2019... I am forgotten

2019... I am forgotten

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There's atleast one thread about Zyzz on /fit/ at all times, he's eternally based


He lives on in the hearts of all the brahs who are making it.

zyzz was a roid taking faggot, a poser at best and other faggots only worship him because he put on the fake persona of being a dweeb who "made it"

i'm glad he's dead

Is this attainable natty?

Attached: zyzz before.png (331x651, 334K)

>I am forgotten
Not to me

Attached: makeit.jpg (1280x720, 44K)

Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?

brahs, how do I lose bodyfat% without losing all my fucking gains mang?

He was a fag and is only remembered fondly because he died young. If he were still around we would hate him

>Zyzz died 8 years ago
Where does the time go bros

illegal drugs

Clen & tren

is that my only choice? Which drugs in particular?

>Where does life go bros

Ephedrine + Caffeine

Heroin and cocaine, same shot

Don't do that brah. It's not worth it.
You think Zyzz would have died so young if he didn't roid and use other drugs?

>You think Zyzz would have died so young if he didn't roid and use other drugs?
Honestly, he might have. He had a congenital heart defect.

This. But sauna is the most important part

do this if you want to tap your foot all day long but lose weight fast.

with aspirin also

I'm pretty sure his substance use accelerated his demise.

Maybe but you can't say for sure. He could have dropped dead anytime even without drugs because of his undiagnosed heart defect

PS pls go

Guy was a proto-instagram tastemaker. Nothing more

check out all the beta fanboys at the end of the "legacy" vid youtu.be/AdBoybKnzZw?t=934
From 15.30 onwards, that's you op.
beta as fuck

>does roids
>shit talks cardio
>dies in sauna to heart attack

LMAOOOO what a 'based' retard

based zyzz using agrotroxics to get shredded

Attached: dnp.jpg (1000x482, 43K)

I'm glad zyzz died before the rise of the alt-right. I couldn't bear to see what cringy political views he would have ended up backing.

died of an inborn genetic defect retard

what does the aspirin do?

That made me cringe

Why isn't this on

Attached: no homo brah.jpg (867x481, 152K)

He is dead but at least he made it, he's now lifting in Olympus.
BTW, I'm doing Anavar 30mg per day, is that enough to get me some beginner gains?

Attached: Toecutter.png (1366x581, 708K)

Attached: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.png (655x395, 98K)

point is moot anyway. Ephedrine is banned where I live. I can only to a CA stack

> genuine dyel irl /fit/ meetup

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natty way is just a high protein consumption (i take like 5 scoops of isopure during the day and cassein before bed)while being in a caloric deficit. it's been working so fat but is a very slow process. I tried cardio but it didn't worked for me, it's boring and can hurt your knees, so now I'm trying doing legs for 2 days and the other days abs and waist along with the other parts. last month I managed to gain on arms, pecs, shoulders and legs and I reduced 1 cm of waist at the same time

I look pretty good with a shirt on but I'm a fucking mess sitting down shirtless.

>Zyzz was shitposting on the same board as you in your time
I'll cherish it forevah brah

Attached: unassailably based.gif (435x250, 698K)

this looks dutch as fuck

He replyed to me once :3

>Zyzz? Never heard of him. I learnt from watching Brock Lesnar UFC workout vids

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Is there anything worse than people basing their entire personality,tastes and style on this guy even to this day?

Attached: almostunpleasant.jpg (223x226, 7K)

yes, many things.
although I'm quite sure only few individuals do what you said.

Is it gay to look at pics of ripped guys?

Guess who's the straight guy.

I know four guys who got the shitty tattoo he has on his chest. I cringe so hard when I see it... Why would you ever copy a shitty latin quote or whatever from some ripped dude you saw on Yea Forums

I'm 29 years old, 187cm, 200lbs, drink about 40 cans of beer on the weekend and I still look good in a shirt, but if I sit down shirtless it all goes to shit.

How do you know them

Attached: PectoralBrother.jpg (1920x1080, 520K)

you now remember the time these faggots posted differently photoshopped photos of each other

also watch this clip of PectoralBrother on the verge of crying because he has to call someone out: youtu.be/Md95eaQ9ZiI

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Nice trips but the truth is he’s eternally dead