Please, tell me I'm not the only one who fapped to her while watching Chespirito

Please, tell me I'm not the only one who fapped to her while watching Chespirito.

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Literally her only character that's not fappable other than chimoltrufia

Same energy

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You mean Chaves?
>imagine bering on th american continent and not speaking french, english nor portuguese


For me, it's young Don Ramón

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>the guilt is palpable
in my defense, she had some nioce jigglies

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post pics of the witch when she was young

For me its Paty

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absolute chad, no wonder the witch wanted to fuck him so bad.

Alguien, por favor, suba lewds

You just know she slept with everybody on set

she was really hot when she wasn't dressed up and in character

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This, but in some angle the chilindrina still was fappable

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Una vela!

based and redpilled

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she slept with Kiko for sure

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La Bruja del 71

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>its a pregnant episode

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Paty was definitely the most fuckable girl on the entire show

do you think they roleplayed mom-son in bed?

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no fucking way!

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For me it was Hector Bonilla

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She's still very much fuckable

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Oh yes. The cigarettes destroyed her

bruh... send me back

Damn, she aged fine as hell!

That's actually very surprising.

What the fuck? Why Mexicans aren't that attractive anymore? Or at least not the ones crossing the border

Rich mexicans are probably white euros like the rest of South America
The ones who try to cross the border are indigenous

stray dogs have no pedigree, user

great taste

That's exactly what it is.
It's not a meme, it's not just something Trump says.
The good looking ones, the rich ones, and the smart ones usually stay in Mexico and, you know, pursue careers and thrive.
There was a lot of European mixing in Mexico so there's even some anglo mexicans, they're usually worshipped.
The ones that cross the border are the ones that are too dumb or too ugly to make anything happen, I mean, why else would you fucking risk your fucking life to cross a dangerous desert and put your life in the hands of a fucking coyote border crossing idiot that could abandon you in the middle of nowhere?
Why would you ever do that if you were happy and stable with a nice career in Mexico?
With immigrants we get the literal bottom of the barrel, little ranchers that raised cows and pigs in a little ranch somewhere in extreme poverty even for 3rd world standards.

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Yeah, well, it may come as a surprise to you anons but many old decrepit people looked good in their prime.
Ever watch a little granny and wonder how hot she was 50 years ago?
I mean seriously later in life Elizabeth Taylor was ugly but in her prime she was an insane knockout

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