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ITT:Characters who ruined your fav show
This is the only character who legit made the show less funny
What kind of cuck doesnt like dale gribble
probably a literal cuck
a government employee
Dale's voice gets annoying quickly and his stupidness is too irritating rather than funny.
I just cringed every time Minnie Mouse appeared in a scene.
lucky is based as fuck. I never watched this show when it aired but I like watching it on rabbit, and the lucky episodes are golden.
>Hating Dale
Fuck off, Redcuck
tbbt was ruined when they found sheldon a gf.
he didn't ruin anything you fag
It's like she inhaled helium before each and every line.
>getting irritated by a character that’s supposed to be irritating
That’s the joke, it’s like saying Abbot and Costello’s routine is ruined by Costello acting retarded. I think you might have autism.
>>getting irritated by a character that’s supposed to be irritating
I think he's saying they overplayed their hand on this one.
Probably that government man Rusty Shackleford. I never trusted him.
Any young short haired girl in EVERY anime. Also Skylar from bb
who is this cutiepie?
what's her name bro?
Janice fucking Soprano
fuck off
Dale is the best character. Even just thinking of his plot lines make me laugh. Like when he set up a pirate radio to broadcast his conspiratorial thinking 24/7 and it only went as far as hanks house and he ran outta things to talk about within a few days
formerly enhanced the show
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