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Other urls found in this thread:


I think a parade would be nice.

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sure is television & film in here

I agree with Smash Mouth. You just know that parade is going to be filled with the most surface level meme-spouting retards that flooded this site back in 2012. I don't give a shit about pride month but who organizes a parade for being the norm?

We have already gone full circle on cringy atheists. Why can't we just admit that "proud heteros" are basically the same thing?

just dont go :^)

Why do leftists sjw cucks worship everything that's unnatural and degenerate? And why do they hate happy and normal people?


Pride parades are already cringe so who gives a fuck?

Why can you be proud of being a fag but not of being normal?

>who organizes a parade for being the norm?
Germany in the 30s.

Wouldn't it be better just to ignore "straight pride parade" guys?
It's obviously being done as a joke...getting mad about it only makes the joke funnier
Why are boomers so dumb?


as opposed to what, gays walking around naked with dildos and whips and shit?

shut up whinefag you will always be worse, let janny do his job or stfu

Most pride parades are 'middle class allies' and corporate sponsors. The real gays show their pride sucking some dick in the back of a ford focus.

>celebrating sex of any kind on the street

Attached: 1414-creeeme.jpg (960x540, 74K)

We need somewhere to flex our hetero moves my good sir

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The irony is that most of the people who would claim to be proud to be straight have never even had sex.

cause you don't counter cringe with even more cringe


It's an attack on their identity. Remember they changed the world?

But that’s how Yea Forums tries to counter Reddit

Context for those who don't understand.
It's a joke and an exercise purely to expose these reactions.

>Smash Mouth is heterophobic
>they all fuck the opposite gender

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Oh no no no hahahhahaha

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They never got over being grounded or listening to authority. If you tell a kid not to get tattoos now he'll be all like 'fuck you I'll show him I'll spend my WHOLE paycheck on tattoos.'

It's the same with guns, most of them are too mentally unstable to own a handgun so they automatically hate them. Imagine not owning a gun because deep down inside you know you might an hero.

They're taking the piss you braindead faggot.

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you sound like someone who would attend a straight pride parade

Thanks for the bump :)

Anyone can go to a pride parade.

>tfw there will probably be no Dino Crisis remake/remaster in the new engine

I don't sound like anybody.

All you 'to be a straight white male in 2019 is worse than being a jew in Nazi Germany' faggots need to shut the fuck up

Holy shit, and he even has they söy face in his profile. Are these even real people? Are they made in a factory?

Lmao valentine's day? More like SINGLES AWARENESS DAY, amirite guys?????? hahaha aren't I sooooOO quirky?

I'll bring the tiki torches

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Have straight sex

I want to see a straight pride march just to see what kind of people march. I'm assumming it will be a parade of MAGA hats tbqh.

>Gay Pride = okay
>Trans Pride = okay
>Asian Pride = okay
>Black Pride = okay
>Female Pride = okay
>Drag Pride = okay
>Latino Pride = okay
>Jewish Pride = okay
>African Pride = okay
>Intersex Pride = okay
>Bi Pride = okay
>Queer Pride = okay
>White Pride = no-no
>Straight Pride = no-no
>Male Pride = no-no
If straight white men aren't persecuted, why aren't they allowed to celebrate being straight, white, or male?

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>why aren't they allowed to celebrate being straight, white, or male?
I mean you are, it's just a dick move. You know the difference.

How will the alt right recover?

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You're literally too stupid to understand historical and sociological context, read a book faggot

because white people are the majority in America by like 85%?

Why are they so threatened by heterosexuality?

Rumors say otherwise, I sincerely hope they do it.

powerful media figures and some world governments oppose these things so it's not always "allowed" either

How is it a dick move to celebrate who you are?

>The mere act of being a straight white male is a dick move

And then one day, for seemingly no reason at all..

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the only people who care about 'white pride', 'straight pride' or 'male pride' are nazis and retard incels.

straight pride is the most pathetic shit I've ever heard. What the fuck is wrong with conservatives?

And is it a purely Western phenomenon? Or the high Asians are like this too?

>resorts to calling them fags


you're only allowed to be proud of bad things anymore, sorry

>because white people are the majority in America by like 85%?
So you're saying it's okay to celebrate white pride in Kenya?
>females are actually the majority in the USA by 0.8%
Those bigoted women!

Look at these posts all within 10 seconds of each other. Incels SEETHING.

