"You may want to think about changing the name to X-Women"
no wonder it's at >21% right now
"You may want to think about changing the name to X-Women"
Jlaw doesn't look good here.
she kinda looks like amy schumer here
What ever happened to that movie they were writing?
X-Men is rooted in identity politics, so criticizing an X-Men movie for having identity politics is like complaining about a sci-fi movie having spaceships.
>noun, plural men.
>2. a member of the species Homo sapiens or all the members of this species collectively, without regard to sex: prehistoric man.
>3.the human individual as representing the species, without reference to sex; the human race; humankind: Man hopes for peace, but prepares for war.
X-Men was created for caucasian suburbanite children.
it may be rooted in indentity, but not identity politics. identity politics is a modern political attack angle
This. That’s all capeshit has been and will ever be
>the word "Men" can be inclusive and all-encompassing "Women" cannot
She's retarded.
This. X-Men literally draws from identity politics deriving from racism, sexism and discrimination as a whole. It's the last capeshit expect to be redpilled in any way besides maybe anything to do with Wolverine.
was X-Men always intended to be SJW or what, they sure love acting like it's their franchise but can any actual comic faggots confirm that's what it's original intent was?
and by jews
get woke go broke
For real though, looking forward to watching this trash. The X-men movies have become my favorite shit series. Each one is worse than the last, yet I'm never bored watching them.
>X-Men is rooted in identity politics
Lee and Kirby created the X-Men as a metaphor for antisemitism. Claremont expanded it to include race.
Singer turned the X-Men into homofag central thus ruining a decent series about prejudice.
Gay/Trans rights is pushed because it gives white people a means of calling themselves persecuted minorities and that is absolute nonsense. It doesn't matter if a white person is gay, trans, or crippled. White people should never be portrayed as a persecuted people. NEVER.
Everyone in those movies looks miscast as fuck
Yes. There’s no reason it needs to be hamfisted and gratuitous though.
all the characters in first class are white, yes even snowman under that snow is a Caucasian male
X-Men in general is very much intended to be SJW but a lot of its comic history doesn't feel like it's written that way at all until recent years where established characters are suddenly gay (of course).
Horseshit. The civil rights movement was never about "identity politics". The Civil Rights movement was about treating non-whites with human decency. White liberals corrupted the movement and made it about words and faggotry.
Blacks and other non-whites are in danger of being shot on sight or deported. Fags are in an uproar because they can't buy cake. This is how sick white liberals are.
But, we should be subverting expectations. It's much more interesting that way
>treating non-whites with human decency
yikes and cringepilled
>X-Men in general is very much intended to be SJW
>comments on Youtube pointing out the inconsistencies of Mystique's lines, citing that Charles already "gave" more than anyone by becoming a cripple in the line of fire and how the X-Women line comes out of nowhere with very little context to back it up
Most of the Jews in Europe were Caucasian when they got gassed. All i have to do to get lynched today as a white man is to say one word. Every single racial group that has ever existed is/has been persecuted in one way or the other depending on numerous factors. Pretty sure your nigger brain is too stupid to understand that though.
the idea was to have a group of heroes that, regardless of intent, would be feared and vilified by those they would try to protect because they are inherently different. the creation of mutants had this tension, in the comic universe, where mutants were the next step in humanity and those that feared their own displacement would use this to tout that the mutants believed themselves superior to mankind and would eventually kill us all to take over the world. on the whole the comics were just like the other comics at the time, fun bullshit stories to sell and build upon but they would also be used to create parallels with things like the civil rights movements and the persecution of groups by despots. for the most part it was just an afterthought of the stories, something they can work in and editorialize about on the side, though the focus would still be to create this world that they wanted to make and sell... at least until the modern world hit it with the fag stick.
Sugardaddy got expelled and arrested so couldn't fund their movie
Powerful and brave.
Lol typical delusional sjw
youtube comments on even normie stuff is surprisingly based. only a matter of time before comments become curated on everything
I find recent Sophie Turner attractive and I would like to have sex with her. Never really found her attractive until now.
>JLaw phoned it in
>cringeworthy lines
whats the proof?