do women really prefer right?
Do women really prefer right?
Just b ur self
That beard is atrocious
>do women really prefer
Who cares
Depends on how bloody their pussy is at the time
This, when they ovulate they will fuck chad. When they are pregant they settle for a cuck
bad example
good example
Its about the personality bro
Nose got boogafied
square-faced inferior hunther will always be inferior.
MED BVLL descending from neolithic farmers are more beautiful than your snownigger hapa faces.
Nah, is more of an incel preference.
when anglos will realize the CHAD face they are constantly worshipping is basically some fetish about their Ooga Booga disgusting hunter faces?
What the fuck are you even saying
the virgin brad vs the chad pitt
>not aware he's constantly cocksucking hunter-gatherer facial features.
>take this as universal good tastes for womens
Do chads know their chads?
who is making these. also who is the very last guy supposed to be
Nah they'll gladly take left because he's got tons of money and fame. Someone doesn't even have to be as handsome as Brad Pitt.
They know it as well as you know you're not a chad
This but unironically.
Long face is death