Reboots that could work today?

Reboots that could work today?

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Wouldn't work. Disney owns it. They'd cast John Boyega as the lead.

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>dude dragons take over the world because no one knew until it was too late!!!

The fucking big bad dragon came out from a construction zone in the middle of FUCKING LONDON. How the fuck does no one see a 100 foot long dragon? fuck these dumbasses they had it coming.

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A huge swarm of them came out right after and torched London.

I legit love this movie

Reign of Fire is so fucking good.

according to the news clippings Paris burns first and then some fuck off village in Kenya and then London.

>wanting a reboot of anything
kill yourself for godsake

why didn't they just shoot the dragons?

Matthew Mcconaughey was in Kratos mode for that movie.

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If a concept like modern machines fending off ancient hellbeasts couldnt be done right the first time, why not try again?

what a shitty fucking movie.

sorry it's kenyan village -> paris ->london. even in the news clippings it's after the kenyan village is torched they say "dragon sightings confirmed". and the clipping of the london underground fire where the first dragon came from is referenced as an inferno.

That dragon is well over the size of an average fighter jet and no one picked that shit up on radar?

Why would you reboot that? It's perfect as is.

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>caring about the lore of a shitty movie

just stop, turn your brain off

>If a concept like modern machines fending off ancient hellbeasts couldnt be done right the first time, why not try again?

they literally kill the big baddy with a crossbow.

>just stop, turn your brain off

you can turn your brain off while being boiled alive but that doesn't make it anymore fun.

They don't need to reboot shit. Just make another with dragons that takes place in contemporary times.

I agree that this movie felt closer to being boiled alive than to fun. Good point.

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I just want more Kinothryn Bigelow

Shit movie made for dragon obsessed autists

Cant recast Van Zan

General concept is good (post-apoc with fantasy creatures), but I'd rather see someone do something new with it.

The movie fucked up by skipping the cool shit introduced by the opening scenes.

This. Should have at least given 30 minutes of modern society falling to pieces.

You could frame a whole other movie around the idea of a group of people struggling to survive the dragon apocalypse.

This is unironically a good idea. Fresh, too. I've only seen one (garbage, scy fy channel) movie like that.

Damn, was it that bad? I loved it years ago. I even had the game, but I sucked at it.

This is the reality for a lot of reboots. Don't need them, just make a new movie with a similar concept.

>this movie about fire breathing dragons is a really deep and important metaphor for whats going on in Trump's America

I feel like I'm the only person who loves the fuck out this movie.

Why won't Hollywood make interesting premises like this anymore.

no cuck. Just dragons, and killing them.

A great movie, with an interesting premise, but I hated how easily they beat the dragons in the end. You kill the mom, you kill them all? The movie would've benefited from a more bleak/open ending.

Everything is about drumpf being bad sweaty.
What are you, a fascist?

kino movie


>kill the leader and everything fucking dies
how about no

now that you mention it the big dragon looked orange enough

Yeah the movie had some flaws. Another one that always bothers me is how the characters don't really have enough time to develop. I have seen this movie many times but other than Van Zan I couldn't name any character. At least Bale and Butler should have gotten a little more time. The setting and McConaughey are carrying this movie.

Wasn't the big Dragon the male and all the others female? Or the other way around? There was some explanation that the dragons couldn't reproduce once the big guy is dead. But that obviously makes you wonder how that one dragon from the underground had so many babies.

the dragons were all underground or something

>Wasn't the big Dragon the male and all the others female?

Was probably that way, I don't remember. It was dumb, anyway

What are some other not good movies that you absolutely love? Another one of mine is Event Horizon.

Nah, I want a TV series made based on the film.

4 Seasons that show the downfall of humanity from different countries finally being the UK.

>>The fucking big bad dragon came out from a construction zone in the middle of FUCKING LONDON
>>oi sunshine, you got a loicense for that Dragon?

It’s London.
Everybody was probably on drugs, or drunk puking in a gutter.

This doesn’t need to be remade.
Fiennes was perfect.
Lewis was close, as was Bassett.
Sizemore was perfectly sleezy.

Also, this was written by James Cameron, was was specifically supposed to be set just before New Years Eve 2000.
This is one of the reasons Bigelow directed it.
Cameron passed the script to her because he didn’t have time to film it himself before the end of the Millenium.

The cgi would literally be worse somehow.

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Great film. If they reboot it, they'll just ruin it.

Dragon heart

I love it too. Anyone ever play the game? Had the game boy version. TWO separate campaigns humans and dragons. Control a squad of people in trucks or on foot OR be a dragon killing all the humans and eating their ash.

Oi, it's only been a few bing bongs on the ole' big ben, and now we have dragons to worry about? Crazy, innit?