What's next for her career?
/ecg/ Emilia Clarke General
Other urls found in this thread:
hopefully farting in my fucking face
Thicc Emilia best Emilia
Any more pics of her butt?
shitting on my chest
Emilia is best girl
marrying me
A Christmas romantic movie
>tfw just want a 5'2" big butt qt with charming personality, lots of energy and always upbeat with a british accent
is this really too much to ask?
Will it be kino?
I Wonder who created this thread
Digits confirm this is best waifu
Me :^)
The Dragon must have three heads
guys dont be lewd please
agreed no lewdity
Do you are really asking me if a 2 hour Emilia Clarke movie will be kino? Is this a serious question?
I want her to smash my head with those thighs
Game of Thrones Season 1, Episode 1
That's one ballsy thread
Sunset found her squatting over user's chest
dumb libtard roastie
This is not the Sophie Turner general user
What's Jannie going to do? What is cute may never die
t. jealous fat pussy
I want her to leglock me
true! and based!!
Quick, post your BEST Emilias!
ok this is fucking based and redpilled as fuck
What a fucking piggy
The Wall
The Cherrypicking
I want to feel her
Something about the aspect ratio seems off here
>posts the same cherry picked pic everytime
>still looks cute
Anything that makes her happy. I just want her to feel good, I don't care if she plays in awesome movies or not.
>being this obsessed over a plain jane who no one here will ever even meet
Hopefully smothering me with her size 6s
Go back sucking shrooms out of Larson's toes faggot
>not your first post
>still replying to the OP
She will not win an Emmy. Her career is over now
Is this emilia?
Better than Sophie Turner desu
I wish
No that's not me
She carried this shit season and she have a big fanbase. I'm sure she have chance
implying she need acting career to be succesfull and have happy life and make money. Fucking kek u faggot.
>muh sophie deflection
Based and ecgpilled
If only it was true
She wouldn’t but not because of her acting
movie awards are purely politics nowadays, remember when black panther had its own category for the oscars
OP here, I love you all even the Sophie Turner shitposters
Cute picture
She supports the commies
I'm rooting for you guys but naming it /ecg/ is probably not a good idea
The Architect has telekinesis now?
I had nothing against Sophie until Sophie was pushing her sjw fanbase to attack Dany fanbase and Emilia, it was shit move by shit spoiled person. While Emilia never looked for fights with anyone...
It is an Argentinian prostitute. There was a guy that used to pay her to make videos like this one and spam them on /gif/.
Low T post, my dude
I bless all of you in this thread
His power grows with his projects
Sophie never did this
she did some interviews where she was cheering the Sansa vs Dany stuff.
Thank you. My queen
this thread was made by a false flagger trying to get us banned. we are a thread of peace
Ok. Her legs aren’t ticklish so I was hoping not
thinking about framing these and the one with the key and hanging on my wall.
Small and cold!
What a fucking cunt
And the Starbucks Cup she was saying It was Emilias's
I wouldn't try to get anyone banned I take responsibility for my thread.
blacked 1st
>at least 2 romance kinos
Feels like getting cucked
I swear, if I get a wish one day, I'll ask for every nig and every "blacked" faggot like you to be erase from existence. You fuckin disease
>walking through a building
>suddenly see this
What do
>silly girl, that's a wall, not a door.
Considering she said she hates it when people spill spaghetti I'll just keep walking...
>"Ms Clarke? Can I help you?"
Ask for her phone number. Isn't hard
Why do you hate black people user?
You just need to get a horse and Tell her to hop up bro
I wish this meme would die, nobody cares about your fetish.
Bend the knee
>31 fucking minutes
Relevant part at 28:20
I have my reasons.
>Emiliaslayer has joined your party!
Your blessings are much appreciated. Have a peaceful, fulfilling day.
Thats rare
More current Emilia
What did they talk about?
>'ate white walkers
>'ate rose
>'ate critics
>love emilia
>don't want thrones to end, nevah have
>simple as
Hitler speeches
Where the fuck was this taken, a jet hangar?
