/RBMK/ Chernobyl General

1=5>4>2>3 edition

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Press "F" to pay respect

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nice shop

>slav(e)s in charge of anything nuclear
now add chinks to that and remeber that they have nukes
wouldn't be surprised if they came close to accidentaly detonating one on themselves few times but God for whatever reason spared them


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valerie legasov hehe xd

So what did you think about the explanation provided in E5? Was it perfect to understand how the reactor nuclear worked, pretty good presenting a simplified idea of what happened or missing some vital information that left you thinking afterwards?

Also kudos to the user who posted this. Was spot on and really helped to understand the whole thing better before the last episode.

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For some reason I really liked that character representing those poor coalminers

>he's a cutie irl

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slaves live in shit. they don't care

The show presents them as blameless, but was it really like that irl? Did they really do everything right?

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>wanting to eat some weird fish egg bullshit
what does caviar even taste like?

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why they pushed A2-5 instead AЗ-5?

>putting the best episode last
What the fuck? The based miner men and borderline body horror hospital scenes were all kino.

Fuck them.

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lmao'd at that gif

He didn't put episode 4 dead last, he's obviously in shock and needs to go to the infirmary

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i think they were showing their innocence just so they could put more blame on the faulty soviet engineering

maybe they didn't know wtf a Zed is

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Salty fish eggs and milk.

caviar tastes salty. not very good

The future is Slav whyteboi

Whe the old had was milking the cow i was waiting for her to look into the bucket and realize it's full of blood and be like "shieeet ok i'm going to go now"

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Does anyone have the webm of the roof oner?

Also post rare webms

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someone should do a Chernobyl powerlevel graphic like this one

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why are slavs like that?

Are there any sources on whether or not the firemen actually looked so zombie like as portrayed in the series?

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jesus, I didn't realise this was the same roof the biorobots were on later

Have you seen where they live?

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delete this post or UN will put embargo on HIV medication for Russia

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yes, they actually melted in real life. the radiation destroys your DNA and the ability for your cells to stay together so you begin to decay very fast and your cells are not able to replace themselves so you basically start decomposing while still alive

valerie also tells all the biorobots not to look down the edge

someone post pics

Yes i'm aware of the effects, i've watched and discussed like you user. But in the time before they died did they actually look like that


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No, they go black like severe frostbite

Here's an idea of what they probably looked like.


Attached: Hisashi-Ouchi-Tokaimura-Nuclear-Accident-4.jpg (750x443, 74K)

Press az-5 to pay respect

No. Toptunov fucked up when he inserted one of the control rods way more into the core that he was supposed to. But that being said, I doubt it would change the outcome. The xenon poisoning was going to ensure that.

*slaps your binder*
what do?

Attached: slaps your binder.webm (1280x640, 851K)

You're not funny

he looks fine, there's NOTHING WRONG goddamnit. This is fully normal, I've seen worse. His skin is probably just a bit sensitive to radiation. There wasn't an explosion

how many times people will post that picture? IT IS NOT OUCHI

those are brits

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Full version when


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It's just the feedwater. He's been around it all night.

Can an RBMK Reactor melt steel beams?

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are those white-ish square part of his skin, or some bandage they put on him?

fuck my twink boyfriend and cry

The hospital scenes were fucking terrifying.

That's the Ouchi guy tho

Real life kino

>just need some bandaids, he'll be fine i've seen worse

bandages in an attempt to hold his skin together

The only answer

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wrong post

guys i've been to the roof and everything is fine
don't know what you're talking about

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The reason everything went to piss is because the reactor had insufficient heat detectors, meaning Dyatlov had no warning of the dangerous build-up of heat at the bottom of the core.

Imagine realizing that all of the fundamental building blocks of your body have been irreversibly altered or destroyed, and you can't do anything except waiting til you literally fall apart. Fuck

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go watch the last episode, it literally explains in detail what went wrong

these threads are a travesty.

Why didn't they just euthanize them?

It's not like there was anything they could have done for them and I believe strongly in merciful death.

>slav(e) tech is cave man tier
we know that already user, if sovets weren't backwards ape Chernobyl would've been handeled just like Three Mile Island accident

soviets were always lagging behind western tech and that includes nuclear reactors

Here is a newer version Comrade

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>mfw people on Twitter are claiming socialism had nothing to do with Chernobyl

i asked this question myself.
Like there was no chance of survival, why prolong the suffering


>and I believe strongly in merciful death

well the japs don't

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Does anyone have a collection of core-chan images?

