holy shit... this is bad
Dark Phoenix
Uncle, sit down.
i cant
i had to walk out after 1 hour
>paying for capshit
>too poor to pay for shit movies
get out of here
>all the reshoots were to giver turner, chastain and lawrence more screentime
It's gonna make Green Lantern look like Spider-Man 2. I'll be going to a showing tonight so I'll be sure to bring back all the spoilers and the best crinfe.
>willingly supports bad movies
you're an embarrassment
And then you ask why do they keep making shit movies. Because retards like you pay for them.
You got what you asked for.
i dont understand this
im not even hating on any female here lol
Reddit mods deleting posts
doing great job of deleting spam
its the currently trending buzzword that kids love to post and hehe xD
Then they would have deleted this thread from the very beginning. Oh wait.
why this hate against sophie
she has a potatohead and can't act
feminism kills another franchise
sad but they need to learn
Holy shit
she's a whore
Rolling of laughter here
all women are whores
>That disgusting roastie arm tattoo
did you already forget that Solo and Genesys flopped?
Sure you did, Chuck. Sure you did.
Emilia Clarke isn't
She's just the
cutest psycho!
…and that's a good thing
She’s for aborting babies so I’m for aborting her movies
I had no idea that this was a movie that was coming out till I saw an advertising blitz earlier this week reminding me it comes out this Friday.
How fucked is it?
you got lucky, that way there was no chance you'd go see that piece of crap
Daily reminder: CHADku would absolutely demolish Dark Shitnex in a fight.
i saw it today
no idea why but it just felt worse than the others for some reason
the other films seemed good compared to this
maybe giving sophie a leading role was a mistake
I want her to punch me in the balls and spit in my face
>6 out of 10 on IMDB
Well apparently. Let's see the trailer too, didn't even bother with it yet.
yep can confirmed its bad. Just watched it in cinema today.
>thinks this is about poverty
not him but user you retard
why are you paying jewwood to shit in your mouth?
Writer is the same one that wrote and directed X-Men Last Stand.
The trailer looked okay.
the lead actress is ugly and built like a man
>people still pretending sophie turner can act
wew they deserve this desu
Jennifer Lawrence..
Here or in reddit? As far as I know in reddit is a combination of her talking shit about the petition and Dany.
Did you miss the news? The reshoots were to change the ending. Because the ending looked pretty much like Captain Marvel (powered woman fighting spaceships)
its messy
the story is retarded
it actually reminds me of how they made deny into a mad queen
this is what happens here. they force sophie into a mad bitch and it feels forced
then she dabs on everyone and says "fuck you losers, im a qween i bow to no man"
Well yeah the X-Men films have been on a downward spiral for a while now. Days of Future Past wasn't too bad I suppose.
logan wasnt bad dude
Haven't seen that yet.
Just watch deadpool lmao
Oh wait, Jennifer Lawrence is in this too? She is desperate nowadays huh
>X-gene is a very rare mutation that's been occurring since the late 1800s.
>Mutants pop up often, but there's no greater identity to them through most of history, about as in public perception as transsexuals were to the average 1950 nuclear family. When they appear they're treated with hate and fear. Several lynchings occur against more monstrous-looking mutants, but spread out by years and are rare due to the rarity of mutants themselves.
>In the late 70s a brief blip on the radar of SHIELD occurs when a group calling itself the Hellfire Club appears and starts wreaking small-time havoc (think MCU Vulture-tier) in the name of "Mutant Rights". Their leaders: Magnus Lensherr and Charles Xavier, two close friends and firebrand mutant activists, nearly sparking a nuclear crisis in their early riots and demonstrations of superhuman abilities
>For unknown reasons the Hellfire Club disbands and mutants go back under the radar for decades
>Until post-Endgame Magnus resurfaces under the alias "Magneto", and reveals that he's been gathering mutants from across the world to establish the Brotherhood of Mutants, and declares his intentions by interrupting another lynching of a monstrous-looking mutant and slaughtering the entirety of the rural American town it took place in.
>Mutants become a media firestorm as Mutie Panic runs rampant, and the public begins questioning who and what Mutants are, if the Avengers are Mutants in league with Magneto, and such in blind fear.
>SHIELD prepares countermeasures to track Mutants and euthanize them using a machine called Cerebro, but it can only be powered by a powerful, psychic mind.
