Why do people treat a 2-4 hour movie like an enormous imposition and then go on to spend 5+ hours binge-watching a tv series?
Why do people treat a 2-4 hour movie like an enormous imposition and then go on to spend 5+ hours binge-watching a tv...
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pause button retard
They don't have the media spurting meme catchphrases like "binge watching" just to sell their shitty TV shows to the masses
You can’t pause a 2-4 hour movie that you’re watching outside of a theater?
Tv shows are designed to have an arch and cliff hanger in each episode, so it’s inherently more addicting
Imagine reading a 300 page book without chapter breaks vs. a 300 page book with 20 chapters.
As someone who has ready many 300+ page novels without chapter breaks, I can personally tell you that there’s no difference between the two.
Incorrect. You idiots just have shit attention spans.
>Implying you read
Oh Yea Forums you are such a faggot!
>As someone who has ready many 300+ page novels without chapter breaks,
Name a few
Here's my theory on this. Movies are shorter than tv shows (average around 2.5hrs) but they tend to cover the same amount of plot of a season of tv show and so every shot and dialogue has to be relevant towards something. And when everything in the movie is relevant you have to pay attention to actually know what's going on. tv shows on the other hand are typically stretched over many episodes and seasons and are filled with discarded plot points and filler so you don't have to pay that much attention to see what's going on. This means tv shows are much more accessible for the modern method of viewing things which is on a handheld device or in the background while doing other things like playing on the phone.
I don’t categorize books like that in my memory because, again, there’s no difference between one with chapters and one without. I literally have no idea.
Who the fuck actually takes breaks during chapter breaks?
>literal mental illness
What’s the mental illness? Please cite your sources, especially the page and publication date from the DSM. Since it’s a literal mental illness, you should be able to do all of that.
you can stop the tv series, stand up, go pee, check your phone, grab some popcorn and come back and press the play button
use your brain next post
And you can’t do that while watching a movie at home?
You dont even respect me enough to just google a lie
Why would I categorize what I’ve read like that? Why waste that mental effort? Don’t you have better things to take up space in your head, or do you just read for bragging rights?
tv episodes have shorter "beginning development and conclusion" archetype than movies, so people can watch them in more amount than a 5 hours with just 1 of each stage without falling in boredom.
>I've consumed a very specific and unusual form of media
>can't give any examples
This is playground tier lying
don't bother, OP doesn't understand basic structure
The only novel without chapter breaks I've read was Steppenwolf and it feels very different from reading a book of the same length with chapter breaks.
>shows are designed to have an arch ... in each episode
This is not true for like 90% of shows made today.
based yet animepilled=cringe
Good tv shows are just as dense with each scene being impactful and meaningful.
Anime is the genre that seems to think that dropped plotpoints and filler is a part of good tv
>Good tv shows are just as dense
Factually wrong.
Even the best TV shows you can think off have entire episodes you can just delete or shave off, let alone singular scenes.
Now think of the best films you can think of, you can't erase a single frame from it to stay the same.
Film > TV
If you can delete entire episodes without consequence, it's not a good tv show
>still being elitist about tv/film twenty years after prestige television became a thing
Because 5 hours of TV series is still TV series and TV series are designed to be consumed in small parts. Even if you watch the episodes consecutively it's easier to parse.
>x-files isn't a good tv show
>Defending procedurals
Daytime Boomer television
i mean you can but it just feels wrong somehow, yanno?
>Film > TV
Based stubborn boomer
I want to fuck Mifune. No homo
So fuck off to > and talk about it with the other faggots and quit shitting up this thread.
It's a pretty boring movie to be fair
Are you trying to say that fucking a handsome man is gay? You're wrong. There's nothing, I repeat, absolutely nothing bad about having such strong and spontaneous desire
He was a tremendously good looking man. Shame about the chain smoking. Apparently the guy had so much smoke coming out of his mouth he resembled a furnace.
If you make your movie that long, you either suck at writing/editing, or it should be broken up into 2 or more pieces.
It's not really that unusual user, I'm not the guy you're replying to but plenty of books don't use chapters.
this so much
also every book should have max 100 pages am i rite
For a woman.
If a man elicits that response then you're defective and should be culled.
Chapters exist for a reason. Movie chapters are pretty new, made with DVDs in mind, and 99% of the time not decided by someone who worked on the movie tjat was constructed to be a single piece.
You suck at writing or editing, or don't make a 200 minute movie.
>Chapters exist for a reason
what is the first act, the second act and the third act in film you absolute mental midget
kurosawa is (practically admittedly) only for men. women and modern """"""""men"""""""""" simply cant understand him, they get bored and thats okay, it means nothing to them
Name one
sorry but if you dont want to fuck nakadai or alain delon you simply aren't human
Or fucking Kikuchiyo. Except you wouldn't be the one doing the fucking with Kikuchiyo.
>Film > TV
I agree. TV has never reached the level of visual storytelling that film did. TV is usally text based even more than film but there are films which are purely image based which is what true cinema is about. The emphasis on visuals in film is apparent, TV lacks this emphasis because it's usually structured as some kind of book and it's too text oriented.
Because long movies are boring to normies
An episode of a show has the same act structure of a full movie traditionally speaking, rising action, climax, falling action. It's easier for them to stomach that versus the acts being stretched out across a 4 hour movie instead of a 20 minute episode
Because I have to spend those 2-4 hours in the same room as you. And that is a significant downside.
No, you're just defective faggots.
kys already.