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Just feedwater, I've seen worse.

yeah, that's a TV show, friend.

RBMK threads have been fantastic and i've really enjoyed this whole thing with you all, thank you to the meme makers, to the anons who've taught us stuff, and all the other anons who has been here to discuss. You are amazing.

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I could've sworn there was going to be a bluray release but I can only find a dvd now

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ah shit
ah fuck
god damnit
fucking hell

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Hello fellow oldfag.


cringe and 3.6roentgenpilled

Yeah, they must have suffered terribly.

Sometimes doctors are terribly unethical.

>killed thousands to save millions
Dyatlov is more like Solidus

he is and you are less so

Slavs can be almost as smart as whites but their lives are so shit they have little reason to care about avoiding disaster.


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I serve the Soviet Union.

So who shuold kill them? Soldiers?

If you want some good disaster kino check out Zero Hour

ur amazin

doctors by giving them lethal injections or some shit
if i'd be in such a sorry state i'd beg everybody to put me out of my misery

They so do. In seppuku you have a guy just for that

>are not white
pick one

I'll see you on the roof.

He'll be fine. I've seen worse.

u gonna force the docs to kill em?

They can just give them a lethal dose of morphine in the hospital.

no, send the fucking nazgul to shishkebab them in their beds

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This one?

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Why do we all have to wear these ridiculous ties?

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Reminder that there was never any flaws in RBMK reactors. In 1986 it was the greatest reactor design in the world and it has only been surpassed by subsequent designs.

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worse would be donald trump!

so guy with no chance of survival is supposed to spend his last day in absolute suffering inimaginable to the mere human just becasue some doctor is scared of ending his suffering eariler?
gotcha bro

What if you got like 5 fuel rods worth of radiation. Could perhaps rearrange those building blocks into something better??

Of course. Any person with a little bit mercy would do it without question.

do you have the liquidator scene with comrade spaghetti?

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Did you use the good dosimeter from the safe?

god fucking damn it i love you all anons for your creativity

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I believe the events of chernobyl were a sort of art in themselves.
They literally laid bare humanity's ignorance, and an inability to deal with (nuclear) power. We have evolved faster than we're able to keep up with, and still cling to delusions to guard us from the complexity of our modern world. The chernobyl reactor exposed the truth about modern civilization, and this time we couldn't look away because the stakes were too high. We had to stare it directly in the face, even though it burns at first.

So, you'd force the doctors to kill their patients?

Fuck off with that shit - ur not welcome here newfag

>"many historians do not deny that"

Is that true?

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Comrade Dyatlov?!?!....COMRADE DYATLOV?!?!

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No Zero Hour:seconds from disaster or something

Theyre old school discovery documentaries that talk about what lead up to the events.


what kind of shit nigger you have to be to let somebody with no chance of survival to suffer in his last days
of course i'd force them and if i'd be a doctor i'd feel sorry for the poor bastards and gave them lethal dose of morphine myself
what kind of retard are you?

you think you're on some moral high ground for saying you wouldn't do it because it's your patient? if you knew your patient is dead within a week 100%, suffering like hell every minute, would you not want to, for his own good, end that suffering?

Sauce pls

they didn't say comrade irl. only in propaganda movies

Why would Amitov and Dyatlov lie about it when it serves more to say it was CIA?

Yes, it's called euthanasia and it's merciful and moral.

I mean, if you have a dog and the dog is very sick, you also take him to the vet to get an injection. I don't see why humans shouldn't be given such a favour.


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Those Doctors have sworn an oath.

It's called PowderToy

Any movie / documentary recommendations based in or about the soviet union?

Chernobyl got me really intrigued.

Its a shame all progress in the Nuclear industry has been halted to a standstill thanks to "muh fukashima" liberals.

>i could end this guy suffering right now
>but instead i will let him endure through absolute hell in which he can't feel anything but pain
look at you mr moral high ground

no one cares.

>3.6 basedroentgen

Thank you Comrade.

There's a really good one called, you should read a book.

fuck off with your 3 word replies

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The Cherenkov Effect is a completely normal phenomenon at minimal radiation levels.


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Discovery had some good kino back in the day

>muh american
>muh russians
>muh jews
We are just so similar.

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you pieces of asexual shit.

