My hoss, big son

My hoss, big son

Attached: sneed.jpg (349x524, 24K)

Fat Fuck

My seed, Big Sneed

big son

That's a big son

Is he an incel?

My plane, cia and bane

Memes were a mistake

My son, Boss Hogg

Attached: you_really_gonna_scroll_by_without_saying_howdy.jpg (884x458, 29K)

Carry on my hoss, big son
There’ll be peace when you are done

My dubs, check em

Attached: E475D2E8-E099-42C2-A368-4ABD3EFDC0EA.gif (402x414, 809K)

And my old man

lay your chubby head to rest

dont you fry no more



Based original Big Hoss poster. Keep up the good work. I started a couple Hoss threads earlier.

I've never seen pawn stars before, so I don't know much about it. But I have a friend who's an expert on the subject. Should I call him over to see if its worth watching?

>my big, hoss son

You got it Hoss

A big incel

For you.



Can I get a quick rundown on this meme?

oof sweaty that's a big hoss from me. Not a good look son.

and my sweet cherubic chunky retard, chumlee

He works there with his old man.

Necks time

Big Son, My Hoss.

bald fuck

Wooden case

this is probably my 100th time seeing this and I want you to know I'm finally on board



For you

This user, based fuck



sallad by dances with SWOLVES

My big son hoss

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>work retail
>everyone calls me "boss"

At first I thought it was because I was fat but now I realize it's just a low class white thing.

hoss my, son big

Attached: grugory.png (225x225, 7K)

They call him big hoss you illiterate nigger

This is a test

Son, nice and Hoss

This is my favorite synthesis I think

RICK: You're a big hoss
COREY: For you

Is there such a thing where certain IPs are tracked by Yea Forums/moderators and they determine when that IP comments in a thread it’s suspected as being non-related and subject to deletion? I can’t tell you how many times I’ve entered a shitpost unrelated thread for laughs on this board where the replies are at like 150-200, plenty of time to be seen and deleted, and within minutes maybe even seconds of me sending a post, it’s deleted. Is this a thing? Do they track me cause of my cancerous taste?


Bane threads stay up for hours but I posted one and it got banned for all boards for 3 days less than 5 minutes after making the thread

i once delved into /lgbt/ and made 3 or 4 meme posts that were board related, all were deleted and i did a 360 and left forever

And his grandfather, Dead Fuck

i too have thought about this before

>t. small hosses

My boss, big sauce

A brie thread died for this

is it true that if im waddling down the street, minding my own business, then you guys will treat me worse and shoot me looks of disgust simply because I am morbidly obese? when I have never treated you wrong in any way?

Fucking reddit faggots fuck off.

moderation is spotty, that's all

No, it's probably because you're walking slow and we have to be stuck behind you smelling your farts, and there's no way to get around you other than walk into oncoming traffic.

You subjected our eyes to torture.

at least you are not a nigger

did they ever show what his mom looked like? He’s definitely bigger than rick

Thats when you risk jaywalking across the traffic to cross the street by any means necessary.

thanks user, but I actually didn't make this thread (I only use "My son, big hoss" since that seemed to be the one everyone liked the most, although I will do "fat fuck" upon request). Janny banned me for my last hoss thread. It would be great if more anons made hoss threads like OP here since it looks like janny and the discord trannies are starting to seethe.


I'm Dick Harrison and this is my pawn shop. I work here with my old fuck father (formerly alive) and my son, Fat Fuck, and my son's friend, Dumb Fuck. If there's anything I've learned after 37 years it's that you never know HWHAT is going to cum in my door

Gets me every time...dubs checked

jannies will allow it if OC starts being made, rather than threads with the same pic that just remix 4 words with no OC in the comments

i've been thinking about a sneed edit. dont think janny would like that though. maybe cia?

Yeah man, I know the value is $2000 but the best I can do is $200.
Cant you do any better?
Naw man, I'm at $200. I gotta frame it, put it on the shelf, and wait for a buyer
......okay, deal.
Alright (does awkward side arm handshake)
Chum, wanna write him up?

My son, Big Boss

Attached: sketch-1559681239378.png (1440x1080, 2.35M)

imagine calling your son big hoss

my soss big SOSS

My host, big ton

I mean, at the end of the day it's still a pawn shop. The guys who run it have to be jews or somehow equally bad pieces of shit.

nah, mods are downies that all have vastly different ideas as to what counts as "off topic"