What are some good tv shows or movies about LARPing gone too far?
What are some good tv shows or movies about LARPing gone too far?
Other urls found in this thread:
The Wicker Man
the twilight zone movie
>Get busted with weed
>Claim you cant understand the court
Das Experiment
"you honor, i never refereed to witness B as a "bumbaclot, and i certainly did not blow marijuana smoke into his face"
Whats it about
The Stanford Prison Experiment. There's a decent American remake and a TV series in the works, too.
How did he ask? How did they understand him?
The Wild Hunt.
Wtf is wrong with white people?
Advertisement and commercials work.
there are a lot of white people in Jamaica
Considering who we got as president. Everything.
Upvoted! It's really brave of you to stand up against cheeto man with all these alt-right nazis around! :)
Edit: Wow, gold! I'm honored!
Die Welle
Kino LARPing gone wrong.
That guy is based as fuck, anyone saw his interview? He sounds Jamaican too, it's fucking hilarious how he trolls the people who want to shut down his church
Does this guy even understand his own religion? Has he even read the wikipedia page on Rastafarianism?
Uh... WOW, this is really problematic... He's a transnigger and that means he's NOT white.
So triggered lmao
Why would they shut it down?
Scientology, Black Islam, and Mormonism is more batshit insane than Rastafarianism
Heh... Got 'im.
people hate seeing other people have fun
Based as FUCK
Didn't know this loophole existed
>get busted with weed
what kind of shithole harasses people over cannabis?
Not even a weedfag, this guy is based.
All countries should aspire to be more like Japan.
It's completely legal one state over.
Everyone knows you can't be a legit church unless the clergy is molesting kids with local politicians
>All those horrible puns
Are Wisconsonians retarded?
The kind that doesn't want a sharp uptick in instances of psychosis.
>weed causes psychosis
Wait, what loophole?
Is it seriously legal in America for religions to overwrite local laws in accordance to their religious practices?
It does. It's psychoactive and there have been numerous studies on Cannabis induced schizophrenia and the like. Keep in mind, people these days aren't smoking the home grown shit your mom and dad had back in the day; they're smoking shit that's artificially been made a hundred times more potent than it should be. And it's only getting stronger.
Should probably ban the internet then
Fuck off
The internet in no way directly causes psychosis. Don't be dense.
Hmm is that why YouTube is taking down problematic material like conspiracy videos because, according to them, it's detrimental the mental health of the youth
Kino original or flick remake?
It's even stronger in certain parts of America, you dumb fuck. Do you honestly think that being on a different continent makes a difference? It's the same plant with the same psychoactive effects; it's a question of potency. Get some strong shit in America and the same risks apply.
That's censorship. They're not doing that for your mental health, user.
>The internet in no way directly causes psychosis
[Citation needed]
The burden of proof is on you. I can't prove a negative.
>muh stronk weed
Fuck you and your modern day Reefer Madness bud.
>modern day Reefer Madness
It does over the long term. Also long term stoners develop serious issues with short term memory and anger management.
Why would you do drugs when you can just mow the lawn?
They’re still white people, cracka.
This, but unironically.
No offense but I don't trust anything that comes from the so called UK
>leftists are the snowflakes!
Oi, got a license for that skunk bud gov.
Then I encourage you to do your own research. You'll find plenty of similar studies from America, Europe, Japan and China.
Yeah with tons of work related suicide, an eggshell culture, and subway groping