The Terror season 2

Who else is pissed that the new season is about Japanese internment camps and not cool spooky shit like the Donner party or the lost colony of Roanoke?

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That insufferable faggot Takei is gonna be in it too

>Donner party or the lost colony of Roanoke
>implying americlap history makes for good tv

there are a lot more kino european events that would have made for a better season 2

galaxy brain: chernobyl is the real terror 2

The Roanoke colony would be cool. I'd have a skinwalker picking off colonists

>the network revealed that The Terror‘s followup season, subtitled Infamy, would focus on the United States’ creation of Japanese internment camps during the Second World War. Takei, whose own family was sent to one of these camps during his childhood, will also serve as a consultant. In a recent interview with Entertainment Weekly, he offered some new details about what horrors Infamy would contain:
>“There is the old Japanese literary form called Kaidan, ghost tales, that is fused onto this experience of Japanese-Americans. The people that were imprisoned were highly stressed, and some marriages broke up, some people went crazy, and they overlaid the story of yureis — spirits — and obake — ghosts that possess people.”
>So, instead of dealing with terrifying arctic winter and the even more frightening mythical beast that plagued season one, The Terror: Infamy will pit Takei and the rest of the cast against two factions. On the one hand, there are the American soldiers who “knocked on [Takei’s family’s] door” and menaced many of the Japanese Americans they forced into internment. On the other hand, there are traditional Japanese spirits who are vengeful enough to possess a person. So, that sounds nice.

I dunno
It seems like a strange choice for the S2 setting, but then again I also didn't expect to end up caring so much about some random polar expedition.

I haven't watched chernobyl yet, is there any supernatural angle?

>The Terror
>Season 2

Attached: 1558540562084.jpg (850x559, 34K)

No one cares about Europe

No, but the radiation is creepy enough by itself.

Yeah, The Terror season 2 should have been about poorly built Victorian era staircases.

i don't care what the setting is, i'm just pissed that it's not being made by the same people

True but there aren't really many mysteries from 18th century europe that have any spooky mystery and ambiguity. Frontier America does however.

>literally the center of civilization

so it has nothing to do with Dan Simmons and theyre using the title 'The Terror'??

this makes no sense

It's called the terror because that was the name of the ship
Why the fuck are they doing this

nothing to do with dan simmons and also not the same creatives making it. it has literally nothing in common with the first season that i can tell.

the first season was critically acclaimed so they're going to coast off it as long as they can

Gotta get that SJW bullshit in there.

I really wouldn't call the lost colony of Roanoke "american" history. It is, without a doubt, british colonial history. It's even 16th century, user.

Something Heart of Darkness would have been dope.

Lmao limeys are fucking retarded

The American southwest has better legends by itself.

t. mexicano goblino

I now know a lot about victorian stairs. What an odd thing.

They've got a point though. If you go to old victorian pubs in London the toilets are usually upstairs and the stairs tend to be very steep and narrow. Doesn't help that they have drunk people on them too.

it makes absolutely no sense and its so transparent this is only happening because one of the show runners, soo hugh, is japanese. what is the connection between this story and the first season? why is this called the terror? it just makes no sense at all. if you want to make a miniseries about japanese fucking internment camps, go ahead, but them putting this under the name of a show about a lost fucking expedition makes absolutely zero sense, there is no connection between this story and the story of s1.

name one

Other good spookys would be UB-65, Dytalov pass, the boys from Yuba city, the Ourang Medan or even The death of Roald Amundsen. Literally anything that isn't Jap internment camps

Fuck Trump and fuck White people

This is going to end up like true detective, isn't it? Great first season followed up by meh.

>Who else is pissed that the new season is about Japanese internment camps and not cool spooky shit like the Donner party or the lost colony of Roanoke?
I'm pissed because it has zero connection with Polar Hijinks.

I too would be mad if its about meme American tall tales.

>Dyatlov pass
No such thing, user. You're delusional.

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soo hugh isn't involved in this season

Ghost Rider


lmao I didn't even fucking realise "soo hugh" was the guy's name, I just thought user had started typing something then changed his mind halfway through

will it be a book adaptation or did they just pick first script with "Fuck Drump" and called it a day?

my ass she had nothing to do with this. all of a sudden the terror turns into a show about japanese people, and now she's developing a show about koreans and japanese people for apple... come on.

It's not even going to be meh. It's going to be preachy uninteresting bullshit. They already have an agenda they want to push and they're not even filming

I'd be more worried about a sand bigger stabbing me

Are these specters being made because of the japanese getting sent away to camps in america, or because of the literally millions of people the japanese army are butchering on the other side of the ocean.

Because dollars to dimes they're gonna talk exclusively about the first thing.

they fucked up by not doing s1 on franklin's first nwp expedition that went horribly wrong, thereby freeing up the second expedition for s2

couldve gotten spooky woods kino watching the group of hardened frontiermen being slowly worn down as they march thru unexplored wilderness, starving and going mad, being stalked by an arctic bigfoot watching in the trees