

Attached: 23-12-45-edward-furlong-rehab-fat-bloated-secret-treatment-facility-02.jpg (1380x880, 130K)

How does he get money now?

Fuck, he looks like Jeb bushs daughters

Where was this picture published?

>Pasta la vista , baby.

i think all child actors get a stipend for staying quiet

tfw I'm 6 months away to be like this.

He doesn't, obviously.

My son Big Hoss

that thing's a HE? I thought I was looking at a really fat lesbian
what the fuck

It's the kid from Terminator 2

He's been getting acting jobs consistently since the 80s, so he always has money, he just spends it on coke as soon as he gets it though.

Why is he always wearing that tshirt

Fuck you dickwad

Furlong on Best of The Worst WHEN

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he's levitating

Culkin tries too hard to be funny and his humor falls flat.

He is painful to watch, cuz I'm rooting for Culkin.

poor guy is trapped in his teenhood, I bet his knees were hurting him so bad

he still got to fuck monica keena back when she was hot

>@EdFurlongLover Do u have a boyfriend?
>@EdFurlongLover Where u from?

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He fits in perfectly
I want a fallen z list celeb kino it's so funny seeing them suck up to YouTubers and not the other way around.
Furlong is based I'm mirrin that hairline and his lifestyle

he came a long way

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Looks like Glenn Danzig's retarded little brother