Post 10/10 movie covers.
Post 10/10 movie covers
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why does it have that blatant stolen picture of Pennywise on the back?
why the fuck did they not use this on the 4K release
haha no
Pic related is more aesthetic, even the skyline is haunted.
Supreme cover coming through
>here at aperture science...
Scared the shit out of me when I was little.
these are all SHIT
ITT: awful taste
Neat, but why did they license the gorilla from the real original Ghostbusters show and not the other characters? I don't get it.
please tell me that face is an edit
Just couldn't get a gorilla to imitate the raw animalistic nature of the the native basketball american
They were real posters.
No, there is also Magneto version.
>American Urban Radio Network
>literally cutting out the nigger even in the rereleases. Based. As. Fuck.
looks like the cover of an old pulp novel or a Phantasy Star 2 for the sega genesis.
The Fountain, Oblivion, Sunshine, Akira.
So you're saying it's awesome then, I agree.
B movies and exploitation movies have the best covers
Infact for a lot it's the only thing they have got going on for them
Ah, I see you are a man of culture
>calling Conan a B or exploitation movie
full retard.
Fuck you
*lazy salute*
(that's the best one btw of George's dead trilogy)
>check imdb
>its up to 5.2/10
Why the fuck did the shills decide this movie needed to be shilled?
this cover used to scare me as a kid and reading the description made it seem like it was a legit horror movie. It wasn't until my preteens did I finally watch it and realize it was actually kino.
Conan isn't a B movie nor an exploitation film, but I know what you mean.
My nigga.
Patrician taste
That movie was depressing as fuck. But in the script the dead stopped reanimating, so I would've took a few years for the zombies to disappear or be destroyed. You can barely see it when the doctor doesn't become a zombie after being shot.
Also, DoTD 2004 is fucking intense
I prefer genuine Frazetta
>That movie was depressing as fuck
Nah, man, watch it again, it's very hopeful and uplifting. In fact, the beginning has a character spell out the ending before the movie even really begins. It's a dreamlike film, with a serious sarcastic sense of humor.
"Temporarily out of service!" -McDermott finding out that they're fucked again.
Come one, user, it's a great movie.
>so I would've took a few years for the zombies to disappear or be destroyed. You can barely see it when the doctor doesn't become a zombie after being shot.
Hadn't thought of that. Maybe the curse (always thought John was right) was lifted during their stay down in the cavern and they didn't even know that all they had to do was deal with the last vestiges of the former billion-strong zombie hordes. *shrug*
This looks like a PS2 game
Forgotten kino
So much better than the actual movie.
German movie poster is proper Frazetta
Is there anything more based than painted movie posters anons?
I actually emailed the head of Warner Bros. movie division on why these 4k rereleases are moving away from the movie posters and towards...whatever the fuck this crap is.
Never got a response though.
Correct. Also, I like Willie.
Fuck, meant for
>red and gold
>looks great at any size
best one of the thread really
honable mentions
I am always expecting the unexpectableing.
One more year for real life to be like this!!
>>red and gold
>>looks great at any size
I agree red and gold is very striking, with black too. Fellow patrician.
The original is far better
Not them, but you pretty much can't compare them at all. The original is a fun romp with post-40s fast talking dialgue with a strong science-fiction-horror slant, but never stops being a comfy crowd pleaser in the Halloween vein. While the latter is a masterpiece, it's also gritty, paranoia-inducing, brutal (never liked the later dog scenes) , and unsettling.
Sorry, I meant the original cover. I guess I wasn't very specific there.
The cover shown here kind of spoils the film, showing off a lot of the in-movie monster designs.
Oh, in that case I like the original better, but that red and black one is very disturbing. Good stuff.
From day fucking one, it was clear that no Star Wars movie after ROTJ had anything going for it but fanservice
does it come with a digital download of ebola
This is the one that always caught my eye in the horror aisle at Blockbuster Video