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What are some kinos about psychological projecting?

>it's just a dick move


Being proud to be gay is a direct reaction to being shamed for being gay. White anglos didn't have a historical legacy of being shit on for being white.

People are still fine with irish parades all the time. Are they not white?

They've spent 70 years trying to create a new Weimar Republic. Shamelessly. The only difference between this time and last time is they took the slow boil approach instead of trying to do it in 20 years.

not as pathetic as plowin dirt

Why are americans so cringe?holy fuck

Makes sense
Literally no reason to hate on homos unless you're a closet fag yourself
Our kind were enslaved but we're not allowed to take pride?

Based culture warrior thread! OMG I'm so obsessed with owning the libtards/literal nazis (what team are we fighting again?) that its all I think about and all I do with my spare time!
There's no way us culture warriors arent mentally ill!

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>Smash mouth
Out of date.

Consistent at the least.

>White anglos didn't have a historical legacy of being shit on for being white.
What do you call the last 40 years?

Fuck you. Don't pull the good actor like Djimon Honsou into this shitshow.

Here's your straight white pride march bro

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>Being proud of being straight makes you automatically white

Rumors have been going for a year, but no actual news. I won't count on it.

>why aren't there white pride parades
imagine being some euro mutt who has no heritage and is so disconnected he has no community

Attached: VSParade.jpg (633x386, 97K)

>you're not allowed to have pride parades if you're the majority
>mfw whites are actually losing the majority
>mfw white pride parades will soon HAVE to be tolerated

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But other races are hetero?

>Literally no reason to hate on homos unless you're a closet fag yourself

So that means all the gays that hate straight people are actually straight themselves.

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>What do you call the last 40 years?
Drama queens crying at nothing

>If you’re against pedophiles your a pedophile

I mean those straight pride fags are fags, but this overly-elaborate virtue signalling makes me sick.

yeah people who see where we're headed are so dumb lol

>People are still fine with irish parades all the time. Are they not white?
Funny you mention that

Ho dilate ya abomination

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In countries with a white minority due to slave trade? Yes.


>tfw Irish catholic
>get to be proud of my background while also being white

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I could say the same about homos who can't handle being called a bad name. What oppression have homos faced?
According to this, Asians are the majority worldwide.
Why are Asians allowed to have pride?

White pride, straight pride, and male pride are always predicated on the perceived superiority of these characteristics. Latino pride is not at the expense of black pride and vice versa, but white pride has historically caused Latino and black groups both serious problems via colonization and slavery.

And disingenuous arguments like this don't help. Why do you assume black pride is all about slavery? Why do you assume slavery has anything to do with it? When did we round up gay people and sell them into slavery?

And where are we head, culture warrior? You sound like a fucking soccer mom. Crush some glass and do a line of it.

Why aren't we parading bros? As soon as people saw us marching with pride in our based Pepe shirts and MAGA caps they would say to each other "who are those cool dudes I want to be like them" and join us straight away wouldn't they?

that's literally a highlight of irish pride to link them to immigrants

Other slavers weren't as humane as Europeans and just castrated their slaves.

Smashmouth is known for their work on the Shrek album

Not for long.

>What oppression have homos faced?
It's a term for a reason

>where are we head

You come across as a total retard though so it more than cancels out.

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But whites aren't superior. Asians are superior by intelligence and blacks are superior by DNA. Why are they allowed to be prideful?

By telling me to dilate you are implying I'm a left wing culture warrior.
Fuck left wing culture warriors
Fuck right wing culture warriors
and Fuck niggers

I'll give up my taste in metal if a qt Irish Catholic girl will hug me at night T_T

>Why aren't we parading bros?
I have intense social anxiety and agoraphobia but I'll be with you in spirit.

because if that's even true it's got nothing to do with sore-arsed Ulster types whinging about how terribly oppressed from Stormont they are right?

>but white pride has historically caused Latino and black groups both serious problems via colonization and slavery.
What about the 50 million Africans that were enslaved by Africans? Black pride leads to millions of enslaved black people. You're argument is outdated and belongs on reddit.

Speaking of which, when will they start coddling pedophiles? It's coming. After all leftists (pretend to) love every kind of degeneracy.

Thats Northern Ireland though and they just ban flags because the whole country has a history of chimping out about anything

Come on user, you can be our standardbearer. Imagine carrying the flag of Kekistan as you march with pride.

