Pitch me a El Chavo episode for 2019
Pitch me a El Chavo episode for 2019
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seu madruga dies
They're kicked out of the neighborhood because the wall will be built right on top of it.
In an act of resistance, Chavo puts the barrel right in the construction lines.
Trump comes to the neighborhood.
the gang watches simsons while smoking una vela then they go to argentina and watch a boca juniors game and ride bikes
>it's a quico gets an iPad and after he loses it Chavo gets accused of being a ratero episode
Seu Madruga supports Bolsonaro and cries after his daughter gets killed by the militia and Bolsonaro pays homage to them on twitter.
>it's a el chavo starts streaming and his viewers ask him to do a barrel roll, he does it but he hits el señor barriga xDDD episode
Elon Musk delivers a square ball to Quico
Don Ramon is deported and El Chavo is let in an ICE prison until Alexandra Ocasio comes to his rescue
Why is he called seu madruga?
Is he that drug lord from Colombia?
Because Mr. Midnight is much better than Don Ramon.
*Ron Damon
Chilindrina finds a hidden cam in her room
Is that a legit name in Portuguese?
Madruga doesnt mean midnight
God i wish that was true
Popis is low tier
>Spying on Chilindrina and not la Popis.
El Chapulín Colorado was better than El Chavo.
It's more of a nickname
The gang gets a pirated video of the latest movie and they have to hide it or they will get in trouble
Ok, fine
why do brazilians like el chavo so much, if they don't mix at all with the rest of latin america? its not even in portuguese. i'm just curious
also, how the fuck do you translate RON DAMON
They must relate to the group in some way
fukcing kino
La vecindad del chavo discovers the internet and anal sex
Now we are going somewhere..
>Seu Madruga supports Bolsonaro
would never happen
What do you mean by "its not even in portuguese"?
Who the fuck is Bolsonaro?
It's been airing in here for ages, we're at the point where a 4-generation family can all bond over Chavo easily.
Secondly, Chavo is about many things, but most importantly poverty, "malandro"-type characters, poor people, disfunctional families who love each other at their core, kids fucking around, growing up poor, and light mysticism. All elements commonly found in Brazil.
el chavo is in spanish brah
chavo and his gang discusses how they can use skirts in school
chavo and the neighborhood travel to Syria for a vacation
Two words:
Shaky cam.
Don jirafales comes out as trans
Chavo has a rich sugar daddy and the vecindad moves to hollywood california. the chilindrina marries and gets pregnant with an african-american.
12 immigrant families are relocated to their neighborhood and all their lives change for the worst
impossible, every problem could be solved with cellphones, ah no, thats seinfield, whatever, add more cunnies
>mexico has been populated by spics for 13,000 years and THIS is the best they have to offer
I know the show is huge in Brazil, but it's still set in Mexico.
Not bad actually. Better than anything else in Latin America, and just about anything from Europe and USA.
Now THAT would actually be awesome
Remake of that episode when Chavo and Quico confused Don Ramon and profesor Jirafales for fags but instead of acting disgusted, they act all tolerant and inclusive.
Quico coming out
El chavo get ipad
be anti trump .
Thing the acter .. cancer .. wow .. winrar
>it's a Chavo set up a nativity scene for Christmas in la Vecindad but Quico says its offensive unless he can add a statue of Moloch in la vecindad as well
>its a El Chavo/Supergirl crossover episode
chavo sell barrel buy switch
This will forever be the most comfy show Latin America has to offer
kiko get ipad
you know noticed that there are no blacks on chavo del 8
And no Asians. What's your point?
>its another chavo starts ranting about guatemalan refugees episode
dubs exist, hermano
>it’s a Chilindrina does Blacked to get money to pay for Chavos sex change surgery
it's just so fucking good, yesterday I saw a couple of minutes and my home famility burst in laughter, the jokes are just pure, silly ones, but the voice work, idk man, everything works. I wouldn't think it would be this good if the voice dubbed version was bad
on the other hand, things that were suppose to be funny are downright cringe/disgusting, Chavez probable has better viewings too
It's way better than any amerimutt comedy
because it is good
el chapulín unironically deserves a remake in the era of capeshit ridden cinema
dyatlov was a ruski don ramon