>This is when they're approached by Charles Xavier, coming out of hiding to offer a deal to SHIELD: he'll operate Cerebro for them, but instead of eliminating these new Mutants he is given the opportunity to train them at his estate, now a school, to control their powers and be ambassadors for Mutantkind. The X-Men are born.
Here's your MCUtants backstory
She ded bro
>Oh and Charles it seems that it's always women doing the rescuing, maybe you should rename the group into X-women
I just watched this movie and it was very meh, can't recommend it.
Worse part is she doesn't use her mutant powers at ANY time. Mutants are cool because they have powers, so not using them is stupid. I think this is the first movie she doesn't use her powers at all.
hopefully this puts the final nail in the sophie turner coffin. game of thrones had such shit actors, anybody who was good on that show is 40+ years old
I wish she slapped my dick
she has no charisma, all this effects doing shit.
I have to watch this shit now
No more gibs from riding Weinstein cock, she has to now either mooch off her boyfriend or accept anything her agents give her (which is not a lot).
>anybody who was good on that show is 40+ years old
That's usually the case especially with British actors that they get better the older they get. Doubt Sophie Turner will though.
>can't act
second. She's indescribably boring to watch.
Dude ayyy lmao
Not gonna see it, how does it end?
C r i n g e
I'm sure it'll be more convoluted and involve the multiverse.
This is doubly stupid because she plays Mystique. The character who's entire schtick is that she can be anyone she wants, but actively chooses to be her blue mutant form because she believes so strongly in the mutant identity.
Mask of the phantasm was unironically the best batman movie ever made.
anyone get the feeling shes trans?
>how does this generic run of the mill capeshit end???????
Way too thoughtful for Gibsney.
are you retarded
literally with a dark phoenix
What's so bad about it?
It's pretty damn good as far as cape movies go, they should have just ended this franchise with Logan.
Not in the slightest. Your trapdar is broken.
she becomes bad and kills some of the x men
Who thought that was a good idea?
is it?
Whu do you idiots pay money to see this? Are you mentally stunted?
That's disappointing to hear. Never enjoyed Marvel capeshit but did enjoy the X-men series and really liked Days of Future Past, more so than First Class. I thought Apocalypse was mediocre and a bit of a fluke but had hope. I think I'm officially off any capeshit now.
obviously it is because she was born female
Just look up her nudies
> Whu do you idiots pay money to see this?
All of these films are so fucking awful. So many characters, yet all of their potential is wasted.
prove it
her first acting role was at 27, a time when transitioning is finished for most
Is it worse than The Last Stand?
>watch the whole clip because i have to be missing context
No, she just actually non-sequiturs that right in there. Stunning and brave. Bravo. Literally shaking rn.
It's not even for story purposes too, she was just tired of being painted blue and all the maintenance that came with it. She seems like a retarded lazy shit. I'm glad she's no longer the "it" actor that she once was, soon she'll be a total has been.
Did it flop?
shes autistic
she probably dint realise your not suppost to hit people
I don't even mean the "Blue make up", I mean her power of changing to someone else, I mean in old X-Men she changed into a senator, into Wolverine, Jean, etc... in new movies she changed into Sebastian Shaw, that Bald general, That Asian militar guy, the president, and Psylocke.
In the Dark Phoenix she uses no powers at all.
is this the thing that everyone laughed at or was this a reshoot
It's released just this week, but probably it will.
She's such a terrible actress. At least act like you're dying.
But Dark Phoenix destroys Shi'ar ships in the original story.
Tell me why you like it more than Under the Red Hood
>X-Men 3 was terrible
>Re-hire the guy who did X-Men 3 to make another movie based on the same story (Jean Grey/Phoenix)
What the fuck were they expecting?
I... don't hate that.
When is that gif from?
There are no more scooters after Namek.
Yo! Son Goku and his Friends Return. It's a non-canon OVA from 2008.
>maybe giving Sophie a lead role was a mistake
Yeah, maybe.
strong draw = tranny
sorry jawlet stop projecting because have no jaw
High school around 1993
The problem is they keep trying to remake the Phoenix over and over again and it's always a killer.
She's got great eyelashes though in that pic though. Just think how proud that makeup artist must be.