>Don't fuck Kit harrington
My penis
Emilia doesnt even judge stalkers, what a angel, she also would prefer stalkers with more courage, but she only get these shy and quiet :(
me on the steps
from when is this?
Yeah. Mine :)
>the cup of a carpenter
>greyworm smiling, has a dick, and gets to work with emilia
it's not fair.
He was so close to getting this
>tfw she's just going to become more and more irrelevant after GoT
"And then some user's complimented my feet and thighs, calling them thicc and cute."
I want to clean her face with a rag soaked with warm water while she's still shook.
where is Emilia eating that hamburger?
She literally support anty-jew politican, and she doesnt give a shit that much about politics, barely talks about it. Even if she is more left oriented, who fucking cares u retard? She is still great person who don't judge people based on their political views.
He's feastin on fresh ginger minge, 'e is.
She’s staring in two upcoming kinos
Atleast my chances are increased
I'm 100% sure this guy is not Kit Harington
Still the enemy
It is Kit
Just like every actor... That how it works sadly, she still be remember always for playing one of the most iconic character in visual medium. And sshe probably should focus anyway on her personal life, finding good husbando, make a baby, etc...
Based Indy poster
That's the joke
>being this defensive over your celebrity crush
So if your family member is left winged or voting for different political than you, its your enemy? You are mentally ill. Fuck politics, its cancer.
Not him but you stepped into Jorah territory.
do you think she'll love me if I make eye contact with her and literally drop a tupperware of spaghetti? I'll clean it up afterward. also please don't steal my idea.
Don't drop any on her shoes.
When was peak Dany?
it's definitely an early season Kit. No way someone would look exactly like him and not be him.
Im happy Emilia is liberal, top tier waifu.
Of course im defensive about her, m not seething just politely discussing my angel, she is worth of defending, i need to protect her smile.
this user gets it
>she's a communist
>she's actually isnt here's why
>being this defensive over your celebrity crush cringe
Aneurysm S2 Dany
Hopefully a good investment strategy.
i havent rewatched the show in a while but just going off that pic
Oh my garsh darsh
Yes,she did.She's a hypocritical coke whore.
And now her movie is flopping.She needs to be reminded that GoT is over and she will be a nobody within a year
Is this a fucking shop???
This, but she seems smart
>production company
>charity project to help people with brain injures
>she rents her Los Angeles house for 25000/30000$ month, maybe because she want to stay in London? Anyway this is her LA home: youtube.com
No further, sansafag
S6 looks like a completely different person. wtf.
Doubt he ever had a chance
He didn't. Emilia doesn't suffer manlets. She makes fun of them every chance she gets.
And as always...
how do i get emilia to sit on my face bros?
8 >= 7 > 1 > all
This plus him being a cokehead didnt helped either
Are we back, lads?
she's coming back in season 9 right
Be a dragon
>emilia will never ride your face like its drogon and she's slaughtering westerosi fucking shits
Drogon dropped her body in ocean
so how it works? networth of her in internet is 13milion? How the fuck she bough a house for 4,6$ milion its like half her money, it doesnt make sense, she needs to have more money.
no he didnt, there is even close up and he is flying with her towards red priestess.
Networth is a calculation based on what her owns, not her bank account
Do you think she's ever been on Yea Forums?
No he didn't retard, they would have made it more obvious had he done that. You're basing that off a snow flying across the screen at rocket speed that can't even be seen in a compressed youtube video.
A lot of people get loans for the majority of their lives just to get a home.
She still is a multimillionaire who owns a super-expensive house, she'll be fine.
No, she's coming back in the GoT game
>no forbidden links
>no roll
>no leeches
This is a half-assed attempt at best
this, I liked it more when she was a more esoteric waifu
>he doesn't know
Emilia is dissapointing with us :-(
Yes, proof
The usurper /got/
The usurper tranny
The usurper S*nsafag
>no roll
I thought something was missing.
