Is the handmaid's tale the biggest feminist strawmen ever...

Is the handmaid's tale the biggest feminist strawmen ever? They have to create a show full over ebil men that are overly violent and oppressive to attack because it literally does not exist in the west. I'm starting to think women are the one with the power fantasy.

Why not just make a television series about the middle east then.

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sit down, uncle.

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>women might not be able to get taxpayers to pay for their abortions or whorepills anymore

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Atwood was inspired by the treatment of women after the Iranian revolution, something the show's creators are never going to mention.

"Bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks."

I kind of agree, if the entirety of our media and the collective (society) didn't band together to brainwash kids into believing in love. It's a cute concept but used as a weapon to ruin men's lives. Even men who have been ruined by cunts still defend them and think "i just picked wrong, the one is still out there"
If they were up front and honest about being parasites who use, they'd still find guys to walk all over, just not as many.
The way they get to act one way but get treated another is what chaps my ass, those poor guys


Im not sure senpai, because I haven't watched it. Do you purposely watch shit to get mad?

Clown world

Wrong show. That's Sansa Stark from HBO's Game of Thrones. We're talking Handmaid's Tale.

Well the book was written around the time of the Iran revolution, and the author is clearly writing a story of something similar happening in the USA.

But all I'm saying is this:Man in the high castle
Well maybe if men would use condoms or take responsibility we wouldn't need abortions.

Truer words never spoken.

You let him have sex with you, or are you not in charge?

have sex

>Well maybe if men would use condoms or take responsibility we wouldn't need abortions.
Well maybe if women would responsibly choose their partners instead of letting every Chad, Tyrone, and Miguel cum inside them, then they wouldn't get so many "unwanted pregnancies".

I have, which is how I can not put pussy on a pedestal.

>Take responsibility.
Ah yes, all those men who have the state backed power to strip women of their income because they had a kid that he doesn't want.
Oh wait.

The concept of love goes back a long way in history. At least 2000 years

I'm convinced this is just fetish fuel for women. They want to be tied up and bred against their will. So long as the dudes doing are rich, handsome, and powerful at least.

No one in this thread has had sex and it shows

why are people under the impression that women aren't able to buy condoms?
It's both people responsibility to abstain until at least one of them produces a means of contraception but why pretend a woman isn't equally able to go into a 7-eleven and buy a pack?

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Take responsibility for your own actions.

>Chad, Tyrone, and Miguel cum inside them, then they wouldn't get so many "unwanted pregnancies".
Clearly then Chad, Tyrone, and Miguel aren't taking responsibility
That's what happens when you don't take responsibility

>create the marvel that is Western Civilization
>raise the life expectancy, educational access and living standard of women to unprecedented levels in human history
>invent every modern convenience
>suffer and sacrifice in countless wars to defend it

is there anyway to make women happy. Seriously, is there any condition that can be achieved that will appease them - perhaps even compel them to show some gratitude? I'm curious. Or is this woman in her 'liberated' state; constantly attacking men, constantly feigning victimhood?


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>Clearly then Chad, Tyrone, and Miguel aren't taking responsibility
So you're implying that all of the men who cum in your pusy and create unwanted pregnancies did so forcefully against your will? You didn't have the ability to say "do you have a condom?" or "we're not fucking unless you have a condom"?

wow I guess women really are psychologically on the same level as children

The most successful horror movies / TV shows are the ones that explore subconscious fears. Handmaiden's Tale appeals to women because it explores the fear that their rights, freedoms, autonomy, equality etc are fragile and could be taken away if society fell. Heck, you don't have to go far to find countries where women are legally second class citizens.

Handmaiden's Tale is interesting and relevant because it's a sort of anti - Sex and the City. SATC was female wish fulfilment fantasy: it's a show about a B-grade writer who inexplicably gets paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to write drivel, and parties all over New York with her socialite friends. Fashion, connections, money, power. And the basic paradigm of being in charge of your own life, and being able to tell anyone else to go fuck themselves. Handmaiden's Tale explores the opposite - a female nightmare. Together, both shows are fairly good bookends outlining the female psyche.

women have just as much control over condom use as men do you fucking retard

>it's a form of slavery to live with the natural consequences of your actions without the luxury of modern medical science stepping in funded by workers to take it away
literally only rape victims should be permitted abortions, they didn't choose it and we don't need rape genes in the genepool.

So you're saying that men are beats filled with nothing but lust who can't think ahead or see the consequences of their actions?

wow I guess men really are psychologically on the same level as rutting animal.

It was always wishful thinking. Only two gay guys can love each other. A guy can love a chick. Chicks don't even love their own kids, they're just another useful tool.


>let men create literally everything you and your ancestors have ever had
>okay now give us control (:

Women decide who enters their pussy. End of subject.