They also pull the "Charles does thing that he thinks is in their best interest but inevitably ends up backfiring" thing again. Jesus, that thing was old the first time they did it.
Also Beast turning homicidal because "killed muh waifu" Speaking of, who the fuck came up with Mystique/Beast. Like, is that ever a thing in the comics? Surely not. Their only thing they can really relate to each other about is that they are both optionally blue.
So basically radical 60s weather underground resurface into two major conflicting factions: leftist academia and violent pink haired idiots?
Im bored, spoilme all the movie Please.
sorry but best batman movie is the batman (1989) and batman & robin in shared first place
>You should rename it to X-women
= actual line from the movie
The problem with the film was, I think the generic villain, the choice to make Xavier the "bad guy" for most of the movie, the exposition for an intended audience of children and the playing down of Magneto
It's indeed weaker than the other X-men movies.
she kinda looks like a massive bitch to deal with.
what were they thinking lmao
that movie is literally the least liked X-Men movie, and it's about Dark Phoenix, and it was so bad they went out of their way to create an alternate timeline so for the actual second time, they not only tackle the same plot points but they hire the same guy who fucked up the same thing already once before
her brow/ eyes are completely fucked. Sunken eyes and too many facelifts.
>swearing in an x man film
only really worked when wolverine told professor x and magneto to go f themselves
Wow, this is what she does in her free time? What an interesting person. Very admirable. Seems like an intelligent young woman. I'm so glad she's a leader of her generation. We've got a bright future ahead.
Film starts with Jean accidentally killing her parents as 8 year old, movie is set off by a stratosphere mission where Jean comes in contact with a "solar flare" that later turns out to be some ancient energy speak that the shapeshifter race is after, Jean in turn becomes stronger and a bit "bad", Jean finds out that her dad actually survived but abandoned her and Xavier lied to her, Xavier also is full of himself in the movie, Jean in Turn kills Jennifer Laurence by accient, some mutants (eventually including a retired Magneto) want to kill her for killing Jennifer Laurence and so some mutants fight each other, and the showdown is her fighing the shapeshifters, where one of them (the blonde woman) also has half of that spark, and in the end she becomes a flying bird in the sky and Xavier retires and that About a Boy Dr. Beast dude who fucks all the Hollywood starlets becomes president of the school
>holy shit... this is bad
Half the x-men movies are and the half that isn't is just ok.
>>SHIELD prepares countermeasures to track Mutants and euthanize them using a machine called Cerebro, but it can only be powered by a powerful, psychic mind.
>middle of Dothraki sea
>You should rename it to X-women
Just now I was joking with some friends they would definitely throw in a shitty joke ala new MiB after that article from the Disney exec saying the name X-men is outdated.
Please tell me it's not real.
user, I ...
it's incredible how jlaw's career tanked after that movie with chris pratt
I thought the trailer I saw before Endgame looked pretty cool too.
Is this worse then X3?
They stole the entire ending from Ang Lee's Hulk
> her nipple got hard
Actually her only kill is Mystique, which is why the movie really feels weak since it was also mostly an accident more than her going mad.
Just got home from the movies.
God, what a piece of garbage
also Charles did nothing wrong
X3 is kino compared to this.
Looks like Shazam came out too close for them to reshoot the beginning too.
Does she get naked? Do we at least see her boobs?
>dem tats
I don't mind tattoos generally, by why such shitty ones.
>White male abandons child token
>white male is wrong and apologizes at the end token
>white male betrayy
>"Beast on!"*transforms*
>strong woman is morally right every single time
>scott is a manlet and a white knight
God knows Ill never watch another X"men" in my lifetime
Just saw a cam.
5/10 and I'm being generous.
It needed like an extra 30 minutes, everything's so rushed. Also actors heavily phoned it in.
Scott should stay in rp1
Needs brazzers logo.
I thought it was one of the best comic book storylines, surprised they could fuck it up so badly
I still haven't finished Apocalypse. Have more than half the movie left and zero desire to finish it. Do they honestly think people thought this movie was going to be any good?
Wasn't Jean evil in the original? I remember she destroyed a planet and its population just for fun.
This is the second time they've fucked it up.
They literally rebooted the whole franchise and made up timelines, then just redid the thing that made them reboot it in the first place.