>what about the africans enslaved by africans
they are literally still going to war over that

What's your point? The fact is Irish pride parades will not exist in 10 years.

They already have. They're trying to normalize it with the drag kid shit.

>blacks are superior by DNA
How can someone be superior in terms DNA if they are inferior in terms of DNA.

I-I'll do it. FOR KEK. I'm going to go ask my mom if I can come.

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>"I didn't choose to be born gay."
>gay pride parades okay
>"I didn't choose to be born white."
>white pride parades not okay

Even his twitter picture is him doing the Soi face.

Scott Horton wins again!

pick one

I blame you sorry fucks for that. "But look at these adult wretches my gender confused child is no weirder than that!"/"[Forfeits argument]".

Superior genetics for superior athleticism, duh. Don't make up arguments I never mentioned.

Live image from the Straight Parade

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>hate crime
Hate crimes are literally fake news, and the entire concept actually proves that white men are the only ones legally discriminated against. You can attack white people all day and will never face hate crime charges. You can even be black and gay and completely make up hate crime charges, and nothing will happen to you.

You seem new to this site

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That soichad slays more pussy in a day than you masturbate to in a week

>normal like nigel farage and that cuck sargon

says pretty much everything

>im proud to be white
>ok, why wouldn't you be
>uhhhhhhhhhhhhh...... w-well that feminazi over there said fuck whities

threads like these only prove SJWs right, do you think they look at stuff like this and go "hmm, yeah no I think these guys are actually kinda nice"

go dilate freak

You joke, but this is unironically what the straight pride march will be if it goes ahead

>im proud to be gay
>ok, why wouldn't you be
>uhhhhhhhhhhh...... w-well that nazi over there said fuck homos

That guy on the left has a ridiculous shield but in fairness he *did* have the sense to hide his head.

lmao this statement is self defeating atleast think before posting

>nothing will happen to you

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Straights have not been historically persecuted on the basis of being straight you mong.

>can't pick heavy things, can't throw, can't swim, can't run for long distances
>Superior genetics for superior athleticism,

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Yes they have.

why are there so many libtards/trannies on Yea Forums now don't you fags have a Smash thread to post in

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>Arachnophobic, huh?

>all of those American
Cringe. Where are the strapon dildos and Venezuelan flags? Where are the children in drag dancing for money? This is not very inclusive. This is scary. I need politicians and police to shut this down. I'm literally shaking.

Africans did not sell other Africans on the basis of perceived racial superiority. Tribal or social superiority, perhaps, but you can see the effect that had on modern day Africa.

White colonists were essentially required to perpetuate the narrative that black Africans were subhuman savages with who could only possibly enjoy civilized society in chains and under the ownership of white people. There's a world of difference between what the Africans did and what the colonists did.

Getting called an incel online is not persecution

Straight pride parade is just making fun of how stupid gay pride parade is

KYS discord tranny

Attached: First the flag then the fag.webm (672x504, 827K)

Neither is getting called a fag online.

Shame on you. Don't you know user wants very badly to believe his problems are attributable to sexual orientation?

>Muh predjuce+power


Literally how is it not. It's all about cultural discrimination and bullying, ''have sex'' etc. Its spreading - people on twitter are telling me to ''have sex'' now too

>im proud to be gay
>ok, why wouldn't you be
>well the sitting VP of the united states considers shock therapy to cure homosexuality a valid and constitutional practice so I don't always feel like my identity is respected

>Hate crimes are literally fake news

Attached: dylann-roof1.jpg (2200x1610, 387K)

is this the bullshit they feed you in college?

>Not being authoritarian
>On Yea Forums
Fuck off to reddit you massive retard

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No, he doesn't.

if only that was a flamethrower rather than a water hose

>500+ murders of white people by black people every year
>0 hate crimes
>less than 100 black people murdered by white people every year
>all of them are hate crimes
Thanks for proving my point I guess.

Imagine being this much of a snowflake holy shit

Maybe you'd know it if Jordan Peterson or Joe Rogan mentioned it on a podcast

>if you're against nazis you're a nazi

>doesn't know about sage

I dunno, the idea of bunch of incels marching to celebrate how proud they are to be straight is kinda amusing in how pathetic it is.

Take the gaypill
>Don't have to deal with roasties
>Don't have to worry about abortion at all
>Can get laid super easy on grindr
>HIV is basically curable

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i don't care about ecelebs why even make a strawman in the first place you fags are always strange

Imagine actually believing this.

