Attached: avatartwitter.png (727x469, 443K)
Ayden Ward
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Grayson Morales
Seriously though why did it make so much? Were people truly just that dazzled by the special effects? That's literally all it had going for it.
Henry Cooper
it was alsoduring a recession
William Reed
3d tickets were like 25 bucks a pop at the time
Easton Bailey
>22 movies
Noah Baker
it was a spectacle. I had never seen the whole theater clap after the ending title flashed on the screen before that day.
Daniel Rodriguez
The thing is marvel fans bought tickets too end game probably 3, 4, even 5 times in succesion bolstering sales tremendously. Avatar was just unirversally appealing and made 3D a staple in theaters, avatar success came from a much wider audiance than endgame even if it somehow manages to pass its box office in the next few weeks. Youll be hardpressed too see marvel/disney replicate this success ever again.
Isaac Davis
Better quality than Endgame in literally everything
Juan Mitchell
This is when people go to movies instead of on a vaction.
Brody Myers
>Imagine coming first and no one cares or talks about you anymore
Lucas Cruz
First movie to be produced with 3D capture in a time 3D was the ultimate gimmick and a major selling point
Dylan Gomez
Who said Endgame was good? It's simply easier to understand how it made as much as it did, seeing the hype behind it, Disney's desire to be as inoffensive and lowest common denominator as possible, seeing the buildup, etc.
I'm just trying to understand how an brand spanking new IP with an awful protagonist and a bland story did so well.
Landon Stewart
James Camerons name, 3D, Titanic boomers and if I recall there wasnt much competition
Evan Thomas
It was the first 3D movie for most people.
Robert Harris
Adrian Mitchell
These threads are always full of the same people who, with each new thread made, become more magnanimous towards Avatar. First it was "avatar was so shit what the fuck is this endgame is the best piece of art to ever grace existence". Now it's "eh I dunno Avatar had a wider audience, just came at a good time, 3D was the ultimate gimmick back then". Give it another week and it'll be "meh you know avatar's a pretty good movie. Endgame had its flaws james cameron can get lucky sometimes." And on it shall go.
The rest of us see right through your bandwagon bullshit you absolute newfaggots. I seethe every time I open my browser and come here, watching how far this place has fallen. This whole website. It used to be about free speech, about acquiring tolerance to intolerable things, about judging others by the content of their ideas. Now it's a fucking circlejerk and a target for low budget psyops. Why did we kill it? Why? What the fuck did we do to deserve such a fucking clown world? Fuck you. Just call me a newfaggot and tell me to have sex so I can go back to being SO FUCKING BORED.
Hunter James
that account is some disgusting reddit faggotery
Ayden Johnson
I never saw Avatar. Probably because I hate 3D, but also never saw the appeal of it.
Austin Wilson
no one here even likes avatar
"avatarfags" are just baiting
Austin Brown
They are low budget psyops. Remember Disney is a corporation that sued a daycare center for painting their walls with Disney characters.
Kevin Campbell
numales just want to fuck blue cat women
Landon Allen
>no one here even likes avatar
Get a load of this redditor
Zachary Watson
>Were people truly just that dazzled by the special effects?
promised 7 movies. 10 years later has not even made a squeal
John Diaz
Its was also re-released three times to jack up the box office, Endgame still needs to have a extended super 3d version to even compare.
Jack Jackson
Imagine thinking avatar or avengers/marvel trash is good and caring about it enough to post twitter screencaps that are wars between the plebs that actually would shill either
Hudson Williams
also like 10x more theatres in asia now
Jason Russell
Samuel Gray
It was rereleased because people kept watching it. Avatar made more on its second weekend than its firts, compare its daily grossings to Endgame and its just embarrassing. The thing with shit movies like this Endgame trash is that they can make a lot of money but only if you bombard the normies with marketing until they turn their brains off. Avatar, being good, didn't need to extend its marketing campaing to bring people to the theaters
Tyler Reyes
this there was barely even any marketing just news reports of people going to watch Avatar over and over again and poeple dying form watching it so many times
Christopher Jenkins
>avatar being good
It's literally a dogshit movie like capeshit
Brandon Brown
Let me guess, your favorite movies are Tarantino movies? God I hate this dogshit place.