I was actually sad Wolverine wasn't in this movie, but after watching it I'm glad he wasn't in it.
>kills your friend
>but we need her back...she's still good i swear
Sorry pal, in the X"men" universe women cant be evil. Even the alien was obviously male-built.
Give me a quick rundown?
Just think of the most generic story you could give to the fenix saga and then add lots of feminism. Thats basicaly it.
Imagine characters you love acting out of character and being abducted to star in the most generic and boring script you could possibly imagine.
Yeah it sounds like trash. I thought it would only get better after the shit but ultimately entertaining apocalypse but singer fucked the Phoenix saga once more fucking retard.
>let's redo the same story in the third installment as the last 3 part installment and make it even shitter with an even shit tier cast and no Hugh Jackman and Jennifer Lawrence as Mystique
LMFAO Simon kinberg u dumb jew fat fucking cunt idiot
Salsa's career is FINISHED
It's the 4th installment since First Class. I forgot about Apocalypse too.
>Indian studios win another contract
>okay pajeet i want her skin to crack with a fiery sheen to reveal her unbridled power
>patel overlays some cracked dirt with the colours glowing red
Completely flat with no thought given to the curvature of her face.
why is she made of paper?
They need to quit trying to adapt the Dark Phoenix story line, it’s fucking boring. Evil Jean Grey, that’s all it is. I don’t understand the appeal. Haven’t the X-Men done anything else worth making a movie about?
Hulk isn't a great film, but it has more soul to it than most capeshit by a long run.
It'd be a lot better if most of the night scenes weren't so poorly lit.
The only reason people thought the Phoenix Saga was any good is because X-Men 3 half assed it and they've been lying to themselves that it was some great nuanced arc. It's shit and it's always been shit.
I think even the writers have decided to forget about that one.
>Writer is the same one that wrote and directed X-Men Last Stand.
Brett Ratner directed Last Stand
I don't get it. Fox can make Logan and Deadpool, but they can't grab and organize people from those productions to put their skills to work on a CU that could have rivaled MCU? Do they simply hate money?
They have and are informing others of how easy women are to fuck because they are whores.
>X1 > X2 > First Class > DOFP > Logan
Not in order of quality, just the only X-Men films that you should bother with.
Have sex
I could agree with that.
>First Class and DOFP were actually good and gave the franchise new life
>Apocalypse sucked, Dark Phoenix is shit, New Mutants has been pushed back again and Xavier in Legion S3 won't be played by McAvoy or Stewart
Fuck, they resurrected it just to kill it all over again.
LMAO they have the Gall to even THINK the international Box Office will save them....
is it really that bad?
I have a soft spot for the first 2 X-Men films, they kinda had the same vibe as the comics.
is it? I remember watching the arc during the animated series run, shit was more boring than a dragonballz episode where everyone stands around for 25min quivering in fear while waiting for goku to arrive
It is Fox, what do you expect?
Mystique Tells Xavier to name the X-Men to X-Women because they usually do the ones saving.
Yeah it is.
If by that you mean you only liked the first 2 films and not the 3rd one, then you'll definitely not like this one.
the 3rd one is ok, but the plot and execution is a mess.
Well Dark Phoenix is even worse. At least X-3 you have several mutants that showed off a variety of abilities and some cool fight scenes. They only added 2 new mutants for Mags side, one who attacks with his dreadlocks and one who's a telepath who's only purpose is to match up against Charles, while the X-men didn't get anyone new on their team.
Isn’t he also the Slipknot dude from Suicide Squad?
legit thought this was Chloe from Kick-Ass before I read the file name
Jeez, these man-jawed cunts are becoming a fucking scourge.
>not buying a ticket for something else and walking in
Don’t forget her frickin cleft chin.
t. Seething jawlet
Are there post credit scenes?
How do you go from this...
Thank you.
I'm really not interested in seeing this now. That's about the dumbest ending I can possibly think of.
To this?!
Budget cuts.
I thought apocalypse was shit so I can't imagine it being worse.
Just saw it and it isn't as bad as you cucks and the critics are making out. Critics and soibois probably don't like it cause there isn't enough quips for them like Disney Marvel movies. Made the movie feel like it had actual stakes that I didn't even feel when I was watching Endgame.
It's not that bad, Yea Forums's just mad cause they threw in a bad joke.
