wagecucks of Yea Forums, how do you keep watching kinos? after work i'm always exhausted, i've only seen chernobyl this month but i miss kinos
Wagecucks of Yea Forums, how do you keep watching kinos? after work i'm always exhausted...
Is working fast food really as bad as the memes say? My only job opportunities are fast food or retail right now.
Lmao do you work 12 hours a day?
Fast food is hardly as awful as anyone makes it out to be you’ll make piss for money but you get free food and drink so you won’t starve
I love falling asleep on the couch watching a movie
yes it is unbearable except on drugs. All food service jobs except dishwasher are
whats a good job for a worthless skilless friendless socially retarded old NEET that unfortunately cant be NEET anymore
You're just out of shape, so you have very low energy.
>tfw an amusement park chad, get paid to push buttons and then when it's slow in the winter basically get paid to just stand around.
maybe security guard
or any retail minimum wage job
and deal with the very lowest of the low customers including spics and nigs who will scream and threaten you and other people that will treat you like a subhuman while having the worst hours and coworkers and making shit money while being overworked
That sounds nice
I'm too fucking anxiety ridden to work a retail/fast food job I need one part time but less pressured and mostly by myself. But yeah that's mostly all I ever see, fucking retail/fast food in job listings or really insane heavy warehouse jobs. I prob could do a lesser warehouse one maybe.
My dad is rich as fuck I have no brothers or sisters, my mother died, so I get to basically decide what to do with the money. He’s in his late 70s, he’s already signed everything over to me, I’ll never work another fucking day of my life.
I just thought I tell you guys about it while you’re punching your clocks, and taking your state mandated 15 minute breaks serving me the shit that I want.
Every day I go on Amazon and order about $300 worth of shit that I just want, Pokémon figurines and movie replicas and stuff like that. It just shows up at my house. I just drink wine all day. I haven’t worked in a decade. I don’t know how you fuckers even do it.
When I go into stores and restaurants and malls you people all look like you have dead eyes. How do you fucking do it.
LMFAO, imagine being a wagecuck, holy shit the thought of that is depressing. I wake up at about 8:30 to the traffic of wagies going to work and all I can do is smile while I'm in my king size bed as my beautiful girlfriend lays in my arms.
FUCK it feels good to be self employed
Been drinking 2-3 beers before the job starts. Makes the day go smoother.
>go on tv in hopes of kino recommendations for the night
>just end up getting drunk and shitposting until it's time to pass out
every night
>My only job opportunities are fast food or retail right now
Night shift security bro
this me except weed instead of booze
If I was you I'd become a movie producer.
>get rid of your internet and only use your phone to pay bills
>start looking for work
>work out
there is your way out of NEETDOOM
Nice larp
do retail instead if that's all you're qualified for. try to get a job in the back doing inventory, loading dock, etc. the manual labor is good for you. you won't be embarrassed ringing up babes all day. and you'll probably learn a few skills that can eventually get you more "manly" work like operating a forklift.
Threads like this are solid proof you all deserve to be euthanized ASAP.
>Get rid of internet
>Find job
Fucking boomers are legit retarded mongs
I find getting shitfaced comfy. That warm, fuzzy feeling you get when you collapse into bed for the night is great.
I don’t need to do any of that. My 17-year-old neighbor comes around and tries to play with my drones all the time. I got everything I want. I spend $2000 a month on booze, existence really is great.
Sometimes I play a little game with myself, where I wonder, what could actually be better about my life, but then it gets into a really weird place where it’s like... oh I can fart and create gold... that’s the only way my life can get better. If I was like Captain America or I could fart and create gold.
>Getting shitfaced comfy
It is so comfy, I do it every night.
what do you mean with out of shape?
Obviously I’m acting a little over the top but it’s all 100% true
use your phone you fucking retard
you better brush your teeth before passing out. otherwise they're going to rot quick while you sleep with a mouth full of booze and food.
Of course you don't need to but it would be fun as hell.
if this is all true you should look into investing that money. otherwise it's going to go quick with how irresponsibly you're spending.
