Wagecucks of Yea Forums, how do you keep watching kinos? after work i'm always exhausted...

wagecucks of Yea Forums, how do you keep watching kinos? after work i'm always exhausted, i've only seen chernobyl this month but i miss kinos

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Is working fast food really as bad as the memes say? My only job opportunities are fast food or retail right now.

Lmao do you work 12 hours a day?

Fast food is hardly as awful as anyone makes it out to be you’ll make piss for money but you get free food and drink so you won’t starve

I love falling asleep on the couch watching a movie

yes it is unbearable except on drugs. All food service jobs except dishwasher are

whats a good job for a worthless skilless friendless socially retarded old NEET that unfortunately cant be NEET anymore

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You're just out of shape, so you have very low energy.
