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Looks gaudy.

What the absolute fuck is that poster?

I don’t get the gal hate.

She is cute and hates Muslims, literally perfect

>that poster
Is Noe directing this? Also lol that puritan armor.

drink when something about pc policy is forced on your face

no ass.
no tits
weird cone head

She cute

That's going to be a no from me, dog.

That's actually a good poster, I'm impressed

Why have they photoshopped Gal like a balloon head on the body of some 5'4 womanlet?

fag or woman or hateful incel

Because her actual size would look weird in the poster, due to the proportion between the poster aspect ratio and her body aspect ratio.

is this a personal attack or something?

Ragnarok really set the bar didn't it?

If Wonder Woman was active in 1984 why did Bruce have to go all the way back to 1918 to find evidence that Diana and WW are the same person? Surely there's tons of footage from the 80s, a decade that Bruce lived the entirety of.

Assuming Bruce is 40 in BvS then he was born in 1976, and was 8 in 1984. And there's a fair amount of evidence that he's over 40.

Literal goddess.

For fuckssake DC just stop

>he actually cares about the timeline and cohesion in the DC movies

not even the screenwriters care user

She has no ass and tits. That's a fact.

Should have been a Lisa Frank style aesthetic

Any hope to see the classic suit in this movie?

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So fucking what? Stop watching so much porn retard.

it is a fact. but it's far from an adequate reason to dislike her.

Check the catalog before posting !

I do not understand why a woman does not want this
just do some exercises and in a few months she has that athlete's body

pic very related

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lol assblasted

Why don't the women at MCU show their legs like that?

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she could silence the haters if she did squats

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What do you mean? The armor covers her legs.

It definitely catches your attention and has a mysterious air.

>So what if Marvel has the second biggest movie of all time. We have a fag poster for gay pride month

Take the L bro

Adjusted for inflation ?

t. fat ugly sperg

cool poster, but the fuck is with that armour? traditional amazon one is sexy and looks great on her

That head is too big for that tiny body, looks comical. And people dare to call Wonder Woman this thing...

It does look tight and looks like it's choking her but I think that was the point.

Please no...
That shit was awful. She only used it for like 5 minutes.

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>shitty thread that was posted first only has 6 (SIX) replies
>lol take the L bro

It's gonna flop unbelievably hard.

You'll be surprised. It's capeshit and her solo movie was praised heavily, excluding the third act CGI explosion fest.

None of that matters DC is box office poison

Shazam, Joker, The Kitchen, and Birds of Prey bombing are proof enough of that

Why? Wonder Woman and AquaChad have been critical and financial success for them. They’re clearly going with those 2 as the new flag bearers of their comic universe


No it isn’t. Look at it. Holy shit.
It’s eye-catching because it’s just a huge rainbow pattern, but is that really what we’re defining a ‘good poster’ by? It’s literally just a badly photoshopped Gal Gadot in front of a bunch of colours and nothing else.

I'm a Bachelor of the Arts and that's one of the best posters I've seen in months

Shazam did fine and you’re delusional if you think Joker will be a flop for them

When are we going to get a Wonder Woman that actually looks like Wonder Woman?

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remember this has a fuck drumpft message

this. traditional one is iconic and more aesthetic
sjw pandering ruins everything

Without the whole "FIRST BRAVE STRONG WOMAN HERO" marketing its gonna tank. The only reason the first movie did so well is because sjws latched onto it.

Why, because Pedro Pascal is probably portraying a character who was created and rose to prominence in the 80's before later becoming best known as a victim of Diana's neck biggotry?

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She cant act and looks like an alien. But every normie i know irl thinks shes the hottest and sexiest person ever.

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The poster is fine. It is the armor I have a problem with. Hopefully is is just a specialty suit for a short purpose like those that Lynda Carter used in the TV show, and she uses the original for the bulk of it.

Attached: Wonder Woman 1984.jpg (1680x2100, 269K)

>*typed by fat fingers as tears stream down his cheeks*
Fucking calm down dude

>working hard at something instead of just complaining

Have you been outside or have met a woman?

Shazam really did poorly but it had a low enough budget to breakeven. Aquaman made bank.

>I don’t get the gal hate.

Good goy


Some people hate the Jews more user

Fucking this!!

>"make sure when we cast wonder woman we get a 7ft tall anorexic isrealite with a big head!! Also no acting experience is a plus"

The damn justice league cartoon wonder woman is more attractive than gadot.

all women are wonders

Ugly tranny jew

So is every form of entertainment nowadays. Its more important to make a political comment than to write a good script. Hollywood is a joke nowadays.

>copies Thor ragnarok.

Call me when Snyder returns and makes MoS 2.
Oh, that's right. It'll never happen.

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seizure inducing poster

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I would agree but Captain Marvel did well. There's clearly an audience and the male normie part of it doesn't care which message or marketing it has.

Pull the trigger, Big Time.