>'liberated' state
Very few women actually attack men on this unless cornered in a debate where they resort to empty platitudes taught by the MSM. Just accept it already that not all women are bad, but that it’s either a cabal of bad actors or a shared malignant interest that has introduced the current political, cultural and economic rot into western society.

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wrong, women should not be allowed abortion. If you give women a right under law, they will never stop pushing it further. We gave them the right to vote and in under 50 years we had two world wars, and ever since has society as a whole deteriorated so badly we are on the brink of total disaster.

>Just accept it already that not all women are bad
Women literally do not possess empathy for people who are unattractive. This is a scientific fact.

Just don't have sex then you won't need an abortion.

>Claims men won't be responsible so abortions are needed.
>Freely admits the state forces responsibility thus removing the need for abortions.
Are you a fucking goldfish?

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So you are saying that women are beasts filled with nothing but lust who can't think ahead or see the consequences of their actions?

wow I guess women really don't know that it is their body and their own responsibility

It's basically just Iran though


user we all have rape genes

Yea Forums brainlets can never read between the lines.

When Atwood vrote the book, she was inspired by the Islamic revolution in Iran. Shw tried to envision how something similar could happen in the US. Islamic takeover of the US was not realistic, but an extreme Christian takeover could not happen without major conditions.

So she put the infertility crisis in the story. In the books and the show, the infertility is heavily implied to be caused by agressive STDs with no other symptoms than making you infertile (antibiotic resistant probably). It is as much a criticism of degeneracy is it is a warning tale against religious extremism.

Contraception is a woman's responsibility.

Finding the most "attractive" or "fit" mate is literally the only purpose of a females existence. This is why most real effective methods of attracting a woman are based on deceit and using your superior intellect and/or strength to overcome their inherent weaknesses in order to plant your seed in whatever females you deem appropriate for procreation before they can find something "better" and you can maintain the illusion through constant progress while laziness and complacency leads to her resenting you if you are weak and cannot maintain.

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So what you're saying is I should just start selling cocaine and/or MDMA so I can creampie as much prime 18 year old pussy as I want

t. nigger

>I would rather murder a baby than abstain from sex
Evil, soulless whore.

>It is as much a criticism of degeneracy
I think the producers of the show were also incapable of reading between the lines then

Anything else is a lie built around the desire of someone else to get rich off of your time on this planet.

Why don't women have any responsibility? Why do men have all the responsibilities but none of the rights? It's his child you're killing as well, you know.

Why do you want more niggers and crime?

It's smut. They get off to it.

>aborting rape babies
>somehow makes more niggers instead of less

>set a series in an imagined Christian dystopia
>meanwhile the events depicted are happening right now in Islamic countries the world over
>instead of keeping it ambiguous go out of your way to lionize Islam in the face of this made up Christian extremism by having the main character find a Koran and treat it with reverence
I'm so tired. And so angry. I can't stand the continued hypocrisy. It's all so blatant.

The connection between sexual liberation and the infertility was heavily implied in show too.

The hilarious irony of these bullshit stories are when men are "evil" they ultimately have the most responsibility to maintain existence... Then when the women "rise up" everything falls apart and becomes unsustainable longer term which ultimately leads to more pain and suffering before the inevitable demise of everyone due to your shortsighted ignorance.

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No it isn't, the whole reason in the show is pollution of the environment.

>Chad, Tyrone, and Miguel cum inside them, then they wouldn't get so many "unwanted pregnancies".
>Clearly then Chad, Tyrone, and Miguel aren't taking responsibility
"my body, my choice". They have no parental rights after they blow inside you.

>extreme Christian takeover
Polygamy has never been a facet of Christianity outside of a recent fringe cult in Utah, and from its very inception has been lambasted by every doctrinal source. The society depicted in the book/show is absolutely nothing what any kind of radical Christian extremist society would look like.

No you want to ban all abortion except on rape cases when I'm saying abortion should be free for all because it lessens the amount of niggers and crime. So once again, why do you want more niggers and crime?

imnwatching an episode right now, its boring and bad acting

Butthurt incel

It's a very, very slow burn.

>lolberals think it’s about BRUMPLF GRUMPF and ebul Christians
>it’s actually about Iran and radical Islam


But dude they just made getting no fault abortions illegal in a single state if this isn't the sign that women are literally slaves in the USA then I don't know what it.

I love how the left cites Roe v Wade so much and doesn't talk about how the woman from it is one of the biggest anti-abortion activists in America

Uncle, there is a chair here. I think it would be quite advisable for you to place your so far unmentioned rosy cheeks upon said chair.

like wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more women get abortions than get raped

like wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more

I'm going for five in a row so nobody fucking post anything I can do this I believe that we will win.

The reality of this is kinda chilling when you think about it...


