How did Enya lose the Oscar for May It Be from Lord of the Rings? That is one of the most beautiful songs ever written

How did Enya lose the Oscar for May It Be from Lord of the Rings? That is one of the most beautiful songs ever written.

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who did she lose it to?

Because it's generic shit that interrupted a beautiful rendition of Concerning Hobbits during the end credits

More than it, Ron Howard's already forgotten Beautiful Mind won the best movie and direction. At least Shore won for the soundtrack for LOTR.

Enya lost to Randy Newman's Monsters Inc. song.

Enya was unfairly labeled as a joke in the late 90s to early 2000s despite being an extremely talented composer. She’s gone over that hump at this point in her career. She probably could have won if it happened later in her career.

She mainly lost due to Newman being extremely overdue and it being “his time” though for some shit song no one remembers.

it actually wasn't a bad song

>Enya was unfairly labeled as a joke in the late 90s to early 2000s

Don't remember this.

She got clowned on by critics and shows like South Park. I think people have largely realized that she is good these days though.

It interrupted what could have been one of the most beautiful credits track ever made so I don't like it

>imported direct from europe


men of taste and integrity

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Are you talking about The Breaking of the Fellowship, the part where the little boy starts singing? They could have rolled right into the credits with that

wasn't the full uninterrupted track on the soundtrack?

>he unironically listens to new age garbage

Not him, but where can I find it? what's the name of the track


Who doesn't get shit from music critics? Everyone of them are try-hard cringy faggots.
Also when you are really famous, like Enya, you inevitably get parodied or made of fun of in some way.
She's never been a joke and has had commercial success forever.


It's just boring, corny ass wh*toid nonsense. Why would it win?

So Matt and Trey aren't just hacks, they have shit taste as well

>mfw when we'll never see any fantasy kinos as good as the lotr trilogy in our lifetime

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Go away, Zach

here you have some actual crykino



imagine losing to this:

You know, cuckasian people such as yourself.

Pixar flicks are literally ręddit in film form

At least Into the West won for ROTK. The lyrics are seriously well crafted and it makes me want to start rewatching straight away.

>Being a non-white

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>Going extinct in your own country

Lord of the Rings is the closest i’ll Ever come to my fantasy of hearing Bork do a Bond theme, i’m Living with that truth every day but it still hurts.

I thought of that song the other day and it made me tear up
absolute masterpiece