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>sorry bro, i can't ease your suffering
>you must endure your body literally melting down becasue i said some words which don't even apply to your case anymore lmao

oh well I've done it myself
no idea if it's all of them

Not everything, but this drawfag's stuff: twitter.com/lurkingArt

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we've got a live one, boys!

And the oath is wrong. Since it forces to let people suffer until the very last moment.

i also always felt there was a really strong metaphysical world behind the entire history. So many metaphors to be found

>everything is americas fault
why are russians butthurt

When you look deep into the core, the core looks back :^)

Great, so now doctors can kill their patients. I'm not going to the hospital any time soon.

Obeying a manager when the manager is giving unsafe orders and YOU KNOW IT AND CALL HIM ON IT makes russian bubbles somewhat responsible

go dilate leftist

You didn't see any graphite.

3.6 threads. Not great, not terrible.

>that poster

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you do realise that only incopmetent abhumans know as slavs were too retarded to cope with it
actuall humans when something fucked up with nucelar reactors managed to designed them in such a way that disaster could be prevented such as 3 mile island

50 Sv in ten minutes. wtf. background dose is like 0.1 µSv per hour. that's over 3 billion times the normal background radiation

we get it, you're some kind of smartass.
I'm lonely

The show is over, you people are delusional there is no discussion on the roof, get yourselves to the infirmary.

>get so assblasted that somebody dared to tell story how it was that you have to create alternate "totaly could've been true tovarish!1!!))))" story about how it was somehow americans who fucked up your reactor
like i said
why are russians so butthurt

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Comrade drawfag,
You're done

>We're at "pizza levels" of radiation, comrade Criminalneglectikov.

>If you say that the SOVIET UNION and its COMMUNIST PARTY did anything wrong instead of it all being Ronald Reagan's fault you're a leftist


Learn English faggot

take your meds

and i said GO DILATE, tranny

there are other forms of power and complexity that we can't deal with. It's a metaphor, not to be taken literally

Read voices of chernobyl, there is the memories of the fireman wife

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I wonder what happen to the human body with crazy high amounts of radiation much higher than what happened at Chernobyl, I think that at some point you must just turn into a liquid with every single cell of your body breaking appart.

What if it goes higher than that? Could it reform whatevers left into something...more?

>sorry dude i can't end your suffering i mean i took an oath and it would be inhuma to kill you

I doubt lethal injections could work as intended in those wrecked bodies, imagine you just manage to make them suffer more. Maybe poisoning by carbon monoxide would be better.

>t. weed lmao

yeah you literally evaporate
>some gay ass gas
just shoot them to the head

Outstanding service to the Soviet Union comrade

Your superpower is that you become a human soup

Like burning, but without the barrier between body and flame.

You are not alone. Valery and Shcherbina are always watching over you.

Fuck you I just want super powers.

I think you'd just melt down yeah, kinda like that indiana jones scene in raiders of the lost ark



They couldn't even give them morphine, because their veins f'd up. They should've just called the lads from KGB to do the job old fashioned way.

how du they die only from light??

Ofc, you have to give them the injection before they start falling apart.

Then for all it's worth, you can asphyxiate them with a pillow.

did the japs in WW2 were killed becasue of the blast wave from the bombs or becasue of radiation?
were the explosions at Hiroshima and Nagasaki more powerful than Chernobyl?

>pieces of his liver were coming out of his mouth

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Are you seeing what im seeing?

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At a certain point of radiation dose, it scrambles your cells so bad they don't even have time to decompose, they just stop working and you're a comatose vegetable until your heart stops because the radiation interfered with your neural impulses
When you go above about 30 Sieverts (6 times the guaranteed lethal dose), death is unavoidable in 48 hours

That's so unbearably sad

keep screaching slav(e)s

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the japs died from the heat of the bomb, not the rads

yes they were

Could anyone else not take the flashback scenes seriously after seeing all the memes?
watching it on cytube probably didn't help either

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Best OC coming through

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Did you even watch the series. They mention hiroshima a lot.

Mate, nuclear bombs aren't about killing you with rads

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Nö, bin Deutscher. You can suck my dick, still. Where are you from?

every cell would dissolve into mush, leaving only the skeleton behind and other hard tissues

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I'm confused on the safety test. Why was it never done at any of the other RBMK reactors?

a nice piece of concrete

Most of the Japanese at Hiroshima and Nagasaki died from the fireball instantly evaporating them, the shock wave concussing their internal organs to jelly, or the fires generated by the heat wave - radiation exposure was relatively minimal, you'd practically have to be within the fireball to get a lethal dose, and in that event, radiation is the least of your worries

Hiroshima was a bomb not a meltdown like Chernobyl.

