Why did he do it? Did mental illness really get to him?

Why did he do it? Did mental illness really get to him?

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Can someone tell me what the actual fuck was his problem.

Formerly sane

His wife left him so he couldn't fuck and suck

This. I know mental illness was tossed around but at times he just acted like a prick who couldn't let things go. Why was he so self-destructive around season 3?


>Why did he do it?

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he embraced so much the republic that he was upset to hear that his brother did not care about the law as much as him.
beta men have a hard-on for the ''the law'' because it realizes their power fantasies after they get rejected by women. he was a true incel who got triggered when somebody mocked what he loved.

He actually was pretty together back in the '80s when he was the lead singer for that hair metal band. But hen he went to work for the government and made contact with the Coneheads and it all came tumbling down.

>true incel
>had a hot wife who loved him
stop projecting, incel. have sex and you'll soon realize not everyone is like you

Better Call Sneed

Can I please get an actual answer? Can you fuckers respond without memes? Jesus. I wish this wasn't the only place I could come to to talk about shows.

Watch the fucking show. He had a mental illness which was exacerbated by the fact that he was rich and powerful and everyone was willing to play along with it instead of getting him the help he needed. This caused his mental condition to deteriorate until it ended inevitably in suicide. Parallels can be drawn to the current transgenderism fiasco we're seeing.

>Mike dismantles a vehicle down to it's frame
>Estimate: 10:23 mins
>Mike watches Gus or Don Eladio from his car
>Estimate: 14:54 mins
>Mike waits for a battery to die then sits by a window eating peanuts
>Estimate: 15:01 mins
>Mike waits for a car with a broken muffler to pass by
>Estimate: 4:45 mins
>Mike sits in a parking booth waiting for someone to show up
>Estimate: 7:19 mins

Total elapsed time: 51 mins 42 seconds
Typical total episode length: 50 minutes (Source: breakingbad.wikia.com/wiki/Season_2_(Better_Call_Saul)

fact - more happens in the episode The Fly than in entire series of BCS

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james mcgill aka "slippin jimmy"

>>Mike waits for a battery to die then sits by a window eating peanuts
>>Estimate: 15:01 mins

Jesus christ, user.

Now THIS is autism.

what about in the 70s when he was a retard harassing two milwaukee brewery workers?

this show is just a bunch of random crap. even if there's a reason given later for something that happened, it wasn't the reason at the time it happened, which was, that's what random thing came to mind

what a pointless endevour

He defined his existence by mastery and control of the law, all his confidence and behavior as a person was related to him feeling smart, in charge, and being right all the time. When he finds out his incompetent criminal brother has snuck into law with a trash degree, its easy for Chuck to abuse his power to keep him out of legal work, out of a sense of 'knowing best'. Soon after he starts experiencing situational anxiety attacks at the law office or near communication devices (my guess is his sense of purpose and control was ruined by basically making a corrupt decision every day, while he has to lie to himself and his cheery brother), so he probably snaps, goes for full isolation, then starts telling people AND HIMSELF that his work-related panic attacks are due to electricity. Chuck is an inflexible immature baby boomer with a control complex and a poor knowledge of mental health. He took his ball and went home because Jimmy forced him into doing something wrong because he thought it was right, in his own castle.

>Why did he do it?
because the plot had to move forward at some point.

>Did mental illness really get to him?

Yeah. It's horrible when you know your mental illness is completely illogical but still can't get over it