How did the bugs manage to launch an asteroid all the way across the galaxy 100,000 years into the future with pinpoint accuracy?
How did the bugs manage to launch an asteroid all the way across the galaxy 100...
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It was a false flag attack done to rile up public support for invading klendathu (or whatever the exact spelling was)
Bugs= worms
Worm digs, makes hole
Buenos Ares was an inside job.
It was just a random asteroid hit and they blamed it on the bugs to invade that planet for resources or whatever. The bugs weren't waging interstellar war, they were just huge bugs.
kek sounds a little like 9/11
Does the universe in starship troopers have faster than light speed tech?
brain bugs
they literally explain this
Really makes you think, huh?
They must since they traveled to a planet outside of our solar system.
Math, nigger.
>society built on warfare stage excuses for warfare
The real question is if they had FTL travel, why didnt they just accerlerate a big statue of a dildo into the fucking planets like the bugs did?
The planet would fucking explode.
Their asteroid say it was going 80km/s like 40% the speed of light and was 200m across would take about 220,000 years to get to us. So round that down a bit since its not the entire length of the galaxy. The aliens would have to have launched the rock at least 200,000 years ago at the point in time where the oldest known remaining sample of homo sapiens still exists. This would be assuming that asteroid wouldnt blow the entire planet to bits, which if we assumed that, it would have to be traveling even slower and predate the existence of homo sapiens which is at 315,000 years ago.
In short, buenos aires was an inside job.
Goddamn bugs whacked us, Johnny
>How did the bugs manage to launch an asteroid all the way across the galaxy 100,000 years into the future with pinpoint accuracy?
Buenos Aires was an inside job.
I live about 45km from the epicenter, I wonder if my house would have resisted the shockwave.
It’s a movie. It doesn’t have to obey the laws of physics.
>still thinking it was the "bugs" and not the jews
it's because the galaxy is actually flat but the federation wants to bury the truth so their space fleet funding is uninterrupted
they also falseflagged buenos aires because the buenos aires institute for galactic studies was about to conclusively prove that the galaxy, was in fact, flat
It's literally the 9/11 of Starship Troopers
As in, done by Jews to get whites killed fighting cockroaches in sandy shitholes
basically this
Tehy did a 9/11
>The real question is if they had FTL travel, why didnt they just accerlerate a big statue of a dildo into the fucking planets like the bugs did?
because their society needed war to properly function
the other way around actually
this guys knows his shit
It was a false flag you dip
How would the brain bugs do it though? Did they take human FTL technology
>Their asteroid say it was going 80km/s like 40% the speed of light
Are you stupid?
Wormholes. There's literally a scene in the movie where a ship near Saturn almost gets hit by an asteroid that "pops out if nowhere".
>be bug 220,000 years ago
>fire anal fissures at space rocks to launch them into the void for recreation
>another bug tells me to stop because there's no telling where the projectile will end up
>"lol who cares, what are the odds it'll ever hit anything?"
>that guy who watches an analysis of starship troopers on youtube then starts telling everybody how "misunderstood" it is and makes threads on Yea Forums pretending he didnt just watch some fags analysis on youtube
every time
I the movie it isn't mentioned, but there has to be some sort of FTL means for the humans to travel to other solar systems.
>There's literally a scene in the movie where a ship near Saturn almost gets hit by an asteroid that "pops out if nowhere".
That has to be from one of the shitty sequels that nobody in their right mind would care about, because such scene isn't in Verhoeven's film.
>80 is 40% of 299 792
What is living in Argentina like? Are you guys still upset about the Falklands?
Say goodbye to your social credit score
The cartoon was better
Didn't you read the book? The Arachnids have spaceships. That's how they were able to attack Earth.
>What is living in Argentina like?
Like many countries in the world, we are divided because of the "populism wave", we're fine now, but we could return to the dark side in the presidential elections this year.
Economically we're a mess right now, but getting better (depends a lot on who gets to be president next).
>Are you guys still upset about the Falklands?
Most of the people don't really care anymore. Everyone believes they belong to us, but the ones really upset about it are a minority. The war is remembered every year, especially at schools.
Culture and liberties are doing fine, maybe even really well.
>government can say whatever it wants to say
>gives an incredibly implausible explanation for the attack
You are a moron.
