Does he even know how to make a bad movie?

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The Mummy

The Mummy

The Mummy

holy pleb

Not his fault, yeah the script was ass, but at least he was trying.

Best thing he ever did was American Psycho and he wasn't in front of the camera

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>Imagine being a literal A-list superstar since the 1980s and Internet incels can only come up with with one bad movie to criticize you for
>Imagine that one bad movie isn’t even that bad, just mediocre

You really like this guy don't you?

Vanilla Sky

And also, The Mummy

This is what cope looks like

have you seen the second reacher?

mummy wasn't that bad, but also he did a good job in it.

you should kill yourself



The Mummy wasn't even that bad.
Cruise's real crime is being a world class narcisssit and a part of that stupid cult because they all rim his asshole so hard.

I've been called out by my family as a Tom Stan, and I still can admit The Mummy was a dud.

>Cruise's real crime is being a world class narcisssit and a part of that stupid cult because they all rim his asshole so hard.
Cruise is literally the most based Hollywood actor. Kill yourself.

>Tom Stan
what the fuck?

holy fucking pleb. actually watch the movie instead of repeating crap opinions as your own.

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"You can be good in a good movie,
you can be good in a bad movie,
You can be bad in a bad movie,
But NEVER be bad in a good movie"
Tom Cruise, rule 7 , kino bible , 1988

I just believe he's a very talented actor, who makes a lot of good movies, and they disagree.

no, I got that, what the fuck is a Tom Stan? what stupid new shit are you trying to push?

Are you gonna be contrarian enough to say that Cocktail was a masterpiece?

Stan got capitalized, it's a term that zoomers use to call devoted fans.

I was just reading wiki about him
(((they))) are making a top gun sequel in 2020 RFLOL

>He looks up to a manlet

kill yourself

He always makes sci-fi kino that's for sure.

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Slap Marvel logo on and it becomes one of the best.

that's fucking retarded

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I'm still amazed at how well they can remove shit at post

Tom Cruise indeed had a lot of control but he actually saved the movie. Original script was awful and his rewrites were much better.

Mission Impossible 2

Top Gun 2

But Mission Impossible 2 isn't bad, it's not even the worst MI film.

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Lots of QTs

>The Mummy
What's up with that hateboner? I've heard a lot of bad shit about The Mummy but then I saw it on Netflex. It is totally watchable blockbuster, nowhere near as bad as they say. Something like Evil Dead in Mission Impossible style, I don't know.

people don't like seeing 2 hour trailers for another movie.

Pic related is Cruise's most kino role

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I really like him, but unfortunately he has been in a few stinkers:

- The Mummy
- Jack Reacher: Never Go Back
- Rock of Ages
- Lions for Lambs

Controversial choices:
I LIKED Cocktail, but was very disappointed by The Last Samurai.
- Mission: Impossible 2

>but was very disappointed by The Last Samurai
you're retarded

The only thing wrong with TLS was that dumb ninja fight, which just came across as cheesy. Edit that out and you have a 10/10 kino movie

What about MCU then? They are pretty much trailers and toy commercials, every each of them ends teasing another movie.

I'm actually surprised you wrote "you're" correctly.

>the "only" thing
Watanabe speaking English, made the whole theatre laugh.
I also disliked the ending, with Cruise and the Emperor.
And I think, I disliked the soudtrack too, but I only saw it in theatres and since I didn't like it, I never bothered to watch it again.

For what it's worth, MCU sucks. They made 2 good movies (and you all know the movies I'm talking about) and the rest is at best average but mostly just weak or plain bad.

Indeed, The Mummy with Tom Cruise is actually on the same (bad) level than the MCU

>I'm actually surprised you wrote "you're" correctly.
a retard would be

I have no idea how they actually do it but with my very basic photoshop skills I could easily do it by going frame by frame. (would take a lot of time though)

says the guy unable to mix up his insults

>Vanilla Sky

Pleb detected.

i hated tom is saving private ryan...terrible terrible movies

Watchable /= good. It's a bad flick. Bad flicks can be enjoyable. Only faggots will tell you a bad movie is unwatchable, unless you have the IQ of a sapient heterosexual human and will sing the praises of a movie and, at the very end of your gushing, call it a bad show. Sorta like how pic related is a "bad movie" via textbook definitions, but it's still entertaining and pretty good to watch.

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By far the most underrated Cruise kino right here.

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What was so bad then and what makes movie good? The story is subjective and apart from that it was well made on techical level, good cinematography, no shaking cam or other bullshit, well-made special effects and nice sets. Mummy's story was simple and complete, even Jekyll's subplot added a bit into it. Also movie shows a lot, visual storytelling.

Acceptable /= good. The fact that you're calling The Mummy "well made" is telling. It's cookie cutter, more of the same. Mediocre by all measurements. If you want to be intellectually honest and still go down the semantics road, you could retort with "mediocre /= bad" but there are plenty of bad movies put together well.

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OK, so lets say.. Why was it so panned while other mediocre movies get away with same or even worse shit? It was more or less on Mission Impossible level, even with retrospective bits and visions. Yet for some reason it was railed with negative reviews while Mission Impossible recieved praise.

rock of ages doesn't count

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What other mediocre movies get away with it? The Mummy was also objective worse than the majority of the Mission Impossible flicks, so I dunno where you're getting the idea they're on the same level.
Color of Money was his best.

because again, it wasn't a whole movie, it was a setup for other movies. For all the shit MCU movies get here about being ads for their other movies, they're not. They're all for the most part self contained and reference the other ones. They plant seeds, but don't show you the garden. They only kinda did this once in ultron, and people hate that movie.

so juicy hnnnn

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It's because he's always running. I wonder how many hundreds of miles Cruise has run while making films.