Security guard
I "worked" 12 hours a night, 4 days on 4 days off
Had to do a 5 minute patrol route every few hours, that was it. In between I could watch the TV in the lobby, code on my laptop, read books, hell I often moved away from the camera and took naps because it's hard as fuck to sleep 8 hours in the day time and visitors to the site weren't allowed at night so there was no one to bother me.
Bad side is that long term night shifts will fuck up your health, and any co-workers you have will be borderline braindead
I could probably fuck Millie Bobby Brown that’d be pretty easy
Truck Driver. You live in your truck so no rent. You have no friends so you can drive non stop. I would have made 70k last year in my 4th year of driving but I got a dui while on vacation. It's a great job for a NEET.
Wtf we ain’t hillbillies, the money is already invested I just spend the interest it’s literally never going to run out, I guess unless the world collapses, then my asshole is probably going to be raped
My dad owns a hotel, and the security guards are always the worst pieces of shit we get. We hire out to a company, and they’re always the biggest fucking idiots I ever have to deal with when I’m there. You don’t even have to have a high school diploma to be an armed security guard where I live in the southern United States. You people disgust me.
>Pokémon figurines and movie replicas
Calm down I voted for Trump
>all these worthless 30-40 year old failed normalfag NEETs who shitpost here all day are finally having to get jobs
>Yea Forums improves tenfold
Yes. Imagine the types of people that get fast food...now imagine having to act like a literal slave in all meanings of the word, to them, day in and day out. Also shit pay and employees who more often then not will hate you and/or start snapping from stress and unleashing their anger on everyone around them like a nuke going off. Only reason I'm staying at the one I'm working at, is because I get a 50% employee discount.
Retail sucks as much if not more so as you are working with the same kinds of people, serving the same kinds of customers, and still are working for shit pay. But oh yeah you get to unload the truck in the back with all the ex-convicts who like chain smoking. What's that? You value your health? Cool, you get to work up front where you have to deal with normalfags all day.
Hah I know, one guy whose shift was after mine could barely spell so he never reported anything in the log book.
Anyway I don't do that anymore, thanks for your concern
LMAO I'm on Yea Forums more than ever since I got a job. 30 years old, too.
>Calm down
become a janitor/maintenance worker - very low bar to entry but if you actually show up and do your job you can get some sweet union jobs through schools or move onto better positions elsewhere - i did a few summers of that while in high school and nearly 10 years later after working a shit office job i got right into a school position because i could clean and wax floors which anyone can do - 3 years later i moved onto a private property management company that has about a dozen office buildings in our area and now i make $20+ an hour changing light bulbs, fixing door knobs and some general cleaning/maintenance work, setting suite temps so people are happy. super cushy and little to no supervision yelling at you to do stuff
Having a job makes you a better poster than half the people here. Having sex makes you a better poster than 95% of the people here.
As someone whose family owns a number of hotels, restaurants and fast food places, and a few convenience stores, you have to understand how much we laugh at and mock the people that work for us. They earn pennies on every dollar they make us, and they’re happy to do it.
Almost all of our jobs are entry-level positions, but we have 40-50 year old people working them, who never figured out how to manage their own lives. And they’re so polite and sweet to the customers. While we sit in the back and surf the web in the office.
Sometimes I go in, I don’t have a shift of course, I just go back in the office and go to sleep. And then at the end of the day I go home.
I’ve done enough heroin this week alone to kill a moose.
God bless America
I knew a guy, he worked at our hotel for a short time, and his parents just took him out of school in the second grade. He was like 20 years old, he thought he saw Angels sometimes, and he couldn’t even read or write. And he was a fucking security guard.
It's boredom. Sheer fucking boredom. When I was on drive-thru and no one was coming in, I didn't have anything else to do except stand there and pretend to clean my station for the 15th time. I did this for 7 hours and never felt like time was moving faster.
>code on my laptop
lmfao, who are you trying to kid?