Hail Satan. Nigger babies belong in trash cans.

why is it chilling? most of the abortions are done by plebs meaning we have less low class scum in the world. crime and welfare cost decrease. win for everyone.

Most abortions are of "african american"/mixed babies where the father is unknown.

Noticed this Hollweird and Shitflix push for Islam

>Jack Ryan
>brown Terrorist guy is the most cool, borderline-secular, charismatic family man in the show so you involuntarily start rooting for him
>Cia director is a Muslim that was "lost" in the beginning but strengthens his faith the more the terrorists kill

Stopped watching after the scene where the French police office answers patethic to Jack Ryan
>Why so they kill us?
>Maybe it's a cause we never gave them a chance
>*Dramatic music and long exposure shot* indeneed for the rly makesnu think effect

OMG so deeep I love an desert death cult now

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I agree. If I could get pregnant, I'd be the agent in charge of the operation.

Imagine every time you jerk off a little fetus appears. Then you cut it up with scissors and throw it in the trash. That's abortions all day every day with some being near full grown and torn apart outside of the womb like some Soldier of Fortune shit with a vacuum cleaner mod.

it's peak liberal/feminist delusion

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Lol at the whale

As if that fat fuck on the right side is skinny enough to be fertile.

umm sweety, actually it's the women who get to decide if they were raped. It's her body, her word that counts.
She may have consented to the unprotected sex but not to the pregnancy, so that's on you.
I hope you get a lot of "love" in prison, you fucking rape apologist.

Yeah, they have no obligation to acknowledge reality (I've let two dozen different guys cum in me in the last 5 years) when a small fraction of a fraction of a percent exists, they're allowed to now equate all pregnancy with the crime of rape in 100% of scenarios.
once again they want to have it one way while pretending they don't

>Clearly then Chad, Tyrone, and Miguel aren't taking responsibility
Responsibility for the outcome of sex is shared between both individuals. Obviously the burden isn't, but it's not like either party was lacking in agency that could have allowed them to avoid pregnancy given that there are dozens of ways to avoid that outcome.

Face it. Women just want to absolved from the consequences of their choices. They could use protection, then could get IUDs, they could use plan B, they could simply abstain from constant sex, but no.

>crime and welfare cost decrease
ABORTION does not lower these things at all. All it does is make these people more likely to commit crimes and enable other criminals.

>skinny enough to be fertile
That's not how that works...

>skinny enough to be fertile

Well, you kind of have to be somewhat big to be fertile.

>ABORTION does not lower these things at all.
yes it does. less people on the strata of society where criminality is common, the less crime.

"Both obesity and overweight are increasing worldwide and have detrimental influences on several human body functions including the reproductive health. In particular, obese women undergo perturbations of the ‘hypothalamic pituitary ovarian axis’, and frequently suffer of menstrual dysfunction leading to anovulation and infertility"

shut up faggot.

There's way less crime and state dependence in countries where abortion is illegal/severely restricted.

explain to me the logic where more lower class scum means less crime and welfare?
>We offer evidence that legalized abortion has contributed significantly to recent crime reductions. Crime began to fall roughly 18 years after abortion legalization. The 5 states that allowed abortion in 1970 experienced declines earlier than the rest of the nation, which legalized in 1973 with Roe v. Wade. States with high abortion rates in the 1970s and 1980s experienced greater crime reductions in the 1990s. In high abortion states, only arrests of those born after abortion legalization fall relative to low abortion states. Legalized abortion appears to account for as much as 50 percent of the recent drop in crime.

This is how pro-lifers actually think

lmao, thead so toasty anons begin to cite sources.

Hit the nail on the head, friend.
Male power fantasies almost always take positive forms, and always involve things like a group of friends (including women, usually) saving the world from some evil. Or at worst, a Diehard situation, where a smartass saves some hostages single handedly.

Female power fantasies are always either negitive in general, where women are slaves and have to overcome the evil male oppressor rapist types. or at best it's a bastardization of a male fantasy (think star wars) where there's one female goddes who can effortlessly do everything men struggle to do and is ALWAYS right, with a few throwaway minority males in the background to stand aroumd and look shocked while said goddess does everything.

Even in stories like superman, Clark reveres a woman, and in every iteration, loses his shit when Lois dies or is even harmed.
No female version of this exists, as men are evil, gross and wrong. And women even see the Lois and Clark scenario as oppressive to Lois...

Yes, that's why Latin America is full of peaceful countries with very little violence at all

Middle-Easterns are gentle and polite to women for the most part. Probably more so than in the west where people treat them like men and only don't hit them out of fear for the law.

check domestic violence stats in the West, bro

Abortion isn't decreasing the amount of lower class scum it's just killing babies. You want to sort out your lower class scum sort out your immigration policies that lets in all sorts of welfare dependants.

uncle, sit down

i haven't watched it, but i did read an article in the guardian this week about how problematic it is that its starting to humanise some of the male characters in season 3 and how wrong any sort of nuance other than 'they're evil!' is

I‘m hereby starting the „Anal as an alternative to abortion“ movement.