We need a webm of that scene
1st For the purest and most beautiful queen who ever was or will be!
/ecg/ Last of my Lads, will you protect her smile?
>Lad of my Lad
>The Cast Remembers: Emilia Clarke on Playing Daenerys Targaryen | Game of Thrones: Season 8 (HBO)
>Emilia Clarke's training for TERMINATOR [Making Of] (contains THE ROLL)
>Emilia Clarke Has A Very Contagious Laugh
>"Game Of Thrones" Star Emilia Clarke Takes The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
>Emilia Clarke Gives the Game of Thrones Cast Superlatives // Omaze
>Emilia Clarke sings "The Way You Look Tonight"
>Daenerys Targaryen A Queen
>Emilia Clarke Tries 9 Things She's Never Done Before | Allure
>Emilia Clarke Has Lost Her Dragons and Her Spanx l Cover Stars l Glamour
>They asked for it lads
She doesn't go online anymore after all the abuse she received in S1. The most social media she does is the occasional instagram post.
Our time is now
yes, abuse
I believe it
>that fucking bulbous frog neck
lads i don't think she has much time left
This is photoshoppped
She did do Dany's voice in the Telltale games.
>the occasional instagram post.
>Almost a week since her last update
She is killing me
She just doesnt want to read about herself on internet, nothing wrong with that. She probably read her instagram comments or something ocassionally.
>belly sticks out more than tits
>forbidden links
tfw honestly I would want to be friends with Emilia not even for anything sexual just to hang out with her and talk to her cause she seems so fun
More like incel general
I had sex with Emilia Clarke last week, she is beautiful, but when I went on top, she closed her eyes, I noticed a lot of wrinkles, they were covered with makeup. For some reason her attempt to cover them with fat layer of makeup made me more horny. I fucked her for 20 minutes, cummed once, thought I will be able to get up more but then she started talking about David and Dan, how awful they are, how Daniel forced her to please him with her hands. Her eyebrows were going up and down tearing her makeup, little pieces of makeup were falling down, this is when I decided to stand up and skeddadle from her bedroom. I am the pool cleaning guy in her neighborhood. Told her have a lot pools to clean.
She's happy there and she loves Reddit now
have sex
Hi kit!
here u go laddy
you say that but it would keep you up late at nights and drive you insane. its better to cut off all contact with women you're obsessed with that dont reciprocate
I want to hold tight from her hips
based, me too
I'm not really obsessed with her, I just think she's really cute and seems like a good person.
Is that Jimmy Fallon?
When does this film come out again?
looks like it
If anything the fact she isn't really active on social media makes her more based.
Nothing worse than those celebs using their influence to tell people what to think and do on Twitter.
good person
bad actress
Look, there's people that you fuck and there's people that you find attractive but know that any real relationship wouldn't work with but you wouldn't mind being friends with and she's one of them.
I approve her dislike of twitter. Would like more meaningless instagram pics though
Sansafag pls go.
late, but here you go
D-do you think she was talking about tribute user?
Yeah, that's the downside.
What's she eating there?
No since that was filmed way earlier this month
L O N D O N Hamburger
I feel bad for her, she suffered two aneurysms and couldn’t be with her dad when he died because of a movie that will never come out
I hate Sansa, I wouldn’t fuck her. Seriously girls like Sophie Truner usually have loose vaggies, and smell with fish. Emilia’s pussy was very tight, has something to do with her thiccness.
she is good actress, as season 8 showed. And good singer: youtube.com
There is nothing she cannot do.
The fuck is a London hamburger?
>There is nothing she cannot do.
bros /got/ is dying where am i gonna shitpost now half my picture folder is bobby bs and coughing varyses
shes a good singer alright and a qt
no roll post? despicable.
fucking based, thanks emiliabro
Dunno, but pic related is a London'd Hamburg.
All "good" things must come to an end user.
Sleep well till the prequels.