Anybody else get super rude with people who call your home and try to sell you something? I was really mean to the newspaper guy who called earlier. He started panicking and he had a little quiver lip. It’s the funniest shit I ever heard
That's a nightmare
The food definitely isn't free. A lot of places really stress that and threaten to fire you if there's any food you take that isn't paid for.
Same dude. I only work because it gives me a reason to wake up in the morning. It's either that or drink myself to death, but I already drank to the verge of alcoholism before and I'm not going back to that hell. I'd like to just be an author but there's no fucking way I'm good enough at writing for that yet lol.
tfw Barista is the equivalent of fast food and some people think it is an art
I watch films and telly while I work.
Everyone has to start somewhere, usually somewhere shitty. Out of fast food and retail I'd recommend fast food, simply because you'll have less contact with the public.
>and they’re happy to do it
Yeah, um, we really are not. We have zero loyalty to you, and as soon as we find a better gig we ghost you and just never bother showing up one day without telling anyone.
what do you do?
Maybe if you work upfront like a little underage cuck, chads work in the back. Just work until closing and horde all the leftovers bro
The moment I wake up I start drinking wine and I don’t stop until I go to sleep later. I don’t know why you’d ever go out among these freaks all day long voluntarily. You don’t need a reason to get up in the morning you just get up. I guess my reason to get up is just to play with my pecker a little bit or something. It sure as fuck wouldn’t be to give hamburgers and fries to fat people
>Sometimes I play a little game with myself, where I wonder, what could actually be better about my life
Your Mom could not be dead maybe.
holy shit I need to quit my shitty fast food job I'm going to kms
very rude and uncalled for
The problem is, a lot of our employees have been working for us for over a decade. But even if you ghost us, there’s an endless supply of shitheads just like you to take your place. And we make the job so easy you just have to stand there and do the same thing every day, it takes no training.
The thing about people like you, is that you’re always going to be doing shit jobs, because people all start out doing shit jobs, but the ones with actual competence move on, and the ones like you keep doing it for the rest of their lives.
Why not lie on your resume?
I am at work right now.
Slaving away.
That’s funny, because my mother controlled everything when she was alive, my father did all the work, and now that she’s gone I get to decide what happens. My father is a hard worker but he has no head for this kind of thing, so the moment she died everything I wanted came true. Her and I were always butting heads over everything, now I get to decide.
what a pathetic life
if someone's sad that money is tight, look at the life of this pleb
Accounting. It's an unusually sweet gig though - most accountants don't get to set their own hours and work from home.
You can call it whatever you want, but it’s real. And it feels fantastic. From the time I wake up to the time I go to bed I do whatever I want. There’s nothing else on earth like that.
If I want something it gets delivered, or I send someone out for it, I drink all day long, nobody ever says an unkind word to me, and there’s so much money to spend. You’d be surprised what it feels like to get tired of spending money on things. Eventually you just get everything you want and you’re content to just relax. Incredible feeling.
I'm too discouraged and depressed to look for other work. I've been attempting to get this temporary government job but the hiring process has been a massive stick in my asshole where I've had to sign and fax all these random documents to show I "trained" and they're complete retards and I haven't heard back from the despite being sworn in, it's fucking insane.
I'm too at ease at this point with my fast flood slavery, all I want to do after working is lay in my bed. I want to cry but I can't. the only reason I dont end it is the hope that video games and movies give me some tiny dopamine rush.
You should just get a rich dad like me. That solves all your problems
>classified ad is all in caps
yeah no, clean your own hotel
no employer who uses caps lock can be a good person
I'd take retail over fast food if I were you user; I worked in a clothes shop for a while and it was alright
Have you looked at catering? Working for smaller businesses like cafés and restaurants can be good
I did dishes in a family run café, it was much nicer than big corporate shit
Congratulations, you are the reason so many younger generations are unironically pushing for socialism.
The same way I go to the gym and practice piano after work.. I schedule time for it.