They dont pay that camera guy enough

not him but the mummy is pretty much self-contained story. princess amunet's arc was complete and the only thing suggesting next movies was 5 seconds (or even less!) shot showing vampire skull and hand of black lagoon monster. if not for that, we wouldnt know.

Agree, 4 is the worst.

Not him, but

>It was more or less on Mission Impossible level

No, it wasn't, not even near. The majority of M:I movies (except 2) are well-crafted action movies with an ok-good story. Mainly because they had very competent directors behind them (Brian de Palma, Brad Bird or Christopher McQuarrie). If you don't care about well-made action then you obviously don't value how well made these movies actually are.

The Mummy, however, has several BIG flaws.
>Inconsistent tone (horror or adventure) that never worked
>Movie comes to a complete halt with the whole "Crowe introducing the Dark Universe" for almost 30 minutes
>Wasted every single actor in the movie, including Sofia Boutella which showed a lot of promise as the villian
>The big set pieces, despite some of them being good, didn't gel and felt straight out of other blockbusters, stealing thus The Mummy's uniqueness.

It's no wonder, Cruise had to interfere,the renowned hack, Alex Kurtzman, was as incompetent as a director, as you would expect from his terrible scripts.

Tldr: A good director cares about the movie, and delivers something with a personality (just look at the last two M:I movies). A hack, like Kurtzman, has no idea what he's doing and just takes a bit from here, another from there and the rest out of his ass.

>>Movie comes to a complete halt with the whole "Crowe introducing the Dark Universe" for almost 30 minutes

American Made pissed me off. I think because I knew a lot about the actual story, so I could see where he went off the beaten path simply to boost Tom's own ego. He strikes me as a guy who could really benefit from some humility and more down to earth characters.

>Alex Kurtzman
I've looked him on the wiki and holy shit, what a hack. How did he even get to such prominent positions, is it the famed Jewish nepotism? There are literally thousands of talented hungry screenwriters in LA alone, why pick him?

>guy who could really benefit from some humility and more down to earth characters.
I hope older Tom would go for it

Mostly agree but
>>Inconsistent tone (horror or adventure)
is not an issue as these 2 genres are often mixed to a certain degree. Adventure movies often cover horror bits. Indiana Jones 2 is the most famous example, while it is an advneture flick, cultists and scares are straight from horror. There is even more in books. For example, famous adventure writer, H.R. Haggard, (wrote King Salomon Mines and more novels, Indiana Jones is based on his fav character,Allan Quatermain) often mixed these two and there was a lot of horror in his adventure novels.

I think if he did, he'd finally be seen on par with Tom Hanks. I mean some of his older stuff, Cocktail or Jerry Maguire really showed what range this guy could do, before he became a generic action star with women 25 years his junior.

It did, all the setup for other movies did nothing for the Mummy story.

He sure is, he's the definition of failing upwards. The only good thing I can say about him is that he's one tiny step above Akiva Goldsman, the king of hacks.

Didn't talk about other movies (or novels). It never worked in The Mummy because swinging from one tone to another is very difficult, probably together with ending a story properly, the most difficult thing for a writer. The main reason I like some of James Gunn's scripts is precisely because he can. Kurtzman, of course, is unable to even get one tone right.

this. imagine not liking the mummy. yikes

>It did, all the setup for other movies did nothing for the Mummy story.
It did. Ahmanet has been looking for that red gem and Jekyll's workers finally found it while she was chained. Now she knows where to look for. Also what kind of setup? It's just "hey guys, there's an agency hunting monsters" and that's it, they don't introduce new stuff, they don't even talk about Dracula or Frankenstein. It's not BvS where Aquaman, Flash and the rest have own clips that add nothing.

It wasn't even like one of thoseB-plots for a series, it was merely filler. You could save 30 minutes and improve the rhythm by easily writing them out and have the stone ANYWHERE else.

It was as deadly to the movie, as Nick Fury, Black Widow and the Vibranium in Iron Man 2.

No. He's Tom Kino for a reason.

The biggest problem with that part was not placing Ahmanet's story in there.
The original mummy movie doesn't start with flashbacks. Karloff tells it near the end of the movie. 2017 movie should have Ahmanet telling that during Prodigium bit.
The movie was obviously inspired by 1932 one, so I don't understand why. It is literally the same mistake as in 90s version, fucking intro that takes all the mystery and surprise away.

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>It was as deadly to the movie, as Nick Fury, Black Widow and the Vibranium in Iron Man 2.
I don't remember those hurting that movie.

>smackng some alien fag with a claymore

if tom isn't our guy, nobody is

That's what hacks do, they don't trust the audience (rightfully, if you're not a good writer) to wait that long and thus exposition dump + a bit of action right at the beginning.

But to be fair though, the 90s version was a lot of fun, and with many quotable lines. That saved it, too bad the humour went missing in the second one.

You don't remember how boring and underwhelming Iron Man 2 was? Those 3 were the main reason.

The Mummy was pretty fucking bad desu.

someone get these hotheads outta here

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I want another Reacher movie. Those flicks are comfy AF.


Not a single chance !!!

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