TARS set IQ to 100
>Skin pigmentation determines IQ and the holoc-
I said 100, TARS, not 85
TARS set IQ to 100
hahahaha /pol/ btfo
Here we go
/pol/ here, do people actually think it's skin pigmentation that determines IQ?
I don't think I've ever actually met someone so astronomically stupid to think pigmentation has anything to do with neural structure
I don't he meant it that literally.
what? do you think having a lack of pigmentation and not being able to go outside else you turn into beef jerky means you have a big brain?
despite comprising only 13% of the population..
TARS set IQ to 185
OP's joke is bad but you really do have to be a low iq idiot to not understand what he meant.
TARS, access the statistical information of the Federal Bureau of Investigation regarding criminal activities broken down by demographic variation.
and you have to be a low iq idiot to not understand when you're being baited into a redpilling session
do black women commit a significant amount of crime?shouldn't be 6%?
/pol/tards are neither intelligent nor educated
90% of them don't know who was British PM in 1939
95% of them don't know Danzig was ruled by NSDAP in 1939 and had several thousand armed German paramilitaries (and 50 Poles in a post office)
irrelevant historical trivia? not when you spend half of your time talking about a subject about which you don't have a slightest clue
all of their "knowledge" comes from posts, infographs and one shitty YT video
they never read a fucking book in their life (I saw some who indirectly imply books are a Jewish thing)
you have no idea how ridiculous you look to people here who aren't shocked by word "nigger" and who are more educated than you
what did he mean by this?
TARS, show me the ideal penis size as rated by women, dependent on sexual satisfaction.
The band?
TARS, HTML edit the post when he screencaps all your (You)s
>TARS set suicide rate to 40%
TARS, explain the relevance of "muh dick" as a response to any and all criticism
I've scientifically tracked the paleness/tanness of my skin and correlated it with my general cognitive performance and erectile dysfunction
let the children REEEE here. Otherwise they'll go shoot up their school because they have no one to talk to.
based rambling shizo
>also /pol/tards
You need to chill bucko
10" is average and frankly more than enough
TARD, set IQ to potato.
... they make up 62% of exonerations
Thought i'd finish that for you.
>13% meme
>what about the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow in 1939, huh?
someone's mad
I just find it incredible they are so interested in WW2 and Nazi regime yet somehow after years of rambling about the subject they know as much as the average Joe
that's because they are lazy mental niggers and that's why their life is miserable and that's why they are failures
>also libtards
Tars set IQ to-
>Imma let you finish but Villeneuve is some of the most dishonest movies of all time! Of All Time!
/pol/tards absolutely BTFO
Imagine being a /pol/tard lmao
>and who are more educated than you
I learned not to trust people with educations the day they started suggesting the government take children away from parents who won't let them """""transition""""" into the opposite sex.
You can take your degree and shove it right the fuck up your ass, bucko.
Its only bad if the information is false.
highly related topics when talking about majority of /pol/tards
just to add, they aren't "intelligent but lazy and misguided", they are dumb as a fucking brick
That's why you talk about it on Yea Forums, not /pol/, right?
thank you for providing an example
you don't need a degree to educate yourself you retarded fuck
/pol/ talks about the downplaying of non-White criminality all the time, man. Where do you think the mutt meme came from? Many government gencies don't make a distinction between hispanic and non-hispanic of any race in their data, and thus places like the FBI were labeling mulattoes and beaners as White to make the higher ups happy. Texas may be the worst case for this sort of shit on the planet.
>inb4 hispanics are white
seek genetic testing
Show me on the doll where the /pol/fag touched you, user
I gave up talking about it on /pol/ since most of them are beyond salvation
I talk about it in other boards when /pol/tards start sperging out and ruining threads
it's basically entertainment wrapped up with meaning for them. They don't care about knowledge or growth, they just need to be entertained to pass the time while feeling like they have a purpose and meaning
poltards may be wrong about all those irrelevant things, but they're able to reach the right conclusion about races anyway, so they're still smarter than you
>gave up
aka was too scared
You're pretty much the only person in this thread who's very clearly mad. Please go to a worse board, r/tv is for circlejerking capeshit
absolutely based
>proving his point
You're not as smart as you think you are
>"TARS set IQ to 500"
>TARS reroutes them to Mars
>they do surface tests for a month or two after realizing they're stuck there
>successfully grow crops using basic hydroponics
>humanity builds transport ships with huge amounts of construction equipment and materials instead
>tens of thousands more human lives are saved
what the fuck was wrong with this movie's scientists?
t. guy who had his baby radiated to prevent SIDS
>triggered by basic facts
>get mocked for being angry about /pol/
>proceed to reddit space about how angry you are about /pol
not the sharpest here I see
>can't even t. correctly
go back
>can't keep up with the memes
So you've interviewed 95% of /pol/ users to know for a fact that they
>90% of them don't know who was British PM in 1939
>95% of them don't know Danzig was ruled by NSDAP in 1939 and had several thousand armed German paramilitaries (and 50 Poles in a post office)
>all of their "knowledge" comes from posts, infographs and one shitty YT video
>they never read a fucking book in their life (I saw some who indirectly imply books are a Jewish thing)
I doubt it you're just making assumptions which is exactly what you accuse them of. Grow up.
