
HBO made this character up in the series to shoehorn in a female hero?

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>muh wamen

The main problem with her character (other than her GoT-like magic teleporting skills) is not the gender but her dialogue: she constantly talks down to people around her. And she does so in a series where the only people who do that are the ones you aren’t supposed to sympathize with (eg. Dyatlov, Bryukhanov, Fomin, the KGB director). So you have a protagonist character who talks like an antagonist to other protagonists - and that isn’t a recipe for success.

I quite disliked the part where she spoke about the trial
>you've got to tell the truth
>yeah but they'll shoot me, isn't dying in 2 years from radiation poisoning enough of a sacrifice?
>no, and they won't listen to me
Get fucked. Do it yourself if you're such a hero. They don't even listen to him anyway.

The fact that they acknowledge at the end that they made her up suggests they wanted to be tasteful and that adding her was writing laziness.

who cares if she's a woman. she was presented as as a leading scientist who only does one (1) science thing in the entire miniseries when she's first introduced.

Shut up, homo
Yeah, that was my problem with her. If you are so sure you'd do it then fucking do it. You're on the committee too.

be careful comrade, you are saying dangerous things. there are autists white knights that lurk these boards that will fight your lies.

Interesting choice of words

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She behaves the way too many shitty women. They act like bad mothers to everyone around them, full of scorn and criticism, but never with genuine care or consideration.
TV needs to start hiring normal women as screenwriters and not a bunch of ideological feminists, who make up less than a quarter of all women.

>Not one transexual woman of colour cast on the set of Chernobyl and that is NOT ok!

Commit public suicide

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She really should.
And so should you.

that whole part was stupid
>should I risk getting shot for pointless grandstanding at a trial held inside the fucking exclusion zone, hidden away from the public
>should I take the hero award and the director position and spend my remaining 2-3 years to use the influence and favors I gained with the central committee to change the shitty reactor design

You can easily spot the fact that most of the last episode is just made up as suddenly Legasov starts to act completely retarded

I get that they wanted another major character instead of a dozen lesser ones. What I don't get is why they made her so fucking boring. She always knows exactly what to do and does it. There is no nuance, no depth, no conflict whatsoever.

Or, you know, use one of the real women involved. They could have inflated her position in things and it still would have been better than inventing someone.
I hate when they do this in historical works.

Fuck HBO, they haven't done anything decent since Rome, and they even fucked that up.

Making her very caring towards the radiation victims would have made her so much more likeable. I felt so bad for those guys that her being motherly for them would have instantly made her much better.

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The Sopranos knew how to have compelling cunt characters who you weren't actually suppose to sympathize with but who were entertaining all the same

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I don't know it still makes her involvement on a personal level with Legasov really stupid, it's not like those soviet scientists condemned him until he did the right thing, he did the right thing on his own mettle knowing he'd be ousted for it.

>Female character
>Not being perfect
You're being unreasonable, womyn must always be potrayed as flawless and heroic, even when the real heroes where male

yes, why are you mad about it tho?

Proof OP is mad? Pointing out facts isn't really a sign of being an angry person, if it was leftists would do it more

LOL, yeah, we all hated her, but she was a lot of fun and the show was never the same after that.

There's a difference between being flawless and being heroic. Many heroes have flaws.
This bitch was portrayed as a heartless near-villain, the sort of character that should only be a side one.

i think its fine that they created a composite character to represent the many other (male and female) scientists that worked on the cleanup efforts, but her character really was fucking annoying and needlessly antagonistic to the point where i just couldnt stand her scenes

It's an important historical event and not portraying it the way it actually was just normalizes tempering with said historical events in everyones mind.

She's literally my mum if I killed myself, minus the sex

I love how in the first scene with her we're told she works too hard. IN THE SOVIET UNION. Everyone else pretends to work while the government pretends to pay them, but this strong independent wamyn that don't need no man works too hard.

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>people ITT don't know she nailed Russian babushka

>She always knows exactly what to do and does it.
Sounds like another Mary Sue to me

I'm going to shoehorn my cock up HBO's asshole

>show in the Current Year
>no strong independent wymyn to BTFO the patriarchy and dumb men
Not if Mazin has anything to say about it

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I had a feeling they did. While watching it something about her just seemed like it didn't belong. Like instinctively I know that women are generally worthless, so to see one that apparently played such an enormous role in mitigating the Chernobyl disaster seemed like an impossibility. Lo and behold it was.

>We're on dangerous ground right now, because of our secrets and our lies.
>They're practically what define us.
>When the truth offends, we lie and lie until we can no longer remember it is even there.
>But it is still there.
>Every lie we tell incurs a debt to the truth.
>Sooner or later, that debt is paid.
>That is how an RBMK reactor core explodes.

Why not literally every form of media is shoe horning a STRONK woman or loveable, super intelligent black man.

>TV needs to start hiring normal women as screenwriters and not a bunch of ideological feminists, who make up less than a quarter of all women.

Men are objectively better writers of women than women

>Do it yourself if you're such a hero
I'm glad I'm not the only one that thought that was weird how she was pushing him to sacrifice his life when she very well could have done it herself.

Mentioning that she wasn't real and that they added her was a way to get in front of trolling attempts where people would have pretended she was real to get feminists to rally behind a fictional character, then when it's revealed she was fiction, they would look stupid and in order to try to save face they would have a vacuum to fill with a powerful significant historical female that was real. They would find almost no one worthy of mention, certainly not on the level of this character, thus leading to an enormous meltdown.

yes and the villains are always white guys. Its the total opposite of the real world.