>It's literally the 9/11 of Starship Troopers
Moar like 9/11 is the Buenos Aires of our reality.
The movie is from 1997, IIRC.
>muh inside job
Did none of you fags read the book? The asteroid attack is one of the things taken straight from the book, and is absolutely not a fucking inside job.
>bugs (which also have telepathy) launch rock at humans
>humans travel across galaxy in a week using FTL to counter attack
hOw DiD tHe BuGz Do DaT?? i Am A mAn Of ScIeNcE
>belong to the argies
I bloody well think not, lads
The Cherenkov Drive, yes.
The book is shit and Heinlein was a hack. The movie is better in every way. Verhoeven took dirt and turned it into gold
The original movie has a scene where Rico's ex-girlfriend is on the bridge of a ship with her new boyfriend, and they're almost hit by the asteroid. It's not totally clear what's supposed to be happening, but it does seem to come out of nowhere.
>The asteroid attack is one of the things taken straight from the book
yeah but it makes more sense in the book because the bugs have spaceships and advanced technology and FTL travel
>invade that planet for resources or whatever
If humanity can travel that fucking far I'm sure they can pick out some other lifeless dirtball to dig on
>Heinlein was a hack
Never change Yea Forums
>would you like to know more?
> a bunch of sand niggers infiltrated our country and hijacked planes without the govt knowing
Totally plausible amirite?
They didn't the military industrial complex did it because they needed a war to distract the people.
It doesn't matter because BUENOS AIRES SUCKS
Ask yourself this, if they allowed the bugs to migrate to Buenos Aires what would've become of the law abiding white citizens of Argentina? So fucking nuke em I say.
Your citizenship had been revoked
> You read the book
Fuck off nerd
I remember watching Starship Troopers in the theater as a kid and was struck by how fucking violent it was. Good times
The CIA knew, but it was late Thursday and they wanted to take off for the weekend so you know they would work on the terrorist problem next Monday when they got back in to the office of course.
to get to the other side
Even Yea Forums would say this, what do you expect from 4channel otherwise?
He was. Awful prose, dull ideas. A non entity. Means nothing to me.
very smart words, tovarisch!
your social credit score increased
>Jet fuel can melt steel beams
>drinking the alex jones koolaid
kys conspiratard
Because the bugs don't just exist on one planet and are in fact a galactic empire who were formerly alligned with the skinnies before Rico fucking nuked them all to hell and forced an alliance with humans. They're an intelligent hive mind who can transport themselves across vast distances in space without the use of technology. It's not even the initial reason why we go to war with the bugs btw, in fact it happens midway through the war.
Of course, that's if you read the book. The movie is brainlet tier garbage just like any Verhoeven movie as much as the greasy cave dwelling ledditors will deny it
>Everyone believes they belong to us
Imagine being this retarded and thinking land that has belonged to others longer than your country existed, with 0 of your people living there and constantly votes not to be a part of your country belongs to you.
>but the ones really upset about it are a minority
That's a shame. Not that an invasion would be feasibly possible but it'd be kino news for a bit.
>be Verhoeven
>want to make starship troopers
>don't read book
>was it to be satire and make fascism look bad
>fail to reaslise that fascism is so awesome it can't be parodied, make a kino that correctly points out the flaws od democracy and postulates a viable alternative
>that and the memes causes an entire generation to stop and consider it
It's not fascism in the book, fascism is s corporatist dictatorship. The govt in starship troopers is a meritocratic republic that requires military service to hold office or vote.
That's not fascism
>things are even pure solid or pure liquid. They most convert completely to liquid before losing sturctural integrity.
>It's not fascism in the book,
>fascism is s corporatist dictatorship.
>The govt in starship troopers is a meritocratic republic that requires military service to hold office or vote. .
Incorrect, it requires service, doesn't have to be military.
However, when talking about the film.
>the actor Michael Ironside, who read the novel as a youth, said that he asked Verhoeven, who grew up in Nazi-occupied Netherlands, "Why are you doing a right-wing fascist movie?" Verhoeven replied, "If I tell the world that a right-wing, fascist way of doing things doesn't work, no one will listen to me.
>Verhoeven says his satirical use of irony and hyperbole
Verhoeven doesn't think that a fatithful adaption of the book, which doesn't try to undemrine it, will be good.