Honestly, that's what I thought too. I'm in Canada and when I was 20 and driving a giant reefer rig around town I was getting $17/hour with no benefits and that's the industry standard. Mcdonalds employees were making $13/hour starting with a benefits program, scholarships and profit sharing. And they had far less responsibility and stress than me. Ended up getting let go of because Pajeet could fill my job and have his wage subsidized by the government as as a H1-B Visa, ended up totaling the truck and killing a 60 year old woman on the freeway 2 months later and it came to light he paid off his exams to get a 1A.
Ended up working as a construction laborer after getting $18/hour and fucked up my back which I've spent close to $10,000 in private physical therapy to remedy my chronic pain.
I'm now working in farming supplies sales and getting $15/hour selling 10k+ of merchandise daily.
All the while my sister works at some trendy restaurant and makes $80,000/year because she serves drinks in a short dress.
And as I type this a gay pride parade is getting up outside of my house.
I hate modern civilization.
that's the thing, I have rich parents. they let me live with them despite me almost being 30.
they're just pure evil and hate me and force me to do this garbage instead of letting me work on art (inb4 lol) I've done a few commissions.
you make the semi NEET life sound too good I think. it's nice, I've been there, but it's still miserable if you dont have friends or a girlfriend.
I don’t give a shit about that at all. The idea that oh, I work so hard, I pulled myself up by my bootstraps, I have personal integrity, I am a conservative, etc., it’s just stories the poor people tell themselves to motivate them to get up the next day. I don’t give a fuck if socialism destroys this country, I’ve had one hell of a fucking ride all the way through. Meanwhile 40 of you motherfuckers show up every day wanting a job for me. So I don’t think I’m going anywhere to be honest.
Nigga, just do what the fuck you feel like doing. Any other kind a life is slavery
Can't you find a job at a smaller restaurant? Waiting tables isn't that hard if you have some social skills and a decent memory, or you could work take-out, or washing dishes can be pretty chill too. It's more work that McDick's but if your bosses are cool it's so much better
not if you spit in peoples food when they act like dicks
kek being a rich (or at least well-off) NEET is so fucking based. I only got a few million in assets but that's enough for me to spend the rest of my life browsing Yea Forums, watching flicks, and masturbating to feet
>I just drink wine all day
That sounds miserable. You definitely frustrated or stressed out
if I quit my job my parents will throw me out. I'll live in my car and hotels until I run out of money and I'll either become a destitute vagabond for a while until I cant take it anymore and beg and cry for them to take me back where I'll in turn be forced, again, to find garbage work to do.
this is a pattern thats happened since my teenage years.
my family is unironically cruel and machavellian and think I'm "bein learnt and taught gud responsibility"
that's nice, working from home seem comfy. no office bullshit and you can do the job in peace, part time too would be good
This just sounds like slavery with extra steps.
You need to be 18 to post on this board
Hell yeah, sitting in front of your giant TV that you didn’t earn, knowing that you’ll never have to earn anything, and having all your needs taken care of forever, and being the sole benefactor of your father’s estate, is the best feeling on earth. When I go to firehouse subs and get a Philly cheesesteak with mushrooms I just shake my head at these poor motherfuckers. Because they’re gonna be doing that shit till they’re 90.
how old are you?
I've worked both and I'll take retail any day. Food is noisy, hot, and smells like shit. And you deal with drunks
I literally don’t know the meaning of the word stressed. I feel like a hobbit in his hobbit hole when I drink wine and eat all day and watch TV. Thank God for my personal trainer or I’d be fat as fuck.
that shit is only a thing in the US; everywhere else in the world you need a shit ton of degrees or certifications to do security
Kill them. Outsmart them.
Now you just sound like you bullshiting
I’m 30 years old
>Imagine the types of people that get fast food
Is there really anything wrong with getting fast food? My local kinoplex is surrounded by them am and I usually just grab something to eat after work before watching. Are the other cineastes looking down on my when they see me leaving the nearby McDonald's?
I'll whine and complain anonymously but suffer in my silence and depressed comfort in reality.