It‘s free, eco friendly, gender neutral and empowering.

Who‘s with me?

>Abortion isn't decreasing the amount of lower class scum it's just killing babies.
Yes it is, because those babies grow up to become lower class scum. see


>one with the power fantasy.
everyone has one.
>Is the handmaid's tale the biggest feminist strawmen ever?
only watched 3 random eps so I would not know
>They have to create a show full over ebil men that are overly violent and oppressive to attack because it literally does not exist in the west.
k. There are many dystopian books where they do shit that does not exist in the real world or would not even be the best option.

There's plenty of other factors to consider in a fall in crime rates besides abortion, such as education, something with a much larger effect on crime. Has there also been a 50% decline in welfare uptake to correspond to this supposed abortion related drop in crime. Are there even less lower class people in America now than before? Immigration control is much better at lowering these rates and the amount of lower class individuals than abortion. Abortion is nothing but a tool for murder, nothing will ever make me support it. I see every single one of these abortionists as a murderer and I doubt they are counted as such in those statistics.

There is not enough funding for education already so how would not adding more people into the system be bad?
have you had anal?

>such as education
what kind of educational reforms those states that allowed abortion earlier and/or had higher abortion rate did that the states that had low abortion rates did not do? you gotta be specific if you are offering alternative explanations. it seems to me you are so against abortion that you just straight out don't believe any scientific evidence that says anything positive about abortion. why do you like lower class scum and crime so much?

>have you had anal?
Not that user, but some women can supposedly get some clitoral stimulation from ane. At least that's what the girl I currently fuck says, and she's always down for me to fuck her up the ass, especially when she's on her period

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The implication that men must take responsibility assumes that women cannot

t. dicklet

Have sex

Why have any sci-fi?

>so against abortion that you just straight out don't believe any scientific evidence that says anything positive about abortion

Well that may be the case. I am 100% against abortion and believe there are no benefits to come from it.

I think unless there were three witnesses, her word doesn't count.

You rape their minds and bodies into submission.

Look at the phenomena where a mother will favor a new suitor over their own children and be okay with said suitor when they abuse the child of the former spouse.

Women were ment to be dominated

>cast ugly goblin as main character
>seemingly every other character wants to fuck said goblin despite being well supplied with better looking female humans

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That is not what am asking. anal can have its own complications especially given how uneducated about sex the average person is, you don't just stick your dick in a pooper

are you volunteering?

my body
my choice
my responsibility? What?

I do, but I'm straight and don't bother with used goods.

>brown muslims in middle east mistreat women
>somehow spin it into blaming whitey in the west

have sex

>The Handmaiden's Tale was inspired by "The Incredible Oppression of Women by the Reagan Administration."

Who could forget the incredible suffering of women in the 80's, all brought on by Reagan.............

>Well the book was written around the time of the Iran revolution, and the author is clearly writing a story of something similar happening in the USA

I see nobody commented on the important part of your post

ah yes i remember when americans rounded up all the women and put them in breeding camps yes quite

God you are retarded

>claim we're all brainlets
>literally every roastie here uses the same talking points
You bitches are straight up retarded

I don't agree with the message but it's a decent show it's in own right, at least the first season which is all I've seen. Most dystopian situations are fairly unrealistic anyway

>my imagined fictional persecution scenario never happened!?!
>you must be retarded


based and psychpilled

They can't. Because at the same time this happened, we stopped painting the world with lead.
Lead, an element known to lower IQ and severely increase violent tendencies when introduced to developing organisms, as well as causing madness and violence in adults.

This would be a valid argument if dumb cunts weren't dressing up as haindmaidens every time a law got passed that they don't like, and where the shoe wasn't devolped clearly to exploit women's belief that a President they don't like means the end of the world.

>book is clearly anti islamic in message

did they only stop painting with lead in states that allowed abortion earlier and/or had higher abortion rates to explain the drop in crime there compared to states with lower abortion rates?

The reason that this shit is so popular is because it's a female fantasy, not a nightmare.
At a subconscious level they like being sex slaves to dominant men. It's just a fucked up evolutionary thing. Look up War Brides.

The powers that be want to oust the middle class in favor of a new underclass made up of easily led zealots who will grow dependent on existing power structures over time.

Nearly universally, these two things nearly universally coincided, and the crime rate didn't drop until the 90s, mostly because that's when children not introduced to lead were born.
You guys love to cherry pick stats, be honest about that.

all women deserve rape

>women are the ones with the power fantasy
Bravo, you finally caught on.