These movies have major continuity errors, that's why. Logan and Deadpool happened either in the future or in their own wacky timeline. Even First Class had the excuse of being at the very beginning of the Xavier part and didn't do anything to fuck up the future film's canon.
These films confuse me because I'm pretty sure they're still in the same timeline but then something stupid happens like Mystique dying or this entire film happening when it's supposed to happen in the future in Last Stand even if it wasn't good. Days of Future past was good because they also didn't fuck up the timeline, this scene was good as fuck; youtube.com
These movies also aren't the same without Hugh Jackman, he's perfect as Wolverine. Not only that but the guy who plays Nightcrawler feels off for some reason (maybe cause of the dumb indian accent) and the guy who played Cyclops in this looked like a major nerd.
Apocalypse at least has a cool and fun slow mo music sequence with Quicksilver. Literally all of his scenes in Dark Phoenix are already shown in the trailers.
can’t believe hollywood tried and failed to remake the same shitty fucking movie they did 13 years ago lmao
>Made the movie feel like it had actual stakes
only notable deaths are from an actress who's already expressed that she doesn't give that much of a shit to the movie and the trailers already make her demise obvious, and then 2 OC mutants that don't even get named.
Movie had two more major deaths than most marvel movies with Jean dying and Mystique and not hearing endless quips during action scenes was actually refreshing when it came to a superhero movie. It wasn't a good movie but it's not as bad as you people are making it out to be.
Jean isn't dead you retard, did you not see the Phoenix flying around?
Also Endgame literally has 2 major deaths too, that people actually cared about. When Mystique was dying, I heard a few chuckles in my theater.
The only thing good about it was the lack of quips and just seeing the Xmen again.
But then it would be a different actor playing her.
They are not even the Shi'ar anymore i think, they are just "Aliens"
I'm only here for the Quicksilver scene desu
DOFP was great & it should have ended there
I just watch it as First Class, X Men, 2, 3, Wolverine & DOFP, 6 movies, you got a decent series here, with X Men 3 being the black sheep but even then it's got some good stuff in it
Fox doesn't really care about the X-men, so they do shit movies. Every right move they do gets reverted in the next movie.
I really can't wait to see a fresh look into the franchise, that actually develops a team instead of just focusing on two characters.
Fucking awful. xmen was the only capeshit i liked and they fucking ruined it
is this some indian show where a dominatrix belittles two dudes or something?
Just watch the trailers, that's literally all he does in the film before being put in a coma to save their budget.
Ah, she just got ugly.
How could the directors phone it in so hard on the last episode? At least the penultimate one looked okay. This looks like it was made by amateurs.
Fuck off for real?
This was one thing I was looking forward too
Muh strong wymyn.
Dude just admit your wrong holy shit.
His only "good" scene if you may, is the one where he saves those astronauts clip they showed in the trailers, his other scene is him trying to run up to Jean as the trailers shows before she, for some reason, manages to react to him and he can't stop himself from being knocked out.
Written and directed by D&D
Can't tell if this ye olde thot or some shitty snapchat filter.
So that’s
Clarke - Worst Terminator movie & a fucking Star Wars movie that bombed.
Harrington - Terrible Pompeii & Spooks movies.
Williams - New Mutants won’t even get released.
Turner - Dark Phoenix disaster & Disney were rebooting the characters no matter how it went down.
These movies were always corny shit. Literally always focused on that fat whore Jennifer Lawrence even though her character is shit.
Oof that's a bummer. Hope the astronaut scene is as good as the mansion one at least. Also Quicksilver was the only good thing about the new x men movies
It's nothing like the mansion or even kitchen scenes, it's like 15 seconds of screen time of getting 5 guys out their seats, very disappointing since everyone knows those two were the best scenes.
she ugleh
i'm actually really excited for New Mutants just to see Anya, she looks super qt in that movie. I couldn't give a shit about the rest of it though
It's because these movies have a bigger budget than smaller movies like Logan and DP so they don't feel confident enough to tell a director "do whatever you want lol" and micromanage these big movies to fuck and back thereby ruining it.
I wish
I feel like the mouse really wanted this to flop
>reshoots made the movie worse
>shitty acting and writing
>skrulls? who are those
>quicksilver? huh, the guy that was killed by ultron
>just watch the trailers instead
days of future past will always be x-kino, along with x2 and logan
I will skip all the phase 4 out of spite until they decide to bring my xbros again.
