It's over for him....
It's over for him
Other urls found in this thread:
literally who?
what has this edgy nazi done now?
I like his steven universe video but the rest are just meh
He's dumb, he recommended Alita over Captain Marvel.
bring this e-celeb bullshit somewhere else zoomer
Anime incel weebs who regurgitate edgy /pol/ memes convinced me to become blue-pilled and left-wing again
okay, what happened now?
I need to be up to date with eceleb drama so I can be trendy while I hate leddit.
>Elijah Remalfein has been arrested for child pornography
I too base my beliefs on how popular other people holding them are instead of whether they're true or accurate, because I too am a woman
Do you really think someone would just go on the Internet and tell lies?
No. Incels and weebs are unironically worse than SJWs.
Actual based right wingers have completely disavowed the MRA/incel crowd and understand the importance of respecting women.
Hitler won the female vote and that is how he came to power. MRAs and incel weebs are retarded and deserve to be culled.
seething roastie
captain marvel was garbage though
When called out on my stupid garbage, I too like to simply repeat that stupid garbage over again, because I too am a woman. And since I have nothing going on in my life except this pointless drama I create to amuse myself, eventually the man will concede defeat because he has or is tired from other obligations.
Says the childless faggot future school shooter.
Go fuck your blowup doll while actual humans like me start families and secure the future of our people.
calm down buddy.
seething roastie
Literally whom?
>seething roastie beep boop
How many kids do you have, you chinless wonder?
Who cares
>calls him out for using seethie roastie twice
>proceeds to use the same childless argument twice in a row
user, I...
seething roastie
Fat Mexican pedophile
Youtube is initiating mass bans of undesirables (aka wh*toids)
Alita was garbage as well. Would not reco either
>seething poastie
go back to /pol/ with your NPC shit
Based. Fuck wh*Tes.
>wanting to ban all air travel and gas propelled vehicles is good because FUCK TRUMP AND HAHA SEETHING /pol/tards XD
i wish Yea Forums would stop
If Nazis want to post their gay videos freely, why don't they make their own video sharing platform?
he said it was flawed himself in his video. did you even watch it? He compares how alita is a flawed movie but does a far FAR better job with the characters and world building than captain marvel.
you can say alita is trash, that's fine, but there is no doubt that captain marvel is lower than trash. A messy diarrhea shit stain someone left on in the bathroom floor.
oh shit did they delete his channel?
>did you even watch it
No one in these threads actually watch his videos, they just circlejerk opinions on him they hear in these threads.
No. It's still up and unrestricted.
Have sex incel
I actually watch his videos that aren't related to (shitty) anime.
So all but two?
recognize when you're talking to a real woman, tranny
Made me check. Go fuck yourself for making me that scared.
Kinda hard when you tyrants try to block every step possible, from hosting servers to payment methods.
A good post. Unironically, you showed that normie cunt. Might not be woman tho
What does that have to do with setting up a video sharing website?
They already have bitchute now, why do they care about YouTube?
>Go fuck yourself for making me that scared.
the state of nu Yea Forums
I watch his videos
they are to date my favorite going to bed videos
If it's so easy why don't you do it and make mad money off it?
Because I like to laugh at right wing retards
>just make your own youtube
>just make your own facebook
>just make your own twitter (gab did this guess what happened to them)
>just make your own DNS
>just make your own web hosting service
>just make your own internet
>just make your own fiber backbone
>just make your own country
>just make your own planet
>just make your own solar system
>just make your own galaxy
>just make your own universe
>(gab did this guess what happened to them)
What happened?
Why not profit off them then?
Because I'm not a Jew?
Look at that victimhood complex.
It's almost as if you MAGAtards and kekerinos are just as whiny and egotistical as those ess jay dubyas.
You sound like a right wing retard.
what's the hentai in the back?
Don't call me a retard
Epic takedown, when can I expect your 30 minute rationalist youtube video about horseshoe theory?
Forgot about the payment methods. should have added that to also
>just make your own banks
>just make your own payment processors
>just make your own credit card company
>What happened?
they did as they were told. They made their own twitter.
then they got their DNS hosting taken away
payment processors dropped them
web hosting dropped them
basically they were being cut off from anything that would allow them to run the site. the "just make your own" bullshit is just their way of secluding wrong thinkers to a echochamber where they can't be heard by the greater public. "you can say whatever you want, but not where people can hear what you have to say"
absolutely based and any further reply from will just add to the destruction. Look how mad he is
What are you talking about? Is gab down right now?
This board isn't a place for people who can think for themselves. You should probably leave.
I'm a national socialist, you dumb redditor. I take a third position because this gay SJW vs anti-SJW incel dichotomy is just a jewish distraction.
Do you not know that many of these ardent anti-sjws are basically center-left weaklings and cowards with no real principles?
That was the purpose of my post. You fags really are as bad as SJWs and you're too stubborn and up your own ass to admit it. Many of your idols like Sargon and QuaterPounder were lefties before the purple-haired tumblr whales went after your hobbies.
Now have sex and stop hating women autistically because of your dumb internet cliques.
Meanwhile you probably share the beliefs of "people" on Twitter who have anime and frog avatars
>I'm a national socialist, you dumb redditor.
>I'm a national socialist
lmao fag
Church and monarchy, not socialism and populism.
Literally nothing has happened to E;R, what's everyone whining about?
Dilate, tranny.
I am a victim.
>raaah raaah fight da female powa
>dude check out this based black man lollolol Trump is totally gonna win the black vote in 2040
>well of course the far right is just as bad as the far left. all identity politics is bad
>Using the "you're just like SJWs" argument when it applies to you most.
>I'm a national socialist, you dumb redditor.
No one has made these arguments you retard.
I unironically see eye to eye with SJWs on many issues.
At least they're smart enough to acknowledge the power of identity and race. Meanwhile, cucks and weaklings like you deny its existence and seem more focused on lowering the age of consent and giving money to Daddy Juden Peterson and Zion Don instead of fixing the problems.
Nazi here, all women need to be killed
enjoy 4 more years of trump
You're a larper.
Hitler won because of the female vote.
Anti-woman incel culture is jewish as hell.
41%, tranny
I meant more in the sense that you constantly feel attacked and victimised like you're acting now.
Oh you're one of those
>we must protect and worship the beautiful aryan woman as she gets DP'd by niggers
based black man
Two. Yo momma an yo daddy HAHAHAH lil bitchass nigga
Jew here, it feels good to D & C
I think it's up now but for a while they were really struggling to stay up. the site did go down for quite a while.
a short overview of what has happened to the
>apple refused to let them put thier mobile app on thier app store
>the google playstore later removed their mobile app
>their DNS pressured them to remove posts ny some daily stormer faggot
>microsoft Azure, their web hoster, threatened to suspend the site for weeks if they didn't remove posts.
>stripe dropped them because they didn't remove 'adult content' on their site, complete bullshit because moderating every single post on a social media site is impossible
>paypal later dropped them as well
>cryptocurrency site coinbase shut down their accounts
>cashapp closed their accounts
not to mention the constant media attacks.
financial institutes can refuse to do business with you meaning you can't receive ad money or any other kind of funds to pay for a website.
And you're one of those degenerates that thinks race-mixing with asians is based when all you're doing is shitting out a future school shooter.
>not to mention the constant media attacks.
Literally no one cares about gab
nah nigga i'm volcel
What about bitcoin?