I'm too broken at this point to do anything. and you're probably right I will have to do this for a long time.
I’m 30 years old
Just start writing. That's the secret
Your parents know what's best for you.
Hey there’s no way I can prove to you who I am, but I’m telling the truth. I don’t have to work my dad has a bunch of money. It’s not that complex
ITT: the reason why the rest of the world hates america
Parents doesn't know shit
Why would any one be jealous of a junkie?
>FUCK it feels good to be self employed
what do you do?
Jesus dude there’s nothing worse than giving up. You have all that at your fingertips, you can’t just give up. Take it, if you can’t get it through normal means.
I wouldn't believe you "proofs" anyway. Human biology just doesn't work like that. You probably just playing some character to make feel yourself better or for trolling or something like that
Based ironic retard
Do you fuck escorts? Use hard drugs?
Oi rich cunt send me some dollarydoos
I'm not ironic. And if you're delusional if you think that yours parents are not confused about life as you are
I'm mentally broken. it's over for me. maybe some video games that I'm looking forward to will spark something in me to make me feel alive, but there's nothing in me at this point. because of my stupidity, laziness, jealousy and hatred I've become an enemy to almost everyone in my family. I have a large family and waking up knowing no one cares about me is like a living hell. I don't even want to open my mouth and speak a word to another human. my very being is suffering.
Because I have everything I could want. I certainly don’t look like a junkie, you wouldn’t even be able to tell. I just have a whole lotta fun.
If it matters, I only do heroin during Ramadan to make fun of the Muslims. The other 11 months of the year I don’t do any. I just drink. It’s funny to me that I’m doing heroin, while shitskins on the other side of the world are not eating their little tortilla things or whatever it is they eat all day. Goats?
The vast majority of people who get fast food are always retarded fat slobs.
Your parents know what's best for you.
what is the basis of this
Best for me would be rich parents. But they don't know nothing about it
>he answers the phone
retailcuck here browsing indeed for real jobs,
is it hard to be a Technical Writer?
I have literally drank beer and wine and eatenunder 600 cal a day for five years. And I don’t care about what happens outside of my house, and I take care of things when my father needs me to, but I certainly don’t work a shift anywhere. I don’t know what you have such a problem with.
I'm the example of the polar opposite of hat.
I don’t fuck escorts, and I do heroin one month a year. It’s easy for me to put H down, but I do drink constantly.
I have a problem because you're larping. drinking that much will make you feel like a corpse.
Yeah sure, kid
So basically you can't get an erection anymore because of the constant drinking?
I can tell they’re scam phone calls, because they have my area code and prefix but they say unavailable. I only answer because I want to make fun of the people. Especially when they’re Indian
But user he has magical trainer that makes everything alright
retail since you'll either be in the back and not have to deal with people or get lucky enough to be able to look at qts all day while wasting time on the floor
Your dad sounds like a terrible parent and you sound like a big jerk.
You'll end up 40, alone, or better yet, with a whore who married you just because of your wealth, and some day you will die knowing you have never accompished anything in your life other than being an alchoholist.
Hey, I’ve had people say that to me before. But I absolutely promise you that I drink that much. I drink 12 to 15 beers, or the equivalent amount of alcohol every single day without fail for the last five years. When I wake up I don’t feel good but one drink makes it all go away. I’m telling you the damn truth. There’s no way I can prove it to you but it would be stupid of me to push this if it was not true
It’s killed my libido but I still jack it about every three days. So yeah I can still definitely get an erection. I’m only 40 I’m not that old
congrats on being a gigantic fat fuck alcoholic I guess
>all the gullible retards falling for the laarp bait and handing out (you)'s
My dad was actually a pretty good guy, it’s not his fault I’m this way. I’m definitely a jerk though. I’m never going to get married fuck that. And I’d rather be alone. I just want money and booze and freedom. Keep telling yourself you need people around you, because that’s what poor people think they need. But they all end up fucking annoyed by their dumb wife and annoyed by their dumb kids with nothing, and then they die.
