What am I in for?
13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi
The Office set in Durkadurkastan.
Budget black hawk down
Rethuglican revisionist history and propaganda
Better than Black Hawk Down and cements Bay as a true kinographer.
When I saw this I though the movie had to many chasing scenes and explosions I though it had a crazy ass budget, turns out it didn't
shit was entertainment
cringe and yikespilled
You say that like it's a bad thing.
Some trashy whore trying to cash in on conservabucks.
Jingoist American pigdog feelgoo, nothing like reality or actual 'true story'. Bland portrayal of actual circumstances and no backstory or plot surrounding the baddies, no mention of the French aid.
So many brown people get iced in this. It's basically a two hour gunfight
It's a harrowing and heartfelt film based on a riveting and exhilarating true story. A masterpiece.
>Hollywood Jews
Only patriots and people that personify the american spirit can understand his filmography.
I don't remember anything
4K comes out next week.
Some 30 min's of setup and 2 hours of constant shooting. I think Bay has lost the ability to make a well paced movie. There's lots of pretty-looking shots (and the guy really likes his slingy flare explosions) but like with any Transformers beyond maybe the first one, it's just action shots that don't let up.
>This is all that nigger Obama's fault! If only reality tv star and failed businessman Donald Trump was president, we could stop sending money to Israel!
>M I C H A E L B A Y
solid hollywood operator flick. Shame it was on such a touchy subject so the leftist scum tried to cover it up
How hard/long to achieve this body type?
Why do leftists want to cover it up?
2 months if you're not american
Impossible to do natty, but with the right gear cycle and nutrition probably a year or so.
hildog was in charge when it went down and she was running for president around the time the movie came out
One of Bay's few good films.
PPL split, train abs and eat at a 500 calorie deficit.
Actually pretty good movie. Not like agenda driven lefty crap on the other side. Just straight up events as they happened with no fucking jabs like what you'd expect.
1 year of working out 3+ days a week then 3 months of deffing with 1200 cal/day food + 2100+ cal burned through cardio per week
>it fits my agenda therefore it's not agenda driven
Fantastic war movie that focuses on its core story and characters and doesn't dither with superfluous side-plots (like Pearl Harbour)