The only men who think women should not be allowed abortions are actually incels, virgins, or old white men. Prove me wrong.

you cant

Thank god, abortion is the single thing keeping white countries from becoming nigger run hell holes

Do those places have tons of niggers and spics?

You're so stupid, thats like looking at iceland and saying "look they have lots of guns but no problems" ya they also dont live in planet of the apes{"colId":"Location","sort":"asc"}

White women have the most abortions followed by black women.

How the fuck can they draw a causal link between abortion being legal and there being more crime?

if lead was the only reason for drop in crime rates, there wouldn't emerge a difference between high abortion states and low abortion states. and of course the crime rate drop has a delay because children don't factor into crime statistics. most start their criminal careers as young adults so naturally there's a gap of about 18 years.

Wow all of those could probably work

Too bad letting laquisha puree her niglets brains is just as effective


>Do those places have tons of niggers and spics?
it's mostly niggers and spics who use abortion in us so of course abortion reduces crime in us

Not per capita

You keep saying this, but crime is down across the map. There will always be some variance, but you can't even come close to proving this entirely. You have to cherry pick some states with high abortion rates and some with low. I've never seen a study that didn't do that.
Have you actually read them, or just some summary written by political activists?

>literally only rape victims should be permitted abortions, they didn't choose it and we don't need rape genes in the genepool
"Officer! He raped me, I swear! Please let me have an abortion!!!"

Women get raped all the time.
Even the fat and ugly ones.

It's no different from saying more abortion = less crime.

Margaret Atwood is a fucking hack and her books are shit

Post more muzzle gags

Imagine working your way up the party ranks and you are finally rewarded with a cute handmaid for all your years of hard work
your neighbour gets that young bitch from gilmore girls and you are giddy with anticipation what kind of pretty broad you are being given to impregnate
then the day arrives and it's the 40 year old uggo elizabeth fucking moss
that's the true dystopia right there

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>muh cherry picked stats
so that's how you explain away the difference between high abortion rate states and low? for example the 5 states that allowed abortion earlier than the rest of the nation and experienced declines in crime rate earlier was just a coincidence?

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>need abortions

Gross lmao what a proud whore you are

Psst... the book is an allegory for shariah law. Pass it on.

I haven't seen the show but unless there's some kind of indoctrination apparatus to ensure all men are abusive assholes this premise doesn't work because most white men naturally treasure their women

It's why in western countries rape was considered so horrible in the first place and romantic poetry has an established literary tradition

kek, norm is so based

>I haven't seen the show but
Yea Forums in the nutshell

I refuse to believe a single man on Earth would fuck any of the boiled dogs in that show, let alone breed with them. Elisabeth Moss looks like a Punch puppet ffs! Femcels are the most deluded, tragic beasts alive today.

This. More muzzle gags please.

I'd fuck Elisabeth Moss, she cute

Here’s a guy who never experienced teenage love

OP simplifies it a lot. The majority of the people in power are angry sterile women who treat women who can still have kids as whores. The men are either upper class and married (and are using fertile women to breed), or in situations where they can’t change anything.

I hope Nick does not die. I will drop this show if he does.

Also what's Lawrence deal? is he a bad guy? and why'd he let June listen to those strategy meetings? to fool the resistance?

lmaoing @ all the seething incels replying to this post

I'm honestly willing to bet you didn't either, most teenage love is lust, you'll get laid one day dude.

Why is it always incels calling other people incels?


Its a symptom of the way our brains cope with anxiety. If something in our lives causes mental stress we subconsciously find ways to ease the anxiety by normalizing the behavior. In the case of inadequate women who can't get what they want in life they escape into fantasy worlds where they're victims of systematic oppression. Thats fine if they can recognize it, men do similar things (especially incels) but they don't. People think their brains are like computers that process data logically but we're all mentally ill

I am a volcel but I'm just greatly astonished by how people can get pregrant unless they really plan to. Just don't bust in her, how hard is it? Pump her and when you feel the beginning of the end, just whip it out and cum anywhere else, how dumb do you have to be? And how dumb does a woman have to be to fuck a careless faggot or not use a ton of pills or whatever birth control shit if they really wanna play it risky.

Have kids incel


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t. incel

I must get settled first, get some experience with women when I'm LMSmaxxed and then marry when I'm in my early 30s.

That's what i did

Seems like the best course, really. I'm glad I'll be able to enjoy life and get used to a woman's company between 27-30, and then I can happily marry someone.

>Well maybe if men would use condoms or take responsibility we wouldn't need abortions.
the robots keep forcing women to take the d unprotected
damn the robots
damn them

They have a hard enough time remembering to take out their tampons.
Don't be so hard on them.

its all bullshit. women watch it because they secretly get wet to the idea of being a handmaid.

too much experience is what makes real men hate women. dumb roasties have it all wrong, because they have smaller brains and can’t ever see things rationally.


why are you letting men fuck you without a condom
i know women are retarded.... but why open your legs to a guy with no condom?

