Well it was a good (1 episode) run

well it was a good (1 episode) run

Attached: swamp thing axed.png (1366x768, 544K)

Considering the campy stuff DC series get away with, how bad was it?

The first episode was good

That's what they get for doing weekly episodes instead of letting people binge the entire thing. You can't release a tepid introductory first episode in 2019 and expect people to wait with baited breath an entire week for the follow up. Fucking buffoons. I hope Batwoman crashes and burns too. Fuck DC.

>TV series
I thought it would be a movie

North Carolina completely fucked up their tax credit situation. Swamp thing was expecting to get back half their budget (40 million) but the state only had enough cash for 10 million.

Swamp thing is now dead.


We're still getting the rest of season 1 though right?

The decision seemingly boiled down to WarnerMedia/AT&T executives not liking the direction of the show, not budget or performance on DC Universe

No it wasnt.
I had to turn it off in the tough woman with the nigger kid scene.
Garbage, as excepted.

what? so carolina owes the production company money?

When she was treating him in the Congo? What did you expect when it said the Congo? A bunch of Dutch?

i excepted someone to kick the nigglet in the face, not a bitch solving the situation with muh feelings


cringe bro

you have serious problems, user.

t. 20-27 year old faggot

Fuck off you can’t watch anything without being a racist all the time

t. niggers
how can you watch this and not be upset? caked in makeup with hazard suit doctor getting threatened with a machete, and then the bitch heroine forgets all safety protocols, drops her mask and approaches the machete wielding chimpanzee kid.
in real life her face would be real nicely sliced up now for everyone to see what a dumb nigger loving bitch she is.
>you have serious problems, user.
my only problem is those kikes enabling shit like that

>Fuck off you can’t watch anything without being a racist all the time
Wrong, i cant watch anything WHILE being a racial realist at all.
I dont mind seing niggers or women in movies, but it has to fit the plot.
But all i see is tough woman here fucking main character nigger there while white males are comic relief.

Boy, you don't even come out as ironically delusional, just delusional.

it was a clerical error. NC fucked up.

refute my points then

>treasurer is republican
I thought conservatives were supposed to be good with money

There's very little point in trying to refute delusions online. It doesn't matter what I say, as it won't alter your take on ting in any way. You've already made up your mind on that I am some sort of shill or I am trying to destroy western civilization or some other shit like that.

> i cant watch anything WHILE being a racial realist at all.
That's what he said, you can't watch anything without being a racist, paraphrasing doesn't change anything.

You’re on the wrong website if you have those feelings.

Yes. With a botched ending. The last 3 episodes were already cut, so they had to make a quick ending.

Seek help.

Really goo, starts off wth a violent murder like a proper thriller and only gets more intense from there.
Feels like a good horror show rather than capeshit.