>with makeup
Prequels aren't coming user
Aaaaaaah, maybe this is why she allowed me to cum into her without condom, she is not on pills, she is barren.
porn i hope
Only tv could make a general about fucking EMILA CLARK i forgot how weird this place can be some times
I feel sad for her knowing her past and how they jobbed her in got
Whos Emila Clark
Some redditor cuck literally SEETHING that his girlfriend prefer Emilia over him.
>tv board making a general about an actress
How is that weird?
Fuck off normie
I'm pretty sure you genuinely think she was abused because out of all the millions of comments someone called her ugly and a bad actor. Its always the same
God I wish I was that hamburger
She is 5'1 without shoes
she was bad in all 8 seasons of game of thrones
she was bad in terminator
she's bad
you forgot basedlo
but based
Just forgot to mention Emilia Clarke has very tight pussy, which is not unusual for thicc girls. Funny how skinny girls have loose pussies and not because they fucked a lot.
based, hope he goes crazy and turns into a tranny
stop please no bully emilia she is precious and pure
>/ecg/ in the OP
>no cute and dangerous webm
Let's fix that
and cute
How do you manage to misspell cute three times in a single post?
>Be girl in the back
>Trying to spend some time away from your problems at home
>Can't focus on your Yea Forums because some 30 yo autist won't stop playing hide n seek
she and Peter Dinklage were easily the best from Season 8 cast performances wises. Honestly, the entire season is carried by Dany and Emilia performance, even EP6 is still holding decently until Daenerys dead, then its everything failing apart and its unwatchable. She was also good in Season 1 and Season 7. Seasons 2-6 she didnt have good material to work with, the story dragged, and she was written in very one note way smug way.
Me on the right
>Seasons 2-6 she didnt have good material to work with, the story dragged, and she was written in very one note way smug way.
And aneurysms
Dinklage's performance was good although the writers fucked his character after he fled King's Landing
this PLUS her brain aunerysms didnt help to give great performances since she was fighting for her life on set...
A cute!!!!!
oh yes. she was also terrible in soilo
it's not bullying. she seems like a nice person and is cute, but she's bad at her job.
Being the best of a terrible group of actors isn't high praise.
What a based picture
>sean bean, charles dance, mark addy, aidan gillen
>taking a walk through the forest
>see this
What do
Emilia or the guy on the right?
you misspelled cutie
The guy on the right obviously
she looks like a fucking WHORE there
>she and Peter Dinklage were easily the best from Season 8 cast performances wises.
she was terrible in seasons 1-6 and mediocre in 7
>tips fedora
I wonder who could be behind this post
twitter is negative cancer, instagram is wholesome.
reminds me of this
>getting another man's face tattooed on your body
Fucking gay.
her acting was acceptable from season 1 to 5, not great, not bad, just ok, considering it was her first big show and she suffered from brain injury during it, it was pretty alright
she tanked hard on season 6 though, however she was probably one of the best in season 8 alongside dinklage,in season 7 she still loses to aidan gillen who even with his character dumbed down, is a better actor with more experience.
She just needs a bit more experience and practice, I wouldn’t say she’s terrible
careful lad
Ah, yes. Treasures of classic literature like "Spot's Dressing-Up Fun" or "Colours" and "Shapes".
How is this even a question
is there a set of sort?
i'm being serious lads, i fucking love emilia clarke but if i see her that way i could even ask how much for an hour
>you will never play Star Wars with Emilia
I wouldn't mind. I'd let her shitpost all of Yea Forums
>a lot of excuses for why her acting was bad
>it wasnt bad
this is good take, i respect you my friend.
>play Star Wars
What did he mean by this?
>tips fedora
>Brad Chadwick
Is that even a real name?
Ok, which one of you is the fedora stalker?
>mods didn't delete this thread
ummm... wtf?
>her acting was ok because of the following points
>you’re just making excuses
ok fella
Me on the bottom.
Emilia has ascended