Never really cared about the book or show, but I was wondering: does the handmaid system actually solve the infertility crisis and achieve replacement level birthrates?

The Handmaiden's Tale is just 50 shades taken to more extremes. No different from the simple shitty soap opera shows with lots of drama and tragedy. All women are absolute whores when it comes to emotions, they love devouring it.

I’ve had sex with at least 7 women (granted it’s been a couple of years since I did) and I can tell you from the bottom of my heart, they were truly all awful overemotional manipulative cunts. I would rather jerk off for the rest of my life than even talk to another woman

i mean really, the recent ted bundy movie just proved that once again women are completely fucked in the head, even after all this time there are still women out there falling in love with him. its absurd

quality analysis user. you smart.

What about your mom?


>Well maybe if men would use condoms or take responsibility we wouldn't need abortions.

The only 100% effective method of birth control is abstinence. Condoms, birth control, all that shit, are highly effective but none of them are 100% effective. There is always the chance that someone could get pregnant even when using some method of contraception. So you are basically saying never to have sex if you don't want to get pregnant. Meanwhile every incel on this entire website complains all the time about never having sex. You are really all hypocrites but too blinded by your own stupidity and ego to ever admit it.

No chance of her getting pregnant if you cum in her mouth and she swallows lol fucking dumb cunt it's not rocket science, just don't cum anywhere near her cunt

Were they all different types of women or all cut from the same cloth?

>No chance

It's is extremely, and very unlikely, but not impossible, retard. Small amounts of sperm can makes its way into your precum and get people pregnant. It doesn't always happen, and it doesn't happen often, but it is POSSIBLE. You act like me bringing up the possibility that it could happen means I'm saying it's going to happen all the time.

Just don't have sex, if you're both stupid enough to do it without a condom. No precum will burst through a condom, such precautions are 100x better than contemplating abortion. You think a woman's psyche can be 100% okay after she aborts her unborn kid? That shit takes a toll on women, something like that should be avoided at all costs.

You're supposed to be normal, healthy weight to be fertile. As in, not fucking overweight. This meme that being a landwhale means you're fertile couldn't be further from the truth and it's extremely harmful.

>Just dont have sex
Thats exactly what he was originally saying though

The book was originally based on the growth of the christian evangelical movement in the 80s, but also the growth of fundamentalist islam.
Ironically today the societies that most resemble it are muslim ones like Iran where you can have a few wives and you can get a ''short term wife'' pay her for her services and keep the baby afterwards.
What they don't say is that the most wretched and lowest people in these societies are old women without families and low income (and therefore unattached) men, not young women who lack power but can at least get a higher standard of living by giving up their freedom.

Again you are missing the point. I agree, you should always have sex with a condom, because not only does it prevent against pregnancy but it prevents against STD's as well. But you can still get pregnant when using a condom, they can tear rip or tear. Obviously the chances of this aren't high and are really low, but what if the condom rips and you got her pregnant from the small chance of sperm leaking into your precum as I mentioned earlier?

Again I'm not saying this happens often or that it's even typical, but the possibility exists. Should the woman be forced to spend the next 9 months carrying that pregnancy to full term, and spend the rest of her life being a mother to a child she didn't want? What if the condom ripped, the guy was too much of a retard to notice, and got the girl pregnant? Why should she suffer for what the guy did?

I agree, the psychological toll an abortion puts on a woman is severe. No woman takes abortion lightly or like it's something fun to do. What's worse: psychological trauma for the mother as a result of an abortion or the psychological and developmental issues the child will experience being born to a family that never wanted it in the first place? Everyone cares about fetuses being killed, but no one seems to care about the babies themselves once they get out the womb.

The scene where serena walks out into the ocean was kino. And then back on shore just walks right by Fred. Fred who needed an acting coach to apologize right. I feel like I shouldnt have powered through the first 3 eps but overall very little happened

very different but somehow all the same

It's leftist fantasy that christcucks are going to to full Inquisition in the US. It's popular because the viewers play mental gymnastics that mudshits aren't barbarous savages that cut women's clits off and mercilessly beat them whenever they feel prudent, but that they should all be allowed to emigrate to the west. White-Urbanite-Marxist-Savior Syndrome.

>Well maybe if men would use condoms or take responsibility

Why can't women take responsibility?

Oh yeah, it's biologically impossible :^)

I don’t get it, why not just look at Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia if you’re wondering if The Handmaidens Tail will be real

She also said religious extremism could always come back since we had a similar society in the 1700s, hence the maid outfits.Please don't think the author is much better than current feminists. I am sure she will also have a bunch of nice pandering to the current feminist crowd in her next book Handmaids Tale TWO (because she doesn't get much royalties on adaptations of the first one and still wants a chance to milk it herself).

