Whenever I use Yea Forums for too long I feel avoidant and slightly autistic. Are there any movies that mimic this feel?

Whenever I use Yea Forums for too long I feel avoidant and slightly autistic. Are there any movies that mimic this feel?

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>5353Whenever I use Yea Forums for too long I feel avoidant and s

Season 1 of Mr Robot

Pizza Pizza
Sweet tomatoe pie
Pizza pizza
Won't you spare a slice


Pizza sounds good right now. I can't order one though. I get nervous on the phone.

Use the app or order online. I haven't called a pizza place in almost 2 years

I've always been like that, my whole life is a joke.

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It's the other way around

16 hours a day

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Whenever I use avoidant and slightly autistic for too long I feel Yea Forums?

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I feel like this all the time, Yea Forums or no Yea Forums

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>mfw that has happened to me
I ran too

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Okay that was funny

>learning to be social
>gather a few friends
>get a semi-gf who I sleep with on about a weekly basis
>suddenly don't feel like going out
>stay inside and lurk Yea Forums/play old video games from my childhood
>having the time of my fucking life, way better than social shit
>ignore everyone for between a few months to a year
>slowly become autistic as fuck, sexually frustrated, depressed and misanthropic
>realize I'm destroying myself again
>try to relearn social skills and slowly repair relationships
>do the cycle all over again
I'm 29 years old and it's been like this my whole life. I've got a hot younger girl right now but I feel myself slipping back into not giving a fuck mode again. I just can't keep up the normalfag facade long-term, for some reason.

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i really like this image haha

>can carry conversations fine, be social, and generally pleasant enough to be around
>still find a way to do something autistic and awkward every time that haunts me for the rest of the day
Kinos for this feel?


>he doesn't prepay for his pizza on a month to month basis
>probably didn't even add a pizza slot to his door
I even pre-tip the driver so he doesn't sneeze on my 'za

reddit bump


the accountant


Fucking this. It’s so painful

You need an ego death. That's your ego telling you to do what feels good and avoid pain. Do psychedelics or just meditate a ton. Put restrictions on your own internet / PC, force yourself out of that if you can. If you cannot, then just write it down somewhere so you can be more aware of it. This is soul sickness we're talking about and we're going to die this way if we don't take it seriously, as the illness it is.

shitting your pants to dab on the jannies

komm sofort wieder nach /deutsch/ du hurensohn, deserteure werden erschossen

Not gonna give you any complete normalfag or improvebrah advice, but at least go for a walk or something.