As in you wonder how the majority of them could make it so far in life

Made me chuckle.

If it works, it works. It's purely business. Why wouldn't something Disney employ suddenly stop working for Warner Bros?

Dam, Brie Larson got some nice legs after all.

Guardians of the Galaxy 2 did actually. Ragnarok was an extension of the aesthetics and tone of that film.

>can't act
>can barely speak english
>has the imposing physical presence of an anorexic model
she seems like a nice girl but it's terrible casting

She doesn't hate muslims retard, she supports the Palestine state and hates benjamin

after gal gadot
snyder, afleck, ezra miller and henry cavill
already left and we have a new batman
maybe this is the last one with gadot

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Only reason it made money was because it has MARVEL all over it they could make a movie that's nothing but iron man pooping in a urinal and it would do a billion easily.

Secondly Disney went out and censored any and all bad press and did everything they could to make brie larson look like an angel after everyone found out what smug terrible actress she is

>we want the Thor Ragnarok audience

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>When are we going to get a Wonder Woman that actually looks like Wonder Woman?

She's waiting for the phone call. 6'3" and muscular.
Gwendoline Christie

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>we live in the timeline where women actress dont get cast on looks and talent but based on whatever PC sjw box they fit in

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a lotta ugly women out there in hollywood but nothing like le jewish wonder woman goblina

Why are they releasing a poster for a movie that's about one year away still?

I dig it. Also, I hope the presence of the armor indicates what I think it means.

rent free

She has a wonder pussy?

A hotter Wonder Woman than Gal

Speaking about actresses?
There are hundreds who would kill to be Wonder Woman
And they would put silicone and they would stay in gym for months to be in great shape
There are others who do not care, Gadot and Larson.
Looking back, do you remember how Demi Moore dedicated herself to G.I. Jane?
And Hilary Swank on Million Dollar Baby?
There are actresses who still value every cent of the work they receive
and respect who will watch the movies


Attached: Million Dollar Baby.jpg (1280x720, 90K)

Which is what?


>rainbow colors
>pride month
Gee really makes you wonder

It's the "Thor Ragnarok was successful so let's copy their marketing" style.

literally no muscle what did DC mean by this?

>I don’t get the gal hate.

Wonder Woman look like that in comicsbut refuses to do something like thisand look like the character of comics
meanwhile, cavill and mamoa spent months at the gym to stay close to aquaman and superman
gadot just took pictures smiling for instagram
It's hard to respect someone like that, right?

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What could have been...

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Yes, she is looking at her.

Because WB can't afford to be at SDCC

Pants suck and that material looks cheap.

we hate kikes moreso than we hate the mudslimes though

No woman looks like her, closest was lyndia carter

You know what he means, it's not literally showing her skin, but leotard over the armor accentuates all the legs
plus it looks more like patterned tights than actual armor

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And yet everyone pretends people just dont like women hence why these movies sucked. In reality people can tell what actors give a shit and which ones don't. Larson especially rather virtue signal and defend her safe space than put actual effort into her role. Weve had badass women doing badass things for decades yet now we have to play pretend that larson and gadot were the first and any valid criticism aimed at them means you hate ALL women. This world is such a clown show.

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Her hair looks fucking amazing.

I think so as well.

But wasn't Thor just ripping off the Suicide Squad poster?

Did Trump design that gaudy clusterfuck? Is there gonna be a huge "WONDER WOMAN" sign around her neck.


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She really does have a fun-looking pair of chesticles.

god DAMN it, the jews won't let the white man eat

This poster alone is better than the entirety of DCEU films so far.

I like the background but the costume looks awful
give us breastplate and skirt WW not this Skyrim Nexus Mods armor bullshit

>when the cartoon wonder woman is more attractive that gal gadot

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Honestly that poster is pretty cool.

It really makes me cringe when "80's aesthetic" movie comes out & everyone mentions Ragnarok like Ragnarok wasn't a complete copy of GOTG.

I need to worship her

that poster is a fucking headache.

it makes me cringe when people use neon colors and call it 80s

Does this rainbow poster mean her supervillain is a homosexual?

>the real homossexuals were the audience all along

KINO. Looks amazing. So much better than all the "Faces next to each other" posters.

>TFW you will NEVER take large amounts of LSD with Gal in her costume in the 1980s and dance with her

>taking lsd in the 80s
square zoomers can't keep track of their meme eras

Why are they covering her up though?
I though DC was at least somewhat better at this shit than Marvel.

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>metal leotard on metal tights
It's one of those situations where more is less

Marvel fans seething because they think Ragnarok was the first movie ever with a bright palette.

It's just a first look. the actual theatrical poster won't be this

dc fans seething because marvel dominated everything and everything gets compared to it justifiably or not

It's pronounced Guh-dot.

Is Wonder Woman teaming up with Rainbow Brite? Is that why it's set in 1984? lmfao