ITT:Characters who ruined your fav show

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This is the only character who legit made the show less funny

What kind of cuck doesnt like dale gribble

probably a literal cuck

a government employee

Dale's voice gets annoying quickly and his stupidness is too irritating rather than funny.

I just cringed every time Minnie Mouse appeared in a scene.

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lucky is based as fuck. I never watched this show when it aired but I like watching it on rabbit, and the lucky episodes are golden.

>Hating Dale
Fuck off, Redcuck

tbbt was ruined when they found sheldon a gf.

he didn't ruin anything you fag

It's like she inhaled helium before each and every line.



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>getting irritated by a character that’s supposed to be irritating
That’s the joke, it’s like saying Abbot and Costello’s routine is ruined by Costello acting retarded. I think you might have autism.

>>getting irritated by a character that’s supposed to be irritating

I think he's saying they overplayed their hand on this one.

Probably that government man Rusty Shackleford. I never trusted him.

Any young short haired girl in EVERY anime. Also Skylar from bb

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who is this cutiepie?

what's her name bro?


Janice fucking Soprano

fuck off

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Dale is the best character. Even just thinking of his plot lines make me laugh. Like when he set up a pirate radio to broadcast his conspiratorial thinking 24/7 and it only went as far as hanks house and he ran outta things to talk about within a few days

formerly enhanced the show

We know what to do with people like you.

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