>tfw there is a fire in the turbine hall

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germans are slavs too, and turks.

I mean technically neutron bombs are.

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>im totaly german guise!

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Nuclear bombs actually dont produce that much nuclear radiation. Certainly nowhere near the amount produced by Chernobyl.

It probably was, the issue is the way that it was done at Chernobyl.

The other plants didn't have the 12 hour delay. They didn't have people who didn't know the procedures at the helm. They didn't have a madman that insisted that things get done immediately and without further delay well after shit was already going south.

It WAS done at all the other reactors, but under "safe" conditions - Dyatlov circumvented those safety regulations because he wanted the test gotten over with after optimal test conditions changed.

>did the japs in WW2 were killed becasue of the blast wave from the bombs or becasue of radiation?

>were the explosions at Hiroshima and Nagasaki more powerful than Chernobyl?
Obviously, because they were nuclear blasts, the blastwave in chernobyl was comparable to conventional shell. Chernobyl was basically a "dirty bomb".

Well written post. We can be friends irl.

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The firemwen werent wearing any gear...

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Then I'm confused by why they keep on screwing it up for years and why all the instructions were fucked up. I get how the 10 hour delay was really bad, but not why everything else was fucked too.

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Thatd basically be like sarah conner in a nuclear blast. The higher radiation, the hotter it gets. Youd die from the heat than the rads itself.

That ending haunting music made me sad & chills.


>there's still a general for this autistic commie tiny-series
well I guess im not that surprised, with anita still having a general

no they were morons and slow old women. dyatlov aka the true hero of chernobyl did nothing wrong.

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Yeah, I only came to /RMBK/ now, when the show is over. Memes are fun and hip and all that, but kinda sacrilegious, don't you think? I can't laugh at this. And I think RMBK-chan is fucking appalling.

my fucking sides

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How much rad a gamma ray burst has?

What gear would have worked, friend? hm?

Imagine an entire race of people who've had FAS since alcohol was first invented.

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You sound limpwristed and insane, buddy.
t. amerimutt
Ignore this fag, slavbros.

Agree. It was very fitting.

Like salty liquorice.

enough to instantly atomize you

It did. But Chernobyl was low on water and did not prepare for the test after working all day at full power.


They crossed the fuckup threshold.

enough to destroy a planet's entire ecosystem from millions of lightyears away. Probably not even possible to describe it in the currently used units for radiation

>let me guess you're gonna tell me to go dilate again

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>their faces when they hear that jannies dont get paid

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Dyatlovs Pass

Guys something is fishy here....

The safety test needed to be scheduled at an optimal time - usually, this is before the plant goes online - but the problem was that the plant was put into operation providing power for Kiev without doing the safety test first, so there was no optimal time, and they went ahead and did it anyway

I am just say it is a mistake in the series

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have seks

It's almost like Dyatlov is a common family name, or something.

based and kek'd

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>germans are tranny perverts
huh. Thought you were mostly shitfaggots

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Does your body actually decompose at this radiation level? You’d imagine not even bacteria could stand being in the irradiated wastelands that are your veins or skin.

>death is unavoidable in 48 hours
how much rads you need for an instant, drop dead on the spot death

Some Bacteria are immune to radiation

It'll break down even without bacteria to make it happen. Cellular structures are destroyed.

It's almost like sarcasm makes you sound insecure or something.

thousands of lightyears* srry

30 000 R

does your body just turns into liquid or not?

Cease my insubordination, follow his orders and move water through his reactor core

highly doubt it, probably clotted blood, solid hematoma masses look a lot like liver

How many people died for nothing?

>Akimov and the other dude died to feed cooling water into a reactor that already exploded
>Helicopter pilots died to pour sand and boron that afterwards they found all missed
>Miners died to build tunnel that was never used

Decompose as in atomize/evaporate? You would need to go way above that number.

lol nope

Attached: tfw they didn't see graphite on the ground.png (2786x1436, 3.99M)

also fungi

You become tendies.

>>Helicopter pilots died to pour sand and boron that afterwards they found all missed
IRL they died under different circumstances.

