Adam's full of shit, but Joe was unfairly rough on him. he constantly challenged everythingg Adam said and pressed him unreasonably hard
Adam's full of shit, but Joe was unfairly rough on him...
around the 5th time he said "I don't know anything but this is a fact, right, my friends tell me it all the time", he deserved a kick to the dick and is lucky he only got verbally pressed.
Adam Conover is a lying disingenuous piece of shit. In my opinion Joe wasn't rough enough on him.
literally where does he say that?
the guy is a subversive slimeball. I hope he took a good long look in the mirror after that interview.
>Play a drinking game.
> Take a shot of beer every time Adam says "right" or "uh" or "umm" or says some baseless leftist talking point.
not that user, but he kept saying it with the "transitioning kids" part.
>Joe: easily verifiable things say this that and the other thing
>Adam: ya well my friends started transitioning their kid and they said he/she is happy
If you get intellectually demolished by Joe Rogan then you deserve all the harsh treatment aimed your way.
JOE FUCKING ROGAN outbrained Adam. That's fucking embarrassing.
So much for the great jewish intellect.
Closet retard who argues with stawmen to pose as intellectual meets closet intellectual whose celebrity persona is a meathead. Ending is the meathead shows him mercy. Pretty good ep all in all you could make a great novel with this premise.
I never thought I'd feel bad seeing that smug shit get told what's good
Joe should have called him a lying faggot to his face for constantly bringing up "muh trans friend in the military" as some sort of defining evidence.
adam's jewish?
If you really think Joe came out ahead in this discussion, you must be sub 89IQ.
Hey Adam
>JOE FUCKING ROGAN outbrained Adam. That's fucking embarrassing.
Most of adams 'sources' can be debunked with a mere google search. Look up this youtuber who did a vid on every piece of bullshit in his Christopher Columbus episode.
Joe was totally in the right and it's a topic he actually cares about.
Top two issues that piss joe off:
1. criticizing marijuana
2. trannies in sports
Those two issues
>Look up this youtuber who did a vid on every piece of bullshit in his Christopher Columbus episode.
sorry sweaty, they were deplatformed for hate speech
This better be bait
Ah no, I was thinking of his friend the jew who made Bojack and that new garbage netflix show.
adam's a nu male pseud
This, he is the quintessential pseud.
Funny thing is Joe says the same shit all the time just worded slightly differently.
oh fuck, it's opposite day I forgot!
The dude who debunked him is a social justice warrior himself.
They fucked with Comedians. COMEDIANS.
hes does that, he was meaner to Crowder the 2nd time crowder was not with not gay Jarod
He's a fucking hack who shills bogus narratives to push a neo-liberal, multicultural, corporate-approved narrative
if you showed 100 people that side by side and had them play "spot the Gay" 90 would be wrong
the Crowder argument was autistic, but i hope he has crowder back on after this whole box thibg. it would be kino if they also had the vox journalist too
Rogan is a grug brain but being a grug brain has its advantages. Look at the video above. He mentioned Tulsi Gabbard to Weiss and she freaks the fuck out. He doesn't understand that Weiss is a lying, scheming zionist cunt. He just knows that Tusli is his friend and she seems OK for a politician. He accidentally btfo's Weiss by asking really grug brained questions. Weiss gets more and more flustered because she can't come out directly and say, 'Tulsi is bad for Israel and that's why I hate her'. Any other person in the media would have the brains to work out what is happening as soon as Weiss calls calls Tulsi an "Assad apologist' and move-on to something else
>picks one of the racially motivated rebuttals
oh jeez you guys are obsessed
Milo claims Joe is next celeb to fall, for giving the accused far right a platform, and hes cucking now leading up to it rather than standing up for himself
dont be a dumbfuck leftoid parrot and you wont get challenged on your dumbfuck parrot beliefs
fuck niggers, fuck trannies, fuck jannies, and most of all fuck leftoids
based paranoid user!
joe should have heem'd him
>Listening to Milo
Do I have to post the leaked copy of his book with the editor's notes blowing him the fuck out again?
Poor Joe Rogan to be suicided next. F
good analysis here, good post
Marijuana is definitely not right for everyone
good lord what a dumb bitch
And my personal favourite
>Facts, reason and science are now hate speech and bigotry
>Ramblings of crazy people are now facts, reason and science
>Men are now women
>Women are now men
>It's a bad thing when white men display sexism and masculinity
>But it's a good thing when sexism and masculinity are part of Muslim culture
>Racism is still a problem and you're part of it
>At the same time you can't be racist if you're not white
>And among all of this supposedly you're the crazy one for noticing it.
here's her indirect rebuttal
>a racially motivated rebuttal to a racially motivated video
He says it pretty often and even names contrapoints as a friend. I think you're a tranny probably
holy shit lol
Because these dickheads are used to never getting challenged.
They're surrounded by yes-men that are so terrified to question anything in the fear that they get blacklisted from the entertainment industry.
>..h-haha yeah, whatever you say, boss
contrapoints is actually a good yt tho. if Joe had contra on his show he literally would sperg out as she casually dismisses all his autism
you think joe could make contra lose his cool?start yelling and go full its Ma'am mode?
Adam Ruins Everything is good but surprisingly someone who reads a script is not as knowledgeable as a team of writers that research this stuff. Colour me surprised.
He looked like he had zero knowledge about anything other than surface level stuff. At least be able to name sources of the shit you’re saying, he couldn’t even do that. I was actually embarrassed for him, he looked like a retard.
No. Have you seen her in debates, she's not very good in them. Nevermind whether or not you agree with her politics she's just not very good at debating anything other than herself in some dippy costume playing a strawman of a view she disagrees with.
>inb4 "her"
>My friend, she's actually hilarious, her channel name is ''contrapoints''
just from that you can take away that everything he says is incorrect
Oh, I forgot to post the beauty regime.
>contrapoints is actually a good yt tho.
I never watched it so I can't give exact commentary on it but I do enjoy "alternative information" stuff that goes beyond propaganda and plain misinformation. It really is different when you're by yourself and only read a script written by others. They should have brought the writers on.
Lol, I guess I have an 89 IQ level.
You forgot jungle dwelling mammals!
3. his wife's daughter
You know he jerks off to her
didn't know who this guy was until I watched that video, what a smug little virtue signalling cunt
When will the contra is smart meme end