Is 1984 the biggest libertarian socialist strawman ever? Orwell had to create a book where the ebil government is overly violent and oppressive to attack because it literally doesn't exist in the west. I'm starting to think Orwell is the one with the power fantasy.

Why not just write a book about the soviet union then?

The birth issue is explicitly said to be caused by chemicals and pollution, not "degeneracy". It's crudely environmentalist if anything.

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You have the naivety of a 10 year old.

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>What they don't say is that the most wretched and lowest people in these societies are old women without families and low income (and therefore unattached) men, not young women who lack power but can at least get a higher standard of living by giving up their freedom.

Black Pilled touched on this in regards to the show. Most of the authority figures with actual screen time are just other, older women while the "evil" men are either one rich guy or nameless guards and soldiers.

>Well hung super chad forces me into his castle and into a life of wealth and protected status and then dominates me with his giant chad cock and hunky bod until he blows his giant aryan load inside me and impregnates me then forces me to live in a palace while raising cute high IQ babies.
>I'm so oppressed.

What did women mean by this?

>Sees radical Islam destroy Iran

This is your brain on radical feminism.

The "caring" and "maternal" sex want to conveniently murder people.

What are Atwood's thoughts on the tranny question?

It's chilling because you're tearing apart a little human limb by limb and pretending nothing is wrong. Like, these are the same people who would get upset if you hit a puppy. They have been conditioning into thinking it's okay to use a vacuum and other surgical instruments to murder the human equivalent of a puppy, all because it's more convenient to their lifestyle.

>Well maybe if men would use condoms or take responsibility we wouldn't need abortions.

Don't have sex without condoms then and stop fucking losers.

friendly reminder you can be a middle of the road looking guy who bathes, works out for an hour every day for 4 days a week, is fit, has a steady income, is intelligent and has good personality and is social and you are STILL never good enough for modern women

Attached: how-women-rate-20-19-18-16-35697906.png (500x662, 45K)


People still pair up long term.

So if that graph would true it would be negated by the fact that women are apparently more likely to date people who they perceive as less attractive.

>women are apparently more likely to date people who they perceive as less attractive.

I'm sorry are you a time traveler from the past?

This is increasingly becoming obvious.

Specifically, low IQ extroverted personality types, especially those types of people with borderline personality disorder, narcissistic personality disorder, anti-social personality disorder and histrionic personality disorder (these are the bad women basically) obviously cannot be expected to be reasonable and responsible. If we were to demote extroverts to second class citizens with more appropriate rights and freedoms and keep introverts as the dominant caste that make decisions and have the fullest amounts of freedoms because of their superior level of responsibility we'd probably have a better society.

Abortion activist feminists are basically admitting that they lack compassion and cannot control their sexual behaviour. They are, ironically, admitting that they don't have sentience.

Reminder that they sell sexy handmaid costumes

I haven't watched this series, but reminder that women make up 80% of the consumer market. All that cheap makeup, booze, and clothing women love to buy is taking it's toll on the planet. So pollution and chemicals are really a product of degenerate lifestyles, chiefly led by women.

it would be fun if there was a CIVIL WAR II in America

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>women are apparently more likely to date people who they perceive as less attractive
That's just because they rate most men as "less attractive" in the first place you dumbass.

not to mention what he really meant was "friendzone and pretend you are interested in less attractive guys in order to suck some money out of them while you are looking around for an actual boyfriend"

>women dont find men attractive
more news at 5

No follow me here and stop being a braying dipshit one of you.

Most heterosexual of both sexes end up in long term monogamous relationships. These relationships must involve an equal number of men and women.

And if that graph was taken as accurate women tend to perceive men as less attractive.

But they all have be ending up dating and getting into these long term relationships.

Meaning that logically women have to be more willing to date people they perceive as less attractive, otherwise the current state of affairs would not exist.

It's hard to have any sympathy for the betacucks who spend money on sluts for no reason though.
>oh I give you $100 a month!
>will you be my gf now?
I mean what the fuck

lol right? what retards, just pay a high end hooker and get a fucking dog lmao

>But they all have be ending up dating and getting into these long term relationships.
>Meaning that logically women have to be more willing to date people they perceive as less attractive, otherwise the current state of affairs would not exist.

Yeah once they turn 35 and look like shit from drugs and alcohol and find some beta loser to support them while they still fuck guys on the side

>women never pretend to be seriously interested in you even though they are just being lying scumbags
You never interact with women do you?


