
>Amy Adams
>Kevin Costner
>Bradly Cooper
>Bad Actors
Roasties have the shittiests opinions

>all whites and the black guy that only dates white women

cool story bro

This. It fucking pisses me off like you wouldn't believe.

Add Adam Sandler and i will agree with you.

Attached: 5297274-6304711-Giving_chase_Sandler_was_seen_wearing_a_fashionable_mustard_yell-a-91_1540246947427. (634x879, 113K)


It's true though, for some strange reason most mainstream black actors are A1 quality.

Has Amy Adams even ever done a bad movie? There's the DC movies but I don't think anyone would pinpoint her as a fault in them

I love his older shit but I wouldn't say it's good acting and I haven't seen enough of him lately to have an opinion about his skills as an actor and not an entertainer

He's the same role every time like Keanu, and both can't do accents.

Arrival, MoS

yeah american hustle


Reported. Enjoy your ban :)

Agree with all except Cage and Travolta.

Sounds like they picked names out of a basket.

not one black guy from black panther was a good actor though so how is that true

Fuck off, Lindsay.

amy adams is not a bad actress lol.

Travolta, Cooper, Wahlberg and Sandler don’t belong on that list, the rest are garbage.

He is good in Funny People, Reign Over Me, Meyerowitz Stories and Punch Drunk Love. When he tries and doesn't do his stupid comedies, he can give very good performances. He has new film out this year from the directors of Good Time.

Attached: uncut_gems-556862011-large.jpg (764x1200, 75K)

>Reporting a report
Enjoy your ban ;)

The roastie thing is a meme. It's a genetic lottery, some vagainas are like that. My mom for example has a pussy like a baby, you cant see the labia. Yet my sister has a big labia even when she was a virgin
Same as the "uncut dicks smell Thing
I am cut and mine smells in just two days of not showering while the dick of my father, who only showers once a week, never smells.

Radcliffe is shit but otherwise I agree

>>Daniel Radcliffe

>listening to holes

Except for every single black and mixed black actor and actress in Marvel films, Star Wars and anyone named Idris Elba.

I'll check it out
I love it when comedians do a good job with serious roles like Jim Carry with Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind and Man On The Moon

Just going to say, dances with wolves?

>Adam Sandler
t. bitch who has never seen Punch Drunk Love


Did you see how bad Robert Pattinson was in Cosmopolis? It depends on the movie and director and BP was utter dogshit. Can't expect much.

>no POC

>>The roastie thing is a meme.
t. roastie

>tiny dick

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>MoS good

Attached: 1557079769350.png (645x773, 11K)

But Pattinson was good in Cosmopolis.

>Eternal Sunshine
Roastie detected
God that was shit

I really don't take issue with this.

Oh nononononononono

Oh yes. There was nothing wrong with his performance.

>Daniel Radclife
>Adam Sandler
>Vin Diesel
>Armie Hammer
>Bradley Cooper
All decent actors. That faggot probably saw them in their most popular movies only.

Nah but let's both just agree that you're a faggot and move on.

>t. 18 years old

Seems like you are the faggot since you can't even explain what's wrong with it.

>Wants to continue arguing like some petulant child.
You're not fooling anyone, zoomer

Why? You'll just say "nuh uh you don't understand kino or kino acting!!! ;("
I've been here way too long to fall for writing long ass paragraphs for anons.