I want to have sex so bad bros

I want to have sex so bad bros

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have sex

Just go rape someone then

Have you tried at least? I'll understand if you've tried and failed. We've all been there at one point.


26 khv reporting in.

Have you tried being yourself?

I just want to bury my face into big milkers desu

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What are you doing about it?

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30 here.

I had sex with my fiance twice this weekend. The second time I even initiated it because I was bored!

It’s mind boggling to me that people can actually get laid.

You need the self esteem required to make friends or a dating app, you need the self esteem to actually speak to the girl and continue the conversation, you need the self esteem to look people in the eyes when speaking to them, you need the self esteem to make a move and get alone with her, you need the self esteem to be vulnerable enough to initiate sex and be naked alone with a girl. That’s just the mental side of things.

You also need the physical side, you have to be good looking enough to attract her.

There’s also logistics, you need to actually go out somewhere where women actually are (I don’t know where women go, I’ve barely ever seen women my age in real life).

I’m not convinced sex is a real thing, how the FUCK do people do it?

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I'm 70% sure sex isn't real and it's just people fucking with me

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She was laying on her stomach on the couch, so I crawled over and gave her a half assed back rub until I had a boner. Which I then pressed into her butt. Then we went to the bedroom and got naked

How to get a fiancé?

>(I don’t know where women go, I’ve barely ever seen women my age in real life).
Literally me, what the fuck do people even do? I have no idea.

25 y/o khv
I still think I'm gonna have sex whenever I get a girlfriend.


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I want to have friends at least. When my mother dies I'll be all alone in the world. I'm terrified of that day.

literally everyone I talk to who isnt a nerd tells me they just go out to bars to drink lol? Like, do they just go out to drink and have a good time or do they do it to get laid? I have no idea ffs what do they do in their FREE time? Ive asked them that and they tell me that they just watch tv and cook food

>tfw you know even if an attractive girl approached you and literally said "fuck me here right now" you'd wouldn't be able to get a boner and you'd probably start hyperventilating as you back away slowly

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I got banned for saying 'sneedubs'
Fuck you janny nigger

Go on dates and have sex. It's not rocket science, incel.

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have you tried Having sex?

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>Just go outside
Go outside fucking where?? What kind of place can a lone guy walk into without looking like a creepy weirdo? Let alone approachable enough for someone else to be comfortable near.

>dating app

lmao considering dating apps are 90% guys, and the 10% of women that actually are there judge guys like pic related

how the FUCK would you ever get a date?

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I know a bar is the typical answer but I haven't had any friends since grade school so I have never been in one, and have no idea what you are even supposed to do there. In fact I have never even had any alcohol before at 26 I guess because I have never had anyone around me to push me into it