Goddammit Fox, you blew too much money on that roastie whore.
I'm still gonna go see it. Last FOX xmen movie. I dont really like the marvel studios movies, but i have a soft spot for the xmen. I know this one will be bad, but i hope its laughable bad.
literal ballbuster
Get woke
I hate Disney but the fact that Fox literally hired the same person who wrote Last Stand to write the remake of that movie shows how retarded anybody other than Disney is when it comes to this stuff
Let them have it I say
How would you compare it to other X-Men movies?
From the reviews it sounds bad but not as bad as Apocalypse, despite the RT score being much lower
I liked Apocalypse more.
Ugly af chav slag
Sophie Turner flies Chastain into space and blows her up, killing them both. Professor X retires and Beast takes over the school, and it gets renamed after Jean. Magneto and X play chess, AGAIN, outside some cafe somewhere. The only important character I remember dying is Mystique.
Not as much stupid stuff happen but its also largely unimpressive and dull in comparison.
don't know where you're posting from, but in the states you can get essentially a subscription pass at AMC Theaters. I pay twenty bucks a month and get to go to three movies a week; 3D, Imax, whatever. So I go see pretty much everything, just to get my money's worth.
>wahh wahh muh febminism
What does this even mean? The only overtly feminist theme was Raven's single fucking line and then she's killed 20 minutes later and there is a fight at the end with an alien that isn't even really biologically any gender, and Jean.
What are you on about?
God I wish that was me
>not just making some Magneto kino...again
>instead, screw up the Dark Phoenix Saga...again
>put the franchise in a new state of hiatus...again
Disney is a blessing here, anons. I feel like a beaten housewife.
But you kinda need Last Stand to understand the impact of DOFP's ending for the OG team.
As an impartial observer:
Mentally ill cult of personality drones buttblasted that Sophie (her character and the real her) outdid their object of adoration (Emilia Pajeet) in the fantasy comedy known as Game of Thrones.
She was a better actress all around, prettier, her career didn't die, and got a great ending whereas the poor old hag Emilia got shit on by the show's plot and life itself (hit the wall at 30, aneurisms, coke adiction, yachting etc).
So yeah, mental illness fanboyism and envy.
Such is the existence of a phoenix.
Did you roll of laughter that time Emilia's career ended and her general got /trashed/ too? yeah me too lol
Fuck off with Magneto that character doesn't need to be in every single fucking X-Men movie.
>At least X-3 you have several mutants that showed off a variety of abilities and some cool fight scenes.
My favourite is the Fatty McFatFatFat who can turn into a toothpick to fit into a chair.
It's got Sophie in it so i'm still going to watch it.
Sit down.
What does it feel to be poor?
>fuck off with the best Marvel character ever written and how he keeps being a side-character for the wacky adventures of Jean Gray
what the fuck are you talking about, Emilia caterpillars is shit, Boy George is also shit and JLaw is fucking god awful too.
This bitch got a free pass in life so far and she is riding the game of thrones hype, nothing to offer as the other cunt and their careers hopefully will wither and die now that the shitshow is dead and buried.
user. I'm sure there's literally hundreds of villains they can use, without falling back to the same cliche "Magneto is the villain" shtick they've been doing for every single freaking movie except Logan.
Muh dick
Why is she dressed like a common 20 dollar streetwalker?
What happens to psylocke
Are Magneto and Xavier faggots in the comics or what's going on? Every fucking movie has that bald guy going
while Magneto kills billions to save dozens, then says he's sorry, and acts normal for all 2 weeks before attempting another genocide with no repercussions since Xavier backs him up.
Cringe and unhealthy
>Not finding a million-dollar worth young piece of prime meat dressed in cheap hooker attire attractive
This is how i know you're a roastie
It doesn't sound very impartial to me.
Here's the take of a genuine impartial party:
The hatred comes from Yea Forumsirgins trying to stir up other Yea Forumsirgins by attacking something they assume others must like. This causes other equally frustrated white men to join into the berating of said passtime/person/activity/preference/etc., which results in others self-selecting the role of "opposition", even though neither of them is at all emotionally invested into the discussion whatsoever, even though some of them like to pretend they are.