Sorry, mean to say
>fascism is s corporatist dictatorship.
>Incorrect, it requires service, doesn't have to be military.
No, its explicitly military service. That doesn't mean being in front line combat but you need to have served in the military in some function in either a combat or non-combat role, and the training you endure is pretty lethal either way.
The reason for that being pretty complicated, most of the book is set up trying to explain what the government is.
Then you're just wrong. Not every kind of right wing authoritarianism is fascism, fascism is very specific
The bugs in the book were more advanced. They had cities and some form of space vessels.
Fake news.
Show one scene in the entire movie that indicates the brain bugs are at all sentient. How do you know the humans didn't just pull a bunch of larvae (which is what they look like) out of the bug "Command Center"?
I dont get it are the chinese the human government or the bugs
what happened
the bugs in the movie were also advanced, they controlled entire regions of space. retards think they're no different than earth bugs when clearly they had space travel and surface to orbit ass weapons
entry tier theory
Not all fascism is Italian.
No its not. It refers to Federal Service not necessarily miltiary, though military is the most common.
Someone got hurt but typically Chinese won't help. And these are the guys who might rule the world, just think about that...
How can they be advanced if they have no discernable tools or technology? They came across as slightly clever animals (read insects) but other than that you really couldn't classify them as a race or nation even but just as a species and that's it. They seemed sapient but not sentinent.
Federation needed war to keep their society unified.
Why would a militaristic authoritarian state need public support to wage war?
exactly, that's why no authoritarian state has ever had extensive propaganda campaigns
Federationtards be like "Kek why would our tyrannical government need to lie to us about a fake asteroid attack" when I'm like "How didn't our hyper advanced space faring civilization with a literal defense ring around the moon not detect and blast the asteroid before it even entered the solar system let alone got close to Earth".
military authoritarian states still depend on public support. also they're a democracy.
why would you assume all intelligent life was human life, they certainly had the technology to shoot earth battleships out of orbit. their tools and tech are probably biological like zerg in fact where do you think zerg came from
the bugs have warp
the bugs and their tech are different in every movie/book, theres no point in trying to describe them
They didn't need pinpoint accuracy. they just needed to hurl a shit ton of themselves in every direction.
Were they actually targetting Buenos Aries specifically?
>Buenos Aries
If they had been targetting Buenos Aries they wouldn't have hit anything
Fachist seeking technology
Like all blizzard games, they ripped off Warhammer.
there's a lot of starship troopers in there too
I think it's because their legal system is so broken that helping someone assumes financial responsibility for the medical bills. The state punishes you for being a good person. What a shithole.
How subversive Mr Goldstein
>fail to reaslise that fascism is so awesome it can't be parodied, make a kino that correctly points out the flaws od democracy and postulates a viable alternative
>that and the memes causes an entire generation to stop and consider it
In the book only people who join the military can vote. The government isnt really racist or sexist. Its basically some sort of globalist fascism where they fight bug aliens
> fascism is very specific
>t. Grug brain whose knowledge of fascism comes from the TV and has never read any books by classical fascists
Because these "bugs" are smarter than you think. You're as retarded as the guys who planned the Klendathu invasion.
to kill the bug, we must understand the bug
Looks like a epileptic fit it. Probably bit his tongue pretty hard.
Everyone there has the (wrong) idea that they have full liability as soon as they start to help. They really don't. It's a misconception that nobody tries to correct.
t. civilian
Well that's fucking sad. I feel sorry for the Chinese people.
America sent a tin can to the Moon using antique computers (female niggers).
I don't feel sorry for the ones that eat animals alive
Based fredposter
in the book humanity is bent on galactic conquest and domination, the arachnids and skinnies were in the way. sort of the same in the movies except in the movies humanity isnt anywhere near as cohesive.
in the movie they evolved ways to be space fairing, in the books they have ships and they arnt as good as human ships so mostly they infest a planet and hide underground.
I know this is bait but jesus imagine being this much of a cuck.
t. false flagger
Why would it be bait? Heinlein is a fucking awful writer. Prose, characters, everything is shit. He's as bad as Martin or Rowling
Go ask the scifi general on Yea Forums what they think. Even they'll concede that Heinlein, PKD and Asimov all had shitty prose and clunky dialogue. They are still respected for the originality of their ideas but they were poor writers.