Those are some potent bluepills you've been swallowing. I mean, just, wow. Are you even a real person? How can anyone believe such propaganda in this day and age?

>sage working with an average of a post per minute

there's many more diseases than hiv alone user besides i can get my dick wet

>why can't I be prideful of my straightness, whiteness, and masculinity?
>w-well uhhh... b-because one of your great-great-great g-grandparents probably o-owned a slave so t-that's your fault.

>'thanks for the bump!'
>it wasnt a bump because that post had sage in its options

So why did the thread bump when he posted?

>I don't give a shit about pride month but who organizes a parade for being the norm?
LGBT shit has become the norm.
If you don't suck cock you're a bigot and a homophobe.

he's clearly an """""oldfag"""""

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or be a reasonably decent guy and get a girlfriend, get married, have kids, live a life that was the default norm for all human history.

Terrible post, breh.

have gay sex

>being proud of anything you were born as and had zero choice or effort in the matter
Please tell me no one unironically does this

Attached: CACAF86E-1246-4BC8-9165-00583DC144EC.gif (480x270, 3.05M)

>kidnap white boy
>torture him on video for 48 hours
>literally say "we're doing this because you're white"
>hate crime charges filed
>for hate crime against white person?
>for hate crime against an mentally retarded person
Basically, the courts were saying if the victim wasnt a retard, then it wouldn't be a hate crime

YOU LITERALLY CANNOT COMMIT HATE CRIMES ON WHITE MEN ACCORDING TO THE COURTS. So you're interpretation is that white men AREN'T being discriminated against. You're putting up examples of randos committing a crime. Where is the legal discrimination there? What is even your point? White people go to jail for hate crimes, and this proves discrimination against minorities?

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what if you're a straight incel who participates in situational homosexuality? I hate fags but I love cock
and boipussy

>be a reasonably decent guy and get a girlfriend, get married, have kids, live a life that was the default norm for all human history

Like you assclowns? It's always the marginal types who cling hardest.

should have picked your own damn Cotton. It didn't have to come to this.

>I hate fags but I love cock
I am 100% straight but you have to admit the male body and cock is much more aestetic than the female, everyone through history knew this

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if you're not jewish chances are nihil that you come from slave owner lineage


Because you and your ilk are the worst examples of white beauty.

>called every hate crime fake news
>gets called out on it
>whataboutism autism
It's all so tiring.

yep. no homo

I tried it and didnt like it.

Well yeah its actually not as difficult as you think. Just avoid girls who go to college.

thats because they are normal

>tworst examples of white beauty
>white beauty


dude were just trolleing :^)

I like how that parade isn’t until August but the articles don’t actually mention that in the headlines. It literally doesn’t even happen in June during their fag month so why should they care?

>Implying you're born gay

wew lad

I take screenshots of threads like these to fuel SJWs even more. It confirms their status as being threatened by people who want to light them on fire and murder them.

Doesn't matter. The leftist cucks would have imported them anyway. Just look at Europe importing third worlders who literally hate them, refuse to work and commit crimes at an absurd rate.

The leftist seems to have this strange fetish of filling his house with termites and vipers.

They were charged and convicted of hate crimes you mentally ill retarded fuck.

It's fake news, because the concept of "hate crime" is just a form of legal discrimination against white people. It's not an actual concept. It's a perversion of laws based on the hatred of white men by liberal lawmakers.

nobody anywhere ever felt threatened by you, user
stop trying to normalize yourself in imaginary crowds

Wym it's already begun with troons claiming to be tran age

I don't even hate gay people but shit like this makes me dislike them. What the fuck is your problem? I know I know, I shouldn't judge an entire group based on one or two individuals, but I seriously doubt I could find a gay man who wouldn't cry foul if I mentioned this.

all these tranny threads make want to restart jazz general again to bad season isn't out yet

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it's the parade of le based maga army :D

Nah, user. Liberia should've been a mandatory relocation.

Lmao faggots are seething.

Did you read my post, moron? They were charged with hate crimes for "discrimination against the mentally ill", not for hate crimes against a white person. Even though they literally said "we're doing this because you're white" and never once mentioned his mental retardation. YOU LITERALLY CANNOT BE CHARGED WITH HATE CRIMES AGAINST WHITE PEOPLE. Ergo, white people are the only ones who are LEGALLY discriminated against.