Eat a lot

>eat a lot
>drink beer
>smoke weed
>meanwhile Men, Elves and Dwarves are dying in thousands in a war a few hundred miles away
How can Hobbits be so based?

Attached: Shire_-_FOTR.png (1280x528, 873K)

the hobbits are unequivocally based

>be samwise gamgee
>go on a crazy adventure
>get the king of the world to bow down to you
>go back to the shire
>get a gf
>fuck her and have cute little hobbit babies

hmmm reminds me of something

Are they like the Dutch in this regard?

They weren't smoking marijuana you zoomer faggot.

On the subject of LOTR, I want to introduce my daughter to this awesome fantasy epic. I was wondering if I should introduce her with the animated movies first, or just jump right in with the live action adaption.

>have cute little hobbit babies

Attached: Merry.jpg (200x247, 13K)

They weren't smoking tobacco either, it was some sort of hybrid mix

Definitely not, but what they did smoke they called weed collectively.

Just let her read the Hobbit. Once she's old enough to do that then you show her the Jackson kino.

it was gas station tier spice

>Race of manlets
>Dorky and nerdish
>Herpity derp

I wished so much for The Shire to be taxed by orks and all these little faggots slaughtered, but faggot producers had to keep it PG-13


>smoke weed
fuck you

*puff* You know Frodo, I just think it's odd how Orcs are 13% of the population of Middle Earth, yet they are responsible for over 50% of the violent crimes

Attached: G6_LRgoGzJl8S2ypb9ZgqHCJ_W6C_f1iD0HeQms5G64.jpg (327x327, 14K)

*Razed , not taxed


Tolkien based the Shire off central England which used to be comfy before industrialisation (Isengard)

It's not actually weed, it's tobacco, but yeah Hobbits are pretty based. Read the first part of LotR, it's good fun.

>It's not actually weed, it's tobacco
If you had read the first chapter of the first book you would know this to be false

I want a house like that

it's pipeweed you gonad

What was Tolkien's razing policy?