>implying Amerisharts would stop and help
I've seen countless videos of Americans walking by dying homeless people, dying people in suits, heart attacks, beating victims etc.
Diffusion of responsibility is not an exclusively Chinese characteristic.
Gee I don't know.
if you kill the bug, the bugs win
the galaxy isnt rotating that way you fucking retard, can't you see the arm spirals?
Verhoven admitted he didn't even read the book. He decided it was fascist and just did whatever the hell he wanted with it. In the movie it absolutely was portrayed as a false flag attack to justify their war against the bugs.
God damn you're dumb. Here, I'll make it easier for you.
why did Germany say Poland attacked them first?
Literally retarded even if you're trolling
Because that's the truth the p*les don't wan't you to know
Yeah there is no gravity in space. God is what keeps those planets together and he rotates them with his hands.
Finally, a fellow man of science!
Verhoven was a retard who neither read, nor understand the book so when he infused it with his faggy liberal anti-war politics, the original material still shined through and thats how we got this unintended glorification of a responsibility-based anti-liberal republican system
Are all Asians like this or only Chinese?
based and redpilled
>financial responsibility for the medical bills.
Isn't China supposed to be Communist?
Because the cheeky slavs did.
it's as communist as the US, which means somewhere in the middle
>"Socialism with Chinese characteristics."
Some East Asian countries are like this but for different reasons. A lot of Thais are scared to help out accident victims in case the casualty dies and their ghost follows them around.
Why not just blow up the entire planet?
because the person who made this was too busy not understanding the book to consider making plausible sci-fi
>Belongs to South-American, Sub-Saharan Africans of the Bantu persuasion
Hold my pint, lads, I’m kicking off...
Sounds like something a Brainbug would say...
the movie had a black woman commander and everything. it would be called SJW shit today
The Nazis did.
>johnnie is a pinoy in the book
WTF is this SJ shit?
>Why would a militaristic authoritarian state need public support to wage war?
Didn't you watch Traitor of Mars? The leaders still need to have high approval ratings and are willing to kill countless innocents to keep them up.
This movie was total and complete dog shit. A disservice and an insult to a great book.
>bug bile can't melt steel beams
Truth. Why do you think there are no chinese or arabs in space? Godless the lot of them.
>there are people, ITT, defending the bugs
bug lovers must be purged
The defense ring was setup after the asteroid attack.
Because in the original story the Bugs were working as allies with the more technologically advanced Skinnies, and Verhoeven didn't read the book.
>he reads sci-fi for the prose
i think you should be killing yourself my man
>muh prose
Yea Forums tricked me into reading gravity's rainbow so your opinion is discarded
Can't fault the logic.
You might in fact be retarded
to get an asteroid all the way across the galaxy 100,000 years into the future with pinpoint accuracy all you need to do is use some breaks to stop it orbiting the centre
It's an entirely different kind of flying, altogether
Fukkin lel, gottem
>It's an entirely different kind of flying
It's an entirely different kind of flying.
>What is living in Argentina like
Full of whites apparently. Just like they say.
American education.
>and Heinlein was a hack
How desperate are you for attention ? It was a very influential book that spurned three movies and a anime. And the 1st movie is the best utopian movie ever. Makes me cry knowing what could have been.
>If I tell the world that a right-wing, fascist way of doing things doesn't work, no one will listen to me.
Well, because he's wrong.
>and a anime
Ok, now I'm convinced.
someone now explain the batshit insane sequels
Sloppy job, Mossad
>You are a moron.
Klendathu is on far side of the milky way, thats like 100 000 light years .. Sending a BALLISTIC, UNGUIDED ROCK would not only take UNTOLD MILLIONS OF YEARS, that is, it was launched BEFORE there was a civilization on this planet.. to reach Sol but be incredibly well aimed as well.. Somethings off here
Except the part where you actually see the bugs launching shit into orbit. Coincidence, right? I remember Buenos Aires, faggot, and I say KILL EM ALL!
Because it wasn't a militaristic authoritarian state.
Was the attack on Buenos Aires a false flag? Frankly, I find the idea o-ffensive!
>GUCCI under the hammer and sickle
based and hypocritepilled
I don't know
Reminder the anime is a lot better than the movies and the most underrated adaptation