>women tell guys to just go get laid by a hooker
>women make prostitution illegal

Attached: pepe-math1532872756402.jpg (741x568, 73K)

>not cumming in pussy

kek. this the new Have Sex

This really. Every bitch is weak for something and smart guys will use that to get in

>Or at worst, a Diehard situation, where a smartass saves some hostages single handedly.

>or at best it's a bastardization of a male fantasy (think star wars) where there's one female goddes who can effortlessly do everything men struggle to do and is ALWAYS right

see some similarity there?

I guess SATC is popular with women becuase it explores conscious desires. I mean, what women would not want what horseface had?

>make sex work legal
>make buying sex illegal

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>>women make prostitution illegal

Women were not even remotely involved in politics when WWI and WWII happened. Now you're just talking out of your ass.

women were and are the driving force behind making prostitution illegal and raising the age of consent

Do you honestly think the average marriage is a cynical ploy to be a low-paid prostitute on the part of the woman in an era where workers are so deprived and persecuted that in most couples both partners have to work anyway?

those don't contradict each other

Now post the other chart from OKCupid where it showed that despite that, women focus most of their attention on the least attractive half of the male population whilst men bombard the most attractive 10% of females with attention whilst ignoring the rest.

>in an era where workers are so deprived and persecuted
What era was better for workers?

Basically this.

>shit that doesn't exist
go away, roast beef

suffragettes did the age of consent thing. They said it increased the likelihood of women becoming sluts. I'm sure they'd change their mind if they could have seen what it did 100 years into the future.

>reeeee don't ruin my illusions from selective data
have sex

source? I'm not buying that at all. Women are way more likely to go to chad.

For pretty much the whole latter half of the 20th century(the 30s onwards in the US due to the New Deal) you could buy a good house on max 1 year's working class salary. That's the equivalent of working in McDonalds nowadays.

nice non-data you got there, faggot


besides stupid government laws since then, two other things made prices on real estate go up:

illegal immigrants taking up room and driving up prices

also foreigners buying property and sitting on it as a tax haven from their own country

Hahaha incels Btfo yet again lol

Women who have had an abortion are sexier my guy. Like national service, it should be compulsory.

Attached: male-messaging-curve.png (396x324, 13K)

Then why hasn't the market corrected and construction of housing increased?

Attached: female-messaging-curve.png (381x313, 12K)

It has but foreigners keep buying the new property and illegals keep moving into them

Does getting raped give you leadership skills?

Why does she wear the mask?

Do you feel in charge?

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Black man good.
Muslims not oppressive.
White Christian men oppresive.

Attached: nigger baby white feminism genocide mother.jpg (720x814, 47K)


No, because in the Diehard style power fantasy situation the protagonist if massively fucked up by the end of it. Their body pushed to the limits and virtually destroyed for the sake of saving the day. They also often make mistakes, can't save everyone, people they care about get hurt or die.

In the female action hero power fantasy, the protagonist is never injured and comes out in the end no worse for wear. Everything they do they accomplish effortlessly, it never even looks like they are trying or putting much effort into it. Everyone they care about is saved and no serious harm comes to them.

Uncle Incel, have down and sit sex

how does she eternally BTFO incels and feeble lords alike with such elegant ease lads?

One just needs to look at the example of Rome to see where female "liberation" leads. Rome, when ruled by men and had women kept in their proper place, went from being a bumfuck village vassalized to the Etruscans to the world's first true superpower spanning most of Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. Alas, the vast riches and prosperity brought about by this expansion led to degeneracy and weakness and very soon Roman law got the ancient version of 'family law'; women got rights and within a few centuries of female "equality" Rome went from imperial superpower to raped into rubble by "migrants" + vestigial remnant in the East. It took the West nearly a full millenium to recover from the first time "female liberation" was tried. How long will it take post-collapse for the West to recover again, if it even recovers at all?
>Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it

> 10 years ago
> before Okcupid was destroyed and replaced by a Tinder clone

Women are more manly in behavior and superficial than 10 years ago while OKC had been a site for more levelheaded (and sometimes desperate) people that would care more about interests than looks.
A more recent Psychology Today article defined that the regular woman goes for the medium and attractive man every time instead of the unattractive one regardless of her spoken preference in personality and traits.
Coupled with the first OKC graph this means only 19% of men have a chance at stable relationships with women. Maybe even less considering the site clienteles special situation compared to regular people. Obviously there are more relationships than this so effectively this means most relationships (those of the unattractive 81%) are in constant danger of the womens satisfaction dropping when she starts thinking about her life or finds someone better looking who is attracted to her.

>In the female action hero power fantasy, the protagonist is never injured and comes out in the end no worse for wear. Everything they do they accomplish effortlessly, it never even looks like they are trying or putting much effort into it. Everyone they care about is saved and no serious harm comes to them.

> inb4 disappearing-space-dagger.gif