This is where all the "hatred" is originated, from a truly impartial observer.
don't worry, the JUST isn't over for them just yet
is this pasta?
it's fucking terrible
>finding man shoulders and nigger streetprostitute outfits attractive
I think it's you who's either gay or a woke Arbie's.
Hell, I'd go a few rounds with her.
Man black sails was KINO
Magneto is proven right in multiple timelines.
Frustrated white male detected.
Have sex, incel.
have sex, incel
Here’s an easier one: the Phoenix shows up near the solar system and the radiation causes the x gene.
Just make it new continuity. No need to backfit and retcon the story of the mcu.
>Broad shoulders
It's even worse than a roastie, you're a full on low test insecure fag. Yikes.
I bet you think traps aren't gay either.
why? if she did that to me she would get a kick to the cunt that it'll make the one the hound gave Brianne look like a babies kick.
She's a chav
Except Dany was set up as evil since book 1...
You forgot to say that they also change the name of the school to Sansa's because Xavier isn't good enough anymore.
What I find funny is that, how is this worse than any other marvel movie??? I'm going to die without knowing why do people like these movies, and i'm a fan of comics.
Unironically looks fine. Quit being a bitch.
Are you aware of who Steve-O is and what he does for a living?
Mouse didn’t pay critics for this one
Stop feeling threatened by a 20 yo lanky girl mate, get a fucking grip. was alright for capeshit
>It's gonna make Green Lantern look like Spider-Man 2.
I loled pretty hard at this. Thanks my anonymous friend.
Who dis?
Jean had some nice tits in this movie, and no they weren't covered up all the time.
Needs a scene where they all cheer for her in the end and she sits on some kind of big chair senpai
She fucking deserves it
It depends, do you like anime and cartoons? The kind that's mainly an excuse to see people fighting. Naruto, Teen Titans, Dragon Ball, Avatar the last Airbender. That's all you need to know. We like them for the same reasons so if you say you enjoy animations about people shooting magic at each other I won't understand how you don't like these movies.
Of course there's such a thing as being so shitty it ruins the action, but that's not the case with the MCU. The stories are average but the characters with their quips make the wait for the big fights bearable
Steve-O will be based until the day he dies.
Teen Titans and Avatar were fun to watch though, and not for the fights, I can't talk much about Naruto or Dragon Ball though.
She's kinda common 20 dollar streetwalker, just more expensive by proxy.
>Last FOX xmen movie
But that would actually be this nearly shelved joint, featuring yet another GoT actress.
Sounds like someone's career is about to hit sewer.
why is that goblin in there? does being ugly and a bad actor counts as a mutation now?
Yeah maybe I can't come up with good examples, really. Actually the MCU success may be because they feel like a sitcom at times.
You have serious scenes of course, but there are parts where you just wanna see the characters do their thing and interact with other main characters. Normalfags wouldn't fall for a mere superhero franchise, there's that sitcom element that makes it OK to like marvel movies.
>e-celeb and retards that watch this shit
opinion discarded
the twist was KINO
she's awkward looking, a repulsive person, and a bad actress
I'm a faggot: The post
Is that an e-celeb? I'm sorry, I didn't know. I don't follow the "youtube scene".
I am a brainwashed retard with meme taste in women: The post
rent free
Seriously though, why does she look so russian?
>It's indeed weaker than the other X-men movies
It's physically impossible to make a movie worse than Apocalypse
>Apocalypse at least has a cool and fun slow mo music sequence with Quicksilver
I nearly cracked a rib laughing at that scene. That horrible, horrible CGI and tongue-in-the-cheek acting, it was like something straight out of Bollywood.
Same dead eyes
Being ugly has all ways counted as a mutation.
i'm glad to see at least one of her roles actually make sense.
>Xavier in Legion S3 won't be played by McAvoy or Stewart
But I thought Stewart really wanted to do it.
You have a critically acclaimed show and a fan favorite actor who wants to reprise his role for said show- and they didn't use him for ... what reason?
We need to just put all the executives in Hollywood out to pasture
Evil clone
So she gets possessed by the phoenix after she already had it in Apocalypse? Nice writing.
So why is it only MCU that seems to be properly planned from the start to the end? Irrespective of your subjective opinion surely we can agree that they do the comic more justice than harm.