I'm not talking about race
I'm just talking about them and their approach to life
it's quite impossible to understand stuff properly with such approach, that's why they are totally wrong about most of stuff they spew
I wasn't scared, it's just tiresome to discuss with people who have mental capacity of a gorilla, or people who just stop posting when they get BTFO and then come again later and post same shit over and over
98% of black people don't commit crime, so it should be like 0.2%
pretty funny thread completely derailed by coping BTFO /pol/acks
perhaps I'm not smart (I would never claim such a thing), but I'm far more educated than you
>liberal maths
>that appear to be female
Oh and it shows user, we're all really impressed
>what the fuck was wrong with this movie's scientists?
They thought the atmosphere would run out of oxygen in fewer than 5 million years
>outing yourself as a completely directionless loser with no father figure
>make up some stuff and pretend you're the only one whos ever heard of Neville Chamberlain
Jesus christ, the pretentiousness needed to make such a long winded faggot post.. Kill yourself
Yeah I'm proving his point. If getting an education fucks your mind to the extent of shilling for the disenfranchisement of parents due to their improper adherence to contemporary political dogma, then I'd much prefer being a sane person to being educated.
You fuckers worship education like a deity and wonder why the average person hates your guts. And then you try to enforce your degenerate lifestyles onto people via the the very agencies their tax dollars fund.
Fuck yourself.
then why do it here? people are allowed to use more than one board, you know that, right?
>>implying I'm gonna bother to calculate 0.13 *0.02
TARS, set dubs probability to 70%
woaaahhhh buddy that's a whole lot of shit i didnt even begin to imply or agree with. seems like you need to vent to your shrink instead of having an emotional meltdown because someone typed three words :^)
>TARS, set African-American homicide rate at four times their demographic make-up in the United States.
>Sir, that's the default setting.
that's why you just go there to laugh at them man
I find them kinda boring myself though desu, place is only even mildly amusing anymore during a happening
ok OP
>I am the only human on this website who has heard the name Neville Chamberlain
>shits up the board with politics
>n-no I was actually making fun of /pol/
correlation does not imply causation
>"TARS, lower the risk of death in the spacecraft."
>TARS temporarily breaches the shuttle and the black guy gets ejected.
>assuming I was him
incredibly triggered
>haha I called you triggered, now what?
Who was US President in 1843? You have one minute to tell me.
TARS, up the dosage by 45%
>tranny couldn't answer
Why are liberals so uneducated?
TARS set IQ to 9000. take a 10,000 random whites and blacks what do you find
faggot probably even couldn't tell you who was US president in 1832
reminder that IQ is pseudoscience
How insecure are you that you started a thread with this silliness? You're just as bad as /pol/, shitting up the board with this bullshit. Go outside.
damn you're right, blacks are secretly geniuses, whitey just be keepin dem po blak man down
>not 85
You mean ten points above the average nigger? Nazis btfo, comrade! Up the revolution!
Why are leftists so afraid of innate differences in IQ? Having a lower IQ doesn't actually rob anyone of human value...WAIT that's exactly why leftists push for blank slate. They think the bottom half of the curve are lesser humans.
Skin pigmentation has little to do with it; geographic evolution, however, has a great deal to do with average intelligence no matter how much certain types of people want to ignore it.
Skin pigmentation doesn't determine differential IQ but differential selection pressures over thousands of years did. It just so happens that different pressures caused divergence in skin color, related to ability to tolerate sun and produce more vitD in a short amount of time (white skin).
>black people are superior athletes, its just their genes
>but intelligence has no biological basis
But I know half the fucks who believe that shit also are CTH faggots and don't care about logic. They just want to be cucked because they have low self esteem.
Also sage this thread.
based user
trick question, the U.S. didn't exist yet
The 13% meme is too powerful, literally instantly destroys posts like OP
What would you say if I told you blacks are inferior, but that whites aren't the most intelligent?
But it's true. Also, white people are more likely to have a violent crime committed on them by another white person than by a black person, because crime is community based.
Nigger lover
Probably couldn't even tell who was running for president in 1844, when the democrats were split
>YouTube purges right wing political channels
>At the exact same time Yea Forums gets spammed by JIDF shills
Fuck off, Chaim.
What's your point here?
Are the stats accurate? Or are the stats inaccurate because the government is run by Jews?
Little kids don't transition.
>to make the higher ups happy
Where's the evidence
accurate when based on criteria predating jew influence
shadow boxing is unhealthy
>the corrupt don't document and publicize their corruption
well gosh darn it all it must not be happening then
>t. dummy
It doesn't have to come from the government. It just has to be from some credible source. If you make a claim about a plan with alleged reasoning behind it, you have to provide evidence. That's how things work.
Intelligence is beneficial everywhere. People who deny this probably have never been to the places they refer to as lacking pressure for intelligence.
TARS thank the good doctor.
lol someone is mad
Then /pol/ posting on Yea Forums must increase ten fold to drive out scum like you
>Intelligence is beneficial everywhere
So is physical ability, what's your point
>skin pigmentation
>melanin is the only difference
Different physiological traits are advantageous in different areas of the world.