Who will play her in the inevitable remake?
Who will play her in the inevitable remake?
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idris elba.
God she was so fucking hot.
Genuinely one of the hottest actresses of all time and she bore a striking resemblance to a girl I had a crush on when I was watching Lexx for the first time. Shame she was kind of a terrible actress, but I think that actually added to the show's campy appeal.
It's the average mediterranean brunette in a wig.
You goyms will fall for any makeup.
She's german, isn't she?
Yes. is a retard and wishes Mediterranean women looked like that.
Lexx was kino.
lol que
> oh look a new planet
> stanley wants to get laid
> does something fucking stupid
> doesn't learn the planet's dark secret until too late
> whose turn is it to save him, Kai or Xev?
> who cares
> Lexx, blow up that planet
> at once, Stanley
yooo waay yooo ja rooo jabrumm jeeeeeee
Brain BBQ tonite bros?
It's even better when you learn it wasn't just a random song for the scene.
To be fair, it makes sense. She was literally turned into a bimbo craving nothing sex. Plot of the show simply conspires she never gets any.
Fucking Kino
It's basically a Rogue Trader TTRPG campaign turned into a TV series.
Second xev was hotter
My first waifu. She was so great. I stopped watching the show after she left.
Fuck no. She was a major step down.
Fuck no
Should I give it a try? Never watched Lexx before.
It depends on your tolerance for low budget scifi shows but yes.
No, only her body was transformed/fused with that lizzard, the bothead got all the horny programming.
I grew up watching low budget scifi shows, but somehow Lexx walked past me
Maissie Willams could pull it off.