I’m 6’3, 180 pounds.
>40 years old
>posts on Yea Forums
yeah, right
OP, I only watch movies during the weekend, but when I work I usually have dinner with my parents and sometimes my dad takes one his DVDs and we watch them
tonight we've seen a John Carpenter flick with Bon Jovi
Was it kino? hardly
Did I have a good time with my family? sure
of course you are larpy
It's so painfully obvious you haven't had a friend in over a decade
Why do people pretend replies have some value. It's literally just having a conversation.
it's an autism thing
What’s the worst thing you’ve done in an interview?
user, every one of us will be eventually annoyed by something. I guess that's why you're here now, posting on a weeb website instead of doing something more pleasant.
have friends, a girlfriend, those are things some us decide to do because the weight of this existance is unbearable, so we decide to share our burdens with other people, to make things easier.
and it's like this for everyone, despair doesn't care about your bank account
but you'll see it yourself, with time
but it will be too late
I just simply stopped.
>when the best you'll ever be growing up is that Walmart restroom poster on /pol/
What would you tell your kid-self, anons?
I would just tell my kid self to never do drugs, go on Yea Forums, or jerkoff. that was the holy trio of my self destruction.
Not worst, but I had a strange interviewer for my current job who was very passive. He didn't really ask any questions, so after a bit of talking going nowhere our roles kinda reversed and by the end of it I basically just gave myself the job, feels ok I guess.
you might be rich but you live the life of pleb with money
>drink all day long
>childish attitudes like "I do whatever I want", "laugh at employees that work for us"
>no stimulation to do anything (sleep at the office)
>no higher purpose or at least using your brain for something more than muh dick and muh drinks
>pushing your vices (drugs, drinks) beyond reasonable limits (doing heroin that would kill a moose)
You are the kind of man that hasn't read a book in your life but believes is smart.
Your entire perception of life is limited to the immediate objects that grab your attention.
If you continue like this without any moderation you have a high probability of
>health issues from your drinking, drugs, veneral diseases (if you indulge in this vice)
>you'll be bored of "getting anything you want" and start doing more challenging stuff even if it's something stupid and impulsive like drinking more than your body can handle or try to do something retarded when driving that will provoke an accident
>your weakened state of mind (from lack of using your brain on anything challenging) will leave you prone to depression, suicidal thoughts and madness
For you own sake, I hope your life is more than what you posted here.
im a professional larper
for my first job interview at a real job i ended up staying up smoking hash to try to sleep, because my sleep schedule was completely fucked. couldn't sleep so ended up going to the interview on no sleep and still stoned.
You are fortunate to be able to smoke weed user. Don’t take it for granted
>go to work
>wage my way through the day
>look at the clock it's already 2
>time for my 1 hour lunch
>relax after lunch in front of computer read some ahit online and reply to some emails
>look at the clock its 5
>go home feeling good
feels good mang
I start at 6 and finish at 3, home at 4. So lots of time. Schedule never changes either. I'd rather stay home in a comfy bed and neet it up but my life/hobbies requires a certain income and I gotta drag my ass away from kino
what's the purpose of hiring an armed security guard anyway? it's not the gun that deters people from shoplifting, it's just having a person standing there watching people. any high schooler in a uniform would do. hell, i would think you wouldn't want an armed or bootlicking guard who would chase a shoplifter because of the potential for a lawsuit. but i guess in america you get paid to murder unarmed black people
Waiter this pasta is stale.
Depends where. Fast food in inner city would probably be a fucking nightmare. Fast food job in smaller town, probably be alright.
I just get a buzz and play video games while a familiar kino plays on my other screen. Pause and watch what I like and keep going.
Don't worry, it'll all be over soon. Another major economic crisis is predicted sometime next year, then we can die in the collapse and our suffering will be over.
I am not a lowborn that works in warehouses or kitchens so I have plenty of energy when I come home
Also I doubt your idea of "home" and mine are the same thing at all