Jayden Martin
You do realise people earn more than back then and new Avatar would make same or even more money?
Jordan Rivera
lol that would be Gone With the Wind
Kevin Lewis
Kek. She even does the face.
Levi Russell
Adjusting for inflation, Avatar is as high above Endgame as Gone with the Wind is above Avatar.
Joshua Moore
It was a good movie but I remember not even being impressed by the visuals, and I saw it in 3D. It all looked fake to me and I didn't feel the CGI was any better than in other movies at the time.
Noah Jackson
Jack Ward
Bentley Rivera
Levi Sullivan
No I fucking hate tarantino, why would i like tarantino if i hate a hack director like cameron
Jace Murphy
Yeah, so Avatar isn't #1 as OP says
Nathaniel Bell
Better than Capeshit
Jose Gonzalez
>3d tickets were like 25 bucks a pop at the time
Dude cinemas where I live were doing 3D for free and tickets were like £4 each lmao
Nolan Roberts
You're a fool if you think that people didn't see Avatar multiple times in theaters, it came out in December for crying out loud. Nothing to do but go see that theme park ride movie over and over again.
Also Avatar made every single movie ever released after it have a shoehorned default 3D option which always sucks.
Austin Murphy
Anything but capeshit
Nicholas Clark
Aaron Brooks
Joseph Diaz
it was re-released only once and only because theaters dropped the 3D screenings due to contractual obligations with other films, so jimbo felt that people deserved another chance to experience his masterpiece the way it was meant to be
Charles Lopez
imagine being both owned by Disney and none of this meaning anything
Matthew Brown
No they were like $15 when a regular movie was $10. And even then, that's justification for why Avatar deserves the spot, not a reason it doesn't. People were willing to spend that much on it multiple times, that means it was worth it. Endgame could have sold $20 3d tickets but they didn't.
Michael Ramirez
one of the first 3D movies and one of the few movies actually made with 3D in mind. Haven't really seen any movie do the same in the sense of using 3D as an extra dimension to tell a story and elevate movies as a medium
Hudson Hall
Based Jim's amazing world building compounded the SFX to be something no one had seen before. People left the kinoplex and immediately told their friends they needed to go see it themselves. That gave it the legs to remain playing for so long.
Aaron Thomas
Because it's awful.
Brayden Cox
where do you live that there is nothing to do in december other than pay to watch the same movie over and over
Jayden Lopez
oh boy here we go again with the same old boring zoomer post
William Butler
>clown world
Cooper Powell
I have a theory that we actually phase shifted dimensions during the AVATAR movie. Everyone just memory holed it. I never saw it in cinemas but it was the only thing everyone around me ever talked about. Then nothing. The most bizarre phenomenon. Earth must've phased through some shifting dimensions or something and the frequencies of doing so messed up everyone's brains
Alexander James
It was a bad movie. The fact that it's the highest grossing of all time just goes to show how far we have fallen.
Jonathan Morgan
I saw it in the cinema
Nathan Hill
It’s 10 years later and we’re still talking about it.
Chase Wilson
Have sex sweetie
William Cooper
Well this is happening nowadays, nobody I know talks about these marvel flicks outside here which makes me think its all shills
Benjamin Young
Grossing doesn't equal to quality, user.
Leo Hill
There’s too many people on Earth, you can have any given phenomenon and still only about 20% of people have seen it, so collective memory is always somewhat fucked.
World War 2 happened to everyone so it’s a real memory.
Jack Rogers
Levi James
How can one man be so BASED?
Gabriel Sullivan
>including alita in there
you really fucked that one up, user
Ayden Carter
nigga what?
Regular movies were like 6 to 7 yuro dollars and 3D was 12 to maybe 15 at most
Lincoln Perry
Avatar was shit. Endgame was shit. Audiences have no taste
Juan Morris
It's kinda funny how there are more kids and even teens these days that only know Avatar because of Avatarland and don't even know it's based on a movie.