Yes, your body will still decompose like normal, it's just that when you get such a hide dose of radiation, you don't have to worry about being alive and conscious to experience your own putrefaction.
Also my mistake - it wasn't Sieverts, it was grays, each gray being 100 rads. They're nearly the same though, the conversion table being like .95 roentgen to 1 rad, and 100 roentgen to 1 sievert



user, do you have any idea how many people work for "intelligence agencies"?
It would be weirder if there wasn't at least 1 person working for the american lettersoup

>went into labor at his grave site
yeah i wouldn't believe that actually happened if they put it in the series

It does? Fist time hearing this.

>such a hide dose of radiation

>janitors don't get paid

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A lot of people. But it was a le as rning experience

It's even worse than that, the atoms in your body literally react with the neutrons from the radiation and change their element

I don't know, I don't think there are any accounts of such an event occurring

>how it was
How it was? You seem to be an expert.

>it was a le as rning experience

>everything is americans fault

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It was me.
I blew up reactor 4


wrong. they cant blow up

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Comrade Boris... I...

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fucking slavs

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Sorry im in shock

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>Nor did radiation from the melted reactor crash a helicopter that flew too close, as is suggested in “Chernobyl.” There was a helicopter crash but it took place six months later and had nothing to do with radiation. One of the helicopter’s bladeshit a chaindangling from a construction crane.



>the baby didn't die, the rotting body of a guy that was assfuck deep in airborne fallout wasn't dangerous

it did not hit the crane in the series retard.

They are probably referring to the helicopter flying through the spicy smoke and then crashing into the crane cables

the baby didn't die from radiation*

the absolute state

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Based retarded speedwatcher.

They watched it on a phone.

user, I'm sorry, legitimately go see an eye doctor.

are we gonna discuss whether the helicopter hit a crane or not? That's enough of a signal that this thread should end. Why can't Yea Forums ever produce something of value instead of memes and arguments over useless shit anyone can find on wikipedia?


why the fuck are you so desperate to defend this inaccurate peice of shit, it crashed after it was hit by radiation in the series

in real life it crashed hitting the crane

thats a fact

Underrated post

could your body turn into some sort of stone-like material after a long period of time ?

Did Dyatlov really say IRL that because the rules only say dropping from 80% is bad that dropping from 50% is ok?

Attached: you 235.jpg (565x542, 58K)

I don't think so, you would just rot and your bones would probably be pretty radioactive

>expecting Yea Forums to be valuable

this place is only fit for mental masturbation and entertainment through shitposting. You're here for a reason, so just go do anything else in the real world if you want value in your life. you're not gonna find it here

RIP user's eyesight

the crane falled appart because of radiation

>Why can't Yea Forums ever produce something of value instead of memes and arguments
Memes are everything.

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>doesn't see the crane hook fall at the same time with the helicopter
(You) have to be baiting at this point

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any survivors?

I didn't even realize it was Dyatlov until he told the lady to fuck off

user, I...

In real life they looked worse.

imagine what shithole soviet union was that people wanted to eat fucking butter as their last meal

that scene is fucking kino

Butter and caviar

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Attached: Screenshot (5555).png (1268x2056, 1.44M)

What game is this again

>Miner steals your cigarettes
>Send him and his crew to dig an useless tunnel, killing a quarter of them in the process

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from that screenshot it looks like the helicopters wings broke before the crane collapsed which leads me to believe the filmmakers thought that the heli crashed into the crane AFTER the radiation destroyed the helicopter


powder toy played it a lot when i was a kid

>crane winch exact same height
nice try, Denny

>fucking fish eggs and butter as last meal
yeah like i said, imagine what shithole soviet union was

The helicopter first got destroyed by the radiation and only then debris falled onto the cable, snapping it in half.

A crane cable would not destroy so easily the blades of a military helicopter.

Just let him die. They resucitated him 3 times when his heart stopped the cruel bastards.

Fish eggs are delicious

In episode 2 when he is discribing radiation sickness he says that the veins are too damaged to deliver morphine through the body.

that doesn't make them delicacy, imagine thinking that basic products aviable to everyone in the west when they want are luxiurious

Dude caviar is pretty expensive

and readily aviable to anyone if they wish to buy it unlike in soviet union

new thread when

imperialistic letter? in my Lenin NPP? someone KGB this comrade

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The guy who filmed it himself fucking said it lost its bearings and hit the giblet


He didn't see it hit